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    GAME PLAN现场施工指令,GAME PLAN,主 要 内 容,一、概述二、开钻前验收三、一开作业四、二开作业五、三开作业六、四开作业七、五开作业八、完井作业,一、概 述,施工井类型:水井、采油井、取心井、修井、探井施工流程:开钻前准备、各开次钻井、完井,沙特钻井特点:以日费形式结算 甲方安排住井监督 甲方全权负责生产,派工单指生产管理人员向生产人员派发生产指令之单据,GAME PLAN,主 要 内 容,一、概述二、开钻前验收三、一开作业四、二开作业五、三开作业六、四开作业七、五开作业八、完井作业,二、开钻前准备,验收单开钻准备开钻前安全会,二、开钻前准备,验收单:,设备的安装安全设施的安装报警器系统的安装钻井液的准备钻具的准备,二、开钻前准备,开钻准备:,校井架地面管线试压测试振动筛测试套管扶正台,二、开钻前准备,开钻前安全会:,Introduce the well Job safety analysis CONDUCT:H2S Drill BOP Drill FIRE Drill,GAME PLAN,主 要 内 容,一、概述二、开钻前验收三、一开作业四、二开作业五、三开作业六、四开作业七、五开作业八、完井作业,三、一开作业,包 括:,钻头 钻具组合 钻井参数 技术交底 下套管前准备 下套管和固井,三、一开作业,技术措施:,WHEN SPUD-IN,DRILL WITH LOW PARAMETERSUSE SPUD MUD WHILE DRILLING 22 HOLEINCREASE FLOW RATE AS REQUIRED TO CLEAN HOLE AFTER REACH 60 CSG PTDO NOT PULL BIT OUT OF CELLARWORK PIPE CAREFULLY TO AVOID HOLE COLLAPSE,三、一开作业,下套管和固井:,RUN 18-5/8”CSGHALLIBURTON R/U CEMENT LINES,WATER LINESENSURE CELLAR PUMPS WORKING PROPERLY ALL TIMES DURING CEMENTINGIF CEMENT RETURNS AT CELLAR,STOP PUMPING CEMENTDISPLACE CEMENT SLURRY WITH WATER.CLEAN CELLAR FROM CEMENTIN CASE THERE IS NO CMT RETURNS WILL PERFORM TOP CEMENT JOB,GAME PLAN,主 要 内 容,一、概述二、开钻前验收三、一开作业四、二开作业五、三开作业六、四开作业七、五开作业八、完井作业,四、二开作业,钻具组合:(三扶正器刚性满眼钻具组合),16“BIT(NOZ:4x18)+16 NBRR(with FLOAT+TOTCO Ring)+12 SHOCK SUB+16 STRR+1 X 9.5 DC+16 STRR+2 X 9.5 DC+X/OVER+9 X 8-1/4 DCS+8 JAR+2 X 8-1/4 DCS+X/OVER+15 x 5 HWDP+DP TO SURFACE,四、二开作业,技术措施:,RIH&TAG TOP CEMENT(ESTD 50)HYDRO TEST 18-5/8 CASING W/WA TER.OBSERVE 5 MINUTESCONTINUE DRILL 16 HOLE WITH SPUD MUDINCREASE TO OPTIMUM DRILLING PARAMETERSPUMP HIVIS EVERY STAND 2TIME(30 BBLS)REAM EVERY STAND 2 TIMEWIPER TRIP TO SHOE,RUN BACK TO BOTTOM,REAM AND WIPE ANY TIGHT ZONESWEEP HOLE WITH 100 BBLS OF HIVIS&CHC-SPOT 300 BBLS HIVIS ON BOTTOM BEFORE POOH,四、二开作业,RUNNING CASING:,R/U Casing Handling Equipment for 13-3/8 casing string Hold PJSM and discuss Casing Running Procedure&Hazards RIH with casing string Tack-weld the first 5 connections of casing Fill up every 5 joints of casing Run casing to bottom,Circulate 1.25 x Casing capacity w/Rig Pumps 900 GPM,四、二开作业,CEMENTING:,Hold PJSM with crew while circulating hole cleanRig up cementing linesFlush lines to rig floor with 30 bbls of waterEnsure Cement and Rig lines are connected such that pumping&switching over without knocking off lines is achieved.Pressure-test lines to 2500 psiCement as per cement program,四、二开作业,NIPPLE UP BOP:,After Cement,laying down cement head and linesCentre the wellhead using landing joint and weld between landing base and 18-5/8”casing headN/up 13-5/8 BOP stack and test stack as per Aramco Standard-low(300 psi)/high(3000 psi)testsEnsure that the Valve handles are pointing towards the North before tightening,四、二开作业,TEST BOP:,Connect TDS and 5 drill pipe with 13-3/8 test plug Set 13-3/8 test plug landing base(make sure no leaking)Fill in pipe anuular W/waterClose 5 BOP upper pipe ram and IBOP of TDS Test upper pipe ram as per ARAMCO standard,Test upper pipe ram or hydril,四、二开作业,TEST BOP:,M/U 5 drill pipe and 13-3/8 test plug RIH and set 13-3/8 test plug L/base(make sure no leaking)Break out 5 drill pipe from 13-3/8 test plug Pull out of 5 DPFill in hole W/waterClose blind or shear ram Test blind or shear ram as per ARAMCO standard,Test blind or shear ram,四、二开作业,TEST BOP:,Connect TDS and 5 drill pipe with 13-3/8 test cupRIH inside 13-3/8 casing with test cupFill in hole W/waterClose 5 BOP lower pipe ram and IBOP of TDSTest lower pipe ram as per ARAMCO standard,Test lower pipe ram,GAME PLAN,主 要 内 容,一、概述二、开钻前验收三、一开作业四、二开作业五、三开作业六、四开作业七、五开作业八、完井作业,五、三开作业,PREPARE WORK:,L/down 9-1/2 DC from the derrick Drift all tools and DC and DP with appropriate drift sizeP/U stand on derrickM/U BHA as follow:12-1/4 BIT+12-1/4 NBRR+1 x 8-1/2 DC+12-1/4 STRR+8x8-1/2 DC+8-1/2 Jar+2 x 8-1/2 DC+X/O+15 x 5 HWDP,五、三开作业,RIH:,RIH to 1100.Wash down gently from 1100 and tag TOC or Float Collar+/1122.Record TOC depth in IADC Report Pick up 5-10 feet above plug.Test casing with water to 1500 psi Drill out Cement,Plug,Float Collar and cement inside shoe-track to 1195(10 above shoe)Circulate hole to clean water.Test casing string(above shoe)to 1500 psi Displace hole to 58 PCF Diesel-Emulsion mud Drill out remaining cement and clear pocket to 1210,五、三开作业,Drill 12-1/4 Vertical hole from 1210 to+/-3225:,While drilling WASIA&SHUIBA formation,add MICA fine,Medium or Coarse to the 58 PCF mud in the tank Sweep hole with 40 bbls hivis every 90 drilled Drill hole as fast as possible-with WOB:40-50K lbs Do not pump water into this well from start to finish Ream every tight spot properly Make connection as fast as possible,五、三开作业,DRILLING TO CSG POINT:,At+/-3225,circulate bottoms up with 150 bbls of Hivis pill POOH to shoe(1205)&RIH back to bottom(Wiper-trip)Circulate hole clean with 100 bbls Hivis pill 800 GPMCheck shaker screen to ensure hole is cleanSpot lubricated hivis pill to cover open hole Displace same with 19 bbls of mud Drop TOTCO SurveyPOOH to surface,五、三开作业,RUN CASING:,Change Rams&Test as per Aramco Standard R/U 9-5/8 casing equipment:Casing Power Tong,Casing Slips,Bushing,Circulating Head,ElevatorHPJSMP/U Shoe&Float Collar(tack weld)&test with waterRun 9-5/8 casing as per Casing List.Baker lock first 4 jointsCall Halliburton Man&FMN when pick up DVFill up Casing every joint for first 5 joints with 58 PCF Mud Use TDS.Then fill every 15 jts(+/-45 bbl)RIH to setting depth.Make up Cementing HeadCirculate 3 x bottoms up with 58 PCF mudCheck cuttings at Shakers,五、三开作业,CEMENTING:FIRST STAGE,HPJSMHalliburton Pump 10 bbl water.Pressure test lines to 2500 psiRig Pump Spacers as per programMix and pump Lead and Tail slurry for the first Stage as per programDrop wiper plug and Howco pump 10 bbls water and continue displace with rig pumpWatch for pressure and Bump plug to 1200 psi,五、三开作业,CEMENTING:SECOND STAGE,Drop opening plug&Load Closing Plug,Open DV portsContinue to circulate with water until Bottom up w/Rig pumpContinue to pump until cement clear in annulusCall HOWCO Cementer to load the closing plugN/D BOP&Install FMC Casing HangerHPJSM,2nd Stage cementing as per programRelease Plug.HOWCO will displace 10 bbl water and then continue displacement to Close DV toolRig down Halliburton Cement HeadCut 9-5/8 Casing,五、三开作业,固井示意图,五、三开作业,NIPPLE UP BOP AND TEST:,Nipple down Flow Line,Bell Nipple&BOPInstall PWI X-tree and test as per S/A RequirementN/U 13-5/8 5M BOP and test BOP and related Equipment as per S/A Requirement,GAME PLAN,主 要 内 容,一、概述二、开钻前验收三、一开作业四、二开作业五、三开作业六、四开作业七、五开作业八、完井作业,六、四开作业,CLEAN&DRILL TO KO POINT:,P/UP&RIH W/8-1/2 BIT WITH BHA AS FOLLOWS:8-1/2BIT+8-1/2 NBRR+1 X 6 1/2 DC+8-1/2 STRR+2 X 6 1/2 DC+X/O+6 X 5 HWDP+JARS+9 X 5 HWDPCONT RIH TO TOP OF DV,D/O CMT&DV W/WTRTEST DV TO 2000 PSI W/WTRCONTINUE RIH TO F/C DRILLING FLOAT EQUIPT DRILL OUT CMT,BAFFLE PLATE&FC&CMTPT CSG TO 2000 PSI W/WATERCONT DRILL OUT CMT&FS TO 3568 W/WTRDRILL 8-1/2 HOLE TO KO POINT DEPTHDROP GYRO SURVEY AND POOH,六、四开作业,DIRECTIONAL DRILLING:,PICK UP 8-1/2“PDC BIT&SPERRY SUN TOOLSTEST TOOLS&RIHDIRECTIONAL DRILLING 8-1/2 HOLE WITH WATER TO 7 CASING POINT IN ARAB-D RESERVOIRCHECK FOR FLOWHAVE ENOUGH VOLUME OF MUD 64 PCF PRIOR TO DRILLING ARAB-C RESERVOIRIF ANY INDICATION OF H2S OR OIL/GAS TO SURFACE HOLE WILL BE DISPLACED TO 64 PCF MUD,六、四开作业,DRILLING TO 7”LINER POINT:,AT LINER SETTING DEPTH,THE WATER WILL BE DISPLACED BY FRESH MUDPUMP 50 BBL HV MARKER AND CIRC HOLE CLEANSPOT 100 BBL HV-PILL ON BOTTOMFLOW CHECK&WIPER TRIP TO 9 5/8 SHOEBACK REAM OUT OF HOLE(IF HOLE TIGHT)REPORT FOR ANY TIGHT SPOT&REAM TIGHT SOPTSWHEN BACK ON BOTTOM PUMP 50 BBL HV MARKER PILL AGAIN AND CIRCULA THE HOLE CLEANSPOT 250 BBL OF TREATED HVP ON BOTTOM,SLUGPOOH,L/D JARS,SPS TOOLS&BIT,六、四开作业,RUN LINER:,Change Top Pipe rams with 7 Rams and Test BOPERig Up Liner toolsHPJSMPick up and RIH with 7 liner as per casing tallyFloat Shoe&Collar will be tacked weldedTest Float Shoe&Float Collar with water at V-DoorBake lock first 4 jointsFill every joint for first 10 jts,Then every 10 joints with 64 PCF mud using TDSWhen 7 Casing reach 9-5/8 Shoe,P/U Circulating HeadCirculation Bottoms up+/-110 bbls w/64 PCF mud,六、四开作业,RUN LINER:,Continue run linerMake up 7 Baker Liner Hanger Assembly and circulate Liner capacity(+I/-220 bbl)with mud and record liner weight(slack off/Pick up)Continue RIH 7 liner on 5 HWDP/DP-PUP(+/-1.5 minutes per STD)Drift each stand HWDP/DP W/2.5 driftTag Bottom with cement manifold made upReciprocate liner while circulating liner and drill pipe capacity with 64 PCF mud,六、四开作业,SET LINER HANGER:,Pick up one feet off Bottom Set Liner Hanger Record liner weight,pick up and slack off weight before setting Release Liner Running Tool&P/U for Cementing,六、四开作业,CEMENTING:,HPJSMRig pump in order pump flush and spacerSwitch line to Halliburton unit,test lines to 2500 psi Halliburton start cement 7 Liner as per program Lead Slurry 504 sx(151.6 bbl)x 101 PCF Tail Slurry 560 sx(114.7 bbl)x 118 PCFAfter Halliburton completed displacement,Set Liner Top Packer Flow check well,Monitor FlowPOOH and lay down 5 HWDP/5 DP and L/D setting tools,六、四开作业,尾管固井示意图,GAME PLAN,主 要 内 容,一、概述二、开钻前验收三、一开作业四、二开作业五、三开作业六、四开作业七、五开作业八、完井作业,七、五开作业,PREPARE WORK:,L/D 5”DP&HWDP from derrickClose Shear/Blind Rams&Ball Valve.Change Top&Bottom Pipe Rams to 4 rams.Pressure test Pipe Rams to 2500 psiChange TDS Saver sub to 4.00 XT-39 connectionR/up 4.00 drill pipe handling toolsP/up 6-1/8 Clean out BHA as follows:BIT+NBRR(FLOAT VALVE)+3 x 4 HWDPS+STRR+48 x 4 HWDPS,DRIFT ALL BHA COMPONENTS,DRILL PIPES-INCLUDING HWDPS,七、五开作业,CLEAN OUT 6-1/8”HOLE:,Continue RIH with Clean-out assyWash/ream down&up from 830-900 and clean TOL 856Close BOP pressure-test Liner lap to 2000 psiContinue RIH from 830-6500-filling w/water as RIHDrill out Collars and cement below to 6714(10 above shoe)Drilling out cement Pressure-test casing to 2000 psiDrill F/S and rat hole,continue drill 5 new formation Check well for flowPOOH for 6-1/8 Directional Assy,七、五开作业,DIRECTIONAL DRILLING 6-1/8”HOLE:,M/UP DIRECTIONAL BHATEST SPERRY SUN TOOLSRIHFULL WITH WATER EVERY 20 STANDSSLOW DOWN TOLCONTINUE RIH TO BOTTOMDIRECTIONAL DRILLING TO TD,七、五开作业,DIRECTIONAL DRILLING TO TD:,CHC WITH 150 BBLS HIVISSWEEP SPOT 150 BBL HIVIS ON BOTTOMCHECK FOR FLOWPOOHBACK REAM IN CASE OF ANY TIGHT SPOT ENCOUNTERED WHILE POOHLAY DOWN SPS DIR DRILL ASSY&BIT,GAME PLAN,主 要 内 容,一、概述二、开钻前验收三、一开作业四、二开作业五、三开作业六、四开作业七、五开作业八、完井作业,八、完井作业,COMPLETE WORK:,RIH 6-1/8 BIT WITH WELDED CONES NO NOZZLES WITH BHA:BIT+NBRR WITH FLOAT+4-3/4 D/C+STRR+4-3/4 D/C+STRR+4-3/4 D/C+X/O+3X4 HWDP+JAR+2X4 HWDP+114X4 D/P+84X4HWDP+D/P TO SURFACEREAM TIGHT POINTSAT BOTTOM CHC WITH 150 BBL HIVISIN CASE OF TIGHT HOLE DURING RIH,CHC AS ABOVE&MAKE WIPER TRIP TO 7 SHOE.RIH BACK TO BOTTOMIF HOLE CONDITION SMOOTH WHEN RIH,DISPLACE HOLE WITH WATER,八、完井作业,COMPLETE WORK:,FLOW CHECKPOOHONCE THE BIT 7 LINER SHOE,CHECK FLOW&START LAYING DOWN DP WHILE POOH,L/D BIT+C/O ASSYCONTINUE LAY DOWN DP FROM DERRICK MEANWHILE,CLOSE PWI BALL VALVEN/D BOP&INSTALL UNIBOLT ADAPTORTEST UNIBOLT TO 2000 PSISECURE WELL.INST ALL MARKER.FILL CELLAR WITH SWEET SAND RIG RELEASE,八、完井作业,完井井口装置图,结 束 语,钻井作业指令是现场施工的依据理解掌握作业指令有利安全生产根据生产的情况对指令进行更改,


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