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    主变安装方案 (中英文).docx

    燃机主变压器安装InstalIation of the GT main transformer施工作业指导书Construction Methodology作业项目名称:燃机主变压器安装Project name: installation of the GT main transformer专 业:电气Specialty: Electrical2020年11月10日November 10,2020目录 TabIe of Contents1、编制依据11、ReferenCe12、概述12、SUmmary13、主要工程量13、Main WOrk ClUantity14、作业条件24、Work Condition25、作业方案35 Wdrk SCheme36、强制性条文执行内容136、COntent Of COmDUISOrV Dn)ViSionS Of engineering COnStnlCtion StandardS137、安全文明施工保障措施及风险控制计划表167、COntent Of COmDUlSorV ProViSionS Of engineering ConStnlCtiOn StandardS168、质量控制措施228、OUaHtV CongI measures229、绿色施工措施239、Green ConStrUCtiOn measures2310、应急保障措施23IOa EmergeeCy SUDDolI measures231、编制依据1 Reference1.1浙江设计院提供的本项目的相关图纸;1.1 Relevant drawings of this project provided by Zhejiang Design Institute2、概述2、Summary2.1本工程为:孟加拉国库尔纳330MW(200-300MW)双燃料联合循环电站项目,工作内容 主要包括燃机主变压器安装。The project is: Bangladesh Khulna 330MW(200-300MW)combined cycle (duel fuel) power plant project, The work mainly includes the installation of the GT main transformer.3、主要工程量 Main work quantity3.1施工范围:燃机主变压器系统设备安装工程工程量统计如下:主要包括:变压器安装(主 变压器本体安装、主变压器检查、主变压器附件安装、主变压器注油及密封试验、主变压 器整体检查),变压器系统附属设备安装(中性点隔离开关安装、控制柜及端子箱检查安 装、软母线安装)。Construction scope: The GT main transformer system equipment installation project is listed as follows: Mainly includes: transformer installation (main transformer body installation, main transformer inspection, main transformer accessory installation, main transformer oil injection and sealing test, main transformer overall inspection), transformer system Auxiliary equipment installation (neutral point disconnector installation, control cabinet and terminal box inspection installation, soft bus installation).3.2主要工作量主要工程量统计Major project statistics名称Name型号规格 Specifications单位 Unit数量 Quantity生产厂家 Manufacturer燃机主变Main transformer of Gas turbineDFZ-12600/242 126MV 242/3 +812xl. 25%15. 75kv Ud=15%, YNdlSet4常州西电变压器有 限责任公司 CHANGZHOU XDsTransfbrmer Co.,Ltd.4.0 作业条件 Work condition主要设备交货条 件Major equipment delivery conditions燃机主变到货不影响安装施工。检查外观无掉漆、腐蚀和漏油现象。检查变压器高低压侧 方向及变压器氮气压力,应为0.010.03MPa,如压力不足,卸车后立即充氮。The arrival of GT equipment does not affect the installation and construction. Check the appearance of paint, corrosion and oil leakage. Check the direction of the transformer HV side and LV side and the nitrogen pressure of the transformer should be 0.01 0.03MPa, if the pressure is not enough, immediately filling the nitrogen after unloading人力 Manpower其中施工技术人员1人,质检员1人,安全员1人,其中负责人1人,施工人员3人,力 工15人,满足施工要求Including one construction technician, one quality inspector, one safety officer, including one responsible person, three construction workers, and fifteen workers, meeting the construction requirements.机械 Mechanical运输车辆1台,25T汽车吊1台,真空滤油机1台 1 transport vehicle, 1 25T crane, 1 vacuum oil filter工器具Mechanical注油用管及阀门1套,抽真空用管及阀门1套,尼龙绳2根,锤刀及纱布若干,白棉布若 干,塑料布若干,汽车吊1台,插口及眼睛扳手2套1 set of oil filling pipe and valve, 1 set of vacuum pipe and valve, 2 nylon ropes, several trowels and gauze, several white cotton cloths, several plastic cloths, 1 car suspension, 2 sockets and eye spanners预备安装条件Prepare installation conditions场地:汽机主变基础已交安并满足变压器安装条件。Venue: The foundation of the main combustion engine has been delivered and meets the transformer installation conditions.环境:具有足够的施工用场地,道路通畅,场地平整干净、坚实,吊车站位处一定要坚实, 必要时采取夯实基础;变压器施工场地与其他专业施工场地应有明显的分界标志,变压器 安装人员与其他安装人员互不干扰:变压器安装时尤其是内部检查和抽真空时周围不得有 其他专业施工。Environment: Adequate construction site, smooth roads, clean and solid ground, the location of the crane station must be solid, and the foundation should be taken if necessary; the transformer construction site and other professional construction sites should have clear demarcation marks, and transformer installation personnel It does not interfere with other installers; there must not be other professional constructions around transformer installations, especially internal inspections and vacuuming.工期 Duration2020.11.28-2020.12.10材料 Mechanical施工用的各种材料已经提出计划并已经到货,现场安全设施已到位,现场规划基本完成 Various materials for construction have been proposed and arrived. On-site safety facilities are in place and site planning is basically completed.5.0 作业方案 Work scheme5.1 施工工序流程图:Work process flow chartI施工准备If而妾衰H变压器油处理,试验卜度压器抽真空If质空注油及热油痢f丽I5.2 施工工序卡:Work process card:1.概述:主变压器安装 OVerView: Main Transformer Installation2.操作方法:OPeration method:步骤名称Step name主要作业方法和操作要求Major operating methods and operating requirements工艺质量要求Process quality requirements1.施工准备 Construction preparationI.作业准备和条件要求Preparation and condition requirements(1)有关图纸、资料齐全,设备及附件齐备完好; The drawings, document is completed. Equipment and accessory is ready.(2)变压器基础浇筑及保养已全部完毕,并经验 收合格The foundation of transformer has been completed and inspected(3)变压器基础周围道路地面平整、坚实,以便 变压器附件的运输和吊装、就位:The ground around the transformer base is flat and solid, so that the transformer accessories can be transported and installation.(4)配备足够的合格施工人员,经三级安全教育 并考试合格;Equipped with sufficient qualified construction personnel, passed three levels of safety education and passed the examination;(5)机械、机具、工具和材料满足要求; Machinery, implements, tools and materials meet the requirements;(6)油箱、滤油机及其它机具规划布置好,工器 具准备齐全并登记在册。The oil tank, oil filter and other machinery are planned and arranged well, and the tools and equipment are ready and registered.2.设备到达现场后的检查Inspection after the equipment arrives at the site (1)运输时,检查变压器油箱内氮气压力应在 0.01-0.03Mpa之间;检查变压器在运输装卸过 程中是否受到过冲击;When transporting , check the nitrogen pressure in the transformer oil tank should be between 0.01 0.03Mpa; And make a record. Check whether the transformer has been impacted during transport handling;变压器运输就位前应注意场地的耐 压承载能力,防止重型汽车、液压 起重设备受力不均匀Before the transformer is unloaded we should pay attention to the pressure bearing capacity of the site Prevent uneven stress on heavy-duty vehicles and hydraulic lifting equipment(2)到达现场后的附件应齐全,无锈蚀及机械损 伤,密封应良好。充油保管的应无渗油、油位正 常。将附件按要求清洗干净并分类保管; The accessories after arriving at the site shall be complete, free from rust and mechanical damage, and the seal shall be good. Oil-filled storage should be free from oil leakage and normal oil level. Clean the accessories as required and store them in categories;(3)瓷件及绝缘件应无裂纹及破损,并经试验合 格;Porcelain pieces and insulators shall be free of cracks and breakage, and pass the test;(4)到达现场的绝缘油,按照标准规定进行抽样 测试,避免不同牌号的绝缘油混用,将油桶的油 储藏于密封清洁专用油箱;对不合格的绝缘油进 行滤油直至油样合格为止;Insulation oil arriving at the site shall be sample tested in accordance with the standard to avoid mixture of different grades of insulating oil. The oil in the oil drum shall be stored in a sealed and cleaned fuel tank; the oil shall be filtered until the oil sample is qualied.;(5)清点记录设备附件、零配件并做标识,同时 进行妥善保管。Inventory of equipment accessories, spare parts, and identification2.附件安装 accessories installation1 .油枕安装Oil breather installation(1)在变压器箱体上固定油枕支架;Fix the oil breather bracket on the transformer box;(2)在地面上组合好油枕的附件(油位计、阀门、 真空管等);Combine the accessories of oil breather (oil level gauges, valves, vacuum tubes, etc.) on the ground; (3)把油枕起吊就位,紧固所有连接螺栓。Lift the oil breather in place and fasten all connecting bolts.2 .高低压套管及升高座安装High voltage and low voltage bushing and dome installation(1)套管安装前应进行绝缘电阻和吸收比及介 损试验。对升高座内CT做变比试验。对于上述 试验都进行完毕各项都合格后方可进行安装。 Insulation resistance and absorption ratio and dielectric loss test shall be carried out before installation of the bushing. A ratio test was performed on the CT in the elevated seat. For the above tests, all the items are qualied before installation.(2)准备安装的套管应置于存放架上固定支持, 以便捆绑起吊,起吊使用尼龙吊带,套管易碎, 安装时应特别小心:The bushing to be installed shall be placed on the storage rack to be fixed and supported so as to be bundled and lifted. The nylon sling is used for做好设备防打击、碰撞措施和成品 保护措施,特别是散热器、套管要 用防打击性能好的材料来保护,防 止散热器、套管被打烂。Do a good job of equipment anti-strike, collision measures and finished product protection measures. In particular, radiators and casings should be protected with materials with good anti-strike performance to prevent radiators and casings from being damaged.lifting. The bushing is fragile and special care must be taken during installation.(2)按顺序安装套管升高座,选择套管安装顺序, 并且每次只装一个套管。通过吊钩环链慢慢调整 套管的倾斜度,直到要求值,吊至刚高于升高座 处就位、按力矩值要求连接;Install the dome in sequence, select the bushing installation sequence, and install only one brushing at one time. Slowly adjust the inclination of the bushing through the hook and loop chain until the required value, lift it to just above the raised seat and connect it according to the torque value;(3)套管安装就位后将变压器引线穿入套管固定 并连接,安装套管密封。After the bushing is installed in position, the transformer leads are inserted into the bushing to be fixed and connected, and the bushing is sealed.3 .散热器安装Radiator installation(1)根据施工图,按顺序安装散热器。散热器安 装前应按规定用气压或油压进行密封试验,同时 用合格的绝缘油经净油机循环冲洗干净,排尽残 油;Install the radiators in order according to the construction drawings. Before the radiator is installed, it shall be sealed and tested with air pressure or oil pressure according to the regulations. At the same time, the qualified insulating oil shall be flushed through the oil purifier to remove the residual oil.(2)安装散热器前,先安装其底部油管及油泵, 紧固所有法兰连接螺栓;Before installing the radiator, first install the bottom oil pipe and oil pump, and tighten all flange connecting bolts;(3)安装好支架后,把散热器就位到要求位置, 紧固所有连接螺栓。散热器安装完毕应立即注满 油。After installing the bracket, place the radiator in the required position and tighten all connecting bolts. The radiator should be filled with oil immediately after installation.4 .油管安装Tubing installation(1)根据图纸布置连接情况确定管道安装连接位 置;Determine the pipe installation and connection position according to the layout of the drawings;(2)注意各个管连接必须均匀、紧密、牢固, 以免渗油。Note that each nozzle connection must be uniform, tight, and firm so as not to leak oil.5 .辅助设备的安装包括:参数铭牌、温度指示器、 测温探头、气体继电器、压力释放阀、真空释放 阀、CT接线盒、轨道及器身接地、硅胶干燥器、 油取样装置、就地配电控制箱、变压器中性点设备。气体继电器、油面及绕组温度计需经校验后 方可安装。Installation of auxiliary equipment includes: parameter nameplate, temperature indicator, temperature probe, gas relay, pressure relief valve, vacuum release valve, CT junction box, track and body grounding, silica gel dryer, oil sampling device, local Distribution control box. transformer neutral point equipment.Gas relays, oil level and winding thermometers must be calibrated before installation.3.变压器油处 理、试验Transformer oil treatment, test1 .变压器箱体内的油及新的变压器油必须取样 做试验并进行滤油处理。新油需3到5个体积油 循环过滤,待静置3到4小时后,取油样并作试 验;The oil in the transformer tank and the new transformer oil must be sampled for testing and oil treatment. The new oil needs 3 to 5 volumes of oil circulating filtration. After leaving for 3 to 4 hours, take the oil sample and test it.2 .新的变压器油应符合规程标准。The new transformer oil should meet the regulatory standards.4.变压器抽真空 处理 Transformer vacuum treatmentI.将真空泵与变压器法兰进行连接,开启真空泵 进行抽真空,本工程的变压器为230kV电压等 级,真空度不能大于133pa.1. Connect the vacuum pump to the transformer flange and turn on the vacuum pump for vacuuming. The transformer of this project is 230kV voltage level, and the vacuum degree cannot be greater than 133pa.5.真空注油及热 油循环Oil injection and hot oil circulation1 .主变抽真空后保持8小时,开始在真空状态下 注油至规定位置,注油时变压器处于真空,油的 温度应高于器身温度,注油速度不宜大于2 (X)LZmin ;After the transformer vacuum leak test is completed, continue to pump vacuum to below 3 mbar for more than 8 hours, and begin to pump under vacuum to a specified position. When the oil is filled, the transformer is in a vacuum. The temperature of the oil should be higher than the body temperature, and the oil injection speed. Should not be greater than IOOLZmin;3 .注油结束后,应继续保持真空4小时,然后进 行热油循环(油温在50-60°C),连续循环时间不 得少于48小时。After the end of the oil injection, the vacuum should be maintained for 4 hours. Then the hot oil circulation (oil temperature is 50-60oC) should be continued. The continuous cycle time should not be less than 48 hours.6.变压器试验Transformer test变压器注油合格后,必须按交接试验标准进行有 关的特性试验和绝缘试验。这些试验包括:各绕 组直流电阻测量;变比试验;绝缘电阻和吸收比 测量等。After the transformer is filled with oil, relevant property tests and insulation tests must be carriedout in accordance with the transfer test standards. These tests include: DC resistance measurement of each winding; ratio test; insulation resistance and absorption ratio measurement and other monomer tests.7.投运前的检查 inspection before energizedL检查安装的所有附件Check all the accessories2 .检查变压器底座和外壳接地Check the grounding of transformer base and transformer body3 .气体继电器,压力释放阀,风扇,温度计等保 护报警回路正确the circuit of gas relay ,pressure relief valve, fan, temperature should be correct4 .变压器油化验合格the transformer oil test report are qualifiedL附件安装正确,无缺陷All accessories are correct, no issue2 .变压器底座和外壳应可靠接地the grounding of transformer base and transformer body should be grounded reliable3 .气体继电器,压力释放阀,风扇, 温度计等保护报警回路正确the circuit of gas relay ,pressure relief valve, fan, temperature should be correct4 .变压器油化验合格the transformer oil test report are qualified5.3 关于滤油机 About oil filter1 .滤油机操作规程准备工作The oil filter operation rules preparation(1)正确穿戴好劳保用品。Wear protective clothing correctly.(2)风险识别:做好安全隐患识别并制定消减措施,熟悉操作步骤,明确操作人员和监护人。 Risk identification: Do a good job in identifying potential safety hazards and formulating abatement measures. Be familiar with the operating procedures and clarify the operators and guardians.(3)工具准备:加油壶1个,300mm管钳1把,150mm平口、梅花起子各1把,验电器1 支,绝缘手套1副,污油水回收桶1个,细纱布适量,记录笔,记录纸。Tool preparation: one oiling pot, one 300mm pipe wrench, one 150mm flat mouth, one plum driver, one electroscope, one pair of insulating gloves, one waste oil recycling bucket, proper amount of fine gauze, recording pen, record paper.2 .滤油机操作规程操作步骤The oil filter operating procedures(1)滤油前检查before the inspection of oil首先检查真空泵润滑油油位是否在油标1/22/3处。First check the vacuum pump oil level is in the oil 1/2 2/3.按泵旋转方向盘泵检查真空泵、齿轮油泵有无卡阻现象。Press the pump to rotate the steering wheel pump to check whether the vacuum pump and gear pump are stuck.滤油机操作规程Oil filter operation rules1 .戴绝缘手套侧身合上电源开关,试启动12次,观察在运转中有无异常声响及特殊的振 动,无问题方可连续运转。2 .Insulated gloves sideways Close the power switch and try to start 1 or 2 times. Observe whether there is abnormal noise and special vibration during operation.3 .启动真空泵,开始上油过滤。当过滤好的机油油位上升至油箱油标1/2以上时,开启加热 系统加热,温度控制在2090°C之间,控制好润滑油的加热温度,不得过高。真空泵内 润滑油油位不宜超过油标2/3,防止喷油。4 .Start the vacuum pump and start oil filtration. When the oil level of the filtered oil rises to more than 1/2 of the oil level of the oil tank, the heating system is turned on and the temperature is controlled between 20 and 90. The heating temperature of the oil is controlled and must not be too high. The oil level in the vacuum pump should not exceed 2/3 of the oil standard to prevent fuel injection.3.当过滤好的机油油位上升至油箱油标2/3以上时,启动齿轮油泵,抽出过滤好的润滑油。3.When the oil level of the filtered oil rises


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