艾滋病AIDS,AIDS(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome),Its a kind of diseaseDelitescent but deadly,And this is its virus,Called“hiv”,which damages human immune balance and put humans body inlow resistance.Thus infect other diseases lead to various composite infections and death.,WHERE DOES IT COME FROM?,sexualintercoursebetweenmenandwomen,throughpregnancy,childbirth andbreast-feeding,syringessharedbyintravenousdruguse,WHATS THE SYMPTOMS?,generalsymptoms:fever,weakness,sweating,thebodyofsuperficiallymphnodes,weightloss,:long-termcough,chestpain,breathingdifficulties;:decreasedappetite,anorexia,nausea,vomiting,diarrhea;:dizziness,headache,slow,mentaldecline,psychosis,paralysis,andsoon.,HOW TO PREVENT AIDS FROM US?,Here are some tips to help you prevent this disease.-Avoid having unprotected sex with multiple partners.Never reuse condoms.-Be careful to take only HIV free blood,if you ever need to take blood at all.-Never pick up any needle from the ground and never let it enter your body.-Always use disposable needles and syringes.-Be careful not to share needle at the time of body piercing or tattooing.-In the salon,never share razor.,Though the number of HIVsis getting increase rapidly,with our no spare perseverance Its controllable!Lets fight for it!,THANK YOU,