word外文文献:Design and Implementation of Heat Exchange Station Control SystemKeywords: Heat exchange station, Control system, PLC, Inverter, Configuration software.Abstract. This paper introduces a design and implementation of heat exchange station control systembased on PLC and industrial configuration software, which includes the control scheme and principle,hardware selection and software design, etc. The circulating pumps and replenishing pumps in thesystem can all be driven automatically by PLC and inverter. Main process parameters, such as steampressure and measurement temperature and so on, can all be shown on the industrial PC runningconfiguration software, and instructions could be sent by the engineer and operator on-the-spot via theHuman Machine Interface as well. The automatic pressures adjustment of steam supply of the heaterby advanced PID algorithm has been realized finally. It is verified that the system is highly reliableand stable, and it greatly enhances the level of automation and pressure control accuracy of the heatexchange station and meets all the equipments running demands well.IntroductionWith the rapid development of economy and society, heat supply systems are the key power source inthe munities and plants in China. As a media between heat sources and heat loads in the systems,a heat exchange stations plays a very important role for the heat supply quality. Traditionally, most ofthe pumps in the heat supply systems are operated by valves manually, so it could bring about thepower energy consuming, high labor intensity and low operation automation. In this paper a design ofcontrol system for heat exchange station based on PLC, inverter and industrial configuration softwarewas proposed, accordingly the aim for power energy saving, high heat efficiency and operationautomation has been achieved.Process outline and Control demandsProcess outline. The process outline and control demands were put forward at first before the schemeand design of heat exchange station control system were proposed.Heat exchange station consists of a steam-driven heater, plus 3 circulating pumps, 2 replenishingpumps and electric control valve. By adjusting the steam flux into the mixture of water and steamaccording to the temperature sensors mounted indoors and outdoors, the process of heat exchangecould be pleted. Among these equipments, the steam-driven heater, a heat exchanger containingmixture of steam-and-water, is the key appliance for heat supply system.Control demands. Major control demands for the control system were listed as follows 1:(a) Pumps driving. Pumps include 3 circulating pumps (2 in operation, 1 for backup) and 2replenishing pumps (1 in operation, 1 for backup). Among circulating ones one is driven by powerfrequency, the others are driven by variable frequency, with 75KW power each; among replenishingones one is driven by power frequency, the other is driven by variable frequency, with 3KW powereach. The control signal should be originated from the pressure difference between the supply waterand return water. Pumps could be driven in stepless speed regulating when connecting variablepower;9 / 9(b) Parameters Showing. The showing parameters contain temperature showing - temperature ofsupply water, return water, the indoor, the outdoor and steam - and pressure showing - pressure ofsupply water, return water and pre-valve and post-valve of the steam etc;(c) Butterfly valves driving. Two butterfly valves can be on or off automatically when the wholesystem start or stop;(d) Motor-driven valves control. By continuously adjusting the opening of the valves according to thesignal from the temperature sensors indoors and outdoors, the supply water temperature should bestabilized in the presetting values;(e) HMI (Human Machine Interface) Demands. The process flow chart of heat exchange station andmain process parameter can be shown in HMI, and instructions can be transmitted via this interface;(f) Safeguard Function. The circulating pumps should be out of running when heat exchange system isin water needing, and steam should be kept out of the heater when the pumps are not revolving.Hardware Selection of the Control SystemFrom the control demands mentioned above, the controller of the control system can process signalsboth relay and analog, having the ability of loop adjustment of analog quantity. At the meantime thepumps could run in the working condition of variable frequency, so the hardware selection of thecontrol system for heat exchange station should be made deliberately.PLC Serving as Main Controller. As some experienced electrical engineers known, PLC/PC(Program Controller) is a kind of popular industrial puter, and it can not only acplish logiccontrol, but also plete many advanced functions, such as analog quantity loop adjustment, andmotion control, etc. According to the ponent amounts of input and output and the needs of controlsystem, FX1N-60MR micro PLC of MITSUBISHI FX series is selected, which having 36 inputs and24 outputs, and doing analog adjustment by using advanced instruction like PID instruction 2.Because of the sampling and driving of the analog signal necessarily, PLC should be extended toanalog input/output function module like FX2N-4AD (4AD) and FX2N-4DA (4DA) or somethinglike. On one hand, 4AD adopted is an analog input module having 4 channels with 12 bit highresolution, which could receive 0+10V voltage signal, 020mA or 420mA current signal. On theother hand, 4DA chosen could send standard voltage signal and/or current signal, having 4 channelswith 12 bit high resolution also. It is something to be mentioned here, the wiring form of currentinput/output (420mA) must be adopted in order to avoiding the strong electromagnetism disturbancein the working field 3.Inverter pleting Stepless Speed Regulating. At present, inverter, as an import power electronicconverter, can convert constantly power frequency into continually variable frequency. Thus, energysaving, cost consuming and noise reduction can be easily reached by this equipment.In this control system inverter of ACS510 series of ABB Corporation were elaborately chosen, whichhas many advantages, such as Direct Torque Control (DTC) and advanced applying macro and so on.Its main good points and characteristics are illustrated as follows: it can acquire maximum startingtorque (200% normal torque) by using direct excitation; it can be applied to multiple driving systemsby using master-slave function; input and output programmable function; high precision of speedregulating, perfect safeguard and alarming steps. Owing to these highlights of this inverter, pumpsdriving of stepless speed regulating can be easily obtained. There are many applying macro inACS510 series, but we should only choose manual/automatic macro here as we need.IPC Acting as Monitor & Control Interface. IPC (Industrial Personal puter) has strongpatibility, extensibility and reliability, which can connect PLC by RS-232 serial portconveniently. In the hardware configuration we select IPC H610 series of ADVANTECH as HMI.MCGS (Monitor Control Generated System), fashionable home-made industrial configurationsoftware, is running on the ADVANTECH IPC. Using this HMI, the visualization process of Monitorand Control is realized easily, intuitively and vividly.With the sensor/transducer, analog input/output modules, PLC and actuators, e.g. inverter andmotor-driven valve, the loop adjustment of steam pressure can be precisely attained, and temperatureof all measure points could be measured also 4. The overall hardware configuration of heatexchange station control system see Fig. 1.Fig. 1 The overall hardware configuration of heat exchange station control systemSoftware Design of the Control SystemLAD Diagram Programming. Out of the thoughts of modular programming, the whole programstructure can be divided into such several modules as Initialization Function, upper IPCmunication Function, Relay Control Function, Analog Sampling, Fuzzy PID Adjust Functionand Safeguard Function, etc. The flow chart of LAD diagram programming of PLC is shown in Fig. 2.Among these modular functions, it is something worthy to mention of Fuzzy PID Adjust Function.Under some circumstances the using of PID instruction of PLC was not so good at what we expected;therefore, the self-made program of Fuzzy PID adjustment of steam pressure was done from deviationand deviation acceleration of temperature between the indoor and the outdoor in accordance with theFuzzy Control Theory and its application 5.HMI Configuration. For the sake of the appearance beauty and personalization between machineand human, the MCGS- Monitor Control Generated Software of Beijing MCGS Tech Co. Ltd wasadopted. This industrial configuration software has very quick, easy development of configurationprocess, which can build bi-directional and high speed munication between PLC and upper IPCthru RS422/232 serial port.In the development environment of MCGS, all needed windows and pictures were created, includingMain Window of Process Flow, Process Parameters Showing Window, and Key Parameters SettingWindow, etc. Vivid and readily interaction between human and machine can be pleted by suchbeautiful pictures and animations when IPC running MCGS.ConclusionsThis design of heat exchange station control system based on FX series PLC, MCGS, and ABBinverter has been realized the pressure automatic adjustment of steam-driven heater as originallyexpected. More over, design demands of power energy saving, high heat efficiency and lowequipments noise can all be well met. Finally, the practical operation verifies that the system is highlyreliable and stable, and it greatly enhances the level of automation and pressure control accuracy ofheat exchange station and meets equipments requirements of energy saving and green driving.BEGINInitializationFuzzy PIDAdjust FunctionmunicationFunctionAnalog OutputNoRelay ControlFunctionAnalog FilteringFunctionCall AnalogSample FunctionSample Over?YesAnalog InputLinear TransferLinear TransferAnalog OutputDrivingSafeguard FunctionFailure Occur? NoYesFailure HandlingRelated MemoryResetENDFig. 2 The flow chat of LAD diagram programming of PLCAcknowledgementposition of this paper was with the help and under the direction of Senior Engineer Nian-huiZhang of Qingdao Wellborn Automation Corporation.References1 Information on .hinew./2 H. Zhang, S.D. Li: The Principle of PLC with its Applications to Process Control (China PowerPress, Beijing 2008).3 H. Zhang: The Design and Development of MITSUBISHI FX Series PLC (China Machine Press,Beijing 2009).4 H. Zhang: Process Automation Instrumentation, Vol. 31(4) (2010), p. 34-36, in Chinese.5 L.A. Zadeh: Fuzzy Sets and their Applications (Academic Press, New York 1975).Progress in Civil EngineeringDesign and Implementation of Heat Exchange Station Control System外文翻译:换热站控制系统的设计和实现关键词:换热站、控制系统、PLC、变频器、配置软件。摘要 本文介绍了换热站控制系统的设计和实现基于PLC和工业配置软件,包括控制方案和原如此,硬件选择和软件设计等的循环泵和补水泵系统可以自动由PLC和变频器驱动。主要工艺参数,如蒸汽压力和测量温度等等,都可以显示在工业电脑运行配置软件,工程师和操作员现场发送的指令可以通过人机界面。压力自动调节加热器的蒸汽供给最后通过先进的PID算法实现。验证,系统是高度可靠和稳定,大大提高了自动化水平和压力控制精度的热量交换站和满足所有设备运行要求。介绍 经济和社会的快速开展,供热系统电源的关键在中国社区和工厂。作为一个媒体系统,热源和热负荷之间的一个换热站供热质量起着非常重要的作用。传统上,大多数的的泵供热系统由手动阀门,所以它可以带来电力能源消耗、高劳动强度和低操作自动化。本文设计的换热站控制系统基于PLC、变频器和工业配置软件提出了相应的电力节能的目的,加热效率高和操作自动化已经实现。过程描述和控制的要求 过程描述 过程概述和控制提出要求在第一方案并提出了换热站控制系统的设计。换热站由蒸汽驱动加热器,再加上3循环泵,2补充泵和电动控制阀。通过调整蒸汽通入水和蒸汽的混合物根据温度传感器安装在室和室外,热量交换的过程可以完成。在这些设备,蒸汽加热器、热交换器包含吗蒸汽和水的混合物,是供热系统的关键设备。 控制要求 主要控制要求如如下出的控制系统1:(a)泵开车。泵包括3循环泵(备份)2在操作,1和2备份操作补充水泵(1,1)。在循环的一个是由电力驱动的频率,其余由变频驱动,各75千瓦电力;补充的一个是由电源频率,另一种是由变频驱动,与3千瓦电力每个控制信号。应该起源于供水之间的压差并返回水。可以在无级调速驱动泵连接变量权力;(b)参数显示,含有温度显示,温度的显示参数供给水,返回水、室、室外、蒸汽的压力和压力显示供给水,返回水和pre-valve post-valve蒸汽等;(c)蝶阀开车。两个蝶阀可以打开或关闭时自动系统启动或停止;(d)电动阀门控制。通过不断调整阀门的开据在室和室外的温度传感器信号,供水温度稳定的预设值;(e)HMI(人机界面)的要求。这一过程流程图和换热站主要工艺参数可以显示在人机界面,说明可以通过这个接口传输;(f)维护功能。循环泵应运行当热交换系统需要水,蒸汽应该保持的加热器,当泵不旋转。硬件控制系统的选择 从上面提到的控制要求,控制系统的控制器可以处理的信号继电器和模拟,模拟量回路调整的能力。在此期间泵在变频工况运行,所以硬件的选择换热站控制系统应该是慎重的。 PLC作为主要控制器。一些有经验的电气工程师,PLC /电脑(程序控制器)是一种流行的工业控制计算机,它不仅可以实现逻辑控制,但也完成许多先进功能,如模拟量回路调节,和运动控制等。根据组件的输入和输出和控制的需要系统,选择FX1N-60MR微三菱FX系列PLC,拥有36个输入和24个输出,做模拟调整,使用PID等先进的教学指令2。由于模拟信号的采样和开车,应该扩展到PLC模拟输入/输出功能模块如FX2N-4AD(4)和FX2N-4DA(4 da)什么的喜欢。一方面,4广告通过一个模拟输入模块有4通道12位高分辨率,得到0 + 10 v电压信号,0 20 ma或4 20 ma电流信号上另一方面,4大可以选择发送标准电压信号和/或电流信号,在4频道12位高分辨率。这是这里提到,当前的连接形式输入/输出(4 20 ma)必须采用以防止强烈的电磁干扰在工作领域3。 变频无级调速。目前,逆变器,作为一个进口电力电子转换器,可以不断频转换成不断变频。因此,能量储蓄,消费本钱和降噪可以很容易达到这个设备。在本控制系统逆变器ACS510系列ABB公司的精心选择,哪个有很多优势,比如直接转矩控制(DTC)和高级应用宏等等。它的主要优点和特点说明如下:它可以获得最大的开始转矩(200%正常扭矩)通过使用直接激励;它可以应用于多个驱动系统通过使用主从功能;输入和输出可编程功能;高精度的速度规、完善保障和惊人的步骤。由于这些突出的逆变器,水泵驾驶的无级调速可以很容易地获得,有许多应用宏ACS510系列,但我们应该只选择手动/自动宏在这里我们所需要的。 IPC作为监视和控制接口。IPC(工业个人电脑)有很强的兼容性、可扩展性和可靠性,可以通过rs - 232串口连接PLC在硬件配置方便。我们选择IPC H610系列ADVANTECH HMI。组态监控系统生成),时尚自制工业配置软件,运行ADVANTECH IPC。使用此HMI,可视化监控的过程和控制实现轻松、直观和生动。 传感器/变送器,模拟输入/输出模块、PLC和致动器,如逆变器和电动阀、蒸汽压力的循环调整可以准确地获得,和温度所有测量的点也可以度量4。热的整体硬件配置交换站控制系统见图1。 图1的整体换热站控制系统的硬件配置控制系统的软件设计 LAD图编程。模块化编程的思想,整个程序结构可分为等几个模块的初始化函数,IPC通信功能、继电器控制功能,模拟取样,模糊PID调节功能和保障功能等。PLC的LAD图编程的流程图,图2所示。在这些模块功能,这是值得提与的模糊PID调节功能。在某些情况下使用PLC的PID指令在我们预期不太好;因此,模糊PID调整蒸汽压力的白手起家的程序做了偏差和偏差加速室和室外之间的温度按照模糊控制理论与其应用5。 HMI配置。为了外表美丽和个性化之间的机器MCGS和人类MCGS监控控制生成软件科技采用。这种工业配置软件已经很快,容易配置的开展过程,可以构建双向和高速PLC和IPC上部之间的沟通通过RS422/232串行端口。在开发环境的措施,所有需要创建窗口和图片,包括主窗口的工艺流程,工艺参数显示窗口,和关键参数设置窗口等生动、容易人类和机器之间的交互可以完成的IPC组态运行时漂亮的图片和动画。 结论这个设计的换热站控制系统基于FX系列PLC、组态和ABB逆变器实现自动调节蒸汽加热器作为最初的压力预期。此外,设计要求的节能、加热效率高和低可靠和稳定,大大提高了自动化水平和压力的控制精度换热站,满足设备要求的节能和绿色运行。BEGINInitializationFuzzy PIDAdjust FunctionmunicationFunctionAnalog OutputNoRelay ControlFunctionAnalog FilteringFunctionCall AnalogSample FunctionSample Over?YesAnalog InputLinear TransferLinear TransferAnalog OutputDrivingSafeguard FunctionFailure Occur? NoYesFailure Handling Related MemoryResetEND 图2 LAD流程图编程PLC感谢:构本钱文借助和自动化公司高级工程师的指导下完成。参考文献:1在 hinew./上的信息2h .金丝:PLC的原理与过程控制(中国电力的应用程序,2008)。3h .:三菱FX系列PLC的设计和开发(中国机械,2009)。4h .:过程自动化仪器仪表、卷31(4)(2010),p,34-36中文。5洛杉矶枝:模糊集与其应用(纽约学术,1975)。