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    5A牛津英语第一单元练习I 默写单词.15%1、肯定_ 2、一所新房子_ 3、一座花园_ 4、一间阅览室_5、全部_II选择.15%1. <  > _there_sports hall in the school?        A: Is, a    B: Is, /   C: Are, a2.<  > _ there_ in the bookcase?        A, Are, a  B, Are, any   C,Is, any3.<  >   A: How many_ are there in the park?        B: Sorry, I dont know.        A, swing   B, swigs   C, swings4.<  >   A: There are some books in the library.   B: Really? _ A, Lets go and have a look.  B, Lets go and have a see. C, Lets go and have look5.<  > A: Is there a table tennis room in the building?B: Yes, there is. Its on the first _        A, flor   B, floor   C, foorIV中英文互译.10%1.  A:花园里面有一些花吗?_B:是的,有.            _2.  A:教室里有一只小狗吗?_B:不,没有.           _3.让我想一下吧.           Let _-4. There are some flowers and trees in the garden.改为否定句和一般疑问句并作否定回答5.Look, there aretwo new buildingsin the school.划线提问牛津英语5A第二单元练习一、单项选择 1.Wang Ming and his parentsin Shanghai now. A. live B. lives C. living 2.Weour classroom . A. like B.likes C.live 3.-Is there a pen on the desk? - A.No, there is. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, there's. 4.Therea pair of shoes under the bed. A. is B. are C. be 5.Are theremapsNanjing on the wall? A. some, in B. any, of C. a, at 6.Heresome orange juice you. A. are, to B. is, for C. , on 7.Is there orange on the table? A. a B. an C. the 8.-Whatin the bedroom? -There is a chair. A. is B. are C. are there 9.Thereany bikes near the room. A. are B. isn't C. aren't二、英汉互译 1.所有的女孩2. near the bed 3. 许多花草树木 4. behind the door 5. 她的父母亲 6. a large kitchen 7.一张世界地图8. 住在. 9. 我 确 信.10.非 常 三、根据意思,完成句子 1. there any dolls in your room? 2. Is thereengineer in the factory<工厂 >? 3. There<not> a swing in the garden. 4. Herea pen for Nancy. 5. Therea desk and two chairs over there. 6. Theretwo chairs and a desk over there.四、用所给介词填空near in under behind on with 1. I can see two birds the tree. 2. There are some applesthe plate. 3. Wang Hua isChen Ming and Zhang Qiang. 4. My shoes arethe bed. 5. The park isthe supermarket. 6. The boy big eyes is his brother. 7. That womana red skirt is my mother. 8. The umbrellas arethe door.牛津英语5A第三单元练习一、按要求写词10分 1、can not<缩略式> _ 2、theres<完整形式>  _3、therere<完整形式>_4、lets<完整形式> _5、I<同音词>_      6、have<现在分词 >_7、small<反义词> _           8、is<复数> _9、right<同音词> _10、two<同音词>_二、英汉短语互译.10分 1、学一首歌  _ 2、听_3、又唱又跳_       4、骑自行车 _5、在课桌下 _       6、her parents  _7、at a Music lesson _ 8、follow me _9、in the afternoon _10、have an ice-cream  _三、选择正确答案.10分 <     > 1、The students are        the music room.  A: at         B: in     C: on <     > 2、The students are        a music lesson. A: have        B: having    C: haveing <     > 3、I can         the violin. I like           the violin. A: play, playing    B: play, play     C: playing, playing <     > 4、     can put the books on his head. A: Tom     B: Nancy     C: Mary <     > 5、 Can you make a cake? No,         . A: we cant.    B: they cant.    C: you cant. <     > 6. we draw a picture now? A: Are    B: shall   C: Shall <     >7、Heres       for you. A: some bread   B: bread   C: any bread <     >8、The girl can skate,           the boy cant.  A: but     B: and     C: to <     > 9、There are         songbooks on the piano. A: any   B: some    C: a <     > 10、         sing the song together? A: lets   B: Shall  we    C: Lets 四、找出错误,在横线上改正.10分 <     >  1、The boy can play football and the girl can play guitar.                    A     B                         C <     >  2、The student are in the classroom.                A     B         C <     >  3、There arent some slides in the park.                   A     B        C <     >  4、I can making a puppet.              A    B      C <     >  5、Tom, heres a toy car to you.              A    B           C 六、根据实际情况回答问题.10分 1、Do you like English? 2、Can you sing any English songs? 3、Is Miss Ji a teacher? 4、How many TVs are there in your house? 5、Do you like watching TV? 6、Is there a desk in your bedroom?                                                      7、Whats in your pencil-box?牛津英语5A第四单元练习一. 按要求写单词.16分1.doesnt<完整形式>_2.swim<现在分词> _ 3.peach<复数>_4.some<近义词> _5.family<复数> _6.this复数 _7.that复数 _8.here 对应词 _二. 英汉互译.10分1. 我的一家 _ 2.买些东西 _3.想要做······_ 4.多少钱 _5.在晚上 _ 6.tomorrow morning _ 7.Heres your change. _ 8.work on Sundays _ 9.a pumpkin lantern _10.cook food _三. 选择填空.10分1. My father doesnt work _Sundays.A.in B.on C.at2. -_are they?-Twelve yuan.A.how much B.How much C.How many3. Do you like horse_?A.mask B.too C.masks4. There is _orange tree in the park.A.an B.a C.the5. I _go to school tomorrow. A.want B.want to C.would like6.They all like _. A.swim B.sing C.swimming7.Bens family_in the study. A.are B.is C.like8.-Is this your book? .-Let me_.Yes, its my book. A.look B.watch C.see9.Heres some water_you. A.of B.for C.to10.Is there a park_your house? A.near B.in C.on四. 完成对话,每空一词.24分A:Lets _ _the zoo.B: Great! What animals _you _?A: I like _<猪>. _about you?B: _too. Do you like _?<马>A:No,_ _. What _do you like?B: I _ monkeys.五. 按要求改写句子.10分1. I, listen, Helen, sometimes, to, and, music<.><连词成句>_ 2. you, like, do, the, lion<?><连词成句>_3. I like rabbits.<对划线部分提问>_4. Werehaving an English lesson.<对划线部分提问>_5. I like tiger masks.<对划线部分提问>_六. 用所给单词或词组完成句子.12分A.sometimes B.Good idea C.How much D.Halloween party E.classroom F.Can I help you?1.Wheres the football? -Its in the _.2.-_is it? -Twenty yuan, please.3.-we need to buy some lanterns for a_.4.-Lets go and play basketball. -_.5.-_ -Yes, I need some oranges.6.In the morning , we like reading books, but _we like watching TV.牛津英语5A第五单元练习一、英汉互译.10分1. 唱唱跳跳 2. 一节英语课3.唱这首歌 4. 在门后面5. 听音乐 6. make a model plane _7. ride a bike 8. Lets start. 9. follow me 10. play the violin二、按要求写词10分1. cant<完全形式> _2. on反义词 _ 3. have现在分词 _4. lets完全式_ 5. some近义词 _6. many近义词 _7. four同音词 _8. teacher名词所有格_9. he <宾格> _ 10. small <反义词> _三、选择填空.10分< >1. The students are _ a Music lesson. A. in B. at C. on< >2. Listen to me, please. _. A. OK.B. Sorry.C. Yes, I can.< >3. He can skate, _ she cant. A. and B. / C. but< >4. Can you make a puppet? _ A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, we can. C. No, you cant.< >5. The students are _ a music lesson. A. have        B. having    C.to haveing< >6. Its eight _ in the morning. A. clock B. time C. oclock< >7. _sing the song together? A.Lets   B.Can   C. Shall we< >8. What can your brother do? _ A. I can sing.B. He can ride a bike.C. She can take photos.< >9._ is John? _ can find him? A. Where, Who B. Where, Whose C. Which, How< >10. Here are some storybooks _ you. A. of B. with C. for五、按要求改写句子.7分1. There are twenty-four books on the desk?<划线部分提问>_ _ _ are there on the desk?2. There are some flowers in the garden. <改成否定句>There _ _ flowers in the garden.3.I can play the violin.<改成一般疑问句> _ _ play the guitar? Yes, I _. / No,I _.4. They can sing some songs. <对画线部分提问> _ _they _?5.There are some pictures on the wall. <对画线部分提问> _ _on the wall?六、翻译句子.5分1我们学习这首歌吧?Shall _ _ the song ?2我学校后面有个花园.Theres a _ _ my school.3你会做木偶吗?Can _ _ a puppet?4他们正在上英语课.They are having _ English _.5我住在一幢新房子里.I _ in a new _ .七、改错.10分< > 1.The boy can play football and the girl can play guitar. _A B C< > 2.Pleaselistenthe song. _ A B C< > 3.There arentsome slides in the park. _ A B C< >4. I can making a puppet. _A B C< >5. Tom, heresa toy car to you. _A B C牛津英语5A第六单元练习一、写出下列动词的现在分词: play_ run_ swim _make_go_ like_ write_ e_ read_ have_ sing _ dance_ put_ see_ buy _ love_ live_ take_ e _ get_ stop_ sit _ begin_ shop_ 二、翻译:1.读报 _ 2. 读一本图画书_3.读一本杂志_ 4.下棋_5.玩牌_ 6.玩溜溜球_7.做风筝 _ 8.坐在足球上_9.她正在做她的家庭作业_10.他们在教室里读英语. _11.你能来帮助我们学英语吗? _12.麦克正在做模型汽车. _13.不要擦窗户. _三、用所给的动词的正确形式填空: 1.The boy _ < draw>a picture now. 2. Listen .Some girls _ < sing>in the classroom . 3. My mother _ < make> a cake now. 4. What _ you _ < do > now? 5. Look . They _< have> an English lesson . 6.They _<wash> the bags now. 7.Look! the students _<run >in the playground . 8.What is my sister doing? She _<listen > to music. 9. Its 5 oclock. We _<have>supper now 10._Helen_<wash >clothes? Yes ,she is . 四、句型转换: 1. They are doing housework .<改成否定句> _2The students are cleaning the classroom . < 改一般疑问句并作肯定回答> _ _3Hes playing the football in the playground .<对划线部分进行提问> _4Tom is reading books in his study . <对划线部分进行提问>_5. My parents watch TV on Sundays. <用now替换on Sundays, 变成现在进行时>_牛津英语5A第七单元练习一.根据提示完成下列句子1.The students_.<正在上英语课>2.Some girls_.<正在跳舞>3.I_.<正在骑自行车>4.My mother_.<正在做家务>5.Helen_.<会做模型飞机>6._you_?<正在看报纸吗>7._she_?<正在打扫图书馆吗>8._the boys_?<正在打篮球吗>9._his brother_?<会下棋吗>10_he_?<会打牌吗>11._ you _?<喜欢看杂志吗>12.Please _.<来帮助Tom学习中文13._ she?<正在做什么?> She _.<正在上音乐课>14. _they _?<会唱歌吗?> Listen, they _.<在操场上唱>二.用括号里的词的正确形式填空.1.The teachers _ <sing> in the office.2._ you like _?<horse> 3. I like _< dance>.4.They often help _ <he> with _ <he> English?5. _ she _ <cook> now? 6.Dont _ <play> cards in the room.7. Lets _ <have> a look at it.8.Can Nancy_ <skate>? Yes, she can. Look, she _ <skate>.9.He is right. But she is _ <right>10.How many _ <class> are there in your school?11.There _ <be> some juice in the bottle. There _<be>some flowers beside the bottle.12.That large room is _ <my parents>13.I _ <not like> dogs. _ <not put> the dog in the bedroom.14.Where are you _ <go>? Dont _ <sit> on the ball.15. Id like _ <buy> a magazine. Do you like _ <play chess>三.根据答句,完成问句:1._ are you going? Im going to the park.2. _ is the ruler? Two Yuan.3. _ you watching TV? No, Im not.4._ is jumping under the tree.5. _ you like swimming? Yes, I do.6. _ birds can you see? Fifteen.7._ lanterns do you like? I like rabbit lanterns.牛津英语5A第八单元练习二、英汉短语互译.1、野营营地                           2、互相帮助                    3、两罐鸡肉                           4、一只旧的望远镜              5、一盒巧克力                         6、一篮水果                    7、a brown blanket                    8、near the tent                  9、a new towel                        10、behind the stove              三、用have或has填空,使句意完整.1. They       a new tent for the camping trip.2. I       a map of the world.3. My father       a blue towel.4. Do you        a stove?5. Ben        a mask.6. -What does her brother       ?     -He       a toy plane.7. -Do you       any pots?            -Yes, we       three new pots.四、选择正确答


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