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    Unit1 Can you play the guitar?【写作任务】假如你所在的国际学校需要招募一批志愿者(volunteer),并于本周六下午组织志愿者去孤儿院(orphanage)看望那里的孩子们。志愿者将教孩子们说英语,和他们一起唱歌、跳舞、做游戏。报名为675-8894。请你用英语写一则招募志愿者的广告。不少于60词。【任务分析】该写作任务属于应用文写作。通过对写作任务进行梳理,我们可以看出写该招募广告时应包含以下几部分内容:(1) 招募志愿者的原因;(2) 活动的时间和地点;(3) 对志愿者的要求;(4) 鼓励同学们参加该活动;(5) 联系方式。【思路点拨】点明主题We need you to help .       说明活动的时间和对志愿者的要求Are you free .?  Are you good with .?  Can you .?  Would you like to .?       说明参加志愿者活动的好处并给出联系方式 They are . and you can . It's . Please call us at .【X文展示】Volunteers wanted    We need you to help the kids in the orphanage and make them happy. Are you free this Saturday afternoon? Are you good with kids? Can you speak English? Can you sing or dance? Would you like to play games with the kids? They are very lovely and you can make friends. It's interesting and fun. Please call us at 675-8894.Unit 2 what time do you go to school?【写作任务】英语课上,老师让你们谈谈自己的好习惯。请你根据提示内容写一篇60词左右的英语短文,谈谈你的好习惯,并和同学们分享,可适当发挥。开头已给出,不计入总词数。提示:1. 起床早,上学从不迟到;2. 常吃健康食品;3. 放学后做运动;4. 睡前读书。【任务分析】这是一篇写自己日常好习惯的文章,写作的时候需要按提示来逐一呈现自己的好习惯。【思路点拨】点明主题I have a good habit. Let me talk about my good habits now.       从不同方面描述自己的好习惯1、get up early and never late for school.2、eat healthy food like .3、after school , I usually .4、I always read before I go to bed      【X文展示】Hello, everyone. I ,have a good habit. Let me talk about my good habits . I get up early every day. And I am never late for school. Also I usually eat healthy food. I like fruit, vegetables, milk and eggs. After school, I like to play sports with my friends. Volleyball is my favorite sport. I like to read books, too, and I always read before I go to bed.Unit 3 How do you go to school?【写作任务】假如你是李娟,请你根据下表写一篇英语短文,在下周一英语课上介绍你的四个好朋友的上学方式。70词左右,可适当发挥。开头已给出,不计入总词数。某方式花费的时间王勇步行15minutes杰夫(Jeff)骑自行车30minutes劳拉(Laura)乘地铁25minutesX娜坐校车half an hour【任务分析】这是一篇记叙上学情况的文章,涉及到上学使用的交通工具和所花费的时间。句型sb go(es) to school by/on .或者 sb take(s)/ the . walk(s) to school.来表达上学的方式,使用句型it takes sb st to do sth 来描述所花费的时间。【思路点拨】点明主题I have four friends. They go to school in different ways. .       分别说明使用的方式和所花费的时间1、Wangyong goes to school on it takes him .2、Jeff rides. to school. it takes him a good exercise.3、Laura takes the . to school. It takes her .4、Zhangna takes the . to school. The bus ride takes her half an hour.【X文展示】      Im Li Juan. I have four good friends. They go to school in different ways. Wang Yong usually goes to school on foot, because his home is just one kilometer from school. It takes him 15 minutes. Jeff rides his bike to school. It takes him half an hour. He thinks its good exercise. Laura lives far from school, so she takes the subway to school. It takes her 25 minutes. Zhang Na takes the school bus to school. The bus ride takes her half an hour. She likes the bus ride because she can talk to her classmates.Unit 4 Dont eat in class【写作任务】假如你是Anna,你家有一些家规。请你根据下表提示给你的好朋友Sue发一封电子,告诉她你家的家规并谈谈你对这些家规的看法。家规1. 每天早上6:30起床;2. 每天下午6:00之前必须到家;3. 周一到周五晚上不准看电视和玩电脑游戏;4. 周末打扫房间。看法要求: 1. 电子须包括所有要点提示;2. 内容可适当发挥,不少于60词。【任务分析】该写作任务要求同学们根据表格提示写一封电子,因此,首先应注意电子的格式(开头要有称呼,结尾要有署名)。然后正文部分包括介绍家规和表达看法两部分。逐条介绍家规时,可适当发挥,如说明某条家规形成的原因;在表达对这些家规的看法之后可说明理由,即为什么喜欢或不喜欢这些家规。【思路点拨】开头称呼Dear Sue .     具体介绍四条家规,并表达自己的看法I have to . every morning.After school, I have to .I cant . on school nights.At weekends, I have to .I think these rules .     结尾署名Yours,                  Anna【X文展示】Dear Sue,I have to follow some rules at home. I have to get up at 6:30 every morning. After school, I have to get home before 6:00. I have too much homework to do after school, so I can't watch TV or play puter games on school nights. At weekends, I have to clean my room. I'm always very busy. I think these rules are terrible, because sometimes I really want to relax.Yours,AnnaUnit 5 Why do you like pandas【写作任务】动物园里来了两只新动物。请你根据表格中的内容提示,用英文对它们进行描述,不少于60词。内容可适当发挥。 NameJimJohnFromAustraliaAfricaDescription wordsFriendly, shyBig, scaryAgeFourFive【任务分析】该写作任务要求按照表格提示写作。写作时,首先应了解表格中的提示内容:即两只动物的名字、年龄等信息。结构上可采用“总分”的结构,即首先说明动物园里有两只新动物,然后再分别介绍两只动物的情况。在介绍动物时,可适当增加自己对它们的看法,以使文章内容更加丰富多彩。【思路点拨】总述动物园里来了两只动物There are two new animals .    They are .介绍考拉的情况The koalas name is .                          Its from .                          Its .介绍老虎的情况The name of the tiger is .                          Its . years old.                          Its . 【X文展示】There are two new animals in the zoo. They are a koala and a tiger. The koalas name is Jim. Its from Australia and its four years old. Its very friendly but its shy. Koalas are my favourite animal. I like Jim very much. The name of the tiger is John and its from Africa. Its five years old. Its big and kind of scary. I dont like the tiger.Unit 6 Im watching TV【写作任务】今天是星期天,史密斯一家都在家。请你根据下图用英语写一篇短文,描述这家人的活动。要求:不少于60词,内容可适当发挥。【任务分析】该写作任务要求同学们根据图片内容进行写作。首先,应仔细观察图片,确定图片中的人物关系并明确各自的活动。写作任务中并未给出人物之间的关系,因此同学们需要对人物关系进行合理地推断。其次,描述人物正在进行的活动时,应用现在进行时态。【思路点拨】介绍活动发生的时间及人物Today is .   The Smiths are .推断人物关系并描述各自的活动Mr and Mrs Smith are . Their daughter Mary is . She is .Rose is . She is .Jack and Tom are . What are they doing?Jack is . Tom is .The family are .【X文展示】Today is Sunday. The Smiths are at home. Mr and Mrs Smith are watching TV on the sofa. Their daughter Mary is on the floor. She is watching TV, too. Rose is Mary's sister. She is talking on the phone to her friend. Jack and Tom are Mary's brothers. What are they doing? Jack is reading a book and Tom is listening to music. The family are relaxed.Unit 7 Its raining【写作任务】假如今天是星期天,现在是下午三点钟,外面正下着雨。想象一下你和你的家人可能正在做什么呢?请用英语写一篇短文介绍一下你及你的家人正在进行的活动。不少于60词,内容可适当发挥。【任务分析】该写作任务要求同学们描述家人的活动,属于记叙文。通过分析写作任务可知,同学们首先应该介绍时间、天气情况和地点,然后根据自己家庭的实际情况展开合理想象,介绍家人正在进行的活动。介绍正在进行的活动时应该用现在进行时。【思路点拨】介绍时间、天气情况等Its . today and its . oclock in the afternoon. Its . outside.My family are at .介绍家人正在进行的活动(My grandfather / grandmother is .)My father is .My mother is .(My sister / brother is .)I am .    【X文展示】Its Sunday today and its three oclock in the afternoon. Its raining outside. My family are all at home. My grandfather is playing chess with my father. They play it every day. My mother is making a cake. She is good at making cakes. What is my sister doing? Shes reading a book. She likes reading. What about me? Im looking out of the window and watching the rain. I like rain very much.Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?【写作任务】约翰(John)想去图书馆借书,但是不知道图书馆在哪里,于是当面向你询问。请你按照图示告诉他前往图书馆的路线。不少于60词。【任务分析】该写作任务要求按照图示描述路线,属于应用文。写作时,首先应明确图示中所给出的建筑名称,并找到图书馆所在的位置。然后,可运用一些表示方位和方向的词语完成描述。【思路点拨】引出话题Let me tell you the way to .具体介绍路线Go down . and you can see . on your right.Turn right at . The library is next to .结尾You can't miss it.【X文展示】Let me tell you the way to the library, John. Go down this street and you can see a clothes shop and a bank on your right. Turn right at the first crossing, and you can see a CD store across from the bank. The library is next to the CD store. It's between the CD store and a beautiful park. You can't miss it.Unit 9 What does he look like?【写作任务】假如你是Leo,Mark和Sam是你的好朋友,但他们互不相识。你想介绍他们认识,并使他们成为好朋友。上图是Mark的照片,请你根据照片,给Sam写一封电子向他介绍Mark。不少于60词。【任务分析】该写作任务要求同学们把照片中的人物Mark介绍给Sam。同学们可以先根据照片描述Mark的外貌特征,介绍他的喜好,然后表达对Mark的看法或者感情,最后应表明介绍Mark的目的(希望Mark和Sam成为好朋友)。另外,还需注意电子的格式。【思路点拨】开头称呼及引出话题Dear Sam,I want to introduce .介绍人物His name is .He has big eyes .He has . hair .He likes wearing .He likes playing .表达看法或者感情He is very good / kind / friendly .I like him very much.表明写的目的I hope that you two .结尾Yours,Leo【X文展示】Dear Sam,I want to introduce one of my good friends to you. His name is Mark. He has two big eyes, a big mouth and a round face. He has curly hair and he is of medium height. He likes wearing T-shirts. Mark likes playing sports very much. And basketball is his favorite sport. He plays it very well. He is very kind. I like him very much.I hope that you two can be good friends one day.Yours,LeoUnit 10 Id like some noodles【写作任务】请根据以下信息为“龙兴面条店”(Longxing Noodles House) 写一则英文广告。不少于60词。1. 本店面条品种齐全;2. 现有两种特价面条:鸡蛋蔬菜面每碗5元,羊肉胡萝卜面每碗10元;3. 欢迎光临本店。地址:淮海路120号:683-8566【任务分析】该写作任务要求同学们写一则英文广告。通过写作任务可知,广告内容应包括店铺特色、活动内容、地址及。另外,广告需要醒目的标题,广告正文应该简洁明了。【思路点拨】开头总述店铺特点In Longxing Noodles House, we have all kinds of noodles .具体介绍特价产品Now we have two great specials!Special 1 has ., and is just . for one bowl. Special 2 has ., and is only . for one bowl.说明店铺地址及The address is .Our telephone number is .表达对客人的欢迎之情Wele to our house!【X文展示】Longxing Noodles HouseIn Longxing Noodles House, we have all kinds of noodles and they are all delicious.Now we have two great specials! Special 1 has eggs and vegetables, and is just 5 yuan for one bowl. Special 2 has mutton and carrots, and is only 10 yuanfor one bowl.The address is No. 120 Huaihai Road. Our telephone number is 683-8566.Wele to our house! Unit 11 How was your school trip?【写作任务】假如今天是4月11日,你参加了学校组织的郊游活动。活动结束后,老师要求你们用英语写一篇日记,记录这次郊游。请你根据下面的郊游活动安排完成这篇英语日记。内容可适当发挥,不少于60词。郊游地点公园郊游活动上午拍照,中午野餐,下午钓鱼【任务分析】该写作任务要求写一篇日记记录郊游活动。此次郊游属于过去的活动,时态用一般过去时。另外,需注意使用正确的日记格式。【思路点拨】引出话题Today I went on a school trip.介绍活动We took lots of photos in the morning. We took food and ate it for lunch .In the afternoon, we went fishing.感想It was really a great trip.【X文展示】April 11thToday I went on a school trip. I went to a park with my classmates. We took a bus there. The park is very beautiful. There are a lot of flowers and trees in it. We took lots of photos in the morning. We took food and ate it for lunch under a big tree. In the afternoon, we went fishing. I caught three fish. All of us had a great time in the park. It was really a great trip.Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?【写作任务】假如昨天是星期六,Sam度过了繁忙的一天。请你根据下面的表格内容,以Sams Saturday为题写一篇不少于60词的英语短文,介绍Sam昨天的活动。内容可适当发挥。【任务分析】该写作任务要求同学们根据表格内容介绍Sam昨天的活动,属于记叙文。首先,应仔细观察图片,了解Sam昨天的具体活动,然后按照时间顺序进行介绍。昨天属于过去的时间,因此应该用一般过去时态。【思路点拨】引出话题It was Saturday yesterday. Sam was busy.介绍Sam的活动In the morning, he . and then .  In the afternoon, he . Then he .In the evening, he . After that, he .【X文展示】Sams SaturdayIt was Saturday yesterday. Sam was busy. In the morning, he got up very early. After breakfast, he cleaned his room and then he went to the library and borrowed some books. In the afternoon, he visited his good friend Mike. Then he played soccer with Mike. In the evening, he did his homework. After that, he watched TV. At about ten oclock, he went to bed.26 / 26


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