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    词汇辨析,contemptuous,contemptible,contemporary,contemplativeShe gave a contemptuous laugh.Everyone present considered his conduct contemptible.,respectful,respective,respectable,respected,respectingThe boy is always respectful to aged people.They went home to their respective houses.We are all astonished to learn that the apparently respectable professor was really a spy.problems respecting population control,imaginative,imaginable,imaginaryevery imaginable possibilityOn the desert travelers often see imaginary rivers and lakes.,trickle,ooze,dribble,leakThe child began to cry and tears slowly trickled down her face.He was so nervous that sweat oozed from his forehead and trickled down his cheeks.The wound oozes blood.Babies often dribble on their bibs.Air leaked out of the balloon.Who leaked this to the press?,drain,drop,spill,dripThe bath-water slowly drained away.The bottle dropped and broke.He knocked the bucket over and all the water spilt out.Who spilt the news?是去谁把这消息捅出的?I couldnt sleep because the tap in the bathroom was dripping.,commemorate,memorize,remember,remindThe service was held to commemorate the sacrifice of those who died in the war.An actor must be able to memorize his lines.,dismount,disembark,disperse,dischargeShortly after the boat docked,passengers disembarked.The police dispersed the crowd.discharge a soldier,patient,etc.,neglectful,negligible,neglected,negligentHe is neglectful of his appearance.It is very dangerous of drivers to be negligent.He was negligent of his duties.His knowledge of English is negligible.,worthless,invaluable,unworthy,priceless,valueless,vague,blurredShe can only give a vague description of her attacker.His eyes were blurred with tears.,order,prescribe,propose,adviseSome people criticized family doctors for prescribing too many medicines for trivial complaints.,base,prime,raw,roughbase coin(base:not pure不纯的)prime(cuts of)beef 上等牛肉(most important;chief;fundamental)Production has been delayed because of a shortage of raw material.a rough diamond:person who is good-natured but lacking polished manners,education,etc.心地善良但粗俗 缺乏教养等的人,base,basis,foundation,groundBase:is applied chiefly to material objects主要指物体、物质基础:e.g.the size of the monuments base.Basis:is used in a nonphysical sense用来指非物质方面的基础:e.g.The basis of a democratic state is liberty(Aristotle).Foundation:applies physically(the foundation of a house)and figuratively(a statement without foundation in fact).,It often stresses firmness of support for something of relative magnitude:指物质基础如:(房基)及用作比喻:(没有事实基础的声明)。它经常被用来强调相关数量事物基础的稳固和坚固。Ground:more often it is used figuratively in the sense of a justifiable reason 经常更多地用作比喻表示合理的原因、正当的依据或理由:e.g.grounds for divorce离婚的正当理由,handle,solve,resolveHandle:deal with,manage or control(people,a situation,a machine,etc.)e.g.An officer must know how to handle his men.Solve:find an answer to(a problem,etc.)e.g.solve a crossword puzzleResolve:solve or settle(problems,doubts,ect.)e.g.resolve an argument,a crisis,deviation,digression,detour,departurea deviation from the rulesAfter several long digressions he finally reached the interesting part of the story.On the way to school yesterday the road was blocked by a fallen tree,so we had to make a detour.,accuse,charge,blameaccuse sb.of sth.The police accused him of murder.charge sb.with sth.The police charged the driver with reckless driving.charge sb.for sth.How much do you charge for your eggs?blame sb.for sth.sb.be to blame for sth.put/lay the blame for sth.on sb.,affect,effectInflation affects the buying power of the dollar.effect a cure,a change,a sale 产生疗效;引起变化;实行大减价,arouse,arise,rise,raise,liftHis behavior aroused the policemans suspicion.That question did not arise.Are there any matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting?关於上次会议的记录有没有问题?,award,reward,prizeThe degree of B.A.was awarded to him.reward sb.for sth./doing sth.His efforts were rewarded with good results.,benefit,profit,casualty,misfortune,adversity,mishap,mischanceCasualty:an accident,especially one involving serious injury or loss of life 严重的意外,事故,横祸,灾难;死伤(者),受害者;pl.(军)伤亡(人数)e.g.casualty insurance灾害保险;火险;意外保险Misfortune:which applies most broadly,often suggests the operation of distressing circumstances beyond the victims control 适用范围最广,它经常暗含着受害者所不能控制的令人烦恼的外部环境的运转:e.g.She had the misfortune to become gravely ill.,Adversity:frequently implies continuing hardship or affliction 逆境;经常暗含着连续不断的艰难和磨难:e.g.debt-ridden farmers struggling with adversity负债累累的农场主和逆境进行斗争Both mishap and mischance connote slight or negligible incidents or consequences Mishap 和 mischance 两词都包含着轻微的或微不足道的事件或影响的意思:e.g.They arrived at their destination without any mishaps.他们毫无差错地到达了目的地。By mischance I dialed a wrong number.很倒霉,我拨错了电话号码。,crack,tear,break,burstCrack:is to break,often with a sharp snapping sound,without dividing into parts:是使破裂,常带有啪的一声,并不裂成碎片e.g.You may crack these nuts with a hammer.把这些坚果敲开。The soil cracked from the drought.土壤干裂了。Crack up:lose ones physical or mental health(身体或精神)垮下来,不行了;因飞机,汽车等撞毁而伤亡;使(汽车,飞机等)撞毁Tear up:to tear to pieces撕成碎片,Break:is the most general and like the other members of the set implies either the sudden application of force or the build-up of internal stress 最普通,正如这组动词中其它词一样,含有突然用力或内部压力的聚积的意思;指使某件东西破碎。e.g.If you break that vase,youll have to pay for it.Break up:to separate into pieces;divide,Burst:implies a sudden coming apart,especially from internal pressure,and the dispersion of contents:含有突然分开的意思,尤指由于内部压力,各自分散开:e.g.The child burst the balloon with a pin.那个孩子用别针把气球戳破了。Her appendix burst.她的阑尾破了。,simultaneous,spontaneousSimultaneous:happening or done at the same time 同时的,同时发生的Spontaneous:voluntary 自发的,自然的(指自然发生而非由于外部强制或刺激的结果)eg.Both sides burst into cheers at the skilful play.搭配:combustion 自燃 laughter/peasant rebellion,profitable,advantageousProfitable:refers to what yields material gain or useful compensation:意指获得物质收益或有用的补偿:e.g.profitable speculation on the stock market;在股票市场上的有利可图的投机a profitable meeting to resolve difficulties有利于解决困难的会议 advantageous:affords improvement in relative position or in chances of success指在相对的位置上或成功的机会方面给予改善:e.g.signed a contract that is advantageous to our company签订一项对我们公司有利的合同,manifestation,demonstrationManifestation:An indication of the existence,reality,or presence of something表现,某事物的存在、现状或出现的显示:e.g.A high fever is an early manifestation of the disease.发高烧是这种疾病的早期表现症状。Demonstration:An illustration or explanation 演示、示范、实证;示威e.g.a demonstration of the computers functions 计算机功能演示 a demonstration of affection 爱的表示,squeeze,squash,thrustSqueeze:squeeze sb/sth into,through:force(sth/sb/oneself)into,through a narrow gap or restricted space.e.g.squeeze into a tight space 挤进一个拥挤的地方Squash:crowd,force(sth/sb/oneself)in the specified direction by squeezing e.g.Dont all try to squash into the lift together.不要一起挤进电梯。Thrust:push(sth/sb/oneself)suddenly or violently 猛然或用力推某人、某物;(自己)向前挤,cheat,deceive,defraud,kid,fool,swindlecheat sb.of sth.She cheated in the entrance examination.deceive into doing sth.The old woman was deceived into buying that fake diamond.Dont be deceived by his impressive appearance.She was defrauded of her money by a dishonest accountant.He just fools about all day long.She swindled 1000 out of the Social Security.,chew,bite,crunch,devour,munch,nibblebite off more than one can chewcold that bites the skina conscience bitten by remorsecrunch peanuts,biscuits,etc.The frozen snow crunched under our feet.If it comes to the crunch theyll support us.The boy devoured the books he could get about the author.munch(at/on)an appleMice have nibbled all the cheese away.,crash,crush,smashThe airplane crashed over the ocean.crush the rebellionAlthough the bed was smashed to pieces,the man was miraculously unhurt.,ensure,assure,insure,secureassure sb.of sth.,enlarge,broaden,extend,magnifyenlarge the photo/ones vocabularybroaden ones outlook/horizonsextend a road/a loan for three more months/ones heartfelt thankswords with extended meanings,exhausting,exhaustible,exhaustivean exhaustive study,expense,cost,economics,finance,income,pricethe cost of production/living,gleam,glimmer,glitter,flicker,sparklea gleam/glimmer of hope/chanceAll that glitters is not gold.The candle flickered out./The candle flickered in the wind.the sparkling waves,glide,skid,slide,slipThe truck skidded on a patch of ice.He slipped on a patch of ice and sprained his ankle.,grab,snatch,seize,grasp,grip,clasp,clutchThe thief grabbed the shoulder bag from the woman and ran off.(snatch sth.selfishly or rudely)She snatched the letter from me/out of my hand.seize an opportunityThe story griped the children.She clutched the childs hand as they crossed the street.,graceful,gracious,grateful,gratifyingThe news is most gratifying.,heal,cure,treatThe cut soon healed over/up,but it left a scar.Time is a great healer.heal the wounds/breachIf only you could heal my heart just one more time.Some types of cancer can be cured.,healthful,healthy,wholesome,sound,vigoroushealthful climateYou should pray for a sound mind in a sound body.,imitation,artificial,counterfeit,fake,false,syntheticimitation furartificial flowers/smilecounterfeit money,jewels,etc.This ten-dollar bill is a counterfeit.fake furs/jewellery/policeman etc.false teeth/documents,industrious,industrialloud,aloud,loudlyneedy,needful,meet,meet withI met my teacher in the street today.meet with sb.:(1)meet sb.esp.for discussion;(2)encounter sth.;experience sth.The President met with senior White House aides at breakfast.The terrorists are bound to meet with a terrible fate.His speech met with a cold acceptance.,damp,moist,humid,weta cold,damp collara moist breezeHis eyes were moist with tears.wet paint/clotheshot,humid weather,nourish,nurturenourish a hope/dislikeThese delicate plants need careful nurturing.,pardon,excuse,forgiveThe criminal was pardoned because of his full confession.excuse sth./sb.for sth.The company excused the watchman for falling asleep while on duty.,permission,permit,allowanceThe situation does not permit of any delay.情势刻不容缓。,preference,privilege,priorityspecial trade preferences,quiver,shiver,shudder,tremble,vibrateHer lip quivered like that of a child about to cry.Her voice quivered.She was shivering all over with fear.He shuddered when he saw the dead animal.The tree branch trembled when I stood on it.,reject,decline,deny,refuse,reserve,conserve,preserveconserve our national heritage in the face of bewildering changeYou can preserve meat or fish in salt.The Town Council spent a lot of money to preserve the old castle and other places of historic interest.preserve peaceSalt preserves food from decay.,revenge,avengeavenged their wronged parentsavenge oneself on sb./sth.revenge oneself on sb.revenge an injustice,injury,insult,etc.He revenged his dead father.,scratch,scrape,scrubHe scratched the insect bite on his leg.to scratch the paint off the wallScrape the mud off your shoes with this knife.Dont forget to scrub behind your ears.,senseless,sensible,sensitiveshameful,ashamed,shamelesssoft,gentle,mildspecial,especial,specific,weakness,susceptibility,vulnerability,frailtyWeakness:A personal defect or failing.It suggests deficiency of moral strength or force of character指缺乏道德力量或性格力量:e.g.We all have our little weakness.Susceptibility:the capacity to be affected by deep emotions or strong feelings;sensitivity敏感,敏感性。Vulnerability:the state of being vulnerable(susceptible to attack)Frailty:implies the likelihood of yielding to temptation.,drudgery,toil,grind,laborDrudgery:suggests dull,wearisome,or monotonous work表明枯燥的、使人疲倦的或单调无味的工作:Toil:applies principally to strenuous,fatiguing,lengthy labor指原则上需勤奋的、令人疲倦的、长时间的工作:e.g.I have nothing to offer but blood,toil,tears and sweat(Winston S.Churchill).除了鲜血、辛劳、泪水和汗水,我一无长物。,Grind:(informal)A laborious task,routine,or study苦力,苦差:费力的任务、日常工作或学习:e.g.Marking examination papers is a real grind.批改试卷的确是个苦事。Labor:usually implies human work,especially of a hard physical or intellectual nature通常指人类的工作,尤指有艰难的体力和脑力性质的:e.g.manual labor体力劳动labor-intensive products劳动密集型产品 skilled labor技术工人,blend,mingle,merge,combineBlend:to mix intimately and harmoniously so that the components shade into each other,losing some or all of their original definition紧密而和谐地混合以致各成分彼此融合而失去其某些或全部的原始定义:e.g.blended whisky/tea/coffee/tobacco 混合的威士忌 Oil does not blend with water.油不溶于水。=Oil and water do not blend.油与水不能混合。,Mingle:implies combination without loss of individual characteristics意为有不损其个体特色的混合:e.g.Add the mint and allow the flavours to mingle.with sb/sth;(together)go about among sb/sth;associate with sb/sth 混进某些人/某事物中;与某人/某事物交往或联系 e.g.Security men mingled with the crowd.保安人员混杂在人群中。,Merge:implies the absorption of one entity into another with resultant homogeneity含有把一种实体吸收到另一种中去产生均匀和谐的结果:e.g.We can merge our two small businesses(together)into one larger one.我们可以把我们那两个小企业合并成一个大企业.Where does this stream merge into the Rhine?在什么地方和莱茵河合流?,Combine:to join(two or more substances)to make a single substance,such as a chemical compound使化合,使(两个或两个以上物质)合成为单一的物质,如化学合成;混合 e.g.Hydrogen and oxygen combine/Hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water.氢与氧化合成水.The two small shops combined to make a large one.,illusion,delusiondelusion 通常用于表示“荒谬的见解”或被别人所“迷惑”,有时包含着“神经错乱”、“妄想症”,或者“没有区别真假的能力”;illusion 很少表示神经紊乱,也不表示没有区别真假的能力,而表示“由于视觉、感觉的歪曲所造成的错觉”,也可能是“感情的因素所致的错觉”,“错误的观点”。e.g.I have no illusions about my ability.=I know that I am not very able.我对自己的能力如何颇有自知之明。an optical illusion 光幻视,exterior,external,outer,outsideExterior:物体的表面e.g.paint the exterior walls of a house 给房子的外墙刷油漆External:存在与某事物之外的抽象意义 e.g.external pressures 外界的压力 位於某物(尤指身体)外表的:e.g.for external use only 仅供外用All his injuries are external.=He hasnt been injured inside the body.外伤 Outer:远离中心的外层 e.g.the outer hall 外厅the outer suburbs of the city 城市的远郊journeys to outer space 太空旅行Outside:固体的外部,位置上的外面,faculty,ability,capacityFaculty:denotes an inherent power or ability指内在的力量或能力:e.g.These girls have the faculty to learn languages easily.这几个女孩擅长学习语言。Ability:is the power,mental or physical,to do something是指智力或体力上的能力。Capacity:refers to an innate potential for growth,development,or accomplishment指天赋的,如生长、发展或成功的潜力:e.g.Not by age but by capacity is wisdom acquired.智慧的获得是依靠才能而非年龄。,alter,vary,modify,convertalter指对人或事物的某些特征进行某种程度的更改,但并没使人或事的性质发生根本改变,一般是使事物更好、更合适。e.g.She had to ask the dressmaker to alter the dress for her.请裁缝把衣服改一下。vary可以指仅仅改变事物的外观,也可指使事物的内在性质发生变化,通常是在同一组事物中将一种情形改变为另一种情形,强调变化和不同。e.g.She varies the program each month to make it more attractive.每个月她都对节目做些变动,使它更吸引人。,modify指在较小的范围内进行形式上的修改或调整。e.g.They have to modify the terms of their lease.他们不得不修改租赁条款。convert指使事物的条件、性质、功能等发生重要改变、转换、或转化,或彻底的改变,该词特指改变信仰。e.g.Scientists are trying to find cheaper ways to convert salt water to fresh water.科学家在努力寻找将海水淡化的更廉价的方法。,track,trail,traceTrack:usually denotes a mark or succession of marks,as footprints,left by something that has passed通常指由通过的某物留下的一个记号或一系列记号,如足迹:e.g.tyre tracks in the mud 泥地上的车胎印 We followed his tracks through the snow.我们循着雪地上他留下的脚印走。Trail:can refer to the tracks of a pers


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