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    Unit 7What's the highest mountain in the world?第一课时Section A<1a2d>.根据句意与汉语提示填写单词.1The lake is about 400 _<平方> meters in size.2Do you know how _<深的> the river is?3You must take plenty of water if you want to travel through the _<沙漠>4The _<墙> is about five meters high.5I'm going to join the oneday _<旅游> in Beijing.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空.tourist,ancient,population,Asian,protect6This book is about people's life in _China.7We should try out best to _ wild animals.8China is an important country in _.9What is the _ of Beijing?Do you know?10This group _ are from America.单项选择.<>11.Do you know that everything is _ on the moon than on the earth?AheavyBthe heaviestCmuch lighterDthe lightest<>12.The mountain is about _.A350meterhigh B350metershighC350 meter high D350 meters high<>13.What's the _ of the city today?About 5 million.Adate Bnumber Cperson Dpopulation<>14.The river is very _.You mustn't swim in it.Awide Bdeep Cbig Dlong<>15.We should try our best to _ pandas.Yes,or there will be less and less pandas in the world.Afeed Bwake Cprotect Dlead.按要求完成下列句子,每空一词.16China has 1,300,000,000_people<对画线部分提问>_ _ _ in China?17The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world.<改为同义句>The Sahara is _ than _ _ desert in the world.18The Caspian Sea is 1.025_meters_deep<对画线部分提问>_ _ is the Caspian Sea?19Tom is thirteen years old.Jack is thirteen years old,too.<合并为一句>Tom is _ _ _ Jack.20The ancient emperors built the wall to_protect_China<对画线部分提问>_ _ the ancient emperors build the wall?名校讲坛1in size大小;尺寸上bein size相当于have/has an area of2deepadj.意为"深的",其比较级为deeper.拓展<1>数字长度单位名词wide/long/high/deep可用来表示"有宽/长/高/深".eg:100 meters long 100米长;10 kilometers high 10 千米高<2>对长、高、宽、深度等提问用how long/high/wide/deep等.3population n人口;人口数量<1>当population 表示整体人口时,谓语动词多用单数;表示部分人口时,谓语动词多用复数.<2>指人口"多"或"少"时,一般用large或small,而不用many或few.<3>表示某国、某城市有多少人口时,要与of连用.其句式有两种:The population of某国<某城市>is某国<某城市>has a population of有时,表示"有多少人口的城市"时,用a city with a population of<4>提问"有多少人口"时用what 或how large,而不用how many 或how much.4feel free <可以>随便做某事5as far as I know据我所知还可以说so far as I know.引导状语从句,强调程度或范围,常放在句首或句中.第二课时 Section A3a 3c当堂训练.根据句意与汉语提示填写单词.1It snowed heavily yesterday and the _<厚的> snow covered everything.2They have to change their travel plan because of the weather _<状况>3Although she met many difficulties,she finally _ <实现> her dream of being a famous writer.4The price _<包括> both the house and the furniture.5The climbers _<成功> in reaching the top of the mountain in the end.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空.6Don't be selfsatisfied because of a few _<achieve>7I like to enjoy the beautiful of _<natural> in my spare time.8You should drive more carefully in _<freeze> weather.9Finally these people didn't give up _<climb> the mountain.10My mother is always the first_ <get> up every morning.单项选择.<>11.It's cold outside and Bob's mother asked him to wear _ clothes.AthinBthickCfat Dlong<>12.Lin won first prize in the English petition.He _ that goal because of his hard work.Afinished BachievedCpassed Dreturned<>13.Mary was too lucky and she _ in buying the tickets for the concert two minutes ago.Asucceeded BagreedCprotected Dled<>14.It's one of _ things in the world to stay with friends.I agree.It always makes us relaxed.Ahappy BhappierChappily Dthe happiest<>15.I don't like Xiao Shenyang's performances _ many people like them.Aall in all Bbecause ofCso that Deven though.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词.16当你面对困难时,你一定要勇敢些.You must be brave _ _ _ _difficulties.17虽然我们尽了最大的努力,但是还是输了._ _ we all tried our best,we lost the game.18当你到达山顶时,你会觉得呼吸困难.It is hard to _ _ air when you are on the top of the mountain.19人类会比自然的力量更强大吗?Can humans be stronger than _ _ _ nature?20滑板运动是世界上最流行的运动之一.Skateboarding _ _ _ the world's most popular sports.1One of the world's most dangerous sports is mountain climbing.世界上最危险的运动之一是登山.<1>"主语beone of the形容词最高级复数名词in/of短语"表示"是中最之一".<2>"one of the形容词最高级复数名词"整个短语为单数含义,作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式.2include v. 包括;包含including prep. 包括3take in 吸入;吞入<体内>4succeed v. 实现目标;成功succeed in doing sth.成功地做成某事success n. 成就,成功successful adj. 成功的be successful in doing sth.成功地做某事successfully adv. 成功地5in the face of 面对<问题、困难等>6achieve v. 达到;完成;成功achieve one's dream 实现某人的梦想achievement n. 成就;成绩;达到,完成7force n力量 v迫使8nature n自然界;大自然其形容词形式为natural,意为"自然的".9even though相当于even if,引导状语从句,意为"即使,虽然".第三课时 Section A4a 4c.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空.1Qomolangma is the _<high> mountain in the world.2Which is the _<deep> salt lake in the world?The Caspain Sea.3The Yangtze River is one of the longest _<river> in the world.4The boy is _<tall> than any other student in his class.5This book is as _<popular> as that one.单项选择.<>6.Do you know that China is one of _ countries in the world?Yes,I do.It's much _ than the US.Aoldest;olderBthe oldest;olderCthe oldest;elder Dthe older;elder<>7._is the Qmolongma?It's 8,848 meters.It's very hard to climb the mountain.AHow deep BHow longCHow far DHow high<>8.What a clear blue sky!Yes,I have never seen_ sky.Aa more beautiful Ba most beautifulCthe more beautiful Dthe most beautiful<>9.If overweight people eat less and take more exercise,they'll soon feel much_.Afatter BolderCbigger Dhealthier<>10.Which do young people prefer,music or sports?Both.Music is _ sports.Aas popular asBnot as popular asCmore popular thanDless popular than.完形填空.Chicago <芝加哥>is the _11_ largest city in the USA,just smaller than New York and Los Angeles.It is _12_ to people who have migrated <移居>from all over the world.People _13_ to Chicago from different places to live with their families or friends who arrived here first.They came by train,by plane or by boat to live in this great _14_The center of Chicago is called the Loop.You can see many _15_ buildings there,even some of the tallest in the world._16_ you visit the Loop,you can learn many foreign cultures.But you can't travel east out of the Loop _17_ Lake Michigan.When you travel south of the Loop,you will find areas like _18_There,people from China celebrate many of the same _19_ as their hometown,such as the Chinese New Year.They also celebrate the festivals of the USA.Chicago is also called the _20_ City,so don't forget to take more clothes when you go there.<>11.A.first BSecondCthird Dfourth<>12.A.home BSchoolCfactory Dhospital<>13.A.reached BMovedCarrived Dreturned<>14.A.city BLakeCcountry Dmountain<>15.A.new BOldCtall Dsmall<>16.A.Before BWhetherCWhich DAfter<>17.A.even though Bbecause ofCalso but Das for<>18.A.British town BJapantownCChinatown DFrenchtown<>19.A.festivals BVacationsCbirthdays Dparties<>20.A.Sun BLightCSpring DWind.任务型阅读.Greenland is the largest island in the world._21_ There is another island near Greenland.It is small.Its name is Iceland.Do you think that Greenland is green and warm?_22_ If you do,you are wrong.Not many people live on Greenland.That is because Greenland is not green but white._23_ The ice covering Greenland is even higher than the world's tallest building.What about Iceland?_24_ No.Iceland also has ice on it,but not so much ice as Greenland._25_ They give out hot water and steam <水蒸气>,so the weather is not so cold as that of Greenland.And there are many more people who live on Iceland.从方框内选择恰当的句子还原到短文的正确位置.AIs it colder than Greenland?BDo you think that Iceland is white with ice?CThere are a lot of hot springs <泉> on it.DIt is in the north of Europe.EMost of the island is covered by lots of ice.21_22._23._24_25._名校讲坛当堂训练第四课时 Section B1a 1d.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空.adult,birth,weigh,ocean,little1You should eat _ meat if you want to be healthy.2The box _ three kilos.3As an _,you should make the right decision.4At _,the baby is only 50cm long.5There are a few birds flying above the _.用括号内所给形容词或副词的适当形式填空.6She sings English songs _ <well> than I.7What's the _<deep> sea in the world?8The red box is the _<heavy> of the five.9Miss Wang is _<popular> teacher of all.10We study _<hard> than the students in that school.单项选择.<>11.Tony's toys are _ more than Susan's.Amany timeBmany timesCmuch time Dmore time<>12.I know _ about Shenzhen than you,so tell me some,please.Alittle BsomeCmuch Dless<>13.My pet dog feels like standing _ his two legs.Ain BbyCon Dof<>14.You are not a child but _ adult.Aa BanC/ Dthe<>15._birth,Lily kept on crying.AOn BInCAt DOf.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词.16那头大象大约有350厘米高.The elephant is about _ _ _.17它每天吃十公斤的食物.It eats _ _ _ food a day.18一只大熊猫能够活到20到30岁.A panda can _ _ _ 20 to 30 years old.19我刚出生时有60厘米长._ _,I was 60 cm long.20这所学校比那所学校大两倍.This school is _ _ than that one.1weigh v. 有重;重eg:It weighs nearly 27 kilos.它重近27千克.拓展weight n. 重量,体重 eg:What is your height and weight?你的身高和体重是多少?2stand on two legs 双腿站立3This elephant weighs many times more than this panda.这头大象比这只熊猫重许多倍.<1>many times 意为"许多倍".time 作可数名词时,意为"次;倍".eg:I have been to the Great Wall three times.我去过长城三次了.<2>"倍数比较级than"意为"比多倍".eg:Her hair is twice longer than mine.她的头发比我的长两倍.eg:<3>more than 的用法:more than 后接数词,表示从数量上超过,相当于over.more than 后接名词或动词时,意为"不只是,不止".more than 后接形容词、副词时,表示程度,意为"很,非常".拓展morethan意为"比;更",主要指两种事物或程度的比较,more后接少数双音节或多音节的形容词、副词,也可接名词.4at birth 出生时5live up to活到名校讲坛当堂训练第五课时 Section B2a 2e.根据句意与汉语提示填写单词.1The two astronauts will do_ <研究> in space.2This panda usually eats about 10 kilos of_<竹子> a day.3How many pandas are there living in the_<遗留的> forests?4The new_ <政府> cares more for the farmers' lives.5Do you often cook your vegetables with much _<食用油>?.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空.6He drank a lot of coffee to keep himself_ <wake>7The old woman was much too weak because of her serious_<ill>8The news caused great_<excite>9This elephant is the_ <huge> of the three.10What are your rules on tiger_ <protect>?.单项选择.<>11.The children ran to their parents with _ at the school gate.AexcitementBgovernmentCachievement Dimprovement<>12.Though he is lying on bed with his eyes closed,he is _.Asleepy BthickCquiet Dawake<>13.When my cat saw me,it _ me happily.Arun over Bget overCrun over to De up with<>14.He gave out the _ food to the worker,so he had nothing to eat.Aremaining BfreezingCfresh Dsimple<>15.After he _ the coffee market,he set up his own coffee bar.Aasked BsawCresearched Dguessed.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词.16他没注意到那扇玻璃门,结果走着撞了上去.He didn't notice the glass door and _ _ it.17小男孩摔倒了,伤到了腿.The little boy _ _ and hurt his leg.18那部电影持续了大约两个小时.The movie lasted for two hours _ _.19小熊猫经常会死于疾病.The baby pandas often_ _ illness.20王明经常帮助照顾动物.Wang Ming often helps to _ _ _ animals.1bamboo n. 竹;竹子是不可数名词,无复数形式.2research n& v研究;调查do the research做调查3prepare sth.for sb.为某人准备某物prepare forgetreadyfor 为作准备4awake<1>awake adj.意为"醒着的",常用作表语,be awake意为"醒着",其反义短语为be asleep,意为"入睡".<2>awakewake vt.& vi.意为"唤醒;弄醒;醒来",其过去式为awoke/woke,过去分词为awoken/woken,常与副词up连用构成awake/wakeup,意为"叫醒;醒来".5excitement n. 激动;兴奋with excitement 兴奋地;激动地拓展<1>excite v. 使兴奋;激发<2>exciting adj.意为"令人激动的,兴奋的",常用于形容事、物.<3>excited adj.意为"感到激动的;兴奋的",常用于形容人.6die from死于7cut down 砍倒是动副词短语,当代词作其宾语时,代词应位于cut与down之间.8walk into走路时撞着9fall over绊倒10or so大约


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