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    四年级下单词表M1U11What can you smell and taste ?你可以闻到和尝到什么?2a glass of grape juice 一杯葡萄汁3Is it cherry juice or watermelon juice?它是樱桃汁还是西瓜汁?4plum / strawberry 子 / 草莓 5I have some fruit.我有一些水果 6How does the red apple taste?那个红苹果尝起来怎么样? 7how about = what about 怎么样? 8What nice grapes!多么美丽的葡萄啊! 9on a tall vine在一个高葡萄藤上10They are not sweet at all.他们一点也不甜11in his yard在他的院子里12on sunny afternoons在明媚的下午13often / never 经常 / 从不M1U2 1Whose knives are those?那些是谁的小刀? 2hard 硬的 soft 软的 rough 粗糙的 smooth 平滑的 sharp 尖的 blunt 钝的 thick 厚的 thin 薄的 3on the beach在海滩 4take off / put on 脱掉 / 穿上 5Whats the matter with you?你怎么了?Whats wrong with you? 6Lets take it to the lost-property office.让我们把它带到失物招领处 7They are all blind.他们都是瞎的 8ask / answer 问 / 回答 9slim 苗条的 10She wants to buy a new red skirt.她想买一件新的红裙子M1U3 1It rises behind the hill.它从后山升起 2The trees shadow grows short.那棵树的影子变短了 3go down 落下 4lawn 草坪 path 小路 bench 长凳 also 也 strong 强壮 sound 声音 bite 咬 5at noon 在正午 6in front of / behind 在前面 / 在后面 7be afraid to do = be afraid of doing害怕做某事 8He likes playing with it.他喜欢和它一起玩 9Suddenly he falls into the tea.突然他掉进了茶里 10burst into tears 突然哭起来M2U1 1Lets join the club together ,then.那么让我们一起参加俱乐部2Me too.我也是3Who else would like to join?还有谁想要参加?4want to do = would like to do = feel like doing想要做某事5Dose she like playing badminton?她喜欢打羽毛球吗?6poster 海报 table tennis 乒乓球 volleyball 排球 basketball篮球 swimsuit 游泳衣 swimming cap泳帽hobby 兴趣 French fries 薯条7talk with sb. = talk to sb.和某人谈话talk about sth.谈论某事8Would you like to come with us?你想要和我们一起来吗?Id love to.我很愿意9a pair of swimming goggles 一副游泳眼镜10Do warm-up exercises.做热身运动11It makes you healthy and strong.它使你既健康又强壮12enjoy oneself = have a good time 玩得高兴13in my spare time 在我业余时间M2U21cute / lovely 可爱的2She eats a large bowl of cat food every day.她每天吃一大碗猫粮3He doesnt eat dog food at all.他一点也不吃狗粮4bone 骨头 tortoise 乌龟 shake 摇 vet 兽医 goat山羊 toast 土司 toe 脚趾5on the tree / in the tree 长在树上 / 在树上6wake up 醒来7run away 逃走8jump off the door 从门上跳下来9take - took taken 带来teach taught - taught 教M2U31Im making a model plane.我正在做一架模型飞机2do my homework 做我带回家作业wash my hair洗我的头发cook dinner做晚饭3Come and help me.过来帮我4bedroom 卧室 living room 起居室 bathroom 浴室kitchen 厨房 life 生活 shell 贝壳 sand 沙子5Many people turn off the lights.许多人关了灯6have a look看一看7I usually read storybooks before bedtime.我通常做睡觉前读故事书8fairy tale 童话神话故事9Were chatting with our parents.我们正在和我们的父母聊天10They are telling us a lot of interesting stories about themselves.他们正在告诉我们许多关于他们自己的有趣的故事11The Chens are having a holiday on the beach.一家正在海滩度假12Lets go swimming too.让我们也去游泳13sit by the pool坐在池塘旁边M3U11Its noisy outside.外面很吵2Is the doorbell ringing?门铃在响吗?3living room 起居室4quiet / loud 轻 / 响5be different from / the same as 和不同 / 和一样6Tie the shapes and the bell together with some string用绳子把形状和铃系在一起7wind- bell风铃8Excuse me!劳驾,抱歉9be careful / take care / watch out / look out 小心10in front of / behind 在前面 / 在后面11Two old ladies are dozing on the bench.两个老妇人在长凳上打盹12awake / asleep醒着的 / 睡着的13Peter is puzzled.彼得非常迷惑不解14An old tortoise lives by a small pond.一只老乌龟住在一个小池塘旁边15have a bath / shower 洗澡 / 洗淋浴16Are you singing or crying?你是在唱歌还是在哭?17have a nap小憩18a week later一个星期后19in the end / at last / finally 最后20Dont go near that square.不要走近那个21wheel轮子M3U21get up起床2go to bed 上床睡觉3What time is it?现在几点了?4Its a quarter past seven.现在是七点一刻5be late for迟到6brush ones teeth 刷牙7wash ones face洗脸8have breakfast / lunch / supper吃早饭 / 午饭 /晚饭9Kittys Friday evening凯蒂的周五晚上10Lets have dinner,shall we?让我们吃晚饭,好吗?11do a puzzle 拼拼图12Its so much fun.太有趣了13Its time for bed. = Its time to go to bed.该是上床睡觉的时间了14finish doing sth.完成做某事15watch the cartoon看卡通片16Put a new battery in your clock.放一节新电池到你的钟里17the next morning第二天早上18wake up 醒来19School starts at eight.八点开始上课20leave home离开家21Tom runs all the way to school.汤姆一路跑去学校22His clock stopped at ten thirty last night.他的钟昨晚十点半停了23A tiny little mouse is bowing to a cow.一只小老鼠正在对一头牛鞠躬24want to do = would like to do=feel like doing想要做某事25catch the mouse 抓那只老鼠26The owl hits the cow and calls out ouchaloud.那只猫头鹰撞了那头牛并大声叫到“哎呦M3U31week / month / year 星期 / 月 / 年2be busy with sth. = be busy doing sth.忙于做某事3Sunday , Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday周日 - 周六Friday , Saturday 4January , February , March , April , May , June一月 - 十二月July , August , September , October , NovemberDecember 5always / usually / often / sometimes / never 总是 , 通常,经常,有时,从不6from to从 到7school library 学校图书馆8on Monday afternoon在周一下午9Chinese chess club中国象棋俱乐部10go home / at home 回家 / 在家里11at weekends 在周末12Peters family sometimes go to RainbowPark.彼得一家有时去彩虹公园13have a good time = enjoy oneself玩得开心14play badminton 打羽毛球15see a film = go to the cinema看电影16in the middle of 在 中间17really 真正地18Miss Friday is a little shy while Mr.Saturday isKind.Friday小姐有一点害羞而Saturday先生和蔼可亲19music show音乐展20have music classes 上音乐课21in the hall在大厅里22have meetings开会23Whats the date today? Its the fifth of May.今天几号? 今天是五月五日24What day is it today? Its Friday.今天星期几? 今天星期五M4U11Its time for Music class. 该是上音乐课的时间了Its time to have Music class.2play the violin / drum / triangle / piano 拉小提琴 ,打鼓,敲击三角铁,弹钢琴3Whose drum is it? Its Dannys drum.它是谁的鼓? 它是Danny的鼓4over there在那儿5beside 在 旁边6behind / in front of在 后面 / 在 前面7be full of = be filled with 充满8give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb.给某人某物9They walk away from the city.他们离开了这个城市10go back home回家11piper 吹笛人 ; 管道工12in return 作为回报13Tie some rubber bands on a pencil case.在铅笔盒上绑几根橡皮筋14gold 金子15piano (Ding-ding) , triangle (Ting-ting)乐器的声音violin (Zing-zing) , drum (Boom-boom)16Me too.我也是17make a musical instrument做一个乐器M4U21festivals in China中国的节日2talk about谈论talk with = talk to和 谈话3What do you usually do during the Sping Festival?在春节期间你通常做什么?4grandparents祖父母5relative 亲戚6I see.我明白了7What about you?你呢?8My favourite festival is the Dragon Boat Festival.我最喜欢的节日是端午节9rice dumpling粽子10What do Chinese people eat at the Mid-autumn Festival?在中秋节中国人吃什么?11the Double Ninth Festival重阳节12old peoples home养老院13students in Class 1 Grade 4四1班的学生14It usually comes in January or February.春节通常是在一月或二月15traditional 传统的16buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb.给某人买某物17On New Years Eve,families have a big dinner together.在除夕,家人们团聚在一起吃一顿丰盛的晚餐18pay a visit to拜访 19envelope 信封20People also watch colourful fireworks at ningt.人们也在晚上看五彩缤纷的烟花21remember / forget 记得 / 忘记22table manners餐桌礼仪23knife and fork 刀叉24blow bubbles吹泡泡25polite / impolite礼貌的 / 不礼貌的,粗鲁的M4U31Mother Duck is making a nest.鸭妈妈正在做一个窝2lovely可爱的3Mother Duck feeds her babies with small worms.鸭妈妈用小蠕虫来喂她的宝宝们4The big grey duckling eats all of them.那只大灰鸭吃了所有的虫子5on her back在她的背上6The ugly duckling is too heavy ,so he swims behind them. 那只丑小鸭太重了,所以他游在他们的后面7play together一起玩8lonely孤独的9swim away 游走10He does not want to stay with them.他不想和他们待在一起11The ugly duckling goes into a house,but an old woman drives him away.那只丑小鸭走进一幢房子,但是一个老妇人把他赶走了12look into the pond往池塘看13a beautiful swan一只美丽的天鹅6 / 6


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