ITIL/ITSM培训,ITIL是什么,实施ITIL的益处,减少重复工作、有效利用人力资源。提高IT员工专业素质,提高员工服务能力和工作效率。规范IT部门服务水平,规范工作流程,降低风险。提高IT服务的可用性、可靠性和安全性。有效控制IT部门的开支,降低IT运营成本,减少运营风险。从总体上提高企业IT投资的回报,提升企业综合竞争力。,基于ITIL的ITSM介绍,ITSM(IT服务管理)ITSM的核心流程主要包括:IT运营管理(IT Service Support)IT战术管理(IT Service Delivery),ITSM的核心思想,练习,What is the role of ITIL within IT Service Management?A to provide an approach based on the best examples taken from practiceB to serve as the international standard for IT Service ManagementC to serve as the standard model for IT service ProvisionD to Serve as a theoretical framework for process design,ITIL Process Overview,IT运营管理(IT Service Support),突发事件管理(Incident Management)问题管理(Problem Management)变更管理(Change Management)配置管理(Configuration Management)应用发布管理(Release Management),IT运营管理,IT战术管理(IT Service Delivery),服务级别管理(Service Level Management)IT服务财务管理(IT Service Financial Management)IT服务连续性管理(IT Service Continuity Management)能力管理(Capacity Management)可用性管理(Availability Management),IT战术管理,练习,How does IT Service Management contribute to the quality of IT service provision?A by recording agreements between internal and external customers and suppliers in formal documentsB by defining generally accepted norms for service levelsC by promoting a customer focus among all the employees of the IT organizationD by planning,implementing and managing a coherent set of processes for providing IT services,Service Desk,Service Desk,To provide a Single Point Of Contact(SPOC)To facilitate the restoration of normal operational serviceTo generate reports,to communicate&promoteTo provide value to an organization,Activities,Communicate and promote servicesProvide advice/guidance to customersProvide rapid restoration of normal service operationsMeet expectations set out in the Service Level AgreementsManagement information,Service Desk Responsibilities,Receiving,Recording,Prioritizing and Tracking service callsFirst Line Support(not for Call Center)Escalation and Referral to other partsCoordinating second/third-party support groupsKeeping customers informedClosing incidents and confirmation with the customerReporting,Input and Output,Call Center,Help Desk vs.Service Desk,Call CenterHelp DeskService DeskLocal Service DeskCentral Service DeskVirtual Service Desk,Local Service Desk,Central Service Desk,Virtual Service Desk,Metrics And Management Reports,Daily reviews of incident/problem status against service levelsWeekly service availability,service breaches,staff workload,known errors and registered changesMonthly overall performance,achievements and trend analysisUnsatisfied customer incidents from previous weekProactive reports and planned changes,练习一,Which of the following is Service Desk activity?A to function as the first point of customer contactB to investigate the cause of disruptions of the customerC to trace the cause of incidentsD to Manage Errors,练习二,What is usually not an activity of the Service Desk?A handling(standard)Requests For ChangeB handling complaints about the services of the IT organization C tracing the underlying cause of incidents D providing information on products and services,Incident Management,Incident Management,目标To restore normal service operation as quickly as possible and minimize the adverse impact on business operations基本概念IncidentAny event which is not part of the standard operation of a serviceWork-AroundMethod of avoiding an incident or ProblemService RequestEvery incident not being a failure in the IT infrastructure,The Incident Management Process,主要活动,Incident Priority,ImpactEvidence of effect upon business activitiesService Levels in dangerUrgencyEvidence of effect upon business deadlinesPriority resourcesManpowerMoneyTime,First-,second-and third-line support,Functional and Hierarchical Escalation,KPIs,Total numbers of incidentMean elapsed time to resolve incidentPercentage of incidents handled within agreed response timeAverage cost per incidentPercentage of incidents closed by first-line supportIncidents processed per Service Desk workstationPercentage of incidents resolved remotely,练习一,Which ITIL process ensures that the IT Services are restored as soon as possible in the case of a malfunction?A Change Management B Incident Management C Problem Management D Service Level Management,练习二,Which ITIL process or which ITIL function has the matching of incidents with known(documented)solutions as one of its activities?A Change Management B Incident Management C Problem Management D Service Desk,练习三,A series of incident has occurred.The assigned solution team is unable to resolve this incident within the agreed time.The incident Manager is called in.Which form of escalation describes the above sequence of events?A formal escalationB functional escalationC Hierarchical escalationD operational escalation,练习四,An organization has set up an Incident Management Process.In doing so,Several groups were created to resolve specific incidents.These groups include:PC solution Team;Network Solution Team;Service Desk;Specialists Group to support the other teams.Within an IT organization,support groups are generally categorized by levels.Select the answer that correctly categorizes the support groups mentioned above.A 0-line Service Desk First-line Solution Teams Second-line SpecialistsB First-line Service Desk Second-line PC Solution Team Third-line Network Solution Team Fourth-line SpecialistsC First-line Service Desk Second-line both Solution Teams Third-line Specialists,Problem Management,问题管理,目标Minimize impact of incident&ProblemsTo room out the underlying cause of problemsPrevent recurrence of incidentsImproving productive use of resources基本概念ProblemThe unknown underlying cause of one or more incidentsKnown ErrorA problem that is successfully diagnosed and for which a Work-around is knownRFCs(Request for Change),The Problem Management Process,Activities,Problem controlError controlThe proactive prevention of problemsIdentifying trendsObtaining management information from problem managementThe completion of major problem reviews,Activities in Problem Control,Activities in Error Control,Proactive problem management,Relationship between Incident,Problem and Change Management,Benefits,Improved IT service qualityIncident volume reductionPermanent solutionsImproved organizational learningBetter first-time fix rate at the Service Desk,练习一,What is the difference between a Known Error and a Problem?A The underlying cause of a Known Error is known.The underlying cause of a Problem is not knownB A Known Error involves an error in the IT infrastructure,A Problem does not involve such an error.C A Known Error always originates from an Incident.This is not always the case with a Problem.D With a Problem,the relevant Configuration Items have been identified.This is not the case with a Known Error.,练习二,Problem Control is a sub-process of Problem Management.The first activity of Problem Control is to identify and record problems.What is the first step to be taken in identifying a problem?A analyse all existing incidents B classify and prioritise problems C solve problems D provide management information,练习三,An end-users PC crashes.This is not the first time that he has had problems with his PC.It also crashed three months ago.The user reports the crash to the Service Desk.What is happening here?A an Incident B a Known ErrorC a Problem D a Request for Change,练习四,What is an activity within the area of Proactive Problem Management?A handling Requests for Change B performing trend analyses and identifying potential incidents and problems C following up on all incidents and disruptions D minimizing the disruption to services resulting from Changes to the IT environment,练习五,Which status does a Problem obtain when the cause of that problem is known?A the status Incident B the status Known Error C the status Solved D the status Request for Change,练习六,After a Change has been implemented,an evaluation is performed.What is this evaluation called?A Forward Schedule of Changes(FSC)B Post Implementation Review(PIR)C Service Improvement Programme(SIP)D Service Level Requirement(SLR),练习七,Which of following best describes a Problem?A one or more Known Errors B a known cause of one or more disruptions C the unknown cause of one or more incidents D a Known Error with one or more incidents,练习八,How does Problem Management support the Service Desk activities?A it resolve serious incidents for the Service Desk B it studies all incidents resolved by the Service Desk C it relieves the Service Desk by communicating the resolution directly to the user D it makes information on a Known Error available to the Service Desk,Configuration Management,目标,Account for all IT assets&configurationsProvide accurate information to support other processesVerify configuration records against infrastructure and correct any expectations,基本概念,InfrastructureAssetConfiguration item,CIConfiguration Management Database,CMDBBaseline,主要活动,PlanningIdentificationControlStatus accountingConfiguration verification and audit,Naming of CIs and other properties,Activities-Control,Register all new CIs and versionsUpdate CI recordLicense controlProtect the integrity of configuration,Benefits,提供正确有效的CI信息支持改善 Release Management增加安全性易于分析变更的影响更好的遵守法规为Problem Management趋势分析提供数据,练习一,Control is one of the activities of Configuration Management.What does this activity entail?A updating changes to Configuration Items(CIs)and their relationships in the Configuration Management Database(CMDB)B verifying that the CIs and their attributes are specified correctly in the CMDB C installing new CIs in the operating environmentD taking inventory of the CIs,练习二,Which of the following is a Configuration BaseLine?A the standard configuration for the Configuration Management Database(CMDB)B a description of a standardized Configuration Item(CIs)C a set of CIs that is delivered onceD a recorded snapshot of a product or service,to provide a basis for a configuration audit and regression,练习三,Which task is the responsibility of Configuration Management?A convening the Configuration Advisory BoardB Physically managing software itemsC installing equipment at the workplaceD recording the relations between Configuration Item(CIs),练习四,What is the difference between Asset Management and Configuration Management?A Asset Management only deals with what you own;Configuration Management deals with everything in your infrastructureB Asset Management is a superset of Configuration Management,as it includes non-IT assets such as chairs and tables.C Asset Management deals with the financial aspects of Configuration Items;Configuration Management only deals with the technical details of the infrastructureD Configuration Management goes much further then Asset Management,Because it also specifies the relations between the assets,练习五,Which of the following can be regarded as CIs?1、Hardware 2、Documentation 3、Staff 4、software 5、Network componetsA 1,4,5B 1,2,4,5C 1,4D All of them,练习六,The Availability Manager wants to know the situation regarding the recovery of IT components.Who should he or she request the necessary information from?A Service Desk B Technical Management C Configuration Manager D Service Level Manager,练习七,From which data collection tool can statistical information be extracted to gain an insight into the structure and composition of the IT infrastructure?A the Capacity Management Database(CMD)B the Configuration Management Database(CMDB)C the Definitive Hardware Store(DHS)D the Definitive Software Library(DSL),练习八,Due to a defect,a users sound card is replaced with a new one,made by a different manufacturer.For future reference,which ITIL process is responsible for registering the new sound card?A Change Management B Configuration Management C Incident Management D Problem Management,Change Management,目标,Ensure that standard methods and procedures are usedDeal changes quickly,smoothly and responsibly,minimize possible impact on service qualityMake changes traceable,Scope of Change Management,基本概念,ChangeRequest for Change(RFC)The Forward Schedules of Change(FSC)Change Advisory Board(CAB)Change Advisory Board Emergency Committee(CAB/EC),Responsibilities of Change Manager,Receive,log,prioritize all RFCsConvene and chair CAB or CAB/EC meetingsAuthorize acceptable ChangesCoordinate Change building,testing and implementationUpdate the change log with all progress that occursReview all changes and produce management Reports,Change Advisory Board(CAB),Activities,Acceptance(filtering requests)Classification(prioritize and categorize)Change approval(assess,authorize and schedule)Coordination(build,test,implement and post implementation review),活动,AcceptanceRFC must include date to make anReason for change(who,what,where,when,why,how)CI that is to be changeUsers may need help to formulate a changeAs soon as a change is accepted the submitter must be notifiedNo authorization given yetClassificationDetermination of Priority:ImpactUrgencyCategoriesMinorChange Manager(CM)SignificantChang Advisory BoardMajorManagement BoardUrgentCAB Emergency Committee(CAB/EC),Change Approval,Coordination,BuildTestImplementPost implementation review(PIR),Change Management Process(1),Change Management Process(2),Relations to Other Processes,Benefits,IT services&business requirements better alignmentImprove Risk&Cost assessmentA reduced adverse impact of ChangesFewer Changes that have to be backed-outImproved Problem and Availablity Management,练习一,Who determines the Forward Schedule of Changes(FSC)?A Change Manager B Change Advisory Board(CAB)C Customer D IT Management,练习二,Many reports are provided regarding implemented changes.Which of the following information does the Change Manager submit to the organization?A Personnel costs B Number of incidentsC Incorrectly registered CIsD Structure and composition of CIs,练习三,Which ITIL process makes the most important and most frequent substantive contribution to keeping the Configuration Management Database(CMDB)up to date?A Change Manager B Configuration ManagementC Incident Management D Problem Management,练习四,Which ITIL process coordinates the implementation of a new software release?A Change Manager B Configuration ManagementC Release Management D Service Level Management,练习五,When processing a RFC,the Change Manager initiates a number of activities,which action is required if this involves a complex change?A The change Manager reports the change to Problem Management B The change Manager reports the change to Incident ManagementC The change Manager presents the change to the Change Advisory BoardD The change Manager presents the change to the IT Manager,练习六,How frequently should CAB/EC meeting be held?A Daily B MonthlyC WeeklyD As required,Release Management,目标,Successful rollout of software and hardwareConsidered all aspects of a Release togetherUsing formal procedures and checks when implementing new versionsWorks closely with 2 CM process to keep CMDB up-to-date,Definitive Software Library(DSL),Definitive Hardware Store(