International Trade Practice,Unit 1,introdution,This course will be studied in bi-language.,Questions/Exercises in ClassesHomework Attendance 30%Final Examination 70%,Frame of the Course,General Introduction:Procedure of Export and Import Foundation of Trade:Sales/Purchase ContractOther Methods of Trade:Auction,Barter,Consignment,Agent,Lease Trade,Tendering and Bidding,Compensation Trade,and etc.,Main Terms and Conditions of a Contract:,Main terms:Name of Commodity,Quality,Quantity,Packing General terms:Insurance,Commodity Inspection,Dispute&Settlement,Force Majeure,Arbitration,Characteristics of International trade,Complexity,High Venture,Restriction to Law,Constraints and Protection of Contracts for the International Sale of goods,1.Domestic Law2.International Trade Practices(1)INCOTERMS 2010(2)UCP600(3)URC5223.International TreatiesCISG United Nations convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods,由国家制定或认可并在本国主权管辖范围内生效的法律。,中华人民共和国民法通则:订立合同、包括涉 外合同都必须遵守中华人民共和国法律,即使依照 法律规定适用外国法律或国际惯例的,也不得违反 中华人民共和国的社会公共利益。当存在“法律冲突”时,依据中华人民共和国合同法:涉外合同的当事人可以选择处理合同争议所适用的法律,但法律另有规定的除外。涉外合同的当事人没有选择的,适用与合同有最密切联系的国家法律。,中华人民共和国民法通则:中华人民共和国法律和中华人民共和国缔结或参加的国际条约没有规定的涉外民事关系,可以适用国际惯例。,Characteristics of International Trade Practices:No universal Mandatory;May be given legal effect by Contracts;May be relied to decide cases.,依据中华人民共和国民法通则:,中华人民共和国缔结或参加的国际条约同中华人民共和国的民事法律有不同规定的,适用国际条约的规定。但中华人民共和国声明保留的条款除外。,Propositional References:,国际贸易实务.叶德万等.华南理工大学出版社.国际贸易实务案例教程.叶德万等.华南理工大学出版社.国际贸易单证实务.陈原等.华南理工大学出版社.对外经贸实务杂志各种国际贸易公约、惯例等的英文原版或中英文对照,Unit 2,General Procedures of Export and Import Transaction,Procedures of Export(Under CIF on the side of the seller),Links of Business Negotiation,General links:InquiryOfferCounter-offerAcceptanceConclusion of ContractIndispensable links:.Offer and Acceptance are two indispensable links for reaching an agreement and concluding a contract,Inquiry,An enquiry is request for business information,such as price lists,catalogue,samples,and details about the goods or trade terms.It can be made by either the importer(Bid,Buying Inquiry)or the exporter(Selling Inquiry).On receiving the enquiry,it is a regular practice that the exporter should reply to it without delay.No legal engagement to both of the seller and the buyer.,Offer,An offer is a proposal made by offerors to offerees in order to enter into a contract.In other words,it refers to trading terms put forward by offerors to offerees,on which the offerors are willing to conclude business with the offerees.Within validity of an offer,the offeror should not withdraw or amend the offer discretionarily.Firm offer&Non-firm offerBuying offer&Selling offer,Acceptance,Acceptance is a statement made by or other conduct of the offerees indicating unconditional assent to an offer.A contract is concluded once the offer is accepted.CISG Article 18(2):“become effective”within validity of offerwithout stipulation of validity of offer reasonable timeoral offer accept immediatelyCISG Article 19:Conditional Acceptance,Conditional Acceptance,materially alter the terms of the offer rejection of the offer,counter offernot materially alter the terms of the offer the offeror objects,invalid acceptance;the offeror not objects,effective acceptance,materially alter the terms of the offer(including additional and different terms),PricePaymentQuality and quantity of goodsPlace and time of deliveryExtent of one partys liability to the otherSettlement of disputes,Acceptancerelevant stipulation in CISG,CISG Article 19(2):not materially alter the terms of the offer-constitutes an acceptance CISG Article 19(3):alter the terms of the offer materially(实质性变更发盘)CISG Article 20:A period of time for acceptance(接受生效的时间)CISG Article 21:A late acceptance(逾期接受)CISG Article 22:withdraw(接受的撤回),案例1:香港某中间商A,就某商品以电传方式邀请我方发盘,我于6月8日向A方发盘并限6月15日复到有效。12日我方收到美国B商按我方发盘条件开来的信用证,同时收到中间商A的来电称:“你8日发盘已转美国B商”。经查该商品的国际市场价格猛涨,于是我将信用证退回开证银行,再按新价直接向美商B发盘,而美商B以信用证于发盘有效期内到达为由,拒绝接受新价并要求我方按原价发货,否则将追究我方的责任。问对方的要求是否合理?,案例2:我某公司于5月20日以电传发盘,并规定“限5月25日复到”。国外客户于5月23日复电至我方,要求将即期信用证改为远期见票后30天。我公司正在研究中,次日又接到对方当天发来的电传,表示无条件接受我5月20日的发盘。问此笔交易是否达成?,案例3:我某公司向美国A公司发盘出售一批大宗商品,对方在发盘有效期内复电表示接受,同时指出:“凡发生争议,双方应通过友好协商解决;如果协商不能解决,应将争议提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁。”第三天,我方收到A公司通过银行开来的信用证。因获知该商品的国际市场价格已大幅度上涨,我公司当天将信用证退回,但A公司认为其接受有效,合同成立。双方意见不一,于是提交仲裁机构解决。试问:如果你是仲裁员,你将如何裁决?,案例4:进口商甲收到出口商乙就某商品的发盘,其中写明:“PACKING IN SOUND BAGS.”在发盘有效期内,甲复电称:“REFER TO YOUR TELEX FIRST ACCEPTED PACKING IN NEW BAGS.”乙收到复电后,即着手备货。数日后该商品的国际市场价格猛跌,甲又来电称:“我方对包装条件作了变更,你方未确认,合同并未成立。”而乙则坚持认为合同已经成立,双方发生争议。问双方是否存在合同关系?请陈述理由。,Implementation of Contract,Under CIF contract with terms of payment by L/C,the implementation of export contract usually goes through the steps of:goods preparation,inspection application,reminding of L/C,examination and modification of L/C,chartering and booking space shipping,shipment,insurance,documents preparation for bank negotiation,and the settlement of claims,etc.,Unit 3,Quality of Goods,Description of Goods includes name of commodity&Quality,Name of Commodity-choose suitable name:relative to tariff,carriage-keep the name in conformity in all documents-use internationally recognized name of commodity,Importance of Quality,It determines the price value of the goods.It exerts a tremendous influence over the sales and prestige of the goods.It involves the fundamental rights and obligations of both parties.,Therefore,The quality clause shall be stipulated clearly in business negotiation and conclusion of the contract.,DEFINITION:,Quality of Goodsoutwards appearance:shape,structure,color,flavor,luster,etc.inner features:composition,physical and mechanical property,chemical and biological feature,etc.,Methods of Stipulating Quality of Goods,By description*by specification*by grade*by standard*by brand name or trade mark*by name of origin*by description and illustration,By sample*by the sellers sample*by the buyers sample*by counter sample,Chinese Groundnut,Moisture(max.)13%Admixture(max.)5%Oil content(min.)44%,About standard,International standard:ISO:International Standards Organization has more than 4000 standards IEC:International Electrotechnical Commission has over 1580 standardsNational standard:GB14-05(is national standard published in 2005,publication No.is 14)Craft(Guild)Standard 行业(公会)标准Local StandardEnterprise Standard,TETRACYCLINE HCL TABLETS(SUGAR COATED)250mg B.P1980.(B.P.=British Pharmacopoeia),-Its important to indicate the name of the publication and its version.,Pay attention to:FAQ,Fair Average Quality,refers to the average quality level of the export commodity within a certain period of time.-Commonly used for agricultural and by-product-This kind of standard is quite ambiguous.In fact,it is often used with specification.For example,Chinese Groundnut,1994 crop,FAQ,Moisture(max.)13%Admixture(max.)5%Oil content(min.)44%,For the trading of wood and aquatic products,GMQ(goods merchantable quality)is employed to indicate the quality.GMQ means the goods is free from defects and is good enough for use or consumption.,GMQ,BACK,Sale by Trade Mark or Brand Name,T101 MAXAM DENTAL CREAM-sale by brand or trade mark,We should ensure the stability of the quality.,BACK,Sale by Sample,In our export business,owing to the feature of some commodities themselves,it is quite difficult to indicate the quality of those goods only by words,thus,sale by sample comes into being.For example,handicraft articles,clothes or native products etc.are usually sold by sample.,Sale by the sellers sample,Sellers sample Original sample.representative sample duplicate samplestandard sample,Sale by the buyers sample,counter sample After the buyer confirms the counter sample,sale by the buyers sample is changed into sale by the sellers counter sample.In case the buyers sample results in any disputes of infringement of industrial property,the seller will have nothing to do with it.,Unit 4,Quantity of Goods,Calculating Units of Quantity of the Goods,Measurement Unit System度量衡制度,The British SystemThe U.S.SystemThe Metric SystemSI(The International System of Units:In 1960 the International Measurement Conference adopted a resolution on the International System of Units.),e.g.1:So far as weight is concerned,1 Metric Ton=2204.62 pounds,1 Long Ton=2240 pounds(British)1 Short Ton=2000 pounds(American)So,1 LT=1.016 MT 1 ST=0.907 MT 1 MT=0.9842 LT=1.1023 ST=1000 KG,e.g.2 1 Bushel in British system=1.0321 Bushel in USA systemSometimes,for different products,the same unit have different meaning.e.g.3:According to USA standard,1 Bushel Bean=60 pound=27.216KG;1 Bushel Corn=56 Pound=25.402KG;1 Bushel Wheat=48 Pound=21.773KG,legal measuring units,According to Article 3 in the Measurement Act of Peoples Republic of China,our country adopts SI.SI and the other measuring units selected by our country are legal measuring units of the nation.Beginning in January,1991,except in a few special fields,non-legal measuring units are not allowed to be used in China.,BACK,Methods of Calculating Weight,1)By Gross Weight 2)By Net Weight3)By Conditioned weight 公量4)By Theoretical weight5)By Legal Weight 法定重量6)By net-net weight,BACK,1)Gross Weight GW,Gross weight is the sum of total weight of the commodity itself and the tare(the package weight).Thats to say,it refers to the net weight plus the tare of the goods.,BACK,2)Net Weight NW,Net Weight=Gross Weight-Tare There are four ways to calculate tare.(1)By actual tare:The actual weight of packages of the whole commodities.(2)By average tare:In this way,the weight of packages is calculated on the basis of the average tare of a part of the packages.,(3)By customary tare:The weight of standardized package has a generally recognized weight which can be used to represent the weight of such packages.e.g.:The weight of a gunny bag is 2.5 pounds.(4)By computed tare:The weight of package is calculated according to the tare previously agreed upon by the seller and the buyer instead of actual weighing.,Sometimes the tare of the cargoes being too slight to be calculated,its usually ignored.That is to say,the weight of the commodity includes the tare.This way of calculation is called“Gross for Net”.For example,Northeast China soybean,1,000MTs,packed in single new gunny bags,100 kilograms per bag,gross for net.,Gross for Net,(1)Some cargoes,such as newsprint in reels,tobacco flakes which packing are not convenient to be calculated by NW(because their package is difficult to weight separately),(2)or those,the values of the packing materials are almost the same as the valuesof the cargoes themselves,such as grain,fodder,etc.,are often calculated(priced)by GW,which is called Gross for Net”in international trade.,BACK,3)By Conditioned weight,This kind of calculating method is Suitable to those cargoes,which are of high economic value and with unsteady moisture content(whose water contents are not stable),such as wool,raw silk,etc.,Wa x(1+standard regaining rate of water)Wc=-1+actual regaining rate of water=Dried Weight+Standard MoistureIn which:Wa-Actual Weight Wc-Conditioned Weight,the formula of calculating the conditioned weight,BACK,e.g.:We import wool from Australia.In the S/C,the quantity of goods is“10 MT”,the price of the goods is USD 2000/MT.When we receive the wool,we find that the actual weight is 10 MT,and actual regaining rate of water is highly up to 33.3%.How much do we lose in this transaction?(The accepted international standard regaining water content of wool and raw silk is 11%.)Answer:Wc=10 x(1+11%)/(1+33.3%)=8.33(MT)2000(10-8.33)=3340(USD),BACK,5)By Legal Weight,Legal weight is the weight of the goods and the immediate package of the goods.,BACK,6)By net-net weight,Some noble metals and chemical materials are usually weighed in the light of the net-net weight.The so-called net-net refers to the weight of the cargo itself,which does not include any packing weight,water or impurities.5)、6)are often used when the customs house imposes tariff.,Quantity Clause in the Contract,1)The basic contents of the quantity clause are the quantity to be delivered and measuring unit to be used.2)more or less clause 溢短装条款,plus or minus clause 数量增减条款 About or Circa clause 约量条款,In order to avoid disputes during the fulfillment of the contract,both parties shall determine the delivery quantity reasonably and flexibly beforehand by setting a more or less clause,plus or minus clause or about or circa clause in the contract.,Quantity Clause in the Contract,500 MT,more or less 5%at sellers option 500 MT,plus or minus 5%at sellers option 500 MT,+5%at sellers option In this case the quantity delivered can range from 475 to 525 metric tons.,The issue of option:,The more or less clause is usually at the sellers option.But it may also be:at buyers option at carriers option at shippers option,As to the purchase price of the goods more or less delivered,there are 2 ways to calculate:,(1)According to the unit price stipulated in the contract;(2)According to the market price when the cargo is shipped.If the contract does not stipulate the method for pricing of the goods more or less delivered,we usually assign the price to them according to the stipulation in the contract.,BACK,About or Circa or Approximate Clause,For example:about 7,000 MTIf we use such expression as about,“approximate”before the quantity of the goods,it indicates that the quantity of the goods is not exact.This expression is not advisable.,About or Circa or Approximate,UCP600 Article 30(a)P354When we use“about”in S/C,the 2 parties should attain identical understanding to its meaning and stipulated in the general trade terms.,Summary of unit 4,legal measuring unitsMethods of Calculating Weight(the formula of calculating the conditioned weight)more or less clause,Unit 5,Packing&Marking,Unit 6(A),Trade TermsOr Price Terms,Definition,The trade terms,are the abbreviations or brief English concept to indicate/explain the composition of price and determine the(1)responsibilities/tasks(2)costs and(3)risks borne by two parties.,relevant international practices of Trade Terms,B,How to use the INCOTERMS 2010 rules,It can be used in domestic and international trade.Its important to indicate the name of the international practices and its version in the contract.This contract is governed by INCOTERMS 2010Specify your place or port as precisely as possible.“FCA 38 Cours Albert 1er,Paris,France Incoterms 2010”Remember that Incoterms rules do not give you a complete contract of sale.,Classification of the 11 INCOTERMs 2010 rules,The 11 Incoterms 2010 rules are presented in two distinct classes:Any Mode or Modes of TransportSea and Inland Waterway Transport,Any Mode or Modes of Transport,EXW Ex Works FCA Free Carrier named place of delivery CPT Carriage Paid To CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid To DAT Delivered At Terminal DAP Delivered At Place DDP Delivered Duty Paid named place of destination,Sea and Inland Waterway Transport,FAS Free Alongside Ship FOB Free On Board named port of shipment CFR Cost and Freight CIF Cost,Insurance and Freight named port