大学英语四级听力辅导,题型介绍应试技巧,题型介绍,Section A News Items(3篇 7%)Section B Long conversations(2篇 8%)Section C Short passages(3篇 20%),很多考生对长对话没有把握,比较担心,其实,长对话不过是短对话的一种补充而已,不过是加长了对话,增加了信息量而已。,Part I Long Conversations,1、问题类型 题目均以问句形式出现,其中多数是特殊疑问句。这些问题涉及的内容大致归纳如下:A、多用来问以下内容:1)问是什么、要什么、讨论什么、什么种类等,如:What is the mans answer?What does the woman want for lunch?What are they talking about?What kind of books does the man want to borrow?)问做什么,如:What does the woman tell the man to do first?What are the speakers doing now?What will happen if John fails the exam?)问什么含义,如:What does the man mean(imply)?What does the womans answer suggest?,Part I Long Conversations,)问从对话中能获得什么信息或结论,如:What can we learn from the conversation?What can be concluded from this conversation?)问对某人或某事有什么看法,如:What does the man think of Miss Brown?What does the woman think of the plan?、用提出的问题主要问“对话可能是在什么场所发生的”,即:Where does this conversation most probably take place?Where does this conversation most likely occur?Where are the man and woman?、可能问以下几个方面的情况:)问钟点(可用替换),如:Man(M):What time did yesterdays football match start?Woman(W):It was supposed to start at a quarter to 7,but it was delayed an hour.Question(Q):When did the game finally start?,Part I Long Conversations,)问在哪个星期或星期几(后者可用替换),如:W:I thought to go to town now.I have some shopping to do.M:Dont spend too much,I wont get paid until next week.Q:When will he be paid?)问日期,如:When will the winter vacation begin?、用提问的问题可以问原因,也可以问目的,如:Why is the man late?Why did the man repair the car by himself?、可能问对话者某一方的身份、对话人之间的关系或对话中涉及到的其他人的情况,如:W:May I help you,Sir?M:I hope so.Its my watch.I brought it in to be repaired,but Ive lost the Receipt.Q:Who is the man?,Part I Long Conversations,、主要针对以下内容提问:)问做某事的方式、方法或使用的交通工具,如:How did the teacher usually begin his class?How does the man usually go to work?)问对某事的感受如何,如:How does the man feel about the movie?How do you like the film?、问多少,属于涉及数字的题,可能有以下几种形式:How many persons.?How many dozens of.does.want?How much does.?How old is.?How long does it take.to.?,Part I Long Conversations,本节的问句根据疑问词划分,大致可以归为以上七类。偶尔也有个别一般疑问句。但也可能出现其它类型的问句,(如以Whom,Whose,Which提问),或针对以上未归纳的内容进行提问。,Part I Long Conversations,、对话内容分类、数字和时间类:包括直接型和计算型。时间、数字及其计算是听力考试中最常见的类型,几乎每年都有,而且题量也比较大。这类题目一般可以从选项中找到数字、时间的线索。但要注意的是,这类题往往不会听到什么考什么,而要经过简单的计算和推理,才能得出正确答案。所以听这类题时,要十分注意这些数字之间的关系。【例题1】:W:Your library books are due on December 13th.If you have not finished using them by then,you may renew them once.M:Thank you very much.I only need them for a few days.Q:When must the man return his books to the library?【例题2】:W:Do you live in a college dormitory?M:Yes,I do.Its a six-man suite,but at the moment only four of us live there.Q:How many people share the suite now?,Part I Long Conversations,B.身份及人物关系类 在短对话中身份及人物关系的题目几乎每次考试都会出现。考生可以通过抓关键的特征词来判断。四级听力中常见的人物关系有teacher and student,librarian and student,shop assistant and customer,doctor and patient,waiter/waitress and customer等。【例题】:M:Good evening,Madam.There is a table for two over there.This way,please.W:Thank you.Could I see the menu,please?Q:Whats the relationship between the man and woman?A)Husband and wife.B)Waiter and customer.C)Salesman and customer.D)Host and guest.,Part I Long Conversations,C、否定类:否定类题目最重要的线索是抓住表示否定的关键词。值得注意的是,这类题一般都不是以明显的否定方式出现的,所以考生需多加注意。表示否定的关键词有:否定副词和形容词:hardly,rarely,little,seldom,few,never等否定代词和连词:nothing,nobody,neither,nor,none等否定前缀或后缀:im-,un-,dis-,non-,-less等表否定意义的其他词:fail,miss,avoid,deny,refuse,doubt,far from,anything but,instead of,rather than等。另外,要注意否定形式、肯定意义的结构,如:I couldnt agree with you more.这句话相当于I agree with you completely.【例题】:M:Ann,do you have any extra money you could loan me?W:I wish I could help you.I went shopping yesterday.Now I have only two dollars till the end of the week.Q:Will the man borrow any money from the woman?此题的答案肯定是No。听这段话时要抓住I wish I could help you.这一关键话语。这句话虽然从表面上看是肯定式,但却隐含着Im sorry I cant help you.的意思。,Part I Long Conversations,D、地点及场所类:这类题在听力对话中也较简单,考生只需掌握表示地点及方位的介词短语,抓住其中的关键场景特点,就能辨认对话发生的场所。如一听到boarding就想到是机场。【例题】:M:I need to cash this check?W:Will you step right over to the tellers window,please?Q:Where is the conversation most probably taking place?E.活动类:这一类谈话内容可涉及上课、娱乐、工作、日常生活等各种情况。【例题】:W:Are you going to New York next weekend?M:Yes,Im going to look up Bill while Im there.Q:Whats the man going to do?这类对话中往往先后出现几种情况,要注意听问句是什么,然后再作出选择。,Part I Long Conversations,这是听力题中难度最大的部分。信息量大,题材多样化,考生往 往难以把握。在听的过程中考生不仅要听懂,抓住其中心大意,还要记住某些重要的事实和数据。听力短文的提问形式一般有以下几种:中心思想归纳题 它要求考生对短文的主要内容有一个大致的了解。对于大部分考生来说,掌握文章大意并不难。这类题常用以下方式提问:What is the main idea of the passage?What can we learn from this passage?What is the best title for this passage?What is the passage mainly about?What is the speaker talking about?做这类题时,一定要集中精力听好短文的开头,因为四级听力短文一般会开门见山,把中心思想置于文章的开头。另外,如果文中反复出现同一词或同一类词也值得特别注意,因为含有这类词汇的选项能较好地体现中心思想,通常就是正确答案。,Part II:Passages,B.细节题 这类题一般是wh-question的形式,主要就文章中涉及的重要或关键信息进行提问,所考查的细节包括集体时间、地点、主要人物或事件、各种数字等。做好这类题的关键是抓住文章的关键性细节信息,要注意养成边听边记的习惯,这样才不会听完就忘。另外,事先浏览各选项,进行预测。文中一旦出现以因果连词(如because,so,due to等)和转折连词(如but,however,though等)引导的句子,就要格外留心,这些地方往往就是考点。C.正误判断题 这类题常用以下方式提问:Which of the following is true/not true,according to the passage?Which of the following is not mentioned?当看到这类题时,考生一方面应对全文的信息有全面的把握,另一方面要注意听清问题,要搞清楚有没有not一词。一般情况下,not一词会重读。,Part II:Passages,D.词语释义题 这类题要求考生对文章中的某个重点词进行解释或猜测生词的释义。这些词一般会在材料的有关位置给出解释,有时该词的后面用同义词解释,有时借助逗号、破折号来对前面的词进行解释。考生还可借助词的前缀、后缀来判断其意思。E.推理题 这类题需要对文中的信息进行分析推断,然后做出正确的选择。提问方式有:What can be inferred from the passage?What does the speaker think about the problem?What does the speaker most concern about?How does the writer feel about?做这类题时一定要注意,短文明确表达的内容不是推断,而且一定要根据短文的观点而不是根据自己的观点来推断。,Part II:Passages,应试技巧,Section A Long ConversationsSection B Short Passages Section C News Items,在做这类题目的时候,最好能先浏览选项,这样在听的时候就可以抓住重点,有的放矢。听的过程中,要把握对话的整体,抓住中心,明确场景、人物,在把握对话大意的提前下注意细节问题。边听边做笔记。因为对话较长,不可能所有信息都存在大脑中,所以可以边听边在草稿上做笔记。,Section A:Long Conversations,四级听力关键预览,预览心诀:竖看加联想 section A不能仅分析每个选项的意思,而要竖看,把握四个选项中共同的重要信息,然后根据这些共同的重要信息来联想这个题目可能涉及的话题演示一:2005年1月考题第一题A)The man enjoys traveling by car.B)The man lives far from the subway.C)The man is good at driving.D)The man used to own a car.,四级听力关键预览,演示二:2005年1月第二题A)Tony should continue taking the course.B)She approves of Tonys decisionC)Tony can choose another science course.D)She cant meet Tony so early in the morning四个选项中共同(次数最多)信号有“Tony”(4次),“course”(3次),这说明会讨论Tony与功课的关系,而“continue”,“decision”,“choose”这些词进一步说明,可能会讨论Tony是否会继续选择某一功课。,四级听力关键预览,通过预览,听的时候就更有方向,而且很多单词由于事先看过,就能很容易听出来。很多情况下。共同信息越多的选项不但是预览的重点,而且还可以直接成为正确答案。如上面第一题A,D有重复信息而正确答案是D;第二题A和D有重要重复信息而A是正确答案,当然这不是绝对的但至少可以说明一点,预览共同信息很重要,四级听力关键预览,section B如果在对话部分“竖看”更加重要,那么在短文部分“联想”就更加重要了。2003年6月考题第三篇短文18.A)A rescuer on the Golden Gate Bridge.B)A professional diver.C)A telephone operator.D)A guard on the Golden Gate Bridge.四个选项中rescuer”,”professional diver”,”telephone operator”,”guard都是讲一种人,所以可以联想到这个题目可能考一个人的职业,但是很有可能与the Golden Gate Bridge有关。,四级听力关键预览,19.A)Someone has fallen off the bridge.B)Someone on the bridge is being attacked.C)Someone is threatening to destroy the bridge.D)Someone on the bridge is attempting to kill himself.四个选项中fallen off the bridge,being attacked,threatening to destroy the bridge”,”attempting to kill himself都是讲一些负面的事情,而且这些事情都是发生在桥上,看来是重要的细节题。,四级听力关键预览,20.A)Call the mother to come right away.B)Try to communicate with them first.C)Help them to get out of their misty.D)Remind them that they have children to take care of.四个选项中 Call the mother,Try to communicate,Help them,Remind them 这些动作让人联想到这个题目可能会涉及解决问题的方法。最后,把这几个选项联合起来,可以做一番联想:一个在the Golden Gate Bridge从事某种职业的人。在桥上遇到一个问题,最后用一种方法把它解决了。有了这个大概的方向以后,听这篇文章就会有感觉了。,如何预测问题的类型和内容,虽然在听音之前很难确定题目的确切内容,但选择项的结构和内容往往暗示问题的类型和大致内容。有些题的选择项很有特点,非常明显地反映出其问题的类型。例如:看到这样的选择项时:A)At the airport.B)In a restaurant.C)At the railway station.D)In a department store.,1捕捉重要信息 这是听力理解的首要任务,遗漏了重要信息就不可能听清讲话的基本含义。重要信息一般出现在段首或段末。听时注意聚精会神,捕捉重要信息。有一段听力短文,第一句话就是Our family is trying to decide where to go for our vacation this summer,表明一家人尚未决定今夏去何处度假,接着详述了前一年去黄石公园看熊的不同寻常的经历。当问到他们今年将去何处度假时,大部分考生的回答是去黄石公园看熊。显然忽略了短文的第一句。,2作出正确判断 1)推测言外之意 在对话中说话人常常出于某种考虑不直接表示是或否,而用迂回的方式间接回答,听话人则必须从间接回答中迅速领会说话人的确切含意。例如:M:Did you watch the game last night?W:I wouldnt have missed it for anything.(我说什么也不会错过这一机会。)换言之,我当然看了这场比赛。2)正确理解委婉的表达方法,例如:I hope these apples are as good as they look.其言外之意是:恐怕这些苹果不如它们看上去那么好吧。这是对事物表示怀疑时的一种委婉的说法。,3归纳总结、抓住中心思想例如:W:Did you want a day course or an evening course?M:Well,it would have to be an evening course since I work during the day.当问到他们在谈什么时,很多人都把a day course或an evening course作为答案。说明这些就只抓住了一鳞半爪,而不能把对话的内容归纳为the choice of courses(选课)。,虽然对话的提问一般都是针对对话中出现的一些细节,但是对于文章句意的把握也是很重要的,可以使考生避免犯大的错误。四级对话中往往有一些句子意思很难把握,归咎其原因多数是因为其句型特殊。一、形肯定意否定的句型 二、形否定意肯定的句型,Section A:Long Conversations,一、形肯定意否定的句型,1、Id like toI d love to,but。表否定,重点放在but后面。如:The students English club is having a party on Saturday nightCan you come?I would like to,but I work at a restaurant on weekends(1990年1月)又如:Shall we eat in the school dining-room tonight?Id like to,but the Western food doesnt agree with meLets go to a Chinese restaurant for a change,一、形肯定意否定的句型,2、使用虚拟语气的句子。这些句子形式上是肯定的,但往往表达一种“本应该,本可以(却没有),希望”的情绪,放在一定的语言环境中表否定。如1:If the traffic wasnt so bad,I could have been home by 6:00 What a pity!John was here to see you.(1990年1月)如2:Do you like physics?Well,I wish it were interesting.如3:I need a bike today,but mine has a flat tyre Im sorry to hear thatI would have lent you if Bill hadnt taken it away,一、形肯定意否定的句型,3、Im sorry,。这种句型是委婉的否定,其后一般接原因。如:Hello,may I speak to John Smith,please?Im sorry,nobody by that name works here.(1990年1月),一、形肯定意否定的句型,4、由形容词last构成的特殊句型。意思是“是最不可能的”。如:Would you like to go mountain climbing with us?Thats the last thing in the world I want to doI heard Tom was the man who robbed Mr.Smiths house But I think he is the last one to do such a thing,一、形肯定意否定的句型,5、anything but句型。基本意思“除以外的任何事物”或“根本不”。如:Everyone is helping out with dinner.Could you make the soup?Anything but that,一、形肯定意否定的句型,6、由一些特殊短语构成的句型。这种短语很多,需要学生平时不断地积累,举两个短语为例:Youre not much of a rock and roll fan,are you?Its far from being my favorite kind of music,thats for sure(无疑地)Can you possibly lend me 10 until pay-day?Its out of the question(没问题),二、形否定意肯定的句型,1、Why dont youWhy not?如:John,I dont know what to get for your fatherHe has just about everything,doesnt he?Do you have any suggestions?Why dont you get him a pocket calculator?(1990年6月),二、形否定意肯定的句型,2、Do you mind?问句的回答用No,of course not或者Not at all如:Do you mind if I borrow your note?No,of course notThey are on my desk(1994年1月),二、形否定意肯定的句型,3、notuntil句型。如:When can the doctor see me?He wont be free until tomorrow(1995年1月),二、形否定意肯定的句型,4、notmorebetter构成的特殊句型。如:I think its high time we turned our attention to the danger of drunk driving now I cant agree with you moreYou see countless innocent people are killed by drunk drivers each year(1997年6月)又如:How is your business,Bob?Sales have never been better.,二、形否定意肯定的句型,5、Without a doubt;Dont mention it;No problem等作为回答的否定句型。如:Do you think we have to review the chapter of Industrial Revolution?Without a doubt,it will be on the exam 又如:Do you think you could have this skirt ready by Thursday morning?No problemYou can come and fetch it,二、形否定意肯定的句型,6、由一些除not和never之外的否定词如hardly,seldom,scarcely,rarely等构成的句型。如:What a surprise!Tim has improved his English so much after a holiday abroad I can hardly hear an accent,短文理解篇幅较长,信息量较多,但每篇文章后仅有34个小问题,其中绝大多数信息是多余的、重复的。因此,我们可以从短文理解题目设置的规律来判断听录音时应该重点注意的地方。,Section B:Short Passages,做题前先预测,细读选项,比较其间的共同点和不同点,推测有可能强调的信息。了解各类题型的提问方式后,要有重点地听:如果是故事,注意人物、人物的心理状态、动词、故事发生的线索等;如果是说明文,注意选项中多次出现的关键词,在听录音时留意。,Section B:Short Passages,