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    .6A English Exercise OneClass:_ Name:_一、用所给词的适当形式填空1.Please  pick<they>up for me.2.The<man>like drinking milk.3.It's    <Tom> turn to play the piano.4.The girl isn't wearing  <some>clothes.5.There<be>any milk and two pineapples in the fridge two days ago.6.Does these shoes fit you<good>?7.The girl is looking after <he>.8.My English teacher showed <they> his new pen.9.There's a lot of <rain> there in spring.10.It <rain>this morning.二、句型转换1.There were some apples on the table.<改为否定句>_2.The girl tells us a story. <改为一般疑问句>_3.The little boy pointed at the king and laughed. <改为否定句>_4.I can't go to school on foot. <改为同义句>_5.It was time for dinner.<改为同义句>_6.He buys some bread and honey. <改为一般过去时>_7.It rained  yesterday. <改为同义句>_8.She lost her bike. <改为一般现在时>_9.We saw some  ants on the cakes. <改为单数句>_10.I played  football with my friends.<提问>_三、根据中文提示完成句子1.你昨晚看电视了吗?没有。_you _TV last night ?No, I _ .2.今天早上你干了什么?我去拜访了我的祖父母。_ _ you _ _ morning ?I _ _ _ my grandparents.3.你假日过得怎么样?非常有趣。_ was your _ ? It was _ _ .4.我昨天骑自行车去上学。I _ _ school _ _ yesterday.5.那时我妈妈从商店里买东西。My mother _ things _ the shop then.6.以前我不会骑自行车,但是现在我会了。I _ not _ _, but now I _.7.上周他在湖里捉了很多鱼。He_ many _ last week.8.这些标志是什么意思?危险!你不可以在这儿游泳。What_ these _ mean?_ ! You _ swim here.9.什么使得我们的教室又脏又乱?Want _ our  classroom _ and _?10.麦克的卧室很干净。_ bedroom is very_ .6A English Exercise TwoClass:_ Name:_一、用所给词的适当形式填空1.The king _<wear> the new clothes now.2.You can't _<smoke> in the school.3.There are many black _<cloud> in the sky.4.I _<look> for my pens.I _<lose> it last night.5.I'd like _<eat> bananas. I dont want _<drink>.6.Please listen to _<she>. Each student_<study> hard.7.Look at _<this> pictures of _<we> city.8.Those are _<they> books.9.My sister likes_<watch> films. She _ <watch>films last night.10.He _not do his homework yesterday.二、句型转换1.There are  seven days in a week.<提问_2.I like reading English stories.<改否定句_3.Yang Ling has an e-book.<提问_4.She reads newspaper  on the Internet.<改为一般过去时_5.He could read and draw.<改否定句_6.That sign means you can't eat bananas here.<提问_7.Shes reading a storybook.<提问_8.We can put the sign in the school.<提问_9.Smoke from cars  makes the air dirty.<提问_10.They are walking home after school.<改为一般疑问句并否定回答_三、根据中文提示完成句子1.不要把果皮扔在地上。人们踩到会滑倒的。Don't _ fruit skins on the ground.People may _on them  and _.2.我们能做什么来保持我们城市的干净?我们可以将一些工厂搬离城市。What _ we _to _ our city clean?We can _ some _ _ from the city.3.我们可以把垃圾放进垃圾桶里。We can _ the _ in the _.4.我可以在这里吸烟吗?不,你不可以。_ I _ here ? No,you.5.他可以为你制作一个飞机。She can_ a plane _ you.6.不要把你的孩子给那个老奶奶。Don't  the old woman your _7.昨天我们在公园里放风筝。Yesterday we _ in the  park .8.早上的天气是晴朗并且有风的。The weather _  and   in the morning.9.一天,刘涛在公园里遇到了他的朋友波比。One day, Liu Tao _ his _ Bobby in the park.10.上周六你在公园里捉到了什么?What _ you _ in the park last Saturday?6A English Exercise ThreeClass:_ Name:_一、用所给词的适当形式填空1.The farmers _<shout>at the new worker now.2.You should not _<litter> in the school.3.There were a lot of_<people> in the street.4. Heres a sign at the _<shop> centre.5.I want _<buy>some new clothes with my family.6.Please _<not> look after_<we>.7.We can plant more trees_<help>_<keep> the air clean.8.Dont_ in the school,because the sign says"No_".<smoke>9.My sister always_<put> rubbish in the bin.10.He _ <draw>pictures after school last night.11.Its time for_<sing>.Lets _<start>_<sing>.12.Knowledge<知识> is _<use>.We can use it _<think>.13.I _<bring> some apples to the park yesterday.二、句型转换1.We can sweep the floor to keep the room clean.<提问_2.He can also play football.<改同义句_3.I like living in the city.<改为否定句_4.No littering. <改同义句_5.Im going to play football after school.<改否定句_6.Mike is going to visit the Shanghai Museum with his family.<提问_7.The students are talking about their plans for Christmas.<提问_8.We can put the sign in the school.<提问_9.Earth Day is on the twenty-second of April.<提问_10.They have a lot of fun .<改为同义句_11. I watched a film last Sunday.<改一般疑问句> _三、根据中文提示完成句子1.木材来自树木。我们应该杜绝滥伐树木。Wood_ _ trees.We _ _ too_trees.2.我们应该热爱且保护地球。We _love and _ our_ .3.我们可以用纸做一个风筝。We can _ paper_ _ a kite.4.我们不应该将垃圾扔进河里。We should not _the rubbish_the river.5.我们必须节约水和能源。We must save_and_ .6.我们可以步行而不开车。We can instead of _ the car.7.你不能再在游戏上话太多的时间和金钱。You cant _ _ time and money on games again .8.我们把它放在学校门口。We _ the school gate.9.你在中国新年打算做什么?What _ yougoing to_ _ Chinese _ _.10.Bobby和Tina 正在看烟火表演。Bobby and Tina_ _ now.6A English Exercise FourClass:_ Name:_一、用所给词适当形式填空1. Kates brother _<have> a nice computer.2. -Where_<be>your clothes? -on the bed.3. Look at the map of_<Chinese>on the wall.4. The_<child>are very happy. Its their holiday5. His_<parent>are office workers.6. On Christmas Day,Toms family_<be>in his grandpas house.7. Mr Smith_<come>from Australia. He is_<live>in China now.8. What subject_<do>he study at school?9. Look! Nancy is_<sit>beside a big tent.10. I can_<make>snowmen and _<have> snowball fights with friends.二、句型转换1. She watched a film last night.对划线部分提问_ she _ a film?  2. They come from the UK. <对划线部分提问_ they come from? 3. We should save water.改成同义句We _ water. 4. It is Mikes birthday today. 用tomorrow替换today改写句子It _ _ Mikes birthday tomorrow. 5. They are making some tang yuan. <改成一般疑问句> _ they making_ tang yuan?6. Give me the book, please. 改为同义句Give the book _ me, please.7. Sometimes we take a bus to school.同义句转换Sometimes we_ to school_ bus. 8Kitty is making a model plane with her brother.对画线部分提问_ _Kitty _with her brother? 9Eddie goes to sleep after breakfast.改为一般疑问句_ Eddie _to sleep after breakfast? 10.Helen went toBeijingby train last week. 对划线部分提问_Helen _ toBeijing last week? 三、根据中文提示完成句子1.很久以前,山上有一个老人。Long long _, there _ _ _ man_ the mountain.2. 街上有许多人。过去式There _ a_ _ people_ the street.3.有一天,两个男人拜访了国王。_4. 国王非常高兴。过去式 The _ _ very _.5. 我的姐姐对演出感到很兴奋。 My sister is _ _ the show.6. 他们看着那个小男孩并大喊。过去式They_ _ the _ boy and _.7.今天的天气很晴朗。昨天下雨的。It _ _today. It _ yesterday.8. 我们在公园里看见了许多有趣的鹦鹉。过去式 We _ many _ parrots in the park.9. 我们放了风筝。风筝飞得很高。过去式We _ _ . The_ _ very _.10. 你看上去很伤心。发生什么事了?You _ _. Whats the _?6A English Exercise FiveClass:_ Name:_一、用所给词适当形式填空 1. Where are the films? They_<be>in my pocket just now.2. He likes_<skate>in winter.3. There _<be>a pair of glasses on the desk.4. Mr Green and Mrs Green _<be> in the same school. Mr Green_<teach> English,but his wife_<not do>.5. Li Ming _<be> a student. He_<study>in our school.6. Mrs Smith and her daughter, Ann,_<stand>under a big tree now.7. The_<America>boy is new here. We should be _<friend> to _<he>.8. There are 21boys in our class, Mark is the _<twenty> one.9. Look at the girl in red. She _<laugh> at that boy.10. -What would you like_<eat>? -Some bread.11. -_<be> it there a moment ago?-Yes, but it _<be> not there now.12. -_<do> Nancy usually get up at six? -Yes, she _<do>13. Look, the birds _<sing> in the tree.14. Thats not _<I> letter. Give it to _I15. -Would you like some_<strawberry>?-Yes, please.二、句型转换1. You can put the clothes away to keep your room clean. 对划线部分提问_ can you _ to keep your room clean? 2. Ben saw some public signs in the restaurant . <改为一般疑问句> _ Ben _ public signs in the restaurant? 3. She had an Art lesson this morning .< 用tomorrow morning 改写句子> She is _ _ an Art lesson tomorrow morning . 4. Where did you visit ? 改为同义句_ _did you visit ? 5. I was in the playground just now .<改为一般疑问句 > _ in the playground just now ? 6.Liu Tao visited his uncle last week .<对划线部分提问> _ _ Liu Tao _ last week ? 7. Nancy is going to go camping.改否定句 Nancy _ going to go camping. 8. Ill go and join them.改否定句I _ go _ join them. 9. Im going to get up at 6:30 tomorrow. 改一般疑问句_ _ _ to get up at 6:30 tomorrow.10. We will meet at the bus stop at 10:30. 改一般疑问句_ _ meet at the bus stop at 10:30?三、根据中文提示完成句子1.这个标志是什么意思?它的意思是你不可以再这里吃喝。What _ this _ mean? It _ you cant _ or _ here.2. 我能在那里停车吗?不能,那个标志是"禁止停车"。Can I _ the car there? No, you _. That sign means"_ _".3. 他们正在一家商场购物。 They are _ _ _a _ centre.4. 我找不到我的风筝了,我丢失它。I cant_ my kite. I _ it.5. 你为什么打电话咯我?因为我想给你一个苹果。Why _ you _ me ? Because I _ to_you _ apple.6. 在我家附近有许多花。There _ _ flowers _my house.6A English Exercise SixClass:_ Name:_一、根据做给单词的适当形式填空1. I _ a teacher, they _ doctors. <be >2.He _ <like> the red flowers very much.3.I _ <go> to New York next week.4.You _ three pencils, but he _ five. <have>5.He _ from Australia, and I _ from China. <come>6.Look, the girls _ <dance>. Jim _<be> good at Maths, but he _<do> not well in PE. 7.I can _ <learn> lots from the book.8.What _ that sign _ <mean>? 9.It _ <mean> you shouldnt _ <walk> on the grass.10. I _ seeher name in the newspaper yesterday. I _ <visit> her this afternoon.2、 句型转换1. She is going to listen to music after school.对划线部分提问 _ _ she _ _ _ after school? 2.Yang Ling can make a card for you.对划线部分提问 _ can make a card _ _? 3.Miss Black showed us her new clothes.同义句转换 Miss Black _ her new clothes _ _. 4 .There were some people in the street.改为否定句 There _ _ people in the street. 5.My uncle lives in a big city.改为一般过去式 My uncle _ _ a big city. 6. There are some flowers on the desk. <改为否定句> There _ _ flowers on the desk. 7. It often snows in winter.<改为同义句> Its _in winter. There_a lot of _in winter. 8. Lucys skirt is on the bed. <对画线部分提问> _ _Lucys skirt? 9. These pens are on the desk now. <用this afternoon代替now> These pens _ on the desk this afternoon. 10. He likes playing basketball. <改为一般疑问句> _ he _ playing basketball? 11. I did shopping last week. 否定句 I _ _ shopping last week. 12. Mike made some cards for his teachers. <一般疑问句> _Mike _any cards for his teachers? 三、根据中文提示完成句子1.很久以前,有一只狮子。他住在森林里。Long long _, there_ a lion. He _ _ the_.2. 在我的房子前面有许多美丽的花。 There _ many_ _ in _ of my _.3. 秋天到了,树叶变黄了。 Autumn_, the leaves_ _ yellow.4. 请脱下你的旧衣服,试试这件新的。 Please_ _ your old _, _ _ these new.5. 我应该每天努力学习。 I should _ _ everyday.6. 多么神奇的衣服啊!聪明的人才能看到它们。 What _ _! _ people can see_.7. 今天早上,刘涛从麦克那得到了一个贺卡。_ morning, Liu Tao _ a card_ Mike.8. 汽车尾气使空气变脏。_ _ cars _ the air _.6A English Exercise SevenClass:_ Name:_一、根据做给单词的适当形式填空1.The running race is<excited>. All the children are<excited> .2.Helen<visit> her


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