Driver Training InformationBooklet驾驶员培训手册,Contents 目录Safety Issues安全注意事项 3Ergonomy人机工程12Engineering principles工程规则14Material handling principles物料搬运守则18Safe handling of dangerous goods危险品安全搬运20Daily safety check and maintenance日常安全检查及维护22,26,Art.nr:749924-040The Driver Training Information booklet is owned by BT Europe AB and its contents are protected by copyright.The material may be translated,reproduced and distributed only with written permission from BT Europe AB.Illustrations may not be altered,created derivative works of or deleted from the booklet.,Always wear protective shoes when working near the truck.在叉车旁工作时必须穿着防护鞋,2,25,Safety Issues安全注意事项,Never operate any fork lift truck unless you are properly trained and authorised for that particular type of truck.未经叉车培训和授权不得操作该类叉车,Turn off the charger before disconnecting the battery connector.在断开电池连接之前首先关闭充电器,Use protective glasses and gloves when working with the battery.操作电池时必须配戴护镜和手套,Always use the seatbelt where one is fitted.始终系好安全带,24,3,There are specific rules governing transport of people follow them carefully.运输人员时必须严格遵守相关的规定,Do not allow anyone to stand or walk under the elevated forks.不允许任何人在升高的叉车下走动,If the lifting capacity is insufficient use a larger truck!如若载荷能力不足,务必换用更大型的叉车,Follow the instructions for the battery charger exactly when charging.遵守电池使用说明,正确充电,Take good care of the battery.Insufficient battery charging shortens its life.小心使用电池。充电不足将缩短电池的使用寿命,23,4,Check the brakes before starting the days work.开始工作之前检查刹车是否能正常工作,Ensure that the truck is in good condition this is your responsibility.确保叉车工作状态良好这是你的职责,Daily safety check and maintenance,Do not operate with insecure or unstable load.不允许操作不安全或不稳定的装载,5,If the load obscures forward vision,drive in reverse!如果装载遮挡前方视线,请反向驾驶,22,If an accident does occur,call 999 SOS Alarm.如果出现意外,拨打999急救电话,Park the truck in a safe manner/Before leaving the truck ensure that:安全停车/离开前须确保:,fire aisles and exits are not blocked消防通道和出口没有锁上the forks are fully lowered升降架完全放下the motor is turned off 发动机已经关闭the trucks brakes are applied 放下刹车the trucks key has been removed unless insurance company policy states otherwise拔下叉车钥匙,除非保险条款有其他说明,The transport documentation gives you information regarding what protective clothing/equipment you must use.运输手册会告诉你包括有关防护服和设备须知,21,6,Make sure you know what the labels mean.They will give you important information regarding the hazardous nature of the goods.知道标志的含义。它们会提醒你危险品。,7,If you detect noise or leakage from the truck or if it feels in any way unsafe,report this immediately.若发现噪声和泄漏以及其他不安全的状况,立刻报告,You need special training to handle dangerous goods.操作危险品须经特殊培训,20,Safe handling of dangerous goods,Never allow passengers to ride on the truck except where there is a specifically allocated place for them.若非有乘客专座不得载人,Never drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol the laws governing this apply everywhere.切勿在药物和酒精作用后驾驶,8,the lorry floor is in good condition卡车的楼梯能正常使用the lorry wheels are blocked卡车轮胎被锁住that there is sufficient headroom for the mast有足够的高度装下门架,Learn and follow internal rules at your company.学习并遵守公司章程,Place the pallet in an approved pallet area.将货盘放在专门的区域,19,Bear in mind the total weight of the truck when entering a lorry,and make sure that:当装上卡车时注意叉车的总重量,并确保以下事项:,Handle the load with care.小心谨慎搬运货物,Do not use defective or damaged pallets.不得使用有缺陷或损坏的货盘,Employers driving permission,which should be in writing,is required for driving a truck within the workplace.在工作区操作叉车,必须有雇主书面签发的驾驶许可。,To drive a fork lift truck on a public road you must hold at least a category B driving license.在公路上驾驶叉车需要至少B级驾驶执照,9,18,Material handling principles物料搬运守则,Never make any alterations to a truck without permission from the supplier/manufacturer没有供应商或制造商的许可不得擅自改装叉车.,Slow down when approaching corners where vision is obscured.Use your horn to warn others of your presence.在转弯处减速,鸣笛示警,Never turn on a slope!切勿上坡,10,Rules for UK:英国规定When unladen,forks must face downhill.卸货时,升降架必须向下When laden,forks must face uphill.装货时,升降架向上,17,Make sure you know how to drive on slopes:确保了解如何在斜坡上驾驶叉车,Reach trucks and counterbalance trucks with load:Regardless of whether you drive up or down a slope the load must face uphill.载货后的平衡重式叉车无论上下坡必须保持向上Reach trucks and counterbalance trucks without load:Regardless of whether you drive up or down a slope the load must face downhill.没有装载时,无论上下坡必须保持向下Support arm trucks with or without load:the forks must always point downhill./Special rules apply in England.英国规定?叉车无论有无装载必须向下,Ensure that the floor is kept clean to avoid accidents.保持地面清洁以防事故发生,11,In the event of the truck tipping over try to keep your hands on the steering wheel to avoid risk of crushing injuries.发生侧翻时尽量手握方向盘以防严重伤害,16,Avoid repetitive strain injuries by taking several short breaks during a shift.避免超负荷操作对叉车的伤害,一次装卸中休息几次,Be aware of how the distance to centre of gravity affects the lifting capacity.Check the capacity plate.注意离开载荷中心的距离影响装载能力。查阅载荷能力表,Ergonomy,Avoid dangerous manual lifting and handling of heavy goods use the truck.避免手动搬运重物使用叉车,15,12,Check the lifting height it affects stability more than you expect.注意提升高度,它也影响叉车的稳定性,Check how the distance to centre of gravity affects the lifting capacity.查看离开载荷中心的距离对载重能力的影响,If you work in a noisy environment use hearing protection.若在嘈杂环境中工作请使用耳罩,Engineering principles操作守则,Dont forget to adjust the seat,pedals,controls and backrest according to your needs.根据个人需要调整座位、踏板、控制杆和靠背,13,Examine the information plate and loading diagram so that you know what load the truck can lift and at what height load limitation is activated.查看信息表和装载图以了解叉车能装载什么货物及其装载能力,14,