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    中国对外承包工程商会颁布2019 版系列分包工程合同共有如下五套分包工程合同:(1) 2019版国际承包工程货物采购合同条件(中英文对照)CONTRACT CONDITIONS OF GOODS PURCHASE FORINTERNATIONALCONTRACTING WORKS(2 )2019版施工分包合同条件(适用于单价分包合同)(中英文对照)CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTIONSUBCONTRACTS(applicable to unit price subcontracts)(3 )2019版施工分包合同条件(适用于总价分包合同)(中英文对照)CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTIONSUBCONTRACTS(applicable to lump sum subcontracts)(4 ) 2019版设计分包合同条件(中英文对照)SUBCONTRACT CONDITIONS FOR DESIGN(5 ) 2019版安装分包合同条件(中英文对照)CONDITIONS OF THE INSTALLATION SUBCONTRACT安装分包合同部分章节示例如下:10.4 不合格的材料和设备 10.4 Unqualified materials and equipment10.4.1 如分包商使用了不合格的材料或设备,承包商有权指示分包商 予以处理,由此造成的一切损失由分包商负责。10.4.2 Provided that the Subcontractors use the substandard materials or equipment, the Contractor shall have the right to instruct it to dispose of the same and the Subcontractor shall be responsible for all damage caused thereby.10.4.3 如承包商的检查或检验结果表明分包商提供的材料或设备不符 合合同要求时,承包商可以拒绝验收,并立即通知分包商予以更换。10.4.4 Provided that the Contractor's inspection or examination shows that the materials or equipment supplied by the Subcontractor fail to conform to the requirements of the Contract the Contractor may refuse acceptance and immediately notify the Subcontractor to replace the same.10.4.5 如检查或检验结果表明,承包商提供的材料和/或设备不符合合 同要求,分包商有权拒绝接收,并可要求承包商予以更换,由此增加的 费用和工期延误责任由承包商承担。10.4.6 Provided that the inspection or examination shows that the materials and/or equipment supplied by the Contractor fail to conform to the requirements of the Contract, theSubcontractor shall be entitled to reject the same and may require the Contractor to make replacement thereof, the responsibility for any increase in cost and delay arising therefrom shall be borne by the Contractor.10.5 5 重新检验 10.5 Re-inspection不论何种原因,若承包商对以往的检验结果有疑问时,可以指示分包商 重新检验,分包商不得拒绝。如重新检验结果证明分包商提供的材料和 设备不符合分包合同要求,则应由分包商承担重新检验的费用和工期延 误责任。若重新检验结果证明这些材料和工程设备符合合同要求,则应 由承包商承担重新检验的费用和工期延误责任。Ifz for whatever reason, the Contractor is in doubt about the results of a previous inspection, may instruct the re-inspection to be made by Subcontractor which shall not refuse to do so. Where the re-inspection proves these materials and equipment fail to meet the requirements of the subcontract, the Subcontractor shall be liable for the cost of the re-inspection and the delay. Where the results of the re-inspection prove such materials and engineering equipment meet the requirements of the contract the Contractor shall be liable for the cost of the re-inspection and for any delay in the work schedule.10.6 分包商不进行检查和检验的补救办法10.6 Remedies for non-inspection and non-inspection10.6.1 如分包商未能完成承包商指示的检查和检验工作,承包商可以 指派自己的人员或委托其他有资质的检验机构或人员进行检查和检验, 分包商不得拒绝,并应提供一切方便。由此增加的费用和工期延误责任 由分包商承担。10.6.2 Provided that the Subcontractor fails to complete the inspection and examination work as directed by the Contractor, the Contractor may appoint its own personnel or commission other qualified inspection agencies or personnel to carry out the inspection and examination, and the Subcontractor shall not refuse to do so and shall provide all facilities therefore. The liability for such increased cost and construction period delay shall be borne by the Subcontractor.10.6.3 承包商和/或分包商的检查不能替代业主和/或工程师的检查,业 主和/或工程师的检查结果为最终结果。业主和/或工程师有权对分包商 提供的材料和设备进行检查,分包商应根据第11条的约定对业主和/ 或工程师的检查结果进行整改或处理。10.6.4 The Contractor's and/or Subcontractor's inspection is not a substitute for the Employer's and/or Engineer's inspection which shall be final. The Employer and/or the Engineer shall have the right to inspect the materials and equipment supplied by the Subcontractor which shall, in accordance with the agreement in Article llz rectify or deal with the results of the Employer's and/or the Engineer's inspection.11不合格的工程、材料和设备的处理11 Treatment of unqualified works, materials and equipment11.1 在不损害本分包合同其他合同条款约定的情况下,如果由于分包 商使用了不合格材料和设备造成了工程损害,承包商可以随时发出指示 要求分包商立即采取措施进行补救,直到彻底清除工程的不合格部位以 及不合格的材料和设备,由此增加的费用和工期延误责任由分包商承担。若上述不合格的材料或设备由承包商提供的,应由承包商负责更换,并 承担由此增加的费用和工期延误责任。11.2 Without prejudice to the other contractual provisions hereof, provided that the damage to the Works is caused by the use of substandard materials and equipment by the Subcontractor, the Contractor may at any time issue instructions requiring it to take immediate actions to remedy the defective parts of the Works, the non-conforming materials and equipment until which are completely removed, in addition to the liabilities for increased cost and construction period delay shall be borne by the Subcontractor. However, if said non-conforming material or equipment is supplied by the Contractor, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to replace the same and shall be liable for the increased cost and delay thereof.11.3 如分包商无故拖延或拒绝执行承包商的上述指示,则承包商有权 委托第三方执行该项指示,由此增加的费用及工期延误责任由分包商承 担。11.4 Provided that the Subcontractor unreasonably delays or refuses to execute the above instructions of the Contractor, the Contractor shall be entitled to instruct a third party to execute such instructions and the Subcontractor shall be liable for any additional costs and delays resulting therefrom.12 质量 12. Quality12.1 按照要求施工 12.1 Construction in accordance with the requirements12.1.1 分包商应严格按照分包合同约定的通用和特别技术条款,图纸, 设计文件以及文件中所提及的相关标准和规范进行安装工程的施工,确 保工程质量达到分包合同技术规范的要求,与此有关的所有费用全部由 分包商承担,包括但不限于试验检测、放样和验收、措施等费用。12.1.2 The Subcontractor shall carry out the Installation Works in strict accordance with the general and special technical terms of the subcontract the drawings, the design documents, the relevant standards and specifications referred to in the documents to ensure the quality of the works meets the requirements of the technical specifications which specified in the subcontract and all costs relating thereto are borne by theSubcontractor, including but not limited to the costs of testing and inspection, construction lofting and acceptance, construction measures, etc.12.1.3 分包商未经承包商同意,自行提高工程质量标准所产生的费用, 由分包商自行承担。12.1.4 The expenses incurred by the Subcontractor in raising the quality standards of the Works without the consent of the Contractor shall be borne by the Subcontractor.12.2 质量体系文件 12.2 The documents of quality system12.2.1 分包商在安装工程施工前应向承包商提交施工组织设计、总体 施工计划、质保体系、安全体系、职业健康体系,质量保证体系文件等。 分包商应在分包合同约定或承包商要求的时间内提交上述文件。12.2.2 The Subcontractor shall, prior to commencement of construction OfInstaIIation Worksz submit the construction organization design, general construction planz quality assurance systemz safety system, occupational health system and quality assurance system documents, etc. to the Contractor. The Subcontractor shall submit the above documents within the time specified in the Subcontract or required by the Contractor.12.2.3 在承包商收到分包商提交第12.2.1款约定的文件后的14天 内,承包商应回复分包商,给出批准、意见或否决的决定。12.2.4 The Contractor shallz within 14 days upon receipt of the documents submitted by the Subcontractor, which specified in article 12.2.1, respond to the Subcontractor with the decisions of approval, comment or rejection.12.2.5 分包商应在收到承包商回复意见后的14天内或承包商另行要 求的期限内,按照承包商的回复意见进行修改并向承包商重新递交文件。12.2.6 The Subcontractor shall revise and resubmit the documents to the Contractor in accordance with the Contractor's response within 14 days of receipt of the Contractor's response or within such other period as the Contractor may request.12.3 质量检查 12.3 Quality inspection12.3.1 在安装施工过程中,分包商自检人员必须对每一道工序进行现 场监督,质量达不到合格工程标准以及不符合规范要求的,应及时予以 修复和返工。如造成与其相关联的其他工序出现质量问题,分包商除了 承担本工序的修复返工费用外,同时承担关联工序的返工费用。每道工 序完工后,经自检达到合格工程标准,报承包商检查合格后方可进行下 一道工序施工。12.3.2 The Subcontractor's self-inspection personnel shall, during the Installation Works process, supervise each process on sitez the works with the quality failing to meet the standard of qualified work and the requirements of the specifications shall, in a timely manner, be repaired and reworked. In case of quality problems in other processes related to itz the Subcontractor shall bear the rework costs of the related process besides the repair cost of the process. The work will, upon completion of each process, be made self-inspection to the satisfactory standard and file it the contractor for inspection before the next process can be carried out12.3.3 分包商应将施工原始记录和其他承包商要求提供的施工技术资 料等及时报送承包商。12.3.4 The Subcontractor shall, without any delay, submit to the Contractor the original construction records and other technical construction information required by the Contractor, etc.12.3.5 在分包合同施工期间,分包商应执行承包商、业主和/或工程师 发出的一切书面通知、意见、批示、决定等,如果对业主和/或工程师 的书面通知、意见、批示、决定等不同意的,在执行的同时应立即向承 包商反映,并由承包商同业主和/或工程师交涉解决。12.3.6 The Subcontractor shall, during the construction of the Subcontract, execute all written notices, opinions, instructions, decisions, etc., which issued by the Contractor, the Employer and/or the Engineer. Provided that the Subcontractor disagrees with the written notices, opinions, instructions, decisions and others from the Employer and/or the Engineer, shall forthwith make known to the Contractor while being execute and the issues shall be resolved by the Contractor in consultation with the Employer and/or the Engineer.为避免误解和歧义,分包商对业主和/或工程师发出的一切书面通知、 意见、批示、决定等提出异议,并不意味着分包商的提出的异议应得到 支持。For the avoidance of misunderstanding and ambiguity, the objections submitted by the Subcontractor on all written notices, comments, instructions, decisions, etc. issued by the Employer and/or the Engineer fail to mean the objections raised by the Subcontractor shall be upheld.在未得到业主和/或工程师的同意或认可时,分包商应根据分包合同的 约定向承包商提出索赔意向通知,由承包商递交给业主和/或工程师, 按照分包合同第33.4条相关索赔处理。The Subcontractor shall, if without agreement or acceptance by the Employer and/or the Engineer, give the Notice of Intent to Claim to the Contractor in accordance with the Subcontract which shall be submitted by the Contractor to the Employer and/or the Engineer under article 33.4 Related Claims of theSubcontract.12.3.7 承包商的质量检查不能替代业主和/或工程师的检查。业主和/ 或工程师有权对分包商工程质量进行检查,分包商应根据业主和/或业 主咨询工程师或工程师的检查结果进行整改。12.3 The Contractor's quality inspection is not a substitute for the Employer's and/or the Engineer's inspection. The Employer and/or the Engineer shall have the right to inspect the quality of the Subcontractor's work and the Subcontractor shall rectify the same in accordance with the results of inspection by the Employer's and/or the Employer's Consulting Engineer's or the Engineer.12.3.6如承包商质量检查结果与业主和/或工程师的检查结果不一致时, 应以业主和/或工程师的检查结果为最终结果。12.3.6 In the event of discrepancies between the results of the Contractor's quality inspections and those of the Employer and/or the Engineer, the results of the Employer's and/or the Engineer's inspections shall be final and prevail.13 现场试验 13 Field test13.1 现场材料试验 13.1 Field material test13.1.1 在分包商自负费用建立现场实验室的情况下,分包商应在工地 建立自己的实验室,配备足够的人员和设备,按分包合同约定和承包商 的指示进行各项材料试验,并为承包商进行质量检查和检验提供必要的 试验资料和原始记录。13.1.2 Under the circumstances of establishment of the on-site laboratory at the Subcontractor' s own expense, the Subcontractor shall establish its own laboratory on site with sufficient personnel and equipment to carry out all material tests as specified in the Subcontract and as directed by the Contractor, and to provide the necessary test data and original records for the Contractor' s quality checks and inspections.13.1.3 承包商在质量检查和检验过程中若需抽样试验,所需试件应由 分包商提供,承包商可以使用分包商的试验设备,分包商应予协助。上 述试验所需提供的试件和承包商使用试验设备所需的费用由分包商承 担。13.1.4 Where the Contractor needs sampling tests during the quality inspection and test process, the required specimens shall be provided by the Subcontractor. The Contractor may use its test equipment for which the Subcontractor shall assist and bear the cost of the test and test equipment.13.1.5 在分包商不在现场建立实验室时,则所有试验由承包商负责进 行,承包商应在试验结果书面通知分包商,试验费用由分包商承担。13.1.6 Provided that failure of establishment of the site laboratory by the Subcontractor, all tests shall be made by the Contractor which shall notify the Subcontractor in writing of the results of the tests, and the test expense should be for the account of the Subcontractor.


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