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    -第一套全国中学生英语能力竞赛及参考答案听力部分(共四大题,计30分) (略) 笔试部分(共八大题,计120分) I选择填空(Multiplechoice):(共20小题,计20分)从A、B、C、D四项中选出各题的最佳答案。 1Lucy told me that she could remember what I said “Remember”in this sentence means       Athink about Btake back Ckeep in mind Dwrite down 2It is said that Mr Brown takes the chair at every meetingThe Chinese for“takes the chair”in the sentence is       A带椅子B主持会议 C让座位D就座 3The news        goodWhere did you hear        . Ais;it Bare;them Cis;them Dare;it 4We have to stop        books from the library because the time is going to be up Ato borrow Bborrowing  Cto lend Dlending 5The cars are made        Changchun Aby Bof Cfrom Din 6There's nothing in the dining-room,       . Ais there Bisn't there Cis anything Disn't anybody 7In the e*am,the        you are,       mistakes you'll make Acareful;little Bmore careful;less Ccareful;few Dmore careful;the fewer 8He doesn't know when he        to Australia ne*t year Agoes Bwill go Chas gone Dhad gone 9Chinese        by the largest number of people in the world Aspeak Bis speaking  Cis spoken Dspeaks 10Everyone in the village could make shoes        ,but        didn't wear their own shoes Ahimself;none Boneself;one Cthemselves;they Dthemselves;none 11Must we bring all the food with us.     No,you        You        bring some of it Amay not;will Bmustn't;can Cwon't;need Dneedn't;may 12There's       “h”in        word“hour”and        hour has si*ty minutes Athe;the;an Ba;an;an Can;the;an  Dan;an;a 13Jenny        got to the park gate when the bell rang that dayBut she was late Aoften Balmost Calways Dnever 14       either you or I afraid of dogs. AAre BIs CDo DHave 15Zhao Wei is one of        film stars in China Amuch popular Bmore popular Cmost popular Dthe most popular 16It's really nice        you        me to work it out Aof;help Bfor;help Cof;to help Dfor;to help 17Please take away the big stone on the road,       there may be an accident Aand Bthen Cso Dor 18Well,       .     I have a headache,Doctor Ahow do you do Bwhat's the matter with you Chow are you feeling like Dwhat kind of illness do you have 19In the classroom,someone asks you“Do you mind my smoking here.”If you don't mind,you should say“       ”to him ANo,of course notBYes,sit down please CNo,you can't take itDYes,smoke please 20       .     It's cloudy     Do you like this kind of weather.     No,I don't AWhat's the weather like today BDo you think it might rain today CDo you like rainy days DWhat's the temperature II阅读理解(Reading comprehension): (共30小题,计30分) 阅读下列短文或图表,然后完成文后各题。(21 30小题为选择题,每题只有一个最佳答案;3150小题为非选择题,请回答问题或完成填空题。) (A) 下列方框中的图表是一本书的目录,请根据其内容选出各题的最佳答案。   Choose the best answers 21What is the author's purpose of this writing. ATell somebody something BWait for somebody CReceive somebody as a guest DNone of these 22What information can you find on pages 2739. ATeams in Europe BTeams in the US CRules of the Game DEquipment 23The History of Basketball can be found on pages       A224266B98112 C172182D126 24What pages will give you information about basketball teams in Europe. A211223B114171 C184208DNone of these 25What information can be found on pages 184208. ATeams in EuropeBRules of the Game CTeams in the USDNone of these (B) There are many kinds of animals that live in the forest,such as mice,rabbits,squirrels,owls(猫头鹰)and hawksAnimals in the forest depend on one another for food Many small forest animals,such as mice,eat green plants for food,and then they,themselves,are eaten by larger animalsThis is called a food chain A food chain begins with the sunThe green plants in the forest use the sun's energy(能源)to make food for themselvesThis process,or action,is called photosynthesis(光合作用) Forest plants produce flowers and seeds that are eaten by mice and other animalsThe mice get their energy from the plants,and the mice become food for a larger animal,such as the hunting hawkSo,the energy from the sun passes from the plants to the mice to the hawkA break in any link of this food chain means that some animals may not have enough food to live Choose the best answers 26Photosynthesis takes place when       Alarger animals eat small animals Bgreen plants use the sun's energy to make food Cforest animals eat the food made by green plants Dthe food chain is broken 27What is the first link in a food chain. AThe sunBThe earth CGreen plantsDForest animals 28Animals sometimes cannot find enough food because       Ait's cloudy Bthere is very little food in a forest Cphotosynthesis stops Dthere is a break in the food chain 29What does the food chain show about living things. AThey depend upon each other BSmall animals eat as much as large animals CPlants with flowers are the most important DPlants are more than animals 30Which of the living things below fills the missing link in this food chain. Arabbits Bmice Cgreen plants Dowls (C) 305: SYDENHAM to RALLWAY SQUAREam am am am am am am am am SYDENHAM STATONINTERNATONAL TERMINALANSETT DOMESTIC TERMINALQANTAS DOMESTIC TERMINALREDFERNRALLWAY SQUARE6.05 6.35 7.05 7.35 8.35 - - -6.14 6.44 7.14 7.44 8.14 8.44 9.15 9.45 10.156.23 6.53 7.23 7.53 8.23 8.53 9.24 9.54 10.246.24 6.54 7.24 7.54 8.24 8.54 9.25 9.55 10.256.39 7.09 7.39 8.09 8.39 9.09 9.45 10.15 10.456.49 7.19 7.49 8.19 8.49 9.19. 9.55 10.25 10.55Look at the bus timetable and complete the sentences 31The timetable is for bus number        32The bus goes from        to Railway Square 33The first bus leaves Sydenham at 605amIt gets to Redfern at        34I want to go from Redfern to Railway SquareI want to arrive at Railway Square by 9o'clockWhen does the bus leave.       35How long does the bus take to get from Sydenham Station to Redfern in the morning.       (D) George Washington was born on February 22,1732 in VirginiaHis parents were Augustine and Mary WashingtonGeorge grewup on a farm in VirginiaGeorge did notgo to schoolHis father taught him at homeGeorge's favorite subject was mathsGeorge learned to be a surveyor(测量员)of land when he grew upHe joined the army and was a leader during the American Revolution He later became the first President of the United States George Washington is called the“Father of the USA Americans celebrate his birthday on Prsident's Day in FebruaryHis picture is on the one dollar bill Answer the questions 36Why is George Washington called the“Father of the USA”.                                                 37What subject did George like to study best.                                                 38Where was George Washington born.                                                 39When is Washington's birthday celebrated.                                                 40What did George learn to be.                                                 (E) CHICAGO STAR TASTEOFCHICAGO The Windy City's Food Festival Every year the city of Chicago has an outdoor food festivalIt's called Taste of ChicagoFor eight days youcan't drive a car on Columbus Drive or Congress Drive These two big streets in downtown Chicago are closed for the festivalBut you can walk,eat,and listen to musicThe festival is open in the morning,afternoon,and eveningAbout 375,000 people go there every day  There is food from over eighty different Chicago restaurants at the festivalFor e*ample,you can eat quesadillasa kind of round,flat bread(or tortilla)filled with meat or vegetables and cheesein a Me*ican restaurantThen you can have tempurashrimp and vegetables in flour and fried in oilin a Japanese restaurantYou can also have shish kebabspieces of meat and vegetables cooked over a fire on skewers(long, thin pieces ofwood or metal)in a Turkish restaurantOf course,there is a lot of American food,toohamburgers, hot dogs,and fried chicken How much do people usually eat.Here are some interesting numbers:55,000hot dogs,460,000 slices of pizza,50,000 slices of cake,102,000 Chinese egg rolls, and 27,000kilos of French fries Answer the questions 41Where are Columbus Drive and Congress Drive.                                                 42How many people go to the festival every day.                                                 43In which restaurant can we eat quesadillas.                                                 44What are skewers.                                                 45How many Chinese egg rolls do the people usually eat.                                                 (F) People like to think about whatthe future is going to beBut did you know that some people predict the future as a job.Futurists are scientists who study and predictthe futureThey can guess what is going to happen in the future from the information they know nowIn this way, futurists can help people and businesses get ready for the future What do futurists say about the future.They think there are going to be big changes in people's everyday livesand soon!For e*ample,cars are going to drive us to places without a driverWe're going to tell the car where we want to go,and the car is going to get us there! Some futurists think we're going to talk to people on small video telephones that we can wear like a watchThey say we're not going to use as much paper as we do today,and we're not going to need money at allwe're going to use special cards for everything we buy! Some futurists predict that scientists are going to be able to make changes to the weather,that botanists are going to make new kinds of plants so there is more food for more people,and that there are going to be new ways to cook food quickly Of course,even scientists don't really know what the future is going to beThey can only guessBut we can be sure of one thing:the future is going to be very different, and futurists can help us get ready Complete the sentences 46Futurists are         They try to guess what will happen in the future 47Futurists say we'll go to places in cars without a         48People can wear video telephones like a          49If you're going to buy something,you'll use cards instead of          50Scientists will be able to         the weather in the future III完形填空(Cloze):(共15小题,计15分) A)从下面10个词语中选出7个,并用其适当形式填入文章空白处。 key,headmaster,again,manager,post office, say,safe,speak,come,moneyWhen you have a post office bo*,the postman does notbring letters toyou,you have togo tothe   51   and getyour letters and parcels(包裹)from your bo*The bo* is locked,and you have the key,so the letters are quite    52    One day Mr Black,the     53    ofaschool,wrote to the post office for his schoolHe soon got an answerIt    54   ,“We will give you a post bo* in one month” Two months later,Mr Black wrote to the post office     55    and said,“Why haven'twe got a post bo* yet.” Five months later,there was still no newsMr Black was so angry that he went to the office and asked why he had had no replyThe postman said,“We have written two letters to you and told you to get the     56   to your post bo* back,but you didn't     57   ”“Where are the letters.”“We sent them to your post bo*” B)根据首字母提示,填出空内所缺单词。  I love living in Venice,it's full of historyI like i       (58)because it's quite a small cityI think it's got a p       (59)of about 200,000 people,but there are lots of tourists,especially in the summer,and there's not enoug h       (60)for them allOf course,there are no cars or lorries,but there are water buses on the main canals all day and all n       (61)and it's not far to walk anywhere in the cityBut you n(62)lots of money to live hereHouses are very e       (63)and everything comes from the mainland,so the p       (64)of everyday super- market items are rather highAnd apart from cinemas and theatres,there's not m       (65)to do in the eveningsBut I still like it here IV句式转换(Sentence pattern transformation):(共 10小题,计10分) A)按要求转换下列句型,每空限填一词。 66The English problem is too difficult for him to work out(改为复合句) The English problem is         difficult          he can't work it out 67The surfers both won first prize in the city surfing competition(改为否定句)                   the surfers won first prize in the city surfing competition 68I think the fastest way to travel is by plane(改为特殊疑问句)          do you think          the fastest way to travel. 69Mrs Zhang showed us a picture of the feathered dinosaur(改为被动语态) We                   a picture of the feathered dinosaur by Mrs Zhang 70They had a wonderful time during last Spring Festival(改为感叹句)          a wonderful time they         during last Spring Festival! B)根据上句完成下句,使两句表达的意思基本相同,每空一词。 71Willy didn't bring out the new coat until the boss made a phone call to Lily Willy didn't bring out the new coat          the boss made a phone call to Lily 72If we don't move that bag,there may be an accident Move that bag,         there won't be an accident 73The concert began at si* o'clockGeorge arrived there at si*,too George arrived at the concert hall                    74Bob had no teacher,but he learned Chinese well at his young age Bob                   Chinese when he was young 75There's nobody but a passenger in the bus There's          one passenger in the bus V动词填空(Fill in the blanks with verbs):(共10小题,计10分) A)用所给动词的正确形式填空。 76He found the word         (write)wrong as soon as he turned to the page 77I'll write to you after I         (arrive)there 78He         (make)         (do)the e*ercises again as he didn't do them carefully enough 79Harris began         (work)when he saw the boss         (come) 80Robert         (not finish)         (do)his lessons until his father returned home B)从所给的7个动词中选用5个,并运用其正确形式完成短文。 do,happen,be,break into,make,have,livePeople(81)         in Britain since the Stone Age And people from Europe(82)         the country from time to timeIn about 400BC the Celts conquered BritainThen around 55 BC the Romans invaded Britain They stayed until 410ADAfter that Vikings from Northern Europe invaded BritainSince then many things(83)         in Britain and there(84)         many changesSince 1801 England,Scotland,Wales,and Northern Ireland have been called the United Kingdom(or UK for short)The UKis the 73rd largest country in the worldIt contains four different countriesThey are Scotland,Wales,England an


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