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    第一章 概 述根据全自动洗衣机的工作原理,利用可编程控制器PLC实现控制,说明了PLC控制的原理方法,特点与控制洗衣机的特色。全自动洗衣机控制系统利用了西门子S7-200系列PLC的特点,对按鈕,电磁阀,开关等其他一些输入/输出点进行控制,实现了洗衣机洗衣过程的自动化。由于每遍的洗涤,排水,脱水的时间由PLC计数器控制,所以只要改变计数器参数就可以改变时间。可以把上面设定的程序时间定下来,作为固定程序使用,也可以根据衣物的质地,数量与油污的程度来编程。只要稍作改变,就可以设计出诸如要多洗多甩的牛仔类衣物,轻洗轻甩的羊毛类衣物以与通用的标准洗涤程序,充分表现现代家电品的实用性。在洗衣机控制方面,在PLC问世之前,工业控制领域中是继电器占主导地位。但继电器控制领域有着十分明显的缺点:体积大、耗电多、可靠性、寿命短、运行速度慢、适应性差、尤其当生产工艺发生变化时,就必须重新设计、重新安装,造成时间和资金的严重浪费。为了改变这一现状,PLC控制系统产生了。继1969年美国数字设备公司研制出世界第一台PLC,并在通用汽车公司自动装配线上试用,获得了成功,从而开创了工业控制新时期,从此,可编程控制器这一新的控制技术迅速发展起来了。在许多领域都有广泛的应用。PLC的 优点是:可靠性高,耗电少,适应性强,运行速度快,寿命长等,为了进一步提高全自动洗衣机的功能和性能,避免传统控制的一些弊端,就提出了用PLC来控制全自动洗衣机这个课题。第二章 课题任务分析2.1整体功能介绍洗衣机的工作流程由开始,进水,洗衣,排水,和脱水,完毕6个过程组成。在半自动洗衣机中,这四个过程分别用相应的按扭开关来控制。全自动洗衣机中,这四个过程可做到全自动依次运行,直至洗衣完毕。2.2设备控制要求 全自动洗衣机控制要能实现"正常运行"和"强制停止"两种控制要求。按下启动按扭,开始进水直到水满(即水位达到高水位)时停止进水开始洗涤正转洗涤时,正转30秒,停两秒,然后反转30秒,停2秒如此循环5次,总共320秒开始排水水位下降到低水位时开始脱水并继续排水,脱水30秒开始清洗,重复(1)到(4),清洗两遍 清洗完成,报警3秒并自动停机若按下排水按扭可以实现手动排水若按下停车按扭,可实现手动停止进水,排水 脱水与报警第三章 控制系统的设计3.1控制系统框图3.2控制系统对应设备与实现功能对应的外部设备启动按扭停止按扭水位选择开关(高水位)水位选择开关(中水位)水位选择开关(低水位)手动排水开关手动脱水开关高水位浮球开关中水位浮球开关低水位浮球开关水排空浮球开关 对应的输出设备进水电磁阀排水电磁阀洗涤电动机正转继电器洗涤电动机反转继电器脱水桶报警器 3.3控制系统原理自动洗衣机的进水,洗衣,排水,脱水是通过水位开关,电磁进水阀和电磁排水阀配合进行控制,从而实现自动控制的,水位开关用来控制进水到洗衣机高中低水位,电磁进水阀起着通断水源的作用。进水时,电磁进水阀打开,将水注入,排水时,电磁排水阀打开,将水排出,洗衣时,洗涤电动机启动。第四章 硬件电路的设计4.1系统的选型(1)IO点数统计:I/O点数是PL定时器/计数器:2B/个 模拟量:100-150B/个通信接口:一个接口一般需要300B以上根据上面算出的总字节数再考虑增加25%左右的备用量,就可估算出用户程序所需的存容量,从而选择适宜的PLC存。该系统有11个数字输入点6个数字输出点,需存280B,有定时器6个,计时器2个,需存16B,考虑余量后需要存370B。(2)CPU功能与结构的选择PLC的功能日益强大,一般PLC都具有开关量逻辑运算、定时、计数、数据处理等基本功能,有些PLC还可扩展各种特殊功能模块,如通信模块、位置控制模块等,选型时可考虑以下几点:功能与任务相适应,PLC的处理速度应满足实时控制的要求、PLC结构合理、机型统一、在线编程和离线编程的选择。全自动洗衣机控制所要求的控制功能简单,小型PLC就能满足要求了。Fully automatic washing machine design译文:一、The first chapter is aboveAccording to the working principle of automatic washing machine, the use of programmable controller PLC control, and explains the principle of PLC control methods, characteristics and control characteristics of the washing machine. Fully automatic washing machine control system using the Siemens S7-200 series PLC characteristics, button, electromagnetic valve, switch and other some input/output point control, realized the washing machines wash process automation. Because every time washing, drainage, dehydration time by PLC in counter control, so as long as change counter parameters can time change. Can set above the program time decided, as fixed program use, also can according to clothing quality of a material, quantity and the degree of oil pollution to programming. As long as make a change a bit, you can design a more more, such as washing jilt cowboy kind of clothing, light wash light jilt of wool kind of clothing and universal standard washing procedure, fully show the modern electrical appliances product practicability.In the washing machine control, in before the advent of PLC, industrial control field is relay dominant. But the relay control field is very obvious disadvantages: large volume, power consumption and reliability, short life, slow, adaptability difference, especially when the production process change, it is necessary to redesign, reinstall, causing serious waste of time and money. In order to change this situation, PLC control system produced. After in 1969 the United States digital equipment company developed the world the first PLC, and in general motors automatic assembly line trial and succeeded, thus created the industrial control new period, from now on, PLC (programmable logic controller) this new control technology developed rapidly. In many areas are widely used. The advantage of PLC is: high reliability, less consumption, strong adaptability, fast operation, long life and so on, in order to further improve the automatic washing machine function and performance, to avoid the traditional control some drawbacks, has put forward the use PLC to control the fully automatic washing machine of this subject.二、The second chapter subject task analysis2.1 the whole function is introducedThe working process of the washing machine by water, laundry, drainage, and dehydration of four process. In the semi-automatic washing machine, the four process respectively with the corresponding button switch to control. Fully automatic washing machine, and the four process can be done in fully automatic operation, until the end of laundry.2.2 equipment control requirementsFully automatic washing machine control requirements are can realize "normal operation" and "forced to stop" two control requirements.(1) press the start button, and began to fill with water until (i.e. the water reaches a high water level) to stop water to start washing are turning(2) when catharsis, are turning 30 seconds, stop two seconds, then reverse 30 seconds, stop for 2 seconds(3) so cycle 5 times, a total of 320 seconds began to drainage(4) drop in the water level to the low water level at the start of dehydration and continue to drainage, dehydration 30 seconds5 start cleaning, repeat (1) to (4), cleaning twice6 clean finish, alarm 3 seconds and automatic stopIf the meantime press drainage button can realize manual drainageIf stuff press the stop button, can realize manual stop water, dewatering and alarm三、The third chapter, the design of control system3.1 control system block diagramFigure 1 system block diagram3.2 control system corresponding equipment and realization functionThe corresponding external equipment start button to stop button water selector switch (high level) water selector switch (water) water selector switch (low water level) manual drainage switch manual dehydration switch high water level ball float switch in water level ball float switch low water ball float switch water emptying ball float switchThe corresponding output equipment intake solenoid valve discharge solenoid valve washing motor are turning relay washing motor reversal relay to take off the bucket alarm。3.3 control system principleAutomatic washing machine water, laundry, drainage, dehydration is through the water level switch, electromagnetic inlet valve and electromagnetic drain valve with the control, so as to realize automatic control, water level switch is used to control the water washing machine in low high school level, electromagnetic inlet valve plays the role of water on and off. Water, electromagnetic inlet valve open, water injection, drainage, electromagnetic drain valve open, will draw out, laundry, wash motor startup, dehydration, to take off the bucket start.四、The fourth chapter hardware circuit design4.1 system selection(1) IO points statistics:The I/O points are PLTimer/counter: 2 b/aAnalog quantity: 100-150 - b/aCommunication interface: a interface general need 300 b aboveAccording to the above figure out the total number of bytes to consider increase 25% spare capacity, can estimate the user program memory capacity, so as to choose appropriate PLC memory. The system has 11 digital input point 6 digital output point, need to memory 280 b, a timer six, timer 2, need to memory and b, consider allowance needs after memory 370 b.(2) CPU function and structure choiceThe function of PLC increasingly powerful, general PLC has the switch quantity logic, timing, counting, data processing and other basic functions, some PLC can also expand all kinds of special functional modules, such as the communication module, position control module, selection consider the following: function and task adapt, PLC processing speed should meet the requirements of real-time control, PLC reasonable structure, aircraft type, and unity, online programming and off-line programming choice. Fully automatic washing machine control required control function is simple, small PLC can meet the requirements.五、To sum up, combined with analysis of the table belowCPU221 CPU222 CPU224 CPU226 program memory 2048 words 4096 words user data memory 1024 words 2560 words user memory type EEPROM data backup typical time 50 h 190 h the machine IO 6 into / 4 out of eight into / 6 out of 14 into / 10 out of 24 into / 16 out extension module number no two seven digital quantity IO impression area size 256 (128 into / 128 a) analog quantity IO impression area size no 16 into / 16 out 32 into/out of 32 33 hz Boolean instruction execution speed 0.37 / subtle/instruction internal relay 256 counter/timer 256/256 sequence control relay 256The control system CPU module can use CPU - 224 (AC/DC/relay) module, it can control the whole system according to the control requirements orderly. At the same time as the module adopting ac 220 v power supply, and bring their own 14 digital input point and 10 digital output point, can fully meet the requirements of the automatic washing machine control system, so there is no need to other power module, digital and output module.To sum up selection of Siemens S7-200 type PLC4.2 CPU unit designIntegrated 24 v load power, can be directly connected to the sensor and transmitter (actuator), CPU 221222 with 180 mA output, CPU 224, CPU 224 xp, CPU 226 respectively output 280 mA, 400 mA. Available load power. The design used in the CPU for CPU224.This machine digital input/output pointCPU224 14 di / 10 doThis machine simulation the input/output pointCPU 224 xp has two AI / 1 ao.4.3 hardware wiring diagram4.4 communication modeThe internal integrated PPI interface for users provide a powerful communication function. PPI interface for RS485, can be in three ways:1. The PPI ways: PPI communication protocol is designed for Siemens S7-200 series PLC development of communication protocol. Through the general pass two core shielded twisted-pair cable for networking. Baud rate is 9.6 kbit/s, 19.2 kbit/s and 187.5 kbit/s. The CPU integrated programming mouth at the same time is PPI communication network interface.2. MPI way: throughThere are four interface for single and redundant transmission:2 a combination of RS232 / RS485 interface used to connect the classical WAN, such as special line, wireless or dial-up networkRJ45 interface used to connect to based on IP network (WAN or LAN), such as FOC, DSL, GPRS, etcCompact components used for a variety of USES:As an independent unit (independent operation without S7-300 CPU), TIM can bear SINAUT communication used in one or more S7-400 PLC or control center PC (SINAUT ST7cc or ST7sc); The connection is through the TIM one of Ethernet port4 di / 10 doThis machine simulation the input/output pointCPU 224 xp has two AI / 1 ao.4.3 hardware wiring diagram4.4 communication modeThe internal integrated PPI interface for users provide a powerful communication function. PPI interface for RS485, can be in three ways:1. The PPI ways: PPI communication protocol is designed for Siemens S7-200 series PLC development of communication protocol. Through the general pass two core shielded twisted-pair cable for networking. Baud rate is 9.6 kbit/s, 19.2 kbit/s and 187.5 kbit/s. The CPU integrated programming mouth at the same time is PPI communication network interface.2. MPI ways: through the built-in interface connected to the MPI network. Baud rate is 19.2 kbit/s, 187.5 kbit/s. S7-200 with S7-300/400 communication, S7-200 CPU in MPI network as slave station, each other can't communication.3. Free communication port means: is a very distinctive function. S7-200 PLC can with any communication protocol open other equipment communication. That can be defined by the user to communication protocols. Baud rate highest 38.4 kbit/s.4. Profibus-dp network: CPU222, 224 xp, 226 can be EM277 by increasing the method supports PROFIBUS DP network protocol. The highest transmission rate for 12 mbit/s.4.5 EEPROM memory module (option)Can be used as a modification with copy program rapid tool (without programmer), and may carry on auxiliary software filing work.4.6 the battery moduleFor long time data backup. User data (such as mark a state, data block, timer, counter) through the internal super capacitance storage about 5 days. Choose the battery module can extend the storage time to 200 days (10 years of my life). The battery module inserted in the memory module card slot.总结:通过阅读全自动洗衣机设计全部过程,发现自己的专业英语还是存在着一定的不足,首先是不能够灵活应用每个单词的含义,导致在翻译过程中,容易将单词的意思曲解,这就给翻译造成了很大的影响,为了能够与时的纠正错误,我利用了网络上的“有道词典”进行一一的校对,在这里还要感磊老师给予的帮助,使我顺利的完成了此次的项目作业。七、参考资料:1 汪建宇.电类专业英语.:机械工业 2 恳. 专业英语(电类用). :机械工业 3 有道翻译工具;.youdao.


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