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    The History of the UK,Part、Geographical Features,Situated in northwestern Europe,lying to the north of France and the west of the Netherlands and Denmark.,Part、History,Pre-feudal Society-Early Settlement(-55 B.C),From about 750 B.C.,the Celtic tribes who had crossed from Europe in search of empty lands began to settle in the country.China-Xia,Shang,Xizhou,Dongzhou,Zhanguo,Qin,Xihan,Donghan Dynasties.,Pre-feudal Society-The Roman Occupation(55 B.C.-410),In 55 and 54 B.C.,Britain was twice invaded by Roman troops led by Julius Caesar(凯撒大帝),and was invaded again by the Romans under Claudius(克劳狄一世)in 43 A.D.Britain subsequently became a Roman province and it remained so until the beginning of the 5th century.China-Sanguo,Xijin,Dongjin Dynasties.,Pre-feudal Society-Anglo-Saxon Times(410-871),Soon after the Romans left,groups of Germanic warriors landed in Britain.They included the Angles,the Saxons and the Jutes from what is today Denmark and Northern Germany.They drove the Britons to the mountains,and those that did not flee remained as slaves to the new invaders.China-Nanbei,Sui,and Tang Dynasties.,Pre-feudal Society-Vikings and the Danish Rule(871-1066),Around the turn of the 8th century northern warriors,called the Vikings,invaded England.Some of them came from Norway and attacked the rocky coasts of Scotland and northern England,but the main body came from Denmark.They sailed up the rivers of the east and south,seized one small Saxon kingdom after another.China-Tang,Wudaishiguo,Beisong Dynasities,2.The Growth of Feudalism-The Norman Conquest(1066-1154),On Christmas Day 1066 Duke William known in history as William the Conqueror was crowned in Westminster Abbey.In the several years that followed,William the Conqueror put down one after another rising against him,made an expedition into the south of Scotland and invaded Wales.China-Song Dynasty.,Result of the Norman Conquest:It sped up the development of feudalism in England.William the Conqueror adopted the following measures:1.He deprived the lands of the English barons(男爵)who had resisted him and gave lands to his Norman followers.2.He compelled all the sub-vassals to be loyal to him directly.3.He put the administration of justice under the control of the king.4.He replaced English bishops with Normans and made himself the head of bishops.5.Built the Tower of London as a military fortress.,2.The Growth of Feudalism-The Great Charter(13th century)(The Magna Carta),John,ascended the throne in 1199,from his bother Richard I.He was defeated in a war with France and lost Normandy in 1204.He demanded more feudal taxes and army service in order to avenge himself on France.Dissatisfied with Johns leadership,the lord forced him to sign the Magna Carta,or the Great Charter,on June 15,1215.China-Song Dynasty.,The King could not exact payment from the vassals(诸侯)without their consent.No freeman should be arrested,imprisoned,or deprived of their property unless they are convicted by a jury.Merchants would be allowed to move about freely.If the king attempted to free himself from the law,the vassals had the right to force him to obey the law by every means possible,even by means of a civil war.,2.The Growth of Feudalism-The Beginning of Parliament.,Henry and Simon de Montforta.the Great moners appeared in the Parliamentc.The House of Commons and The House of Lords,3.Decline of Feudalism in England,The Hundred Years War(1337-1453)a.causesb.time“Joan of Arc”c.result(England was defeated),The Wars of the Roses.(1455-1485)Two years after the Hundred Years War with France,England was thrown into another series of civil wars,the Wars of Roses.The war got such a name because the Lancastrians wore the badge of the red rose and the Yorkists wore the badge of the white rose.The Wars of the Roses had an important consequence:the weakening of the old fedual nobility.,4.The Tudor Monarchy and the Rising Bourgeoisie(资产阶级)The New Monarchy The Tudor Monarchy-the transitional stage from feudalism to capitalism in English history.,a.defend and promote the development of trade and industry.b.reformed the church and tolerated the enclosure.c.America was discovered and Renaissance(1450-1600)spread into England.,5.Reformation in England and the Church of EnglandHis divorce coursea.Catherine and Anneb.The King got himself the power to appoint all the high English churchman and all the income from the church.c.Plunder from the church and the new-born bourgeoisie fattened,His two daughters1.Mary2.Elizabeth,Elizabeth(1533-1603)A.Her attitude toward Catholic Church and Protestants.a.finished establishing the Church of England b.defender of faith in England.c.Common Prayer Book and the English selection of the Book.d.Clergyman and bishops,B.Her policy with Spaina.She encouraged English adventures to make explorations in America and Africa.Drale;Raleigh;HawkinsEast India Companyb.A war with ArmadaThe Invincible Fleetc.Elizabeth was the foundation layer of the English Empire.,6.The English Bourgeois RevolutionJames a.the real beginning of the unification of Scotland and England b.Guy Fawkes night,bonfire(5,Nov),In 1605 Guy Fawkes,a Roman Catholic,and his fellow conspirators attempted to blow up King James I and the Houses of Parliament,as they disagreed with the Kings Protestant policies.They succeeded in storing some 30 barrels of gunpowder in a cellar under the Houses of Parliament,but before Parliament opened on 5 November the gunpowder plot,as it has come to be known,was discovered.Guy Fawkes and his colleagues were executed for treason.,Since then,the 5th November has been celebrated in England by the burning of stuffed figures of Guy Fawkes on bonfires,usually accompanied by a firework display.These may be large organised event open to members of the public,or smaller,private gatherings of family and friends held in peoples gardens.Guy Fawkes Night is also known as Bonfire Night or Firework Night.In the days leading up to 5th November children traditionally take their home-made Guys out onto the streets of their town or village and ask passers-by for a penny for the Guy.This money is supposedly used as a contribution towards their fireworks.,Charles.a.His conflict with the Parliament(money for the war with Spain and France)b.Religious disputec.Bad economic conditions during his time.,The Civil Wars.(1642-1646)(1648)Oliver Cromwell.(Lord Protector,1653-1658)Charles and James(brother of Charles).“The Glorious Revolution”.(1689)The Bill of Rights 权利法案,Results:The English Revolution is an epoch-making event in the history of the world.It concluded the medieval period-the period of feudalism,and marks the beginning of the modern period-the period of capitalism.It paved the way for the rapid growth of capitalism of England.,Thank you!,


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