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    . . 小学五年级英语下册Revision Chapter 1&7Unit 1 Remember the rules1.词汇要求(Topic vocabulary)usually always often sometimes neverquickly slowly loudly carefully2.语言知识要求(Language focus)学会一下表达方式:We usually talk quietly.Sometimes we need to line up but we never push.(注意:need to 和must一样后面接动词原形)You mustnt play there.You must look and listen carefully.3.语言功能要求(Functions) 学会运用must和mustnt用法,要注意一下三点:(1) must和mustnt的后面要跟动词原形e.g. You must stay here.(你必须待在这儿) You must look and listen carefully. We must talk quietly.(2)must和mustnt市用来劝告他人必须做或不允许做某些事情的,如You mustnt watch TV.(你不准看电视)(3)当别人问你: Must I go away now?否定回答应该用”No, you neednt”,不能用No, you mustnt频度副词的使用:表示动作发生的频率一般可以这样理解:always(100%), usually(90%), often(75%), sometimes(50%), never(0%)如:We never push others.(我们从来都不推别人)We always line up.(我们总是排队的)当我们要表达我们总是会做某事时,用We always。 一般来说,很多副词是由形容词加ly构成的,如quick-quickly, quiet-quietly.但是也有例外,如fast既是形容词又是副词,所以可以说He is fast.也可以说He runs fast.副词一般是放在动词后面修饰名词的,所以我们说We listen carefully. Unit 1练习题  1 When a light turns red, we                      cross the road.          A must                            B mustn't                C can                 D can't2 If we find a fire, we must call                      .          A120                            B119                        C112               D1223  If you are                     , you should talk quietly in the library.           A rude                         B polite                   C happy                  D sad4 Mary doesn't like doing her homework                               doing any work.           A and                              B but                           C so             D or5 This is                      empty fridge. It's                       untidy one.            A a, an                            B an, an                   C a, a         D an, a6 The children                    going to play football tomorrow.            A is                          B are                              C am          D will7 I went to                  hospital to visit my friend yesterday.          A a                              B the                            C an        D /8 Look at the sign. You                      eat or drink on the bus.          A will                            B must                             C mustn't      D do9 We never walk quickly                      the swimming pool.           A of                                 B on                                 C into        D at10- Must I finish the work before dinner?              - No, you                          .         A needn't                 B mustn't                              C must         D can't11 We                   play at the museum.          A mustn't                         B needn't                       C must           D will 二 阅读理解,判断对错. It is Sunday. Jim doesn't go to school. He and his friends are playing in front of a house. A young man comes and asks, "Hello, Jim. Is your father at home?" "Yes, he is," Jim answers.    The man knocks at the door. He knocks it for a long time, but no one comes to open the door. He says to Jim angrily, "You say your father is at home. Why doesn't he open the door?" Jim answers, "Yes, he is at home. But this is not my home, sir!"根据短文,判断正(T)误(F):1. Today is Saturday.2. Jim and his friends are going to school.3. They are playing.4. That man didn't know Jim.5. Jim's father isn't at home.         Unit 2 Helping people 1.词汇要求(Topic vocabulary)dropped picked up carried smelled smoke saw a fire shouted for helplost my walled found it gave it to police2.语言知识要求(Language focus)学会一下表达方式:What do you do?I helped someone today.What happened?A lady dropped a bag.I picked it up and carried it for her.3.语言功能要求(Functions)当我们讲述一件过去发生的事情或说明在过去发生的一个动作时,通常用“一般过去时”来表达,而句子中的动词也要变成过去式,如I played basketball yesterday.当我们想知道发生了什么事情时,可以问:What happened? 回答时也要用过去时的句子。如: A lady dropped a bag, I picked it up and carried for her.一般来说,动词变成过去式有以下几种情况:(1)直接加ed,如look-looked。(2)以不发音的e结尾的单词,直接加d,如live-lived。(3)以辅音加y结尾的单词,把y变成i再加ed,如carry-carried。(4)重读闭音节的单词,双写后面的字母再加ed,如stop-stopped。(5)有很多不规则动词的变化,需要我们牢记的,如see-saw , go-went , fly-flew , swim-swam , come-came.练习题  1 What happened                you?     A for                           B of                         C to                            D at2 Li Dong                 some fruit yesterday.          A buy                   B bought             C buys                       D is buying3 I found an umbrella and gave it                 the teacher.           A for                      B of                        C to                         D at4  -What              Betty                last week?            - She made a cake.           Adid; make          Bdoes; makeCdid; makes                        Ddoes; makes5 Mr. Lee had a lot of money but he                not happy.           A is                    B are                        C was                           D were6  - Did Sue               swimming on Sunday?            -No, she didn't.             A went                     B goes          C going                             D go7 What time               you usually get up on Saturday?           A do                          B did                    C does                     D are8 I want                people.           A help                      B helps        C to help                          D helping9                   go to the park tomorrow.           A Let's                      B We         C Let                              D Let's us10 He was not old but he can't                   .           A saw            B see                         C to see                        D seeingLi Mei's uncle lives in Beijing. Li Mei went there with her parents last National Holidays. They went there by train. It was a long trip.The next morning they arrived at Beijing. Her uncle went to the train station to meet them.        Li Mei played happily and ate a lot of good food. They visited the Great wall,the SummerPalace and many other interesting places and took lots of pictures.They had a good time. 1. Who lives in Beijing?                          A Li Mei.                     B Li Mei's uncle.                  C Li Mei's parents.2. How did they go to Beijing?                         A By bus.                          B By train.                               C By plane3. Did Li Mei's family visit the Summer Palace?                           A Yes, they did.          B Yes, they were.                  C No, they didn't4. Was the trip long?                           A No, it wasn't.           B Yes, it was.                        C Yes, there was.5. Did Li Mei and her parents play happily in Beijing?                          A Yes,they did.          B No, they didn't                    C Yes, they were.Kate is a new student. She is twelve. She is from America. She can speak English very well and she can speak a little Chinese. She is in Nanjing. Her parents are doctors. Kate is studying in a school near her home. She has classes from Monday to Friday. At school she often helps other students to study English. But her Chinese is poor, we usually help her.On Saturdays and Sundays, she often plays games with her Chinese friends. She loves China and her Chinese friends.( ) 1.Which of the following is TURE?A. Kates hometown is in America.B. Her father is not a doctor.C. There arent any lesson from Monday to Friday.D. Her school is far from her home.Unit 3 Changes in our city1.词汇要求(Topic vocabulary)subway harbour tunnel factory ferry pier highway building bridge2.语言知识要求(Language focus)A lot of things are different now.Was there a subway fifty years ago? No, there wasnt Were there bridges? Yes, there were.3.语言功能要求(Functions) there be句子表示某地有某物,有“存在”的意思。它的基本形式有:There is a book on the desk. (桌上有一本书)There are some trees on the playground. (操场上有一些树)There was a factory in the town. (过去镇上有一间工厂)There were lots of people in the market. (曾有许多人在菜市场里) 当你想表达很多事情都不同了,你可以说:A lot of things are different now. 当你想知道过去这里有没有某些东西时,你可以用was there或were there的句型。如Was there a subway fifty years ago? 有就说“Yes, there was.”没有就说“No, there wasnt.”如果提问的容是复数就用Were there bridges fifty years ago?有就说“Yes, there were.”没有就说“No, there werent .” 注意factory和ferry的复数形式是把y变成i再加es。而ferry pier的复数形式只在pier后面加s即可。(Unit3)练习  1 Was there a harbours thirty years old in Shenzhen? No,            .  A they weren't         B it wasn't             C there wasn't          D there weren't2 Where         you           fifty years ago, Grandma? In a village.        A did, live                    B do, live     C are, living               D is, living3 Did you go to school when you were young?           No, because there were           schools then.           A not  a                   B many                   C not any                 D a few4 Were there many highways           tunnels in this city 30 years ago?            A and                                        B as well            C or             D with5 Tim,           Shenzhen? It's quite different now. It's beautiful.         A what do you think of   B how do you think           C what do you like                                               D how do you feel6 What was Shenzhen like one hundred years ago?           There were             harbours and few people.       A many                                           B little          C no                D much7  There were           people and factories. A many                                          B a lots of       Cmuch            D not much8 There were           boats there.     A many                         B lot of                C much                    D not much9 50 years ago there were no subways, and there were no factories,              .             A too                        B also              C still                   D either10 Now there are           ferries and          piers.   A much, six                B a, six              C ten, six                       D the, six阅读理解: Three years ago, Mr Brown's family lived in New York. Mr Brown was a worker. He worked in a machine factory. His factory made machines for farmers. He liked his work very much. Mrs Brown was a teacher. She worked in a school. Now Mr and Mrs Brown have a daughter and a son. Their daughter's name is Jane and their son's name is James. They love their children and they love their parents, too. Their family is a happy one.根据短文,判断正(T)误(F):1. Mr Brown was in New York.2. Mrs Brown was not a teacher.3. Mr and Mrs Brown have two children.4. Mr Brown worked at school, too.5. Their children weren't in New York.   Unit 5 A busy week1.词汇要求(Topic vocabulary)read a book wrote a letter sent an email visited friends practised kung fu won a prize myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves themselves2.语言知识要求(Language focus)What did you last week?I read a book. / I won a prize.I / He / She cleaned my / his / her room.I / He / She did it myself / himself / herself.3.语言功能要求(Functions)学会使用规则动词和不规则动词的一般过去时。学会使用反身代词。学会使用直接宾语和间接宾语。 有些动词的过去式是不规则的,要牢记它们,如:winwon, sendsent, comecame. 反身代词一般在句子中起强调的作用,翻译为某人自己,如:I can do it by myself.Sue stayed at home by herself. 当别人问你What did you do last week?回答时一定要记得把动词变成过去式,如I read a book./ I won a prize. / I cleaned my room. 要表示某件事情已经发生过了,要用过去时,动词要变成过去式。记住,read的过去式和原形的写法是一样的,但是读成/red/ 要熟记人称代词相对应的反身代词:I you he she it we you they myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves(Unit5)练习 1 We often clean our classroom by               .           Amyself             Byourself             Courself           Dourselves2 Ken and Tom watered the plants by             .            Amyself            Byourself          Cthemselves         Dthemself3 You and I surfed the Internet by               .            Amyself              Byourself              Cyourselves             Dourselves4  I swam every day              the summer holidays.             Aon                Bat            Cduring              D/5  I won a prize. Because I won the               race in the sports meet.             Aone hundred meter                  Bone hundred meters             Cone - hundred - meter             Done - hundred - meters6  The robot can sweep the stairs by              .             Ahimself            Bherself            Citself              Dyourself7 I sent                 email                you last night.           Aa,  to             Ban,  to             Cthe,/              D/,  /8   Please               what time class begins.            Afind             Bfound            Cfind out        Dfound out9 The shoemaker made two shoes but didn't                 . One is big. The other is small.            Ado             Bgo             Cmatch            Dwatch10 I am very                because I often exercise.            Agood            Bluck           Chealth          Dhealthy二 读对话,判断对错Xiao Jun: Mum, I have a bad headache.Mum:   Maybe you have a cold. I'm going to take you to see a doctor.Doctor:  What's wrong with you?Mum:   He has a bad headache.Doctor:  I see. I'm going to take your temperature(量体温). Oh, you have a fever. Do you have a sore throat?Xiao Jun : Yes.Doctor:  You're going to have a rest for three days. And you're going to take some medicine. You'll be fine soon.Mum and Xiao Jun :Thank you!Xiao Jun : Mum, the doctor is great. I'm going to be a doctor in the future. And I'm going to help the sick.Mum:    I hope so. 1. Xiao Jun wants to be a doctor in the future. 2. Xiao Jun has a fever. 3. Xiao Jun doesn't have a sore throat. 4. Xiao Jun's mother takes him to the hospital. 5. The doctor doesn't take his temperature.Unit 6 The typhoon1.词汇要求(Topic vocabulary)inside safe outside dangerous put/put leave/leftmobile phone use/used fall/fell break/broke2.语言知识要求(Language focus)Theres going to be a storm.Go outside. Its safe.Dont go outside.We put our plants inside. They didnt.They left them outside.3.语言功能要求(Functions)学会使用过去时、将来时、现在进行时等时态。学会使用适宜的时态描述事件。学会使用基本的动词短语。 在英语时态中,我们要抓住关键词,如当句中有now, look, listen等词时,句中动词要用现在进行时态,如:Look, the bus is coming.当句中有yester


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