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    -第12章 句子的种类1、 句子种类概述 根据英语句子的不同功能,句子可分为:1述句:用来说明或述说话人的看法或观点的句子叫做述句。述句通常用降调来读,并在句末加句号。2疑问句:疑问句是用来提出疑问的句子,句末用问号。疑问句可以进一步分为一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句和反意疑问句。3祈使句:祈使句表示命令、警告、提醒、建议、请求、叮嘱、号召等,谓语动词用原形。主语you通常省略,句末用叹号或句号。4感慨句:感慨句是用来表达喜、怒、哀、乐等强烈感情的一种句式。尽管感慨句的表现形式多种多样,但主要的表现形式只有两种,即what和how引导的感慨句。二、句子种类考点纵览知识点考点考点对应典型例题剖析考点一:述句的用法考点 1:述句的肯定句。述句的的肯定式即肯定述句。典型例句He is clever. 他很聪明。She comes from Shanghai. 她来自。I can swim. 我会游泳。Tom bought a car yesterday. 汤姆昨天买了辆车。考点 2:述句的否认式。1、 一般情况下,述句变否认句。如果句子的谓语动词是be动词,则在其后面直接加not。典型例题 1He is a tall boy.改成否认句 答案:He is not(isnt) a tall boy.典型例题 2They are having an English class.改成否认句答案:They are not(arent) having an English class.如果句子的谓语动词是情态动词+动词原形,则在情态动词后面直接加not。典型例题 1I can make a model plane.改成否认句答案:I can not ( cant ) make a model plane.典型例题 2You should go to school at seven.改成否认句答案:You should not (shouldnt ) go to school at seven.如果句子的谓语动词是助动词+动词原形,则在助动词后面直接加not。典型例题 1I will make model planes with my classmates.改成否认句答案:I will not( wont ) make model planes with my classmates.典型例题 2I have already had lunch.改成否认句答案:I have not (havent ) had lunch yet . 如果句子的谓语动词是行为动词do,又没有助动词和情态动词时,述句变否认句时,借助助动词的否认式(dont, doesnt, didnt),后面跟动词的原形。典型例题 1Icome here every day.改成否认句答案:I do not (dont) come here every day.改成否认句典型例题 2He likes drawing pictures.改成否认句答案:He does not (doesnt) like drawing pictures.典型例题3I went to the park yesterday.改成否认句答案:I did not (didnt) go to the park yesterday.2、 含有动词have 的否认句。当have用作实义动词表示“拥有时,在构成否认句时可以直接在其后面加not ,也可根据具体情况使用dont, doesnt, didnt构成否认句。典型例题 1He has a car.改成否认句 答案:He has not (hasnta car.He does not (doesnt)have a car.当have用做实义动词表示动作时,表示“吃eat,喝drink,拿take,买buy等,在构成否认句时不能直接在其后面加not,要根据具体情况使用dont, doesnt, didnt构成否认句。典型例题 1My father usually has lunch at home.改成否认句答案:My father doesnt (does not) usually have lunch at home.典型例题 2You have to go swimming with her.改成否认句答案:You dont (do not) have to go swimming with her.当have用作助动词构成完成时时,其否认形式只能在其后面加not。典型例题 1I have read the book.改成否认句答案:I have nothaventread the book.典型例题2I have got a brother.改成否认句答案:I have not (havent ) got a brother.考点二:疑问句的用法考点 1:一般疑问句的用法。一般疑问句通常需要用yes 或no 来答复,朗读时要用升调。一般疑问句主要有以下几种构造类型:1、“be + 主语 + 表语构造Are you sleepy " 你困了吗.Yes, I am. 是的,我困了。2、“情态动词 + 主语+ 行为动词或be构造May/Can I use the telephone" 我能用这部吗.Yes, you can. 是的,可以。3、“助动词do, does, did+ 主语 + 行为动词构造Do you like swimming in summer" 你喜欢夏天游泳吗No, I dont . 不,我不喜欢。 一般疑问句还有否认一般疑问句,表示“难道.。Arent you sleepy " 你难道不困吗.Yes, I am. 不是的,我困了。 No, I am not. 是的,我不困。 Cant you swim before" 你难道之前不会游泳吗. Yes, I can. 不,我会的。No, I cant. 是的,我不会。 Dont you like swimming in summer" 你难道不喜欢夏天游泳吗 No, I dont. 是的,我不喜欢。Yes, I do. 不是,我喜欢的。 将述句改成一般疑问句时,将be动词,情态动词,助动词移至句首,将第一人称改为第二人称,句中有some 时改为any句末改为问号。典型例题 1There are some apples in the blanket.(改成一般疑问句)答案:Are there any apples in the blanket"典型例题 2I can make a model plane.改成一般疑问句答案:Can you make a model plane "典型例题 3She lives in Beijing.改成一般疑问句答案:Does she live in Beijing" The boy ate some apples.改成一般疑问句答案:Did the boy eat any apple"考点 2:特殊疑问句的用法。以疑问代词 what,who,whom,whose,which或者疑问副词when,where,how,why开头进展提问的句子叫特殊疑问句。它的答复要针对问句中的疑问词来答复,不用yes和no来答复,特殊疑问句用降调读。1、特殊疑问句的构造:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句。What is this" 这是什么.Who are you waiting for.你在等谁.Where did you lose your key.你在哪里丢了钥匙.Which class are you in.你在几班.How do you go to school.你怎么去上学.When does your mother get up" 你妈妈什么时候起来.2、常见的特殊疑问词用法举例。询问具体的时间用what time,询问星期用what day,询问日期用what date。What time is it now" = What is the time now" 现在几点了.What day is it today" = What is the day today" 今天星期几.What date is it today" = What is the date today" 今天是几号. 询问天气用what或者how提问“How +be +the weather.或“What +be +the weather like.How is the weather today"= Whats the weather like today" 今天天气如何. 对数量提问,疑问词用how many可数名词或how much 不可数名词。How many sheep are there in the hill" 山上有多少只绵羊.How much water is there in the bottle" 瓶子里有多少水.对价格提问,疑问词用how much。How much is the computer"= How much does the computer cost"= Whats the price of the computer" 这台电脑的价格是多少. 对时间长度一段时间提问,疑问词用how long。Ive worked in that factory for two years.对划线局部提问How long haveyou worked in that factory" 对频率once a year, twice a week等进展提问,疑问词用how often。I visit my grandma once a month.对划线局部提问How often do you visit your grandma.对“in+ 一段时间进展提问,疑问词用how soon。Jane and her brother will finish the workin two hours.对划线局部提问How soon willJane and her brother finish the work"对距离进展提问,疑问词用how far。It's about two kilometresfrom my home to the factory.对划线局部提问 How far is it from here to the country"考点 3:选择疑问句的用法。提出两种或两种以上的情况,要求对方选择一种情况答复,这种问句叫做选择疑问句,选择疑问句的两种或两种以上的情况用or连接,答复时不能用yes或no,语调一般是第一种选择用升调,最后一种选择用降调。1、 一般选择疑问句构造:一般疑问句+or供选择的另一局部。- Are you a teacher or a student. 你是个教师还是个学生. - I'm a student. 我是个学生。 - Did you work out the math problem in this way orthat way.你用这种方法还是用那种方法把这道数学题算出来的. - I did it in that way. 我用那种方法算出来的。2、 特殊选择疑问句:特殊疑问句,选择的一局部+or+选择的另一局部。- Which is bigger,Beijing or New York.哪个城市大,还是纽约. - Beijing.。 - When will he leave for London, today or tomorrow.他何时动身去伦敦,今天还是明天. - Tomorrow. 明天。 考点 4:反意疑问句的用法。反意疑问句又叫附加疑问句,是在述句后,对述句所表达的事实提出的疑问。1、反义疑问的构造:前肯后否,前否后肯 肯定式述局部+否认式疑问局部They work hard, dont they" 他们工作很认真,是吗.She was ill yesterday, wasnt she" 她昨天生病了,是吗.否认式述局部+肯定式疑问局部You didnt go, did you" 你没去,是吗.He cant ride a bike, can he" 他不会骑自行车,是吗.2、反意疑问句的构成述句中如果有be动词、助动词、情态动词时,疑问局部就由这些词加上主语人称代词;如果述句动词是第三人称单数时,疑问局部就由does/doesnt+人称代词;如果述句动词是一般过去式,疑问局部就did/didnt+人称代词。典型例句:Your brother will go to the library, wont he " 你哥哥将去图书馆,是吗.Mary is working hard, isnt she " 玛丽正在努力工作,是吗.The girl likes English, doesnt she" 这个女孩喜欢英语,是吗.My father went to the park, didnt he" 我爸爸去公园了,是吗.考点三:祈使句的用法考点 1:祈使句的肯定形式。动词原形省略主语+其他成分。第二人称祈使句通常用来向听话者发出命令、提出要求或建议。这种祈使句的主语you通常不表示出来,而是以动词原形开头。典型例题 1_ out! A car is coming!A. LookB. LookedC. Looks D. Looking 答案:A典型例题 2Sandy, _ to be here at 8 oclock.A. is sureB. is sure that7 C0 r/ b9 w6 y( l: IC. will be sureD. be sure答案:D典型题 3翻译句子:努力学习,你会变得更好。参考译文:Study harder and you will be better.let有关的祈使句的肯定形式。第一、三人称祈使句是以第一人称和第三人称代词或者名词等作为祈使的对象,这类祈使句通常以let为引导词表示建议。典型例句:Let us go home. / Lets go home. 让我们回家吧。Let him be here before 10 oclock. 让他在十点之前到这里。考点 2:祈使句的否认形式。 祈使句的否认构造一般是在谓语动词前加don't或用never。典型例题 1_ much noise in the library.A. Dont makeB. Not makeC. Doesnt makeD. Wont make答案:A典型例题 2翻译句子:别把钥匙丢了!参考译文:Dont lose the key.典型例题 3Her doctor said,“_ work so hard./ O5 f" Q  D0 p, JA. StopB. DontC. CantD. No答案:B“let +第一人称代词祈使句的否认形式可以为lets not/let me(us) not或Dont lets/ let me(us),但let+第三人称代词或名词祈使句的否认形式为Dont let+第三人称代词或名词。典型例题 1Lets _ (notsay) anything about it.答案:not say典型例题 2_ (not let) the baby cry.答案:Dont let考点 3:祈使句的其它形式。“No名词或动名词构造表示制止性的祈使,一般用于指示、标牌、布告等。典型例句:No smoking! 制止吸烟!No parking! 制止停车!No spitting!不准随地吐痰!No littering! 不准乱扔果皮纸屑!No entry!不许入!No scribbling on the wall!墙上不准涂写!No admittance e*cept on business!非公莫入!没有动词的祈使句。一般来讲,祈使句都要有动词,但是有些用于口号、告示等的祈使句却是没有动词。主要有:名词短语、介词短语、名词代词副词形容词、形容词名词代词、副词with等。典型例句:Help! 救人哟!Fire! 失火了!Patience! 要有耐心!Careful! 小心!Quickly! 快!Hands up! 举起手来!Good heavens! 天哪! Your turn. 轮到您了。 After you! 您先请!祈使句与please连用。为了使祈使句的语气变得委婉,我们可以在祈使句的句首或句末加上please。假设加在句首,其后不用逗号;假设加在句末,则通常会在please前加一个逗号。典型例句:Step this way, please. 请这边走。Please type your letter. 请把你的信打出来。Open the window, please. 请把窗户翻开。考点四:感慨句的用法考点 1:感慨句的种类。what引导的感慨句:what修饰名词或名词短语。What a lovely dress it is! 多么得意的裙子啊!What delicious food it is! 多么好吃的食物啊!how引导的感慨句:how修饰形容词或副词。How clever the boy is! 这孩子多么聪明啊!How quickly the player runs! 运发动跑的多么快啊!考点 2:what引导感慨句。“what + a/an形容词可数名词单数主语谓语!,其中“主语谓语可以省略。典型例句:What a nice present it is! 一件多么好的礼物啊!What an honest boy he is! 多么老实的孩子啊!典型例题 1_wonderful movie! We like it very much.A. What B. What aC. How D. How a答案:B典型题 2翻译句子:多么有趣的一天!答案:What an interesting day it is!“what形容词可数名词复数主语谓语!,其中“主语谓语可以省略。典型例句:What beautiful flowers they are! 多么漂亮的花啊!What e*pensive books they are! 多么昂贵的书啊!典型例题 _ good children they are! A. What B. What aC. how D. How a答案:A“what 形容词不可数名词主语谓语!,其中“主语谓语可以省略。典型例句:What good news it is! 多么好的消息啊!What useful advice it is! 多么有用的建议啊!典型例题 it is today! A. What a good weather B. What good weatherC. How good weather D. How a good weather答案:B考点 3:how引导感慨句。“ How 形容词 / 副词主语谓语!典型例句:How hot today is! 今天多么热啊!How hard he studies! 他学习多么认真啊!典型例题 1-Dad, do you like my picture"-_! Its the nicest one I have ever seen.A. What beautifulB. How carefulC. How wonderfulD. What wonderful答案:C典型例题 2翻译句子:她多么细心啊!How careful she is!典型例题 3_hard you work!A. WhatB. HowC. What a D. How a答案:B“ how形容词a/an可数名词单数主语谓语!。典型例句:How strong a man he is! 一个多么强壮的人啊!How interesting a film it is! 多么有趣的一部电影啊!典型例题 1下面哪一句是“她是个多么漂亮的姑娘啊!的正确翻译A. How beautiful a girl she is!B. What beautiful a girl she is!C. How a beautiful girl she is!D. What a girl beautiful she is!答案:A典型例题 2_awful a boy you are!A. How B. What a C. What D. How an答案:A考点 4:感慨句的其它形式。有时感慨句也可以由一个单词、词组、祈使句、述句等构成。典型例句:Good idea! 好主意!Wonderful! 太精彩了!Thank goodness!天地!How time flies! 光阴似箭!3、 综合练习述句局部一、把下面句子改为否认句。1. He does well in Maths. 改为否认句2. Nancy drew some pictures yesterday. 改为否认句 3. The policeman caught the thief. 改为否认句 4. I like autumn. 改为否认句 5. The children have classes today. 改为否认句 6. I like collecting stamps and singing. 改为否认句 7. He did his homework in the classroom. 改为否认句 8. Tom jumps as far as Mike. 改为否认句 9. The boy can jump higher than the girl. 改为否认句10. Liu Tao needs some pencils. 改为否认句 疑问句局部一、单项选择题( ) 1. E*cuse me_ is the nearest bookshop "Go down the street and turn left at the second corner" A. how B. what C. where D. who( ) 2. _ is a ticker for the film Hacker He" About forty yuan . A. How old B. How many C. How much D. How often( ) 3. _ are you going" Im going to the library. A. Who B. Which C. What D. Where( ) 4. is it from Beijing to Shanghai" A. How much B. How soon C. How long D. How far( ) 5. _" Its eight. A. What day is it today B. Whats five and three C. How old are you D. Whats your telephone number( ) 6. _" Ive got a headache and a cough. A. Whats the matter with you B. Whats wrong with it C. Can I help you D. How are you( ) 7. _ tea did you have" A. How many B. How much C. How soon D. Which ( ) 8. _ shall we meet in the park" What about half past eight"A. What B. When C. Where D. Which( ) 9. _ does your school have sports meetings" Twice a year. A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How many times( ) 10. _" The one behind the tree. A. Whose girl is she B. Whos that girl C. Which girl is your sister D. Wheres the girl 二、就划线局部提问1He often has lunch in the factory   he often  lunch"2They will come back in a month  will they come back"3He hurt his leg last Sundayhehis leg"4I got up at si* this morning   you  up this morning"5They were drawing a horse when I came in  they  when I came in"6I didnt go to school because I had a bad cold  you go to school"7 Hed better take the No. 3 bus bus  he better take"8Hes feeling well  he feeling"9The girl in a red coat is my sister  is your sister"10He comes to China once a year   he  to China"祈使句局部一、单项选择( )1. _ the man and youll find his house. A. FollowB. FollowingC. To followD. Followed( )2._ when you cross the road.3 s! Z0 a( S9 g0 o2 y* s+ |3 Y6 P. P: & * d: m6 e) i( A.Taking care 9 e1 W2 O0 I9 Y' : m5 K2 yB.Take care ( K" _9 Y, h7 p+ T. + E; sC.To take care 0 |" *1 U7 m3 q7 *2 *" mD.Takes care( )3._ in bed. Its bad for your eyes. . V5 o; p% B9 v. q, s7 _! DA. Not to read* I( G" s- v' b9 M7 q" E( JB. Dont read C. Dont to read& r: & p: c. T) z; D. Not read( )4._ your child. Well look after him.  B0 I; d- I  l; W9 Y- d  y3 % lA. Not to worry aboutB. Dont worry aboutC. Not worry for* K  V7 4 t/ nD. Dont worry with( )5. Dont waste your money on silly things _ it. A. SaveB. To saveC. SavingD. Having saved( )6. To keep fresh, _ the eggs in the fridge. A. putB. puttingC. to putD. to be putting( )7. Dont sit there watching. _ and help me! A. ComeB. ComingC. To comeD. To be coming( )8. The TV is too loud. Please_.A. turn it downB. to turn it down C. turn down it D. to turn down it( )9. in the street because it is dangerous. A. Not play B. Dont play C. Not to play D. Play not( )10. when you do your homework. A. Be careful B. Dont be careful C. Are careful D. Carefully二、用括号所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. Its an important meeting. _(not, be )late. 2. _ (not, make) noise! Your mother is sleeping. 3. _(not, speak) with your mouth full of food and _ (be) polite. 4. _( not, talk) and _ (read) aloud. 5. _(not, leave) your homework for tomorrow, Larry. 6. _(look) out! A car is coming. 7. _(give) us two hours and we will finish the work.8. _(not, let) the baby cry. 9. (wear ) more clothes or you will catch a cold. 10. Lets _(not, say) anything about it.感慨句局部一、单项选择( ) 1. _clever girl she is!A. What a             B. What            C. How a          D. How( ) 2. _interesting story it is!A. What anB. What a          C. How an        D. How( ) 3. _ children they are!A. WhatB. What aC. How aD. How( ) 4. _flowers they are!A. What beautiful      B. What a beautiful    C. How beautifulD. How a beautiful( ) 5. _ it is today! A. How cold           B. What cold        C. How a cold     


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