English Paper Writing&Publication,Unit 1 General Introduction to Professional Paper Writing,1.1 Classification of Professional Papersreport paper 报告research paper 学术文章course paper 课程论文thesis paper(dissertation)学位论文,1.1 Classification of Professional Papersreport paper 报告 The report paper summarizes and reports the findings of the author(s)on a particular subject.research paper 学术文章 The aim of the research paper is to assemble facts and ideas and by studying them to draw new conclusions as to facts or interpretations,or to present the material in the light of a new interest.,1.1 Classification of Professional Paperscourse paper 课程论文 The course paper should be written in line with the course requirement and under the instruction of the course instructor after specific course is learned or at the end of the term.thesis paper(dissertation)学位论文 A thesis paper is usually written and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MA or MS(or Ph.D)in a specific discipline.,Unit 1 General Introduction to Professional Paper Writing,1.2 Ways of Preparing Professional PapersSearching for Good Ideas Research papers are different from ordinary compositions in that they have to be highly specific in their topics and do have a certain practical,scientific or economic value.General rule:coming from practice and back to practice.,1.2 Ways of preparing Professional PapersSearching for Good IdeasFinding Topics Once ideas are formulated,they should be analyzed,replenished and finally sorted out after a long process of critical reading and thoroughful reconsideration.,1.2 Ways of preparing Professional PapersSearching for Good IdeasFinding TopicsConsidering Audience and Purpose It means analyzing the“Call for Papers”,and the possible readers of the journal to which your paper is to be submitted,or the possible participants of the conference you are going to attend.,1.2 Ways of preparing Professional PapersSearching for Good IdeasFinding TopicsConsidering Audience and PurposeMoving from Brainstorming to Drafting Brainstorming:the author ask a group of his close friends to have a gathering to help him out with their useful suggestions or comments on his ideas.,1.2 Ways of preparing Professional PapersSearching for Good IdeasFinding TopicsConsidering Audience and PurposeMoving from Brainstorming to DraftingEditing and Refining It is advisable to revise the paper from its general layout to the minute omissions and mishaps in language use.,Unit 2 Title,Author/Affiliation and Keywords,2.1 Title 标题 Abstract of an Abstract.2.1.1 General FunctionGeneralizing the TextAttracting the ReaderFacilitating the Retrieval,Unit 2 Title,Author/Affiliation and Keywords,2.1 Title 标题 Abstract of an Abstract.2.1.2 Linguistic FeaturesUsing more Nouns,Noun Phrases and GerundsUsing an Incomplete Sentence,2.1 Title 标题 Abstract of an Abstract.2.1.3 Writing RequirementsBe Brief and Concise 简明扼要Be Specific 具体Avoid Question Title 不要带问号Being Unified 标题与内容一致Being Standard 标准,Unit 2 Title,Author/Affiliation and Keywords,2.2 Author/Affiliation 作者/工作单位2.2.1 General FunctionsBearing Authors Responsibility 作者名字Facilitating Retrieval and Correspondence 便于检索和联系*Heightening Celebrity 提高知名度*,2.2 Author/Affiliation 作者/工作单位2.2.2 Linguistic Features Rules of SpellingThe name of Chinese author is preferably spelt in accordance with the Chinese pinyin.Two-character name All the letters of the family name are preferably capitalized so as to distinguish the family name from the given or personal name.Using no abbreviations in the section of affiliation.作者单位要用全称 Give adequate address,including ZIP or other postal codes and the name of the country.,2.2 Author/Affiliation 作者/工作单位2.2.3 Writing RequirementsPrinting Format Unified If a author intends to send his paper to an international journal,he should prepare his name and affiliation according to the specific requirements of the journal.Number of Authors In general,it is advised that the number of authors should not be over four.In case of real need,it is advisable to use“et al”after the principal authors.,2.2.3 Writing RequirementsProfessional Title Omitted The professional title,administrative rank or academic degree such as“Professor”,“President”,“Chief Manager”,“Doctor”,etc,are preferably omitted before the name of an author.If there must be a title included,it can be put together with the affiliation.For example:P19Xin QinghuaProfessor,Department of Foreign Languages,Tsinghua UniversityBeijing 100084,the Peoples Republic of China,2.2 Author/Affiliation 作者/工作单位2.2.3 Writing RequirementsAddress The institutional affiliation should be written from the smaller unit to the larger ones,just as those written on an envelope.For multiple authors or multiple affiliations,following the instructing given by the editor of the journal to which your paper is submitted.,2.2 Author/Affiliation 作者/工作单位2.2.3 Writing RequirementsInternal Units,etc The exact internal unit or too small a unit of the authors should not be written in the section of affiliation,especially those units that are incomprehensible for foreigners.They may be put in the footnotes if necessary.,2.3 Keywords 关键词2.3.1 General FunctionsEasiness of Retrieval As the name implies,keywords are the most important words and phases representative of the theme or subject matter of the paper,and frequently used in a paper.Easiness of Highlighting Accentuate the gist of the paper.,2.3 Keywords 关键词2.3.2 Linguistic FeaturesNominalization Limited Number Four to six keywords are the average.In general,there should be at least 2 and at most 8.Designated Choice The keywords of a paper usually come from the title and/or the abstract,where the key terms and phrases are usually contained.,2.3 Keywords 关键词2.3.3 Writing RequirementsUsing Required Terms The terms of“keywords”should be consistent with the requirements of the journal to which you submit your paper.The section“keywords”,is also variously called“keywords index”,“keywords and phrases”,“indexing terms”,etcPlacing in Right Location In most cases,the keywords are placed below the abstract.,2.3 Keywords 关键词2.3.3 Writing RequirementsSpacing the Keywords Keywords are not necessary all capitalized,except the first letter of keywords as a heading.Use comma(,)or semicolon(;)to separate the words.Adopting Standard Abbreviations,etc Standard abbreviations are preferred in the section of keywords.,Unit 3 Abstract(1),3.1 General Functions 3.1.1 Miniaturizing the Text As a short,concise,and highly generalized text,an abstract is viewed as a mini-version or a miniature of the document,summarizing the content of the main body.,Unit 3 Abstract(1),3.1 General Functions 3.1.1 Miniaturizing the Text3.1.2 Deciding“Yes”or“No”The abstract of paper is important because it may directly influence the papers acceptance to a learned journal:the reviewer or editor may be perilously close to a final judgment of the manuscript after reading the abstract alone.3.1.3 Expanding the Circulation,Unit 3 Abstract(1),3.2 Linguistic Features 3.2.1 Limited Length Normally,200 words should be a sensible maximum for a relatively long paper or report,but never more than 500 words;50-100 words may suffice for a short article.,3.2.2 Categories of AbstractDescriptive(indicative)Abstract usually states the general subject matter of the document that follows.Informational(Informative)Abstract highlights the findings and results,briefly but quantitatively.Informational-indicative Abstracts is a combined form that bears specific information about the principal findings and results and general information about the rest of the document.,3.2.3 Complete ContentA statement of the Problem A statement of the problem(or subject)is usually boiled down to a single sentence.A Statement of the Approach to Solving the Problem The“approach”may be an analytic method,a design technique,a system concept,a device improvement,or a testing scheme,etc.The Principal Result The writers new accomplishment may be a theoretical or an experimental finding,a new design with some improved properties,a recommended course of action,etc.,3.2.4 Formalized StructureTopic Sentence 主题句 It always goes straightforwardly to the subject or the problem and indicates the primary objectives of the paper.Supporting Sentencesmain body Research methods,experiments procedures,investigations,calculations,analysis,results,and other significant information item will be provided.Concluding Sentence(s)结束语 It analyzes the results,explains the application,and points out the significance of the research.,Unit 4 Abstract(2),4.1“5 Steps”for Abstract Writing 4.1.1 Underlining Key Words and Sentences4.1.2 Listing Essential Points of the Paper4.1.3 Boiling down Each Section to a Sentence or Two4.1.4 Drafting the Abstract4.1.5 Checking the Final Draft,Unit 4 Abstract(2),4.2“5A Strategy”Questions to answer:Q1:What is the general knowledge of your topic in the academic field?Q2:What research topic is the paper to focus on?Q3:What method or material do you use to support your main point of view?Q4:What conclusion will you draw?Q5:What is the main contribution of the paper?,Unit 5 Introduction,5.1 General Function5.1.1 Introducing the Subject5.1.2 Limiting the Research Scope5.1.3 Stating the General Purpose5.1.4 Showing the Writing Arrangement,5.2 Structural Features5.2.1 Starting with the Research Background The research background is usually given in the section of introduction accomplished by the recent development in this field.5.2.2 Transiting to the Existing Problem Authors usually transit to the main problems to be discussed or weak point remaining in the previous work to be further studied and/or improved.5.2.3 Focusing on the Present Research,Unit 6 Textual Development(1),6.1 Description6.1.1 Objective Description 客观描述 All the related situations require a precise description of the condition or processes his research involves.To supply information-to build up as accurate picture as he can for his readers.6.1.2 Subjective Description 主观描述 A subjective or impressionistic description aims not only at conveying the actual record of sights and sounds,but also the authors attitudes and bias on what he is describing.,6.1 Description6.1.1 Objective Description 主观描述6.1.2 Subjective Description 客观描述6.1.3 General Requirement for Research DescriptionPresenting a Picture of the ObjectIllustrating the Object in Artificial LanguageMaking Necessary ComparisonSizing the Object SpeciallyLocating the Object CorrectlyGeneralizing/systematizing the Observation Carefully,6.2 Logical Development6.2.1 Developing by Chronological Sequence Tracing the development of the topic from its origin and its stage-by-stage development,the writer then makes his description through his observation of the change of the topic with time.6.2.2 Developing by Investigation Procedures The description of investigation procedure can be taken as a useful clue for logical development.,6.2 Logical Development6.2.3 Developing the research“from Abstract to Concrete”It means the approach of providing conclusive statements first and specific supporting materials second.6.2.4 Developing the Research“from Concrete to Abstract”-“inductive method”It is featured by providing supporting materials first and the conclusive statements come after them.6.2.5 Developing by Using Other Logical Sequencing,Unit 7 Textual Development(2),7.1 Typical Features of Papers of Experimental Nature The description of an experiment usually includes the experimental process undertaken,technology involved,materials used,equipment introduced,conditions provided,etc.7.2 Process Undertaken in the Experiment A professional has to present to the readers what experiment or experiments he has done and what is the findings in his experiment as well as what particular details or meaningful anecdotes he has encountered in the process of his experiment.,Unit 7 Textual Development(2),7.1 Typical Features of Papers of Experimental Nature7.2 Process Undertaken in the ExperimentStarting with a Process IntroductionSteps Taken to Complete the ExperimentDetailed ApproachesSumming-up or Conclusive Ideas of the Process,Unit 7 Textual Development(2),7.1 Typical Features of Papers of Experimental Nature7.2 Process Undertaken in the Experiment7.3 Technology Involved in the Experiment7.4 Materials Used in the Experiment7.5 Equipment Introduced in the Experiment,Unit 8 Result,Discussion and Conclusion,8.1 Section of Results8.1.1 General Functions and Contents of ResultsThe value of a research lies in the value of its final results and the authors interpretation of the results.In terms of content,research results are usually presented together with the corresponding analysis concerned.The author should present the essential results and data and then generalize them to a theoretical height.,Unit 8 Result,Discussion and Conclusion,8.1 Section of Results8.1.2 Writing Requirements for ResultsAny data shown in this section must be meaningful.The presentation of results should be short without verbiage and be of crystal clarity.,Unit 8 Result,Discussion and Conclusion,8.2 Section of Discussion8.2.1 General Function and Main Elements of DiscussionAnalyzing the DataPointing out DoubtsExpounding ViewpointsStating the SignificanceArriving at a Conclusion,8.2.2 Writing Requirements for DiscussionYou should sufficiently analyze the presented data and point out the factual relationships.Since the purpose of the professional paper is to confirm the authors research work,it is beneficial for him to fully review what he has done in his work.The writer has to admit his weak points or failure frankly,if any.Brief and forceful expressions should be used in the section of discussion.Keep in mind never to write more words than necessary.,8.3 Section of Conclusion8.3.1 General Functions and Main Elements of ConclusionSumming upStatement of ConclusionsStatement of RecommendationsGraceful Termination Graceful termination is achieved when all the materials of the conclusion are smoothly woven together and satisfactorily round off the whole.,8.3 Section of Conclusion8.3.2 Requirements for Writing a ConclusionBe careful not to draw conclusions from data involving errors of observation,errors in arithmetic,compensating errors,systematic and personal errors.Do not use mathematical formulas without clearly understanding of their derivations and all the assumptions involved.Be cautious in comparing conclusions based upon experiments in which the influential conditions have been improperly controlled,and therefore not duplicated.,Avoid confusing facts with opinions of influences,not only in the investigation itself but also in preparing results for publication.Do not draw a conclusion from too few data,or too broad a conclusion that is based on extrapolated curves.Guard against failing to qualify a conclusion,in order to show the limits within which it applies,or the variation which is to be expected.When you indulge in a speculation,be sure to remind your