室外道路、仓库地坪施工方案(中英文) .doc
某某电子商务产业园 地面施工专项方案 室外道路、仓库地坪 施工方案 *工程有限公司 某某年元月21日 室外道路施工方案及仓库地坪施工方案1 Plant Roads and Warehouse Terrace1 、厂区道路及仓库内地坪 1.1 Construction Conditions1.1 施工条件1. Construction conditions1、 施工条件 (1) Road construction drawing arrives on the site, which can be used as basis for construction after drawing triage.(1) 道路施工设计图纸到达现场,并经过图纸会审,可作为施工根据。 (2) Relevant materials have been prepared.(2) 相关材料已准备完善。 1.2 Construction Arrangement1.2 施工布署 1.2.1 Functions of Major Managers in Plant Roads and Warehouse Terrance Areas1.2.1 厂区道路、仓库地坪区域主要管理人员职能1. Construction director, technicians and construction workers: be responsible for supervision, control and disclosure of all construction technologies, control on safety quality schedule and filling of construction materials including construction journal in their own working part; and be responsible for site safety and technical disclosure.1、 施工主管、技术员、施工员:负责本部位的全部施工技术监控以及工艺控制、交底,安全质量进度的控制,施工日记等施工资料的填写;负责现场安全、技术交底工作。2. Quality inspectors: be responsible for quality inspection of each item in their own working part, connecting with main-contractor and supervisor, accepting works in their own working part operated by other relevant units, and various materials collecting and filing them to the data room.2、 质检员:负责该部位各分项的质量检查、联系总包及监理及其他相关单位对该部位的验收工作,还有各种资料的收集、交资料室归档等工作。3. Safety supervisors: be responsible for safety works in the project, be responsible for safety supervising and organizing groups for safety learning under the safety directors guidance, and be responsible for filling and arranging safety materials with attentions paid to process control, and finding and eliminating safety risks timely for preventions.3、 安全员:负责项目的安全工作,安全员在安全主任指导下负责本部位的安全监督及组织班组进行安全学习,负责安全资料的填写、整理,注重过程控制,及时发现并消除安全隐患,做到防患于未然。 4. Measuring group: conduct horizontal control and axis control on the site, and retest the site elevation and axis coordinate.4、 测量组:严格按照施工专项方案、规范及设计图纸要求,对现场进行水平控制、轴线控制、对现场高程及轴线坐标进行复测。 1.2.2 Main Construction Process1.2.2 主要施工流程Specific construction process of outdoor roads: staking out in surveyètrench excavationèpipe layingèhandling of foundation trenchèroadbed constructionèpavement concrete pouringècurb constructionèroadside backfill室外道路具体施工顺序:测量放样è沟槽开挖 è管道敷设è基槽处理è路基施工è路面混凝土浇筑è 路侧石施工è路边回填土Specific construction process of warehouse terrace: clear up the cultivated soil to old soil layer if any cultivated soilèrammed earthèindoor backfill and tampingèstable layer of lime-fly ash stabilized aggregateèpolyethylene waterproof layingèC30 concrete (with steel fiber in it)èsurface treatment (polishing, dust-collecting, spreading carborundum evenly on the surface, and surface hardening).仓库内地坪具体施工顺序:如有耕土应先清除耕土至老土层è素土夯实è室内回填并夯实è二灰碎石稳定层è聚乙烯防水膜铺设è C30砼(内掺钢纤维)è表层处理(打磨、吸尘、面层均匀铺洒金刚砂、表面硬化)。 1.2.3 Labor Organization 1.2.3 劳动力组织Scientific and rational labor organization is one of the important factors for successful project proceeding, distributing labor power timely according to project actual schedule. We will assign the mose excellent and experienced construction team to work on the site through investigation, which will be trained for safety knowledge before operating and organize technical disclosure in a serious manner. The personnels in special work types should work with certificates, getting down to work as soon as entering the site in time.科学合理的劳动力组织,是保证本工程顺利进行的重要因素之一。根据工程实际进度、及时调配劳动力。我们将通过考察指定最优秀的、有丰富经验的施工队伍进驻本现场。进场作业前进行安全知识教育培训,认真组织技术交底。特殊工种持证上岗,按时入场后迅速进入工作状态。Major Labor Force Schedules主要劳动力计划表No.序号Work Type工种Unit单位Quantity数量Working Scope工作范围1.Mason泥工person人20Curb bricklaying路侧石砌筑2.Concrete worker砼工person人15Concrete pouring砼浇筑3.Welder焊工person人2Embedded iron预埋铁件4.Electrician电工person人2Electric for site construction现场施工用电5.Back man杂工person人20Site maintenance, cleaning, etc.现场维护、清理等 1.2.4 Main Machinery Equipment Plan for Construction Site 1.2.4 施工现场主要机设备计划Main Machinery Equipment Plan for Construction Site施工现场主要机械设备计划No.序号 Machine (equipment)/Name and Specification机械(设备)/称名规格Unit单位Quantity数量Power KW功率KWGross PowerKW总功率KWRemarks备注1Road roller 20t压路机20tSet台12Excavator 400挖土机400Set台23Electric welder BX700电焊机BX700Set台270140Marked已标识4Plate vibrator平板振动器Set台25Internal vibrator type 75插入式振动棒75型Set台34166Concrete carrier/10m3砼运输车/10m3Set台12/7Diving pump/Q50潜水泵/Q50Set台35202 for reservation2台备用8Level instrument/AL332水准仪/AL332Set台1/Qualified in forced inspection, within valid period强检合格,在有效期限内9Total station instrument/BTS-6082CL全站仪/BTS-6082CLSet台1/Qualified in forced inspection, within valid period强检合格,在有效期限内10Theodolite经纬仪Set台1/Qualified in forced inspection, within valid period强检合格,在有效期限内Project in this part plans to firstly construct fire-fighting lanes near of W-3 / W-4, warehouse terrace in the same time and finally, the heavy vehicle roads, truck parking space and goods handling area. The bicycle shed should be constructed alternatively in accordance with site situation.本部分工程拟计划先施工靠近W-3、W-4仓库的消防车道。同时施工仓库内地坪,最后施工重型道路、货车停车位及装卸货区域。自行车棚根据现场实际情况穿插进行。 1.3 Main Project Construction Methods1.3 主要项目施工方法 1.3.1 Construction Preparation1.3.1 施工准备 1. Site preparation1、 现场准备 (1) Adopt warning belts for temporary enclosure on both sides of the construction road according to section construction sequence on the site.(1) 按照现场分段施工的顺序,对施工道路两边采用警戒带进行临时围蔽。 (2) Axis and elevation testing has been completed.(2) 轴线及高程复核工作已完成。 2. Technical preparation2、 技术准备 (1) Drawing triage has been completed. (1)图纸会审已完成。 (2) Give dual attention to construction scheme compiling, and pay attention to key points focused, with construction drawings, construction rules, quality standards and operating regulations as guidance documents for construction organization.(2) 编制施工方案要兼顾全面,突出重点。以施工图、施工规范、质量标准、操作规程作为组织施工的指导文件。 (3) Organize and arrange labor force and technical power, and establish organization for construction technology and machinery managing, according to work amount of sub-project.(3) 根据分项工程的工程量,组织、安排劳动力和技术力量,建立施工技术,机械管理机构。 1.3.2 Engineering Survey Control1.3.2 工程测量控制1. Surveying and lining1、 测量放线Before road construction, it is necessary to re-check road axis and elevation, and conduct staking out in survey after there is no error in the recheck.道路施工前,必须进行道路轴线以及高程的复核,复核无误后方可进行测量放样。The rechecking method is adopting total station instrument to conduct traverse closure according to the coordinate points offered by the proprietor, with the horizontal coordinate control complying with precision requirements of second-order traverse and elevation control deviation complying with precision requirements of third-order level, which are controlling points in construction measuring.复核方法为采用全站仪根据业主给出的坐标点进行导线闭合,平面坐标控制符合二等导线精度要求,高程控制误差符合三等水准精度要求,作为施工测量控制点。Adopt level instrument to introduce the site level elevation to the existing buildings, which is the basis of measuring channel elevation. The elevation controlling line should be introduced to the several existing buildings from one point to the surrounding according to construction demands. Test each elevation line.采用水准仪将现场水准点标高引测至现有的构筑物上,作为沟道标高测量的依据。标高控制线应根据施工需要从一点向四周引测至现有建构筑物多处,对于各条标高线,应予校测。2. Axis testing and laying:2、 轴线测设:In the axis testing and laying in this project, total station instrument or theodolite are adopted, trying to reduce introduced controlling points to reduce deviations.本工程轴线的测设采用全站仪或是经纬仪,尽量减少引出控制点,从而减少误差累加。According to the control grid of plant plan construction, conduct location and lining, and prepare controlling piles of all main axises which are the standard of location inspection and embedded parts adjustment in road construction.根据厂区平面施工控制方格网进行定位放线,做好各主轴线的控制桩,作为道路施工中定位检查及预埋件调整的基准。3. Technology quality requirements:3、 工艺质量要求:The plan controlling pile should comply with precision requirements of second-order traverse; and the elevation controlling pile should comply with precision requirements of third-order level.平面控制桩应符合二级导线精度要求;高程控制桩应符合三等水准精度要求。The measuring instruments to be used should pass through annual inspection and be in a perfect using status; professional personnel in measuring should choose proper whether condition to measure, which can ensure a god intervisibility for all pile positions, avoiding influences from construction machines and personnel; regularly recheck all measuring points every month to ensure accuracy.所用测量仪器须经过年检,处于完好使用状态;测量由专业人员,选择合适天气条件进行,所有桩位应通视良好,避开施工机械和人员的扰动影响;所有测点应每月定期进行复核,保证准确性。 1.3.3 Construction Methods1.3.3 施工方法1. Main technical requirements in road design1、 道路设计主要技术要求 (1) Set longitudinal seam and pull rods when the road width exceeds 4500mm, and 14 twisted steel are adopted in pull rod in the longitudinal seam, with the spacing no more than 1000mm, and the distance between the outermost pull and the seam or free edge no more than 350mm.(1) 道路宽度大于4500mm时,设置纵向缝,并且设置拉杆,纵缝拉杆采用14螺纹钢筋,间距不大于1000mm,最外拉杆距接缝或自由边不大于350mm.。(2) Fill the expansion seam with mixture material of pitch and rubber, and conduct construction according to 20mm width. 25 round steel bars are used in dowel steel in the expansion seam, and the cover end should be in staggered arrangement, with the spacing being 300mm, and the distance to the seam or free edge no less than 150mm.(2) 胀缝均采用油膏混合料填缝,按照20mm宽施工。胀缝传力杆采用25圆钢筋,套子端应在相邻板中交错布置,间距300mm,距接缝或自由边不小于150mm. (3) The compaction parameter of gutter bases is 0.93; and the compaction parameter of warehouse terrace is 0.94.(3) 路槽基底压实系数0.93;仓库地坪基底压实系数0.94。 (4) Road lines should be pressed on road surface.(4) 路面须压路纹。2. Road construction2、 道路施工 (1) Foundation trench excavation(1) 基坑开挖 Conduct staking out in survey according to requirements in design drawings, and excavate 600mm away from the border-line marking as required in design drawings.根据设计图纸要求进行测量放样,开挖边线按照设计图纸要求按路面边线外600mm。 During site excavation, construction workers should conduct whole-precess control according to the excavating border-line.现场开挖时,施工员应根据开挖边线进行全程控制。 Reserve 50mm-100mm when excavating, and laminate with road roller (for no less than 6 times) to avoid over-excavating which will influences the foundation trench bases.开挖时预留50mm100mm,压路机碾压(碾压遍数不少6遍),以免出现超挖现象,影响基槽地基。 Next procedure cannot be constructed until the foundation trench is accepted by supervisors and relevant units.基槽必须经监理及相关单位验收合格后方可进行下一道工序施工。 Transport all the excavated earth to the assigned spoil ground.开挖土方全部外运至指定弃土场。 (2) Road construction methods and steps(2) 道路施工方法、步骤 Construction of trench-connecting stone of road base路基连槽石施工a. According to design drawings, open the seams on roads, separating them with wood block or foam plate on the opened seam and marking with apparent marks (seam opening requirements: set a longitudinal seam every 4.5 meters width; and a crosswise stretching seam according to the 4.5m; set a seam every 100m-300m according as required in specifications).a、 根据设计图纸要求,进行道路分缝,在分缝处采用木板或是泡沫板隔离,并且做出明显的标记(分缝要求:6m宽设置一道纵向缝;横向缩缝按照6m设置一道;按照规范要求每100m300m设置一道)。b. Choose 20t heavy typed laminating for road roller, and start vibrating and laminating at the same time during laminating.b、压路机选用20t重型碾压,碾压过程中,打开振动同时启动碾压。c. Choose 50-120mm diameter rubbles, and use excavator for pavement after the rubbles are transported to the site. People cooperate for trimming, with the predicted height of rubble filling elevation being 30-50mm, which avoids settling elevation being excessively long and not meeting the design elevation after road roller laminating.c、块石选用粒径为50120mm块石,块石运至现场后,使用挖机摊铺,人工配合修整,块石填筑标高预高3050mm,以免压路机碾压后,沉降标高过大,而不满足设计标高。 Graded gravel construction级配碎石施工a. The graded gravel is in 200mm thickness.a、 级配碎石为200mm厚。b. The largest diameter of the graded gravel should not exceed that required in technical specifications, with graded gravel composition and plasticity index meeting the regulations in technical specifications requirements.b、级配碎石最大粒径应不大于技术规范要求,级配碎石颗粒组成和塑性指数应满足技术规范要求的规定。c. Before formal construction, select testing section for gravel laminating, testing grading composition of mixture, best water content, uniformity, degree of compaction and bearing ratio of the gravel bedding, to gain the mixture best compaction parameter, compaction times, compaction procedures and construction technologies.c、正式施工前,选取碎石碾压试验段,测定混合料的级配组成、碎石垫层的最佳含水量、均匀性、压实度、承载比,使混合料达到最佳的压实系数、压实遍数、压实程序和施工工艺。d. Excavators are used for pavement in graded gravel, with the predicted height of pavement elevation being 30mm, which avoids settling elevation being excessively long and not meeting the design elevation after road roller laminating.d、级配碎石采用挖机摊铺,摊铺标高预高30mm,以免压路机碾压后,沉降标高过大,而不满足设计标高。e. Adopt 20t road roller for lamination (in rotation type) in laminating, with compaction times not less than 2 times.e、碾压采用20t压路机碾压(振动型),压实次数不少于2遍。f. Conservation by water pouring for 3 days 12 hours after construction completion.f、施工完成12小时以后,淋水养护3天。(3) Installation of pavement formwork路面模板安装:a. The plate is shored by using 22 channel steel, reinforcements are welded at intervals of 1,500mm along the channel steel to be connected with a flange for reinforcing. (Seeing in the figure as below).a、模板选用22槽钢支护,沿着槽钢每隔1500mm焊一道钢筋连接翼缘,以便加固使用(见下图)。22 channel steel 22槽钢Steel bar of 20 b. Pass line hanging operation is performed according to the side line of the pavement, and back of the channel steel is leveled and straight along a pass line.b、按照路面边线进行通线,槽钢背面沿着通线持平顺直。c. The channel steel is reinforced on the outer side of the roadside in a form of piling a ground anchor, and a wood beam or a steel pipe is used as the ground anchor, shown as below:22 channel steel22槽钢c、槽钢加固采用在路边外侧打地锚形式加固,地锚采用木方或钢管,加固见下详图:Support of wood beam木方支撑Ground anchor地锚 d. The longitidinal splicing of the channel steel is shown as the fighre:d、槽钢纵向拼接见下图:Triangular wood tip passes through steel bars on two sides at splicing seam and is filled firmly to be used as a stopper三角形木尖穿拼缝处两侧钢筋、塞固为止塞10# iron wire is strapped firmly22 channel steel22槽钢Treatment of splicing seam of channel steel槽钢拼缝处处理 e. After the mounted plate is reinforced temporarily, the straightness of the side line in the plate is checked by using a theodolite.e、模板安装临时加固完成后,采用经纬仪检查模板内边线是否顺直。(4)