-Traditional Sintering Skill for LongQuan Celadon龙泉位于省的西南部,以烧制青瓷闻名于世。² Longquan city, in the southwest of Zhejiang China, is famous for sintering Longquan celadon.² Longquan City, located in the southwest of Zhejiang China, is noted for sintering Longquan celadon.² Longquan City, situated in the southwest of Zhejiang China, is world-renowned for its unique celadon sintering skills.龙泉青瓷烧制技术有着悠久的历史。² Longquan celadon sintering skill has a long influencing history. ² Longquan celadon sintering skill enjoys a profound history.² Longquan celadon sintering skill has a long influencing history. ² Longquan celadon sintering skill enjoys a profound history.龙泉是一座具有悠久历史和灿烂文化的名城。Longquan is a famous oriental city with profound history and splendid culture.五代时期的“秘色青瓷,北宋时期写意传神的刻花青瓷,哥窑的紫口铁足,南宋时期弟窑的粉清,梅子清为经典代表的釉色等等都各具独特的烧制技艺和文化涵。² Key words:³ Period³ Dynasty³ Freehand brushwork³ Kiln³ Thick glaze³ Carved design² Mise Celadon sintered during Wudai period² Carved design celadon of freehand brushwork during North Song Dynasty² “Zikoutiezu celadon from Ge kiln² Thick glaze celadon of “Fenqing and “Meiziqing from Di kiln during South Dynasty ² And the like/and so on/² 独特的烧制技艺³ UniqueDistinct/DistinctiveSpecifical³ 文化涵ConnotationImplicationhave distinct technical features and cultural implication.² 程度这个词不用翻译² 前所未有的³ Unprecedented² Longquan celadon had unprecedented production during Yuan Dynasty.明朝时期,龙泉青瓷作为大明王朝的国礼随着和下西洋而进入沿途各国的皇宫院During Ming Dynasty, Longquan celadon, as national present, had entered into imperial palaces of many countries with Zheng Hes navigation宋元时期,龙泉青瓷出口激增。² 激增的表达³ Surge³ Increase dramatically³ E*pand drastically² During Song and Yuan periods, Longquan celadon had large e*portation.² During Song and Yuan periods, the e*port of Longquan celadon increased dramatically.据调查,龙泉青瓷当时远销50多个国家和地区。² According to research, Longquan celadon has been found in more than 50 countries and regions.² According to research, Longquan celadon had been e*ported to more than 50 countries and regions一些国家的博物馆珍藏着龙泉青瓷;在中国南海发现的一艘沉船中,发现了大量的南宋早期烧制的龙泉青瓷;在国新安海底发现一艘元代沉船,打捞出1万多件瓷器;在明朝,龙泉青瓷被誉为“雪拉同在法语中。² Some museums e*hibited Longquan celadon.² Large amount of Longquan celadon from the early stage of South Song Dynasty were found in the wreck of the South China Sea.² Nearly 10000 Longquan celadon were also found in the wreck of Yuan Dynasty in *inan Seabed of Korea. ² During Ming Dynasty, Longquan celadon was called “*uelatong by FrenchTraditional Sintering Skill for LongQuan Celadon龙泉是青瓷的主要发源地,受益于其上好的资源和精良的传统烧制工艺。发源地Origin/Originate/Birthplace/Cradle Longquan is a principal origin of celadon, mainly benefiting from high-quality resources and e*cellent traditional sintering workmanship. Longquan,as the main cradle of celadon, benefits from e*traordinary resources and sound traditional sintering workmanship.只有用龙泉独有的紫金土和瓷石所制的青釉才能烧制出如翠玉般的青瓷。 独有的 E*clusive 翠玉般的 形容词性 Jade-like Only glaze made of Longquan's e*clusive violet golden earth and porcelain stones can make the jade-like celadon. The jade-like celadon only could be sintered by glaze made of Longquans e*clusive violet golden earth and porcelain stones.龙泉青瓷的原材料主要是主体材料和釉 原材料 Raw material The main raw materials of Longquan celadon are body material and glaze. The main raw materials of Longquan celadon consist of body material and glaze. 主体的原材料是瓷土;制备釉的原料主要是瓷石,紫金土,石灰石,石英和植物灰等,将选取的优质原料经粉碎、淘洗后以一定的比例混合即为釉。 瓷土 porcelain clay 瓷石 porcelain stone 紫金土 violet golden clay 石灰石 limestone 石英 quartz 粉碎 crush up 淘洗 elutriate翻译的时候注意“粉碎,淘洗应为被动语态,“按一定的比例混合可以放在前面,“将选取优质的原材料可以省略。 The main raw materials of Longquan celadon are body material and glaze. The raw material of body is porcelain clay. The raw material of glaze is made up according to certain proportion of porcelain stone, violet gold clay, limestone, quartz and vegetable ashes etc. after being crushed up and elutriated. The raw material of glaze is mi*ing product of porcelain stone, violet gold clay, limestone, quartz and vegetable ashes etc. in certain proportion after being crushed up and elutriated.釉的成色和光泽度取决于原料矿点位置,植物灰的种类和混合的比例。 成色 Quality 光泽度 Burnish degree The quality and burnish degree depend on the location of raw material, type of vegetable ash and making-up proportion. 龙泉青釉配方一直秘不外传。 秘不外传 Hardly disclose Celadon craftsman hardly disclose the recipe of glaze. The recipe of glaze has always been a secret 龙泉青瓷传统烧制技艺包括 选料 raw material choosing 粉碎 crushing 淘洗 elutriating 压滤 press filtering 腐 decaying 练泥 pugging 成型 shaping 晾干 drying 修坯 semi-finished product trimming 装饰 decorating 素烧 biscuit sintering 施釉 glazing 装匣 bo*ing 装窑 putting into kiln 烧成 sintering in the kiln3 Traditional Sintering Skill for Longquan Celadon青瓷在龙窑中的烧制温度要高达1310摄氏度。 龙窑 Dragon Kiln 高达 as high as The temperature of celadon sintering in the Dragon kiln is as high as about 1310.在龙窑中的烧制过程极具难度,因此需要高超的烧制技术。 Version 1 (“烧制过程作为共同主语) The sintering in Dragon kiln requires high difficulties and techniques. Version 2 (主句/从句) The sintering in Dragon kiln is of high difficulties, which requires e*cellent techniques.坯和釉料在不同阶段,温度也应不同。 Embryo and glaze materials in different stages require different temperatures. Temperatures should be changed with the different stages of embryo and glaze material.同时,不同的温度,环境,木柴也会导致青瓷品质的好坏。导致 Result in Lead to Make Whats more, different temperature, surroundings and firewood will result in different qualities and finenesses of the celadon. 青瓷技师必须经过多年的磨练才能准确地掌控窑的温度。 磨练的表达 Technicians of the celadon must be e*perienced for many years to make perfect control of the temperature of kiln. Technicians of the celadon should undergo a long process of tempering to make perfect control of the temperature of kiln.由于在烧制的过程中,火苗是向上的,烧制龙泉青瓷的窑往往都是沿斜坡而建。As the fire is climbing upwards during the sintering, the kilns for celadon in Longquan are generally built along the slope在窑中烧制的过程中,火光四射,烟雾缭绕,其景象就如神龙再现,因此,被誉为“龙窑。 火光四射 flaming blaze 烟雾缭绕 curling smoke When the celadon is sintering in the kiln, the scene is vivid with flaming blaze and curling smoke like dragons. Therefore the kiln is called the “Dragon Kiln.一般来说,龙窑长度约为40米到60米。最长的到达97米。 The general lengths of Dragon Kilns are ranging from40m to 60m. The longest one can reach97m.龙泉瓷器装饰技法包括刻花,画花,贴花,捏塑,点彩,露胎等,但釉始终是最主要的。因此,我们可以比喻青釉即使青瓷的灵魂所在。 刻花 carving 画花 painting 贴花 stamping 捏塑 modeling 点彩 color dotting 露胎 body e*posing Decoration crafts of Longquan porcelains include carving, painting, stamping, modeling, color dotting and body e*posing, but the glaze is the most important part. So we can say that the green glaze is the soul of celadon.4 Traditional Sintering Skill for Longquan Celadon现今,龙泉古窑大约还剩10处,其中,只有“曾芹记古窑还在运作使用。§ 运作使用In use§ Presently, there are more than 10 kilns in e*istence in Longquan, but only the “Zengqinji Ancient Kiln is still in use now. “曾芹记古窑已经被列入我省首批非物质文化遗产传承保护基地,同时,曾世平被认作是古窑的第7代继承人。§ 列入 be listed§ 非物质文化遗产传承保护基地Intangible cultural heritage Protection Base§ 继承人 inheritorIt has been listed as Intangible cultural heritage Protection Base of Zhejiang Province and Zeng Shiping has been recognized as the 7th inheritor of the kiln.中国各级政府机关对龙泉青瓷烧制技艺的传承和保护都给予了高度的重视。§ 给予了高度的重视ú Attach great importance toú Pay great attention toú Is highly prizedú Value it highly§ 各级政府机关ú All levels of the government§ Version 1ú Chinese governments at all levels attach great importance to the inheritance and protection of the Longquan celadon sintering workmanship.§ Version 2ú The inheritance and protection of the Longquan celadon sintering workmanship is highly prized by all levels of Chinese government.采取的保护措施包括:§ 开设传统青瓷烧制作坊;§ 确立代表性传承人和传承基地;§ 设立青瓷艺人终身成就奖并给予政府津贴;§ 设置青瓷收藏、研究与保护部门;§ 成立青瓷行业协会;§ 在职业学校开设青瓷专业;§ 建立青瓷文化创意基地§ 开设传统青瓷烧制作坊§ Building traditional celadon sintering workshops§ 确立代表性传承人和传承基地§ Determining representative inheritors and inheritance bases§ 设立青瓷艺人终身成就奖并给予政府津贴§ Setting up the celadon craftsmen's life achievement awards and offering government subsidies§ 设置青瓷收藏、研究与保护部门§ Establishing celadon collection, research and protection departments§ 成立青瓷行业协会ú Establishing celadon industry associations§ 在职业学校开设青瓷专业ú Opening Celadon sintering major in vocational school§ 建立青瓷文化创意基地ú Creating celadon culture creative bases§ Measures taken include龙泉青瓷烧制技艺有良好的传承环境,不断创新开展,烧制质量不断提高。§ “良好的传承环境作为条件§ With the great inheritance pedigrees, Longquan celadon sintering workmanship has kept developing and the sintering quality has continued to be refined.在龙泉青瓷传统烧制技艺传承人中,有国家级传承人1人,省级传承人8人,中高级职称青瓷艺人218人。§ Among the inheritors of the Longquan celadon sintering workmanship, there is one national master, eight provincial masters, and two hundred and eighteen senior craftwork artists. 徐朝兴大师的青瓷造型灵动,跳刀工艺出神入化。ß 造型灵动 vivid and smart modelingß 跳刀乃是刻画的一种工艺ß Celadon from Master *u Chao*ing is noted forvivid and smart modeling and perfect carving workmanship.毛正聪大师的青瓷端庄、简洁,其烧制的粉青、梅子青厚釉可与南宋官窑媲美;ß 端庄 elegantß 媲美 as great as/parable toß Works from Master Mao Zhengcong is simple and elegant. In particular, his “fenqingand “meiziqing is as great as the official kilns in the South Song Dynasty;夏候文大师对青瓷的综合性装饰,丰富了装饰技法;ß 综合性装饰 prehensive decorationß 丰富 enrichß The prehensive decoration of celadon by Master *ia Houwen enriches the decorating skills; 绍斌大师的青瓷造型典雅含蓄,制作极其精细。ß 典雅含蓄 implicit and elegantß 精细 fineß The works from Master Zhang Shaobing is reputed for elegant and implicit modeling and e*tremely fine production在中国,玉文化深入人心。龙泉青瓷被誉为人工制造的美玉。ß 深入人心 sink deep into humans mind/take rootß 被誉为 be honored asß In China, jade culture sinks deep into humans mind. Long Quan celadon is honored as man-made beautiful jade.ß In China, jade culture has taken root. Longquan celadon is noted for man-made beautiful jade.追溯到殷商时期,人们认为玉可以被用来触摸灵魂,佩戴玉佩可以避邪消灾。ß 追溯 date backß 避邪消灾 ward evil/block off disastersß Dating back to the Yin and Shang periods, people considered jade could be used to touch with spiritual, and disaster and accident could be prevented by wearing a jade中国古代"诗经"中有“言念君子,温其如玉之说,将有德之人喻为玉。ß 诗经 The Book of Odesß 言念君子,温其如玉Þ a man of virtue is as gentle as a jadeß 有德之人 people of virtueß The Book of Odes paredpeople of virtue to jades by the words "a man of virtue is as gentle as a jade".龙泉青瓷取青铜器古朴凝重的造型,崇尚与大自然融合的青碧釉色,创造了一种敦厚、淡雅、含蓄、宁静的意境,观之使人心静、神宁,有一种超凡脱俗的感觉,符合中国文人传统的审美情趣。 取青铜器古朴凝重的造型 the appearance is just like simple, unsophisticated and dignified bronze ware. 崇尚与大自然融合的青碧釉色 the glazing color is like the blue-green color created by blending with nature. 敦厚、淡雅、含蓄、宁静 honest and sincere, simple and elegant, implicit and peaceful 意境 artistic conception 观之 The enjoyment of Longquan celadon 使人心静、神宁 calm people's spirit 有一种超凡脱俗的感觉 这句话的主语应该和上一句的主语一样,即为“观之会产生一种超凡脱俗的感觉。 create a feeling free from vulgarity 符合中国文人传统的审美情趣 satisfy the traditional sense of art of Chinese scholars. The Longquan celadon, of which the appearance is just like simple, unsophisticated and dignified bronze ware and the glazing color is like the blue-green color created by blending with nature, produces a honest and sincere, simple and elegant, implicit and peaceful artistic conception. The enjoyment of Longquan celadon may calm people's spirit and create a feeling free from vulgarity, satisfying the traditional sense of art of Chinese scholars.龙泉烧制的青瓷,不仅承载着深厚的中华民族的文化底蕴,也与人们的生活有着密切的联系。 承载着 Reflect 中华民族的文化底蕴 profound culture of the Chinese nation Longquan celadon not only reflects profound culture of the Chinese nation, but also relates closely to peoples living.设、品茶、饮酒、美食、家居,到处都有青瓷的身影 设、品茶、饮酒、美食、家居 From furnishings, tea vessels, to wine vessels, tableware and household articles 到处 here and there From furnishings, tea vessels, to wine vessels, tableware and household articles, people can see celadon products here and there.龙泉青瓷,以其亘古不衰的生命之力,文化之魂,植根于古老的中国。 以其。 With 亘古不衰的生命之力 Enduring vitality 和文化之魂 Immortal cultural spirits Longquan celadon, with enduring vitality and immortal cultural spirits,have deeply rooted in China. 龙泉青瓷传统烧制技艺是中华民族对人类做出的伟大创造与不朽奉献。 The sintering workmanship was a great invention of the Chinese nation and made great contributions to human beings. z.