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The Relationship Between Parents and ChildrenIn recent yeans, the relationship between parents and children is no so close as it used to be. Such a common phenomenon leads to so serious trouble that it has aroused people's wide concern and healed discussion.Many reasons may account for the inharmonious relationship between parents and children. 'o begin with, parents and children lack of communication. 1 mean hcart-to-hcart talks. As is often the case, parents IrythCir best to do everything that they think arc good for their children regardless of what their children feel. As is a matter of fact, what they do may not be WhaIIheir children really need. It may happen that children may do something just contrary to parents, expectations. Then the divaricating tends to cause the deeper misunderstanding. In addition, the different ages and different education backgrounds can lead o different outlooks on life, values and world views. Consequently, they may argue on the same matters.In ny opinion, parents and children should have a heart-to-heart talk, expressing themselves to each other. This kind of communication Can eliminate the misunderstanding and promote the friendship between parents and children. Parents should treat children as their friends and let children know what they expect on children. At the same time, children can speak out of their dissatisfaction with parents' arrangement in a peaceful way and discuss your plan for certain matter with parents. Besides, children should share some simple housework with parents, while parents ought to praise children as often as possible. Then parents will be happy that children can Undei-Stand them, lso. children can be satisfied that they get compliment from parents. All these will end up in the hanony.