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    计算机专业英语,引言,为什么要学习计算机专业英语?从计算机专业英语课程中,能学到什么?,小测试(基本词汇),显示器键盘鼠标数据库算法操作系统域名,MonitorKeyboardMouseData BaseAlgorithmOperating Systemdomain name,测试(常见缩写),BASICBeginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code初学者通用符号指令代码语言,USBUniversal Serial Bus通用串行总线,测试(常用缩写),URLUniform Resource Locator统一资源定位符,BBSBulletin board system电子公告板系统,电子布告栏系统,测试(新技术词汇),AppletCookiePHPSQL本体云计算,测试(产品说明书),测试(产品说明书),测试(英文网站),测试(文献摘要),本体构建研究综述 本体是目前信息处理领域研究热点。通过对本体构建方法和工具的综述,对其研究中的关键问题进行了讨论,并在此基础上分析比较了各种本体构建方法和工具。最后,对研究现状中存在的问题进行了总结,并提出了未来的研究方法。,测试(文献摘要),A SURVEY ON ONTOLOGY BUILDING Today Ontology is very hot in the research of information processing.This article,through a survey on the methods and tools for ontology building,discusses the key problems in the research,and then analyzes and compares the methods and tools respectively.Finally,this article summarizes the problems unsolved in the research and recommends the research direction in the future.,测试(听力),答案:(请作为作业写下答案),1.为什么要学习计算机专业英语?2.从计算机专业英语课程中,能学到什么?,Computer Basics Learn about the English terms of the basic physical portion of the computer,including CPU,monitor,motherboard,memory,RAM,ROM,mouse,keyboard,disk,USB and I/O port.Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text.Improve the students ability to understand the long and difficult sentences in the text.consolidate the technical terms and important professional phrases by doing exercises.,Unit One,Now,look at a video!The title is what is computer hardware.,New Words,hardwaremonitormotherboardMemorymousekeyboarddiskfloppyinstructionscreenview,n.硬件n.监视器n.主板n.记忆;回忆;存储器n.鼠标n.键盘n.磁盘,圆盘,唱片adj.软的n.键盘n.指令;命令,指示,用法说明n.屏;屏幕 vt.掩蔽n.视域,观察,观看vt.观察,观看,New Words,InformationEquipSockettemporarily RemembersequenceAnimationTypePointertypewriterconjunction,n.消息,信息;通知vt.装备,配备n.插座,孔ad.暂时地,临时地vt.记得,想起;记住n.连续,继续;次序n.动画片,卡通n.类型;样式n.指针,指示器n.打字机n.接合,连接;连接词,New Words,performvt.履行;表演vi.行动task n.任务,工作,作业keypadn.键区,数字按键键盘store vt.存储,储藏disketten.磁盘input vt.输入n.输入outputn.产量;输出量;输出,Phrases,I/O port 输入/输出接口circuit board电路板in reality事实上extra key扩充键be used in用于disk drive磁盘驱动器remove from 从删除in addition to除之外removable disk 可移动磁盘external device 外部设备serial port串行接口be capable of能够,具有的能力,Text,Hardware The physical portion of the computer.,Text,CPU Central processing unit.The computer chip primarily responsible for executing instructions,Text,Monitor The screen for viewing computer information is called a monitor.,Text,Motherboard The main printed circuit board in a computer that carries the system buses.It is equiped with sockets to which all processors,memory modules,plug-in cards,daughterboards,or peripheral devices are connected.,system buses(系统总线),bus that connects the CPU to main memory on the motherboard.把CPU与母板上主存连接起来的总线The system bus is also called the frontside bus,memory bus,local bus,or host bus.系统总线也叫做前端总线(略作FSB)。,plug-in cards(即插即用卡),plug-ins(插件):A software plug-in is an add-on for a program that adds functionality to it.软件插件是一个给程序添加功能的附加软件。,plug-in cards(即插即用卡),Plug and play 即插即用Plug and Play,sometimes,abbreviated PnP,is a catchy phrase used to describe devices that work with a computer system as soon as they are connected.The user does not have to manually install drivers for the device or even tell the computer that a new device has been added.Instead the computer automatically recognizes the device,loads new drivers for the hardware if needed,and begins to work with the newly connected device.,Plug and play 即插即用(续),For example,if you connect a Plug-and-Play mouse to the USB port on your computer,it will begin to work within a few seconds of being plugged in.A non plug-and-play device would require you to go through several steps of installing drivers and setting up the device before it would work.,Plug and play 即插即用(续),While Plug and Play usually refers to computer peripheral devices,such as keyboards and mice,it can also be used to describe internal hardware.For example,a video card or hard drive may be a Plug and Play device,meaning the computer will recognize it as soon as it is installed.The only difference is that internal components usually require the computer to be turned off when they are installed,while external devices can typically be installed while the computer is running.,daughterboard(子板),Small printed circuit board that plugs into a motherboard to give it new capabilities.接入母板的小的印刷电路板,以增添新的功能。,Peripheral device(外围设备),What are some examples of computer peripheral devices?Answer:A computer peripheral,or peripheral device,is an external object that provides input and output for the computer.Some common input devices include:keyboard,mouse,joystick,pen tablet,MIDI keyboard(musical instrument digital interface数码音响),scanner,digital camera,video camera,microphone.,Peripheral device(外围设备),Some common output devices include:monitor,projector,TV screen,printer,plotter,speakers.There are also devices that function as both input and output devices,such as:external hard drives,media card readers,digital camcorders,digital mixers,MIDI equipment.While these are some of the more common peripherals,there are many other kinds as well.Just remember that any external device that provides input to the computer or receives output from the computer is considered a peripheral.,Text,Memory Computer memory is used to tem-porarily store data.In reality,computer memory is only capable of remembering sequences of zeros and ones,but by utilizing the binary number system it is possible to produce arbitrary rational numbers and through clever formatting all manner of representations of pictures,sounds,and animations.The most common types of memory are RAM,ROM and flash memory.,binary number system,Binary is a two-digit(Base-2)numerical system,which computers use to store data and compute functions.The reason computers use the binary system is because digital switches inside the computer can only be set to either on or off,which are represented by a 1 or 0.Though the binary system consists of only ones and zeros,the two digits can be used to represent any number.,binary number system,For example:A single 0 in binary represents zero.A single 1 represents(20)or 1.10 represents(21)or 2.11 represents(21+20)or 3.100 represents(22)or 4.101 represents(22+20)or 5.110 represents(22+21)or 6.111 represents(22+21+20)or 7.1000 represents(23)or 8,and so on.,Text,RAM Random access memory.A data storage device for which the order of access to different locations does not affect the speed of access,except for bursts.Data is typically stored in RAM temporarily for use by the process or while the computer is operating.FPM,EDO,SDRAM,DDR,etc.are all types of RAM.,RAM,RAM Stands for Random Access Memory,and is pronounced like the male sheep.RAM is made up of small memory chips that are connected to the motherboard of your computer.Every time you open a program,it gets loaded from the hard drive into the RAM.This is because reading data from the RAM is much faster than reading data from the hard drive.,RAM,Running programs from the RAM of the computer allows them to function without any lag time.The more RAM your computer has,the more data can be loaded from the hard drive into the RAM,which can help speed up your computer.In fact,adding RAM can be more beneficial to your computers performance than upgrading the CPU.,RAM,FPM:Fast Page Model 快速网页方式(动态内存)EDO:Extended Data Out 扩充数据输出SDRAM:Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory 同步动态随机存取存储器DDR:Double Data Rate 双倍速内存,Text,ROM Read-only memory is similar to RAM.It only cannot be altered and does not lose its contents when power is removed.,ROM,Stands for Read-Only Memory.Please do not confuse this term with RAM or a hard drive,as many people already do.ROM is memory containing hardwired instructions that the computer uses when it boots up,before the system software loads.In PCs,the instructions are read from a small program in the ROM,called the BIOS(Basic Input/Output System).,Text,Mouse In computer parlance a mouse can be both the physical object moved around to control a pointer on the screen,and the pointer itself.Unlike the animal,the proper plural of computer mouse is“mouses”.,Text,Keyboard A keyboard on a computer is almost identical to a keyboard on a typewriter.Computer keyboards will typically have extra keys;however,some of these keys(common examples include Control,Alt)are meant to be used in conjunction with other keys just like shift on a regular typewriter.,Other keys(common examples include Insert,Delete,Home,End,Help,funtion keys,etc)are meant to be used independently and often perform editing tasks.Keyboards on different platforms will often look slightly different and have somewhat different collections of keys.,Some keyboards even have independent shift lock and caps lock keys.Smaller keyboards with only math-related keys are typically called“keypads”.,Text,Disk A disk is a physical object used for storing data.It will not forget its data when it loses power.It is always used in conjunction with a disk drive.Some disks can be removed from their drives,and some cannot.,Generally it is possible to write new information to a disk in addition to reading data from it.but this is not always the case.,disk drive(磁盘驱动器),A machine that reads data from and writes data onto a disk.A disk drive rotates the disk very fast and has one or more heads that read and write data.,disk drive(磁盘驱动器),There are different types of disk drives for different types of disks.For example,a hard disk drive(HDD)reads and writes hard disks,and a floppy drive(FDD)accesses floppy disks.A magnetic disk drive reads magnetic disks,and an optical drive reads optical disks.,disk drive(磁盘驱动器),Disk drives can be either internal(housed within the computer)or external(housed in a separate box that connects to the computer).,Text,Floppy An extremely common type of removable disk.Floppies do not hold too much data,but most computers are capable of reading them.Note though that there are different competing format used for floppies.so that a floppy written by one type of computer might not directly work on another,also sometimes called“diskette”.,removable disk(可移动磁盘),type of disk drive system in which hard disks are enclosed in plastic or metal cartridges so that they can be removed like floppy disks.Removable disk drives combine the best aspects of hard and floppy disks.They are nearly as capacious and fast as hard disks and have the portability of floppy disks.Their biggest drawback is that theyre relatively expensive.,Text,USB A really fast type of serial port that offers many of the best features of SCSI without the price.Faster than many types of parallel port,a single USB port is capable of chaining many devices without the need of a terminator.USB is much slower(but somewhat less expensive)than firewire.,Small System Interface 小型计算机系统接口,serial port(串口类型),A port,or interface,that can be used for serial communication,in which only 1 bit is transmitted at a time.A serial port is a general-purpose interface that can be used for almost any type of device,including modems,mice,and printers(although most printers are connected to a parallel port).,Text,I/O Port Connection to a CPU that provides a data path between the CPU and external devices,such as a keyboard,display,or reader.It may provide input only,output,or both input and output,parallel port(并口),A parallel interface for connecting an external device such as a printer.Most personal computers have both a parallel port and at least one serial port.,Abbreviations,CPU(Central Process Unit)中央处理器RAM(Random Access Memory)随机存储器ROM(Read Only Memory)只读存储器USB(Universal Serial Bus)通用串行总线SCSI(Small Computer System Interface)小型计算机系统接口,摘要,Web数据库开发系统WebStar的实现The Implement of a Web Database Developer Tools,摘要,文章在分析了 数据库访问技术的基础上,介绍了我们研制的基于的 数据库开发系统()的具体实现,重点讨论了系统设计中的主要技术和系统的功能特点。Through analyses ASP techniques of Web database,this paper gives implement of a Web database developer tools base on ASP by us,and discusses the main technique,characteristic,function of the system on design.,关键词:ASP,Web数据库,中间件,开发工具Key words:ASP,Web Data base,Middleware,developer tools,摘要,基于ArcObject的气象地理数据库开发 摘要:基于ActiveX组件技术的ArcObject控件的支持,利用空间数据引擎(Spatial Database Engine)不仅较好地解决了GIS功能应用,而且实现了矢量数据高效访问.采用ArcObject与VB结合的开发方式,完成了气象地理数据库的开发,实现了气象数据综合有效的管理.关键词:气象;地理信息;数据库,摘要,Meteorological geographic database development by the support of ArcObject control,Abstract:Based on the support of ArcObject control which contained in ActiveX component,using the function of spatial database engine accessed vector-data directly and performed GIS function conveniently.We developed the meteorological geographic database by linking the function of ArcObject and VB programming,by the support of this database can effectively and comprehensively manage meteorological data.Key words:meteorology;geographic information;database,


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