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    八 Sportri:athlete(n)someone who is 90Od at sports iuch a$ running, jumping or throwing things运动员athletics(n)the sports which include running, jumping and throwing体育运动;田径运动basket(n)the name for the net in basketball篮basketball(n)a qame in which two teams try to win points by throwing a ball through a hih net篮球bat(n)a piece of wood used to hit the ball in some sports球拍b,kc(n) bicycle自行车board(n)a flat object or surface used for a particular PUrPoSe板,甲板boot(n)a shoe that covers the WhOle foot and part of the /e夕长靴champion(n)a person or animal that wins a competition冠军changing room(n)a room where 90Q change into clothes to do sport更衣室Cydin9(n)the activity of riding a bicycle自行车比赛:骑自行车兜风cyclist(n)$omeone who rides a bicycle骑门行车的人equipment(n)a too! or object used for an activity or purpose装备Md(n)an area OF grass Where you can Play a sportSt运动场football(n)a game in which two teams of players kick a round ball and try to score goals; the ball used for this game足球footballer(n)someone who PIayS football, especially a their job足球运动员goalkeeper(n)the placer in a sport such as football who tries to stop the ball 90in9 into the goal守门员(n)a building wth equipment for doing exercises体育馆gymnast(n)someone who does gymnastic体操运动员gymnastics(n)a sport in which you do PhySiCH Mercises on the floor and on different pieces of equipment体操helmet(n)a hard hat that protects your head头盔horse riding(n)the sport or activity of riding a horse马术match(n)a sports competition in which two people or teams compete against each other比赛outdoors(OdV)COt inside a building户外的;门外的racing(n)the activity or sport in which people, animals or vehicles race against each other比赛:罪下ru9by(n)a SPort PIayed by two teams with an oval ball and HrkaPed goals橄榄球fail(v)to travel in a boat or a ship帆船SaiIin9(n)a sport USin9 boots with sails帆船运动skis(n)a pair of lonq, thin pieces of wood or PIaStiC that you wear on the bottom of boots to move over snow滑雪板SkMn9(n)a sport in which ou move across snow on skis滑雪sportsman/wo(n)a man/woman who is 90Od at sport男(女)运动员mansurfer(n)someone who surfs冲浪者SUrfin9(n)the sport of riding on a wave on a special board冲浪windsurfing(n)a sport in which you sail across water by Standin9 on a board and holding onto a large sail帆板运动sport $ centre(n)a building with places WkCre you can Play different sports体育场hockey(n)a game PIayed by two teams in which a small ball is hit with a !on stick曲棍球:冰球hockey stick(n)a l0n9, thin piece of wood that you use when you are playing hockey曲棍team(n)a group of people Who pl” a sport or game together队training(n)when you prepare for a sport or competition训练,、Sports-2:SWimming(n)movinq through water USin9 arms and legs游泳SWimmm9 pool(n)an area of water made for people to SWim in游泳池net(n)kind of material often used in SPortS(in tennis the net separates the two halves OF the court)网table tennis(n)a game in which four PeoPle hit a small ball over a IOW net on a large table乒乓球tennis(n)a sport in which two or four people hit a small ball to each other over a net网球racket(n)a piece OF equipment that 夕。U use to hit a ball in sports such as tennis网球)球拍volleyball(n)a game in which two teams use their IlandS to hit a ball over a net排球4、prsarvyfriend©(adj)behavin in a pleasant, kind Wqy towards someonehard-working(ad)doin a job seriously and with a lot of effortindependent(adj)not Wantin9 or needing anyone else to help YOQintelligent(adj)able to learn and understand things easilykind(adj) This describes someone who does things to help others and shows that they CQre about them-self-confident(adj)fedi9 sure about y。UreIf and our abilitiesserious(adj) This describes someone Who is quiet and does not laugh ofbenshy(ad)not confident, especially about meeting new peopletidy(adj)having everything in the right place and arranged in a ood orderO A.rwv*v, w¼ npprtncaverage height(adj)not tall and not shortblonde(adj) This describes hair which is pale yellowbroad-shouldered(adj) with Wide shoulderscurly(adj) with many curlsdark(adj) having black or brown hairfair hair(adjn)light coloured hairhair(n)the thin, thread-like parts that 夕row on the head and body of people and animalsheight(n)how tall or high something or someone islonghair)(adj)not shortmoustache(n)a line of hair that some men qrow above their mouthsshort(ad)not as tall as most peopleshoulder-length(adj)If our hair is shoulder-length, it goes down as far as y。" shoulders-slim(adj)thin in an attractive woytall(adj)higher than most other peoplewav(adj)not straight but with slight curvestK Frt WffM ctMtkfComputergamei(n)a game you plat on a computerchess(n)a board game with a black and white board and different shaped piecesdassical/pop/rockmusic/jazz(n)dif,ferent kinds of music(90in9)clubbin9(n)spendin the evening dancing in a dub(90in9)dancic9(n)90in9 out to dance(going)ShoPPin9(n)90in9 out to buy things5、 Ulorkflrtiit(n)$omeone who makes painting, sculptured, drawings, etc*boss(n)someone who is responsible for employees and tells them what to docolleague(n)someoe that you work withdisc jockey(n)someone Wko PIayS music on the radio or at discosengineer(n)someone WhOSe job is to design, build or repair machines, engines, roads, bridges, etc*hairdresser(n)someone whose job is to cut people ts hairhousewife(n)a woman who stas at home to cook, dean and take care of her familyjournalist(n)someone whose job is to write for newspapersmechanic(n)someone whose job is to repair carsmodel(n)someone whose job is WeariD9 clothes for photographs or fashion $%w$photographer(n)someone whose job is to take photographsreceptionist(n)iomeone Wi1。works in a hotel or office building, answering the telephone and dealing with questssales person(n)someone who sells things (like cars)shop assistant(n)someone whose job is SelIin9 things in a shoptourist(n)iomeone who ViSitS a place for PI皿Ure and does not live thereWork experience(n)doin a temporary unpaid job to find out what it is likebank guard(n)someone WhOSe job is to protect a bankcriminal(n)someoe who has done a crimepolice officer(n)someone whose job is to protect people from crimeSeCUrit9 officer(n)someone WhoSe job is to protect PeoPle and things in a place such as a SkoPPin9 mallshoplifter(n)someone who SteHS from shopsthief(n)someone Who steals things6、SntTMnmtrtavailable(adj)tf Something is available, gou can USe it or get it'baht(n)a type of dancing that is done in a theatre and tells a storf usually with musicbook(tickets)(v)to Qrran兆 to 90 to a show at a time in the futurecircus(n)a show in which a group of people uch as downs perform in a large tentdown(n)someone with funny chthes and a painted face, Who makes PeOPIe laugh by being SiHycomedy(n)a funnif film or PIayconcert(n)a performance of music and singingdance(n)a set of movements that you do to musicentertainment(n)showst films, television, or other performances or activities that people enjoyevent(n)somethin that happensexcitement(n)when people feel very happy and interested(music) festival(n)a series of performances, usually over a few daysfilm(n)a storshown at the cinema or on televisionfun(n)enjoyment or pleasure, or Somethin9 that gives you enjoyment or pleasurefunny(adj)makin9 you smile or laughinterval(n)a period of time between two parts of a performance in the theatre or at a concertlauh(v)to smile and make sounds With our voice because something is fUnnyma9ic(n)clever things that a person does while other people watch, such os making things disappearmusical(n)a show Or film with songs and dancingmusician(n)someone who PIayS a musical instrument, often as a jobnightclub(n)a place Where you can dance at nightperformance(n)actin, singing, dancing or placing music for other people to enjoyPlay(n)a story that is written for actors to perform, USUaHy in a theatrerefreshments(n)food and drinks that Qre 9iven at a meeting, on a journey, etc-show(n)a television or radio programme or a theatre performance7、TrwnportQirport(n)a place where PIMeS take off and landbackpack(n)a ba9 that you carry on y。" backbicycle(n)a vehicle with two wheels and no engineboarding pass(n)a piece of PoPer you must $how to get on an aircraftbus(n)a large vehicle that carries passengers by road, usually Hor)9 a fixed routecar(n)a vehicle with an engine, four wheels, and seats for a few peoplecarriage(n)one of the separate parts of a train where the people sitcheck-inCn)the place at an airport where you 90 to Say that you have arrived for fur flightcoach(n)a comfortable bus used to take PeoPIe On long journeys(re) con firm(v)to tell an airline that you plan to use your ticketcustoms(n)the PlaCe where your bags arc examined Wken you are 90in9 into a countrydeparture lounge(n)the place where you Wait for your flight%rry()a boat that reqularl carries people and vehicles across an area of waterflight(n)o journey in an aircrafthelicopter(n)an aeroplane which flies USin9 bn9, thin parts on top of it that turn round and round very fa$tIony(n)a large road vehicle for carrying things from place to placeIu99a9e(n)baqi that you carry with 9。U when you travelmotorbike(n)a vehicle with two wheels and an enginemotorway(n)a long, Wide road, USUaHy u$ed by traffic travelling FaStpassport control(n)a place where PaSSPOrtS are checked(aero)plane(n)a vehicle that flies and has an engine and wingsreservation()on arrangement that you make to have a seat on an aeroplane, a room in a hotel, etcscooter(n)a small motorbikeship(n)a lare boat that carries people or things by seasuitcase(n)a rectangular case with a handle that you USe for carrying clothes WheC you are travellingta×(Q)money that you have to p” to the governmenttoi(n)a car with a driver Wbo you Pay to take you somewheretrain(n)a long, thin vehicle which travels along metal tracks and carries people or 9。OdStram(n)an electric vehicle for Carryin9 passengers, mostly in cities, which moves along metal IinCS in the roadvisa(n)an official mark in your passport book that allows you to enter or leave a particular countrywing(n)one of the two IOn% flat parts at the sides of an aeroplane thathelp it S匕” in the Sky8、SchoolattendCv)to 夕。to an event or a placeclassroom(n)a room in a school Where students have lessonsdepartment(n)a part of a school Wkere you SeUdy certain subjectseducation(n)tcachi and Iearnin9 in a school or collegeevening class(n)a SerieS of lessons which take place in the evening, usually for adultsexam(n)an official test of how much you know about SometMnghall(n)a Iarge room or building where meeting and concerts, etc, happenhistory(n)the StUdy of events in the pastlaboratory(n)a room used for scientific worklesson(n)a period of time when a teacher teaches peoplemaths(n)the stud< or science of numbers and shapesplayground(n)an area of land where children can play, especially at a schoolprimary school(n)a school for children ayd 5 to 11science(n)the Seady Of the structure of natural things and the Way that they behaveSingEm school(n)a school for either boys or girls, but not bothsports ground(n)an area within a school or town where sports are PlayedStUd9(v)to learn about a subject, usually at school or universitysubject(n)an area of knowledge studied in school or universitysurname(n)the name that you and people in your family all haveteenager(n)someone Wko is between 13 and 19 years oldtimetable(n)a list of times for lessonsuniform(n)a special set of clothes that are worn by all the children at a school9、石"的"amused(adj)kow 夕Oa feel when something funnyanqry(adj)kow you feel when you want to shout at SOmeOCe who has done SOrnethin9 badbored(adj)kow you fed when something is UnintereStin9care about(v)to fed that Sometkin9 is importantconfident(ad)certain about 夕。Ur ability to do things WeIlexcited(adj)kappy and interestedFeelin 9(n)an emotionfrightened(adj)afrQidmiserable(adj) sadnervous(adj)worried and anxiousproud(adj)very pleased about something OF yours or something you have donetired(adj)kow you feel when you need to restworried(M)UnCertain and unhappy about something that might happen7。、DtcriblfM 6Am Muetlont or popIamusing(adj)funnboring(adj)uintereStin9KCiein9(adj)makin9 people feel happy and interestedFrightening(adj) making people feel afraidinteresting(adj) keeping your attentiontiring(adj)makin9 you feel you need to restworrying(adj)makinq you feel uncertain and UnhaPPy about something that might happen Schoolattend(v)to go to an event or a placeclassroom(n)a room in a school where students have lessonsdepartment(n)a part of a school where you StUdy certain subjectseducation(n) teaching and learning in a school or collegeevening class(n)a series of lessons which take place in the evening, USUHly for adultsexam(n)an official test of how much you know about somethinghall(n)a larqe room or building where meetings and concerts, etc happenhistory(n)the StUdy of events in the pastlaboratory(n)a room used for scientific worklesson(n)a period of time when a teacher teaches peoplemaths(n)the study or science of numbers and shapesplayground(n)an area of land where children can play, especially at a schoolprimaryschool(n)a school for children aged 5 to 11science(n)the $tudy of the structure of natural things and the way that they behavesinews。SChOol(n)a school for either boys or gi"s, but not bothSportsground(n)an area within a school or town where sports are playedstudy(v)to learn about a subject, usually at school or universitysubject(n)an area of knowledge studied in school or UniVerSitysurname(Q)the name that you and PeOPIe in your family all haveteenager(n)someone who is between 13 and 19 夕“"oldtimetable(n)a list of times for IeSSonSuniform(n)a specia


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