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    【国际经济学】英文题库Chapter 1: IntroductionMultiple-Choice Questions1. Which of the following products are not produced at all in the United States"*A. Coffee, tea, cocoaB. steel, copper, aluminumC. petroleum, coal, natural gasD. typewriters, puters, airplanes2. International trade is most important to the standard of living of:A. the United States*B. SwitzerlandC. GermanyD. England3. Over time, the economic interdependence of nations has:*A. grownB. diminishedC. remained unchangedD. cannot say4. A rough measure of the degree of economic interdependence of a nation is given by:A. the size of the nations' populationB. the percentage of its population to its GDP*C. the percentage of a nation's imports and e*ports to its GDPD. all of the above 5. Economic interdependence is greater for:*A. small nationsB. large nationsC. developed nationsD. developing nations6. The gravity model of international trade predicts that trade between two nations is larger  A. the larger the two nationsB. the closer the nationsC. the more open are the two nations*D. all of the above7. International economics deals with:A. the flow of goods, services, and payments among nationsB. policies directed at regulating the flow of goods, services, and paymentsC. the effects of policies on the welfare of the nation*D. all of the above 8. International trade theory refers to:*A. the microeconomic aspects of international tradeB. the macroeconomic aspects of international tradeC. open economy macroeconomics or international financeD. all of the above 9. Which of the following is not the subject matter of international finance"A. foreign e*change marketsB. the balance of payments*C. the basis and the gains from tradeD. policies to adjust balance of payments disequilibria10. Economic theory:A. seeks to e*plain economic eventsB. seeks to predict economic eventsC. abstracts from the many detail that surrounds an economic event*D. all of the above11. Which of the following is not an assumption generally made in the study of international economics"A. two nationsB. two modities*C. perfect international mobility of factorsD. two factors of production12. In the study of international economics:A. international trade policies are e*amined before the bases for tradeB. adjustment policies are discussed before the balance of paymentsC. the case of many nations is discussed before the two-nations case*D. none of the above13. International trade is similar to interregional trade in that both must overe:*A. distance and spaceB. trade restrictionsC. differences in currenciesD. differences in monetary systems14. The opening or e*pansion of international trade usually affects all members of society:  A. positivelyB. negatively*C. most positively but some negativelyD. most negatively but some positively15. An increase in the dollar price of a foreign currency usually:A. benefit U.S. importers*B. benefits U.S. e*portersC. benefit both U.S. importers and U.S. e*portersD. harms both U.S. importers and U.S. e*porters16. Which of the following statements with regard to international economics is true"A. It is a relatively new field*B. it is a relatively old fieldC. most of its contributors were not economistsD. none of the above思考题:1. 为什么学习国际经济学非常重要.2. 列举表达当前国际经济学问题的一些重要事件,它们为什么重要.3. 当今世界面临的最重要的经济问题是什么.全球化的利弊各是什么.Chapter 2: The Law of parative Advantage    Multiple-Choice Questions1. The Mercantilists did not advocate:*A.free tradeB. stimulating the nation's e*portsC. restricting the nations' importsD. the accumulation of gold by the nation2. According to Adam Smith, international trade was based on:*A. absolute advantageB. parative advantageC. both absolute and parative advantageD. neither absolute nor parative advantage3. What proportion of international trade is based on absolute advantage"A. AllB. most*C. someD. none4. The modity in which the nation has the smallest absolute disadvantage is the modity of its:A. absolute disadvantageB. absolute advantageC. parative disadvantage*D. parative advantage5. If in a two-nation (A and B), two-modity (* and Y) world, it is established that nation A has a parative advantage in modity *, then nation B must have:A. an absolute advantage in modity YB. an absolute disadvantage in modity YC. a parative disadvantage in modity Y*D. a parative advantage in modity Y6. If with one hour of labor time nation A can produce either 3* or 3Y while nation B can produce either 1* or 3Y (and labor is the only input):A. nation A has a parative disadvantage in modity *B. nation B has a parative disadvantage in modity Y*C. nation A has a parative advantage in modity *D. nation A has a parative advantage in neither modity7. With reference to the statement in Question 6:A. P*/Py=1 in nation AB. P*/Py=3 in nation BC. Py/P*=1/3 in nation B*D. all of the above8. With reference to the statement in Question 6, if 3* is e*changed for 3Y:A. nation A gains 2*B. nation B gains 6YC. nation A gains 3YD. nation B gains 3Y9. With reference to the statement of Question 6, the range of mutually beneficial trade between nation A and B is:A. 3Y < 3* < 5YB. 5Y < 3* < 9Y*C. 3Y < 3* < 9YD. 1Y < 3* < 3Y10. If domestically 3*=3Y in nation A, while 1*=1Y domestically in nation B:A. there will be no trade between the two nationsB. the relative price of * is the same in both nationsC. the relative price of Y is the same in both nations*D. all of the above11. Ricardo e*plained the law of parative advantage on the basis of:*A. the labor theory of valueB. the opportunity cost theoryC. the law of diminishing returnsD. all of the above12. Which of the following statements is true"A. The bined demand for each modity by the two nations is negatively slopedB. the bined supply for each modity by the two nations is rising stepwiseC. the equilibrium relative modity price for each modity with trade is        given by the intersection of the demand and supply of each modity by the two nations*D. all of the above13. A difference in relative modity prices between two nations can be based upon a    difference in:A. factor endowmentsB. technologyC. tastes*D. all of the above14. In the trade between a small and a large nation:A. the large nation is likely to receive all of the gains from trade*B. the small nation is likely to receive all of the gains from tradeC. the gains from trade are likely to be equally sharedD. we cannot say15. The Ricardian trade model has been empirically*A. verifiedB. rejectedC. not testedD. tested but the results were inconclusive思考题:比较优势原理所带来的贸易所得是从何而来的.贸易利益又是如何分配的.现实世界中比较优势是如何度量的.你认为目前中国具有比较优势的商品有哪些.这意味着什么.比较优势会不会发生变化.什么样的原因可能会导致其变化.经济学家是如何验证比较优势原理的.Chapter 3: The Standard Theory of International Trade      Multiple-Choice Questions1. A production frontier that is concave from the origin indicates that the nation incurs   increasing opportunity costs in the production of:A. modity * onlyB. modity Y only*C. both moditiesD. neither modity2. The marginal rate of transformation (MRT) of * for Y refers to:A. the amount of Y that a nation must give up to produce each additional unit of *B. the opportunity cost of *C. the absolute slope of the production frontier at the point of production*D. all of the above3. Which of the following is not a reason for increasing opportunity costs:*A. technology differs among nationsB. factors of production are not homogeneousC. factors of production are not used in the same fi*ed proportion in the production of all moditiesD. for the nation to produce more of a modity, it must use resources that are less and less suited in the production of the modity4. munity indifference curves:A. are negatively slopedB. are conve* to the originC. should not cross*D. all of the above5. The marginal rate of substitution (MRS) of * for Y in consumption refers to the:A. amount of * that a nation must give up for one e*tra unit of Y and still remain on the same indifference curve*B. amount of Y that a nation must give up for one e*tra unit of * and still remain        on the same indifference curveC. amount of * that a nation must give up for one e*tra unit of Y to reach a higher indifference curveD. amount of Y that a nation must give up for one e*tra unit of * to reach a higher indifference curve6. Which of the following statements is true with respect to the MRS of * for Y"A. It is given by the absolute slope of the indifference curveB. declines as the nation moves down an indifference curveC. rises as the nation moves up an indifference curve*D. all of the above 7. Which of the following statements about munity indifference curves is true"A. They are entirely unrelated to individuals' munity indifference curvesB. they cross, they cannot be used in the analysis*C. the problems arising from intersecting munity indifference curves can be overe by the application of the pensation principleD. all of the above. 8. Which of the following is not true for a nation that is in equilibrium in isolation"*A. It consumes inside its production frontierB. it reaches the highest indifference curve possible with its production frontierC. the indifference curve is tangent to the nation's production frontierD. MRT of * for Y equals MRS of * for Y, and they are equal to P*/Py 9. If the internal P*/Py is lower in nation 1 than in nation 2 without trade:A. nation 1 has a parative advantage in modity YB. nation 2 has a parative advantage in modity *C. nation 2 has a parative advantage in modity YD. none of the above10. Nation 1's share of the gains from trade will be greater:A. the greater is nation 1's demand for nation 2's e*ports*B. the closer P*/Py with trade settles to nation 2's pretrade P*/PyC. the weaker is nation 2's demand for nation 1's e*portsD. the closer P*/Py with trade settles to nation 1's pretrade P*/Py11. If P*/Py e*ceeds the equilibrium relative P*/Py with tradeA. the nation e*porting modity * will want to e*port more of * than at    equilibriumB. the nation importing modity * will want to import less of * than at     equilibriumC. P*/Py will fall toward the equilibrium P*/Py*D. all of the above12. With free trade under increasing costs:A. neither nation will specialize pletely in productionB. at least one nation will consume above its production frontierC. a small nation will always gain from trade*D. all of the above13. Which of the following statements is false"A.The gains from trade can be broken down into the gains from e*change and the   gains from specializationB. gains from e*change result even without specialization*C. gains from specialization result even without e*changeD. none of the above14. The gains from e*change with respect to the gains from specialization are always:A. greaterB. smallerC. equal*D. we cannot say without additional information15. Mutually beneficial trade cannot occur if production frontiers are:A. equal but tastes are notB. different but tastes are the sameC. different and tastes are also different*D. the same and tastes are also the same.思考题:国际贸易的标准理论与大卫.嘉图的比较优势原理有何异同.两国仅仅由于需求偏好不同可以进展市场分工和狐狸贸易吗.两国仅仅由于要素禀赋不同和/或生产技术不同可以进展分工和贸易吗"Chapter 4: Demand and Supply, Offer Curves, and the Terms of Trade    Multiple Choice Questions1. Which of the following statements is correct" A. The demand for imports is given by the e*cess demand for the modityB. the supply of e*ports is given by the e*cess supply of the modityC. the supply curve of e*ports is flatter than the total supply curve of the modity*D. all of the above2. At a relative modity price above equilibriumA. the e*cess demand for a modity e*ceeds the e*cess supply of the modityB. the quantity demanded of imports e*ceeds the quantity supplied of e*ports*C. the modity price will fallD. all of the above3. The offer curve of a nation shows:A. the supply of a nation's importsB. the demand for a nation's e*portsC. the trade partner's demand for imports and supply of e*ports*D. the nation's demand for imports and supply of e*ports4. The offer curve of a nation bulges toward the a*is measuring the nationsA. import modity*B. e*port modityC. e*port or import modityD. nontraded modity5. E*port prices must rise for a nation to increase its e*ports because the nation:A. incurs increasing opportunity costs in e*port productionB. faces decreasing opportunity costs in producing import substitutesC. faces decreasing marginal rate of substitution in consumption*D. all of the above6. Which of the following statements regarding partial equilibrium analysis is false"A. It relies on traditional demand and supply curvesB. it isolates for study one market*C. it can be used to determine the equilibrium relative modity price but not the equilibrium quantity with tradeD. none of the above7. Which of the following statements regarding partial equilibrium analysis is true"A. The demand and supply curve are derived from the nation's production frontier and indifference mapB. It shows the same basic information as offer curvesC. It shows the same equilibrium relative modity prices as with offer curves*D. all of the above 8. In what way does partial equilibrium analysis differ from general equilibrium analysis"A. The former but not the latter can be used to determine the equilibrium price with      tradeB. the former but not the latter can be used to determine the equilibrium quantity   with tradeC. the former but not the latter takes into consideration the interaction among all markets in the economy*D. the former gives only an appro*imation to the answer sought.9. If the terms of trade of a nation are 1.5 in a two-nation world, those of the trade partner are:A. 3/4*B. 2/3C. 3/2D. 4/310. If the terms of trade increase in a two-nation world, those of the trade partner:*A. deteriorateB. improveC. remain unchangedD. any of the above11. If a nation does not affect world prices by its trading, its offer curve:A. is a straight lineB. bulges toward the a*is measuring the import modity*C. intersects the straight-line segment of the world's offer curveD. intersects the positively-sloped portion of the world's offer curve12. If the nation's tastes for its import modity increases:A. the nation's offer curve rotates toward the a*is measuring its import modityB. the partner's offer curve rotates toward the a*is measuring its import modity       C. the partner's offer curve rotates toward the a*is measuring its e*port modity  *D. the nation's offer curve rotates toward the a*is measuring its e*port modity13. If the


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