2023年4月25日星期二,1,自动化专业英语,课程性质和目的,初步掌握自动化专业的专业词汇和常用表达方法;能够借助专业词典阅读和翻译专业资料、专业教材、与自动化技术有关的说明书、手册或者其它技术资料;能够初步撰写专业论文摘要和常用应用文。,文献范围,电路(Theory of Circuit)模拟电子技术(Analog Electronics Technology)数字电子技术(Digital Electronics Technology)电机学(Theory of Electric Electric Motors)自动控制理论(Automatic Control Theory)现代控制理论(Modern Control Theory)微机原理(Principle of Microcomputer)计算机控制技术(Computer Control Techniques)过程控制系统(Process Control System),专业词汇,电气工程自动控制计算机,考试,考试内容全部来自教材内阅读:50%翻译:35%写作:15%不能带词典,要求,生词记熟每篇课文至少读三遍课前1遍课内1遍课后1遍,课前预习,通读课文1遍生词查出在页边按1、5、10标上页内行标。页内行标的标注办法:大标题、图形、图题、表格不算一行,公式、小标题算一行。,阅读方法,Skimming:浏览或者略读。只需要理解文章内容的大约50%,快速地获取中心意思和重点。Scanning:浏览或者查阅。查阅只需要从文章中有目的地迅速查找某一具体事实或者特定信息。Fast reading:快速阅读。速度为200350 WPM。要求基本上理解文章内容。精读:在阅读的同时对文章从各方面进行分析。,New words,power electronics technology:电力电子技术 resultant a.(作为)结果(而产生)的、结局的、最后的be proportional to:与成比例summation n.相加、累加、求和 proportionality constant 比例常数、比例系数,voltage source 电压源 current source 电流源magnitude 幅值 equivalent electrical circuit 等效电路Kirchhoff Law 基尔霍夫定律inductor voltage 电感电压,定律 law:各种现象之间恒定关系的简洁陈述。Ohms Law,Faradays law,Kerchhoffs first law,the law of gravity.定义 definition:表达基本特征的说明定理 theorem:在已明晰的假设基础上已被证明或将被证明的命题,New words,Power factor:功率因数phasor:相图、相量vector:向量,矢量,the distribution of three-phase power requires only three-fourths as much line copper as does the single-phase distribution of the same amount of power.用三相传输法所消耗的铜只相当于单相传输法所传输同等电量所用铜的四分之三。,New words,Gain 增益on the order of 在数量级KVL Kirchhoff Voltage Law,One problem with electronic devices corresponding to the generalized amplifiers is that the gains,AU or AI,depend upon internal properties of the two-port system.对于一般的放大器。一个问题是其增益AU 或者AI取决于两端口系统的内部特性。,Operational amplifiers are differential devices运算放大器为差动装置,通读“Transistors”一至两遍。并回答以下问题:What is semiconductor material?Normally how many leads does a transistor get?What are the three polarities of a transistor?2、Please translate the second paragraph of“The Operational Amplifier”into Chinese.,英语阅读时要注意的几个问题,注意转折词 以意群为单位进行阅读 注意文章的类型 注意整体把握,UNIT 5,A:One of the DC-to-DC Switch-mode Converters-buck Converter,New words,buck converter 降压变换器boost converter 升压变换器 steady state 稳态 filter n.滤波器 impedance n.阻抗 duration n.持续(时间)saw-tooth 锯齿(波),kilohertz n.千赫芝 dissipate vt.消耗low-pass 低通 instantaneous ad.瞬间的fluctuate v.波动、起伏force commutated 强制换流 duty ratio 占空比,The control voltage signal generally is obtained by amplifying the error,or the difference between the actual output voltage and its desired value.控制信号通常是由将实际的输出电压与期望的电压之差放大后得到。,B:Switch-mode DC-to AC Inverters,Rectifying:整流,将交流电能变成直流电能Inverting:逆变,而将直流电能转变成交流电能,相应的装置就称为逆变器(Inverter)。,New words,sinusoidal a.正弦的 kinetic energy 动能power flow 功率流regenerative braking 再生制动,cancellation n.补偿utility grid 公用电网block diagram 方框图lag v 滞后quadrant n.象限,To slow down the ac motor in Fig 1-5B-1,the kinetic energy associated with the inertia of the motor and its load is recovered and the ac motor acts as a generator.为了制动图1-5B-1,中的交流电动机,电动机和电动机负载的动能被转化为电能;此时电动机成为一个发电机。,The energy recovered during the braking of the ac motor can be dissipated in a resistor,which can be switched in parallel with the dc-bus capacitor for this purpose in Fig 1-5B-1.交流电动机制动过程所转换的电能可以消耗在一个电阻上。该电阻在制动过程中被接入,并且与直流母线上的电容相并联。,UNIT 6,The Utility Interface with Power Electronic System,New words,Uninterruptible power supplies(UPS)不间断电源utility grid 公用电网malfunction n.故障line frequency 工频 substantial a.基本的、本质的cosine n.余弦distortion n.畸形、畸变,resonance n.谐振utility relay 继电保护notch n.缺口proliferation n.扩大、扩散electromagnetic interference 电磁干扰 unipolar a.单极性的 unidirectional a.单方向的,However,all power electronic converters(including those used to protect critical loads)can add to the inherent power line disturbances by distorting the utility waveform due to harmonic currents injected into the utility grid and by producing electromagnetic interference.然而,所有的电力电子变换装置(包括那些保护关键负载的)都会由于谐波电流注入公共电网而产生波形失真或者电磁干扰而产生对电力线的干扰。,The importance of the high power factor has been recognized by residential and office equipment manufacturers for their own benefit to maximize the power available from a wall outlet.居民和办公设备制造商都已经认识到提高功率因数的重要性。他们都可以通过提高功率因数而获得最大的电能并从中获益。,Mal-:坏,错误,malfunction 故障malnutrition 营养不良malformation 畸形maladministration 管理不善,tort 词根=twist 扭,Distort 失真,畸变Torticollis 斜颈contortion 曲解、扭曲,作业,Please translate the second paragraphs of The Utility Interface with Power Electronic System into Chinese.,PART 2 Control Theory,Unit 1A:The World of Control,New Words,tedious a.令人厌烦的、冗长乏味的 proponent n.支持者、辩护者detractor n.反对者、贬低者,In a modern aircraft,for example,the power boost controls amplify the force applied by the pilot to move the control surface against large aerodynamic forces.例如在现代飞行器中,动力助推控制系统将飞行员的力放大以推动受到很大的气流作用的机翼表面。,Lumped parameter systems are those for which physical characteristics are assumed to be concentrated in one or more lumps and thus independent of any spatial distribution.集中参数系统是指这样一些系统,其物理特性都集中在一个或者多个集中体上,因此与空间分布无关。,In effect,bodies are assumed rigid and treated as point massed;sprigs are massless and electrical leads resistanceless,suitable corrections are made to the system mass or resistance;temperature are uniform;etc.在效果上,物体被假设为是刚体并且质量都集中在一点上,弹簧的质量可以忽略;导线的电阻为零;或者是可以得到合适的关系式使得系统的质量、电阻和温度的分布是均匀的。,B:The Transfer Function and the Laplace Transformation,New Words,transfer function 传递函数 Laplace transformation 拉普拉斯变换order n.阶次 stationary n.稳定 initial condition 初始条件polynomial n.多项式complex Laplace variable 复拉普拉斯变量denominator n.分母 numerator n.分子 characteristic function 特征函数,operational mathematics 运算数学ordinary differential equation 常微分方程homogeneous solution 通解 particular solution 特解 superposition n.迭加initial value 初值final value 终值shifting theorem 平移定理piecewise a.分段的,For physical systems N(s)will be of lower order than D(s)since nature integrates rather than differentiates.对于实际的系统,由于其积分特性要强于微分特性,所以N(s)的阶次要低于D(s)的阶次。,This combination or reduction process is termed block diagram algebra.这一合并和化简过程称为方框图代数。The Laplace transform is an evolution from the unilateral Fourier integral拉氏变换是由单边富立叶变换的演变而来的,Since the definite integral of Eq.2-1B-4 is improper,not all functions are Laplace transformable由于方程2-1B-4是奇异的,所以并非所有的函数的拉氏变换都存在。,New Words,discrete a.离散的intuitively adv.直观地excitation n.激励equilibrium n.平衡点criterion n.criteria pl.指标、尺度、准则exponential a.指数的 oscillation n.振荡qualitatively a.定性地factored form 因式分解的形式real a.实(数)的Routh criterion 劳斯判据,sign n.符号unit step input单位阶跃响应force solution 强迫解transient solution 瞬态解 time constant 时间常数real axis 实轴permissible overshoot 允许超调machine tool 机床 gouge vt.在某物上胡乱地或者破坏性地凿,The output will pass through a transient phase and set down to a steady state response that will be of the same form as,or bounded by,the input.输出经过瞬态阶段后将回到与输入有相同形式的稳态或者是在输入的附近。,B:Steady States,New Words:ramp n.斜坡,A control system is designed to control the behavior(the time response)of a plant subject to commands or disturbances.控制系统设计就是使装置在有指令信号或者干扰时有满意的行为(时域响应)。An accuracy of a system is a measure of how well if follows commands.系统的精度是衡量其是否能够跟踪指令的一个指标。,UNIT 3,A:The Root Locus,New Words:,performance criteria 性能指标 Routh-Hurwitz criterion 劳斯-霍尔维茨判据 transient response 瞬态响应 characteristic equation 特征方程 unfactored a.未因式分解的 depict v.描述,Angle and magnitude criteria 相角与幅值准则complex conjugates 复数共轭 vector n.向量、矢量 horizontal n.水平counterclockwise a.逆时针的 odd multiple 奇数倍的 facilitate v.使容易coincide n.一致、重合,The sn term represents n poles,all equal to zero and located at the origin of the s plane.sn 表示n 个极点,其值为零,位于s 平面的原点。The angles are uniformly distributed.各个角度是均匀分布的。If the part of the real axis between two o.l.poles(o.l.zeros)belongs to the loci,there must be a point of breakaway form,or arrival at,the real axis.如果实轴的一部分位于两个开环极点(或者开环零点)之间且属于轨迹,则在其间必有分离点(或者会合点)。,B:The Frequency Response Methods:Nyquist Diagrams,New Words:,amplitude n.幅值 thereof adv.在其中、其 antenna n.天线superimpose v.添上、加上、附加上 gust n.阵风 partial fraction expansion 部分分式展开inverse transform 逆变换,undamped oscillation 无阻尼振荡 displace v.转移 radian n.弧度 polar plot 极坐标图 gain margin 增益裕量phase margin 相角裕量,The frequency response is a steady-state response.Although some information can be obtained about the transient response,it is only approximate and is subject to misinterpretation.翻译见注解。From these equations we see that a sinusoidal input to a linear stable system produces a steady state response that is also sinusoidal,having the same frequency as the input but displaced through a phase angle and having an amplitude that may be different.根据以上方程,我们可以看到将正弦输入信号加至一个稳定的线性系统时,其输出也是一个同频率的正弦信号,但是相角和幅值会有所不同。,练习:,1、将下列名词翻译成英文:时域响应、传递函数、方框图、反馈控制系统、零点、极点 2、朗读下列几个英文单词并翻译成中文。Afghanistan,Argentina,Bangladesh,Burma,Cambodia,Lebanon,Iraq,Iran,Israel,Nigeria,Palestine,Saudi Arabia,UNIT 4,A:The Frequency Response Methods:Bode Plots,New words,decibel n.分贝common logarithm 常用对数 Bode plot 伯德图 minimum phase 最小相位unit n.单位 polar plot 极坐标图 interpret v.解释、口译slope n.斜率 lag n.(相位)滞后,lead n.(相位)超前 asymptote n.渐进线 deviation n.偏差 decade n.十倍abrupt a.陡峭的、突然的 crossover frequency 穿越频率 gain margin 增益裕量 phase margin 相角裕量 product n.乘积,Unit 5,A:Introduction to Modern Control Theory,New Words:,advent n.(事件、时期)的出现、到来 stimulus n.刺激 realistic a.实际的、现实的 optimal control 最优控制 applicability n.适用性 bandwidth n.带宽,phase-plane 相平面 describing function 描述函数 alleviate v.减轻、减小 prominently adv.显著地、突出地 numeric solution 数值解 n-dimensional a.n维的,When differential equations are encountered,they are linearized and subjected to whatever constraints are necessary to establish useful input-output relationships.当使用微分方程时,要对其进行线性化并受限于一定的约束条件才能建立有用的输入-输出关系。,A recognition of the applicability of well-known methods in other fields of knowledge.认识到其他领域的一些有名的方法的适用性。Optimal control theory often dictates that nonlinear time varying control law be used,even if the basic system is linear and time-invariant.即使系统是线性定常的,最优控制理论通常给出非线性时变控制律。,When nonlinearities and time variation are present,the very basis for classical techniques is removed.Some successful techniques such as phase-plane,describing function,and ad hoc methods,have been developed to alleviate this shortcoming.当系统存在非线性和时变特性时,经典方法赖以存在的基础就不存在了。一些成功的方法,如相平面法、描述函数法以及一些特定的方法可以改进经典控制理论。,翻译80页最后一段(从In the Bode plot,到as shown in Fig.2-4A-2.)。写出下列中文术语:阶跃响应、斜坡(ramp)响应、超调量、调节时间、开环系统、闭环系统,复数、实轴、频率域。,B:State equations,New WordsControllability n.可控性 Observability n.可观性 coordinate n.坐标unit matrix 单位矩阵adjoint n.伴随矩阵 determinant n.行列式 eigenvalue n.特征值,Part 3 Computer Control Technology,Unit 1 A:Fundamentals of Computer and Networks,New Words:,Workstation n.工作站 touch screen 触摸屏bus n.总线Parallel port 并口 serial port 串口 operating system 操作系统,Job management 作业管理ultimately adv.最终的、最后的separation n.区别,分别 facility n.设备、设施 provision n.供应,作业,翻译下列中文术语:矩阵、向量、特征值、特征方程、行列式、坐标、共扼复数、微分方程、分子、分母、多项式 预习:PART 3 UNIT 2:A and B,Unit 2 A:The Application of Computer,New Word:,trajectory n.轨迹 artillery shells n.炮弹simultaneous equations 联立方程retrieve v.检索 virtual reality 虚拟现实numerical control 数控 adaptive control 自适应控制 unrivalled a.无敌的 algorithm n.算法,terative a.重复的、迭代 joint n.关节 civil work 土木工程manual n.手册decisive a.决定性的asynchronous a.异步的subdivision n.分支stereotype a.陈规、旧套expertise n.专门知识、专长,For example,calculating the trajectory of artillery shells requires resolving a set of simultaneous algebraic equations which may have up to hundreds of variables may take mathematicians years,but can be done by a computer program in hours.例如计算弹道轨迹要求在数秒钟内解一组微分方程或者设计一个大坝可能有数百个变量也许要数学家数年的时间,但是计算机只要数小时的时间即可完成。,Virtually computer simulation is based on mathematical models representing the nature of the object under study or examination.The mathematical model comprises a series of equations that depict the inherent process of the object in mathematical terms.A computer simulation program includes algorithms that are derived from those equations.虚拟的计算机仿真是建立在能够代表要研究或检查的对象的数学模型之上的。该数学模型包含了一组描述了对象内在过程的数学方程。一个计算机仿真程序包含了从以上方程推导出来的算法。,CAD is software that can help engineering in their designs for new products building,print circuit boards,civil works like bridge and airports,relieving them from the tedious,back=breaking and time consuming jobs like drafting and drawing.CAD是这样的软件,可以帮助工程师设计新产品、建筑、印刷线路板、桥梁和机场等土木工程;使他们从绘图等繁琐、累人和费时的工作中解脱出来。,Management is one of the decisive factors that tell success or failure of any bank,corporation,firm,university,research institute in competition.管理是一个银行、公司、学校、研究机构在竞争中是否成功的决定性因素。,B:Multimedium Information Superhighway,New Words:,optic-fiber 光纤 animation n.动画hype n.皮下注射 v.使热烈liquid crystal 液晶 megabyte n.兆位encyclopedia n.百科全书insatiable a.不能满足的、贪得无厌的,resolution n.分辨率Internet n.因特网internet n.互连网 image n.图象video n.视频live a.现场直播的distance education(distance learning)远程教育,Combined with digital television set,videodiscs can not only present films but also offer surround sound which provides theater quality-amazing reality by which the viewer may have an illusion that were at the scene and witnessed everything happening just around them.加上数字式电视,影碟不仅能够提供电影,还能提供影院效果的环绕立体声,使观众有身临其境的感觉。,预习,Unit 3 A:Intelligent RobotsUNIT 4 A:Computer Structure and Function,Abstract Guidelines,摘要是论文的梗概,是对论文的简单描述 科技论文文摘应该有四个组成部分研究的目的研究的过程和采用的方法结果结论,好的科技文摘应具备以下条件,完整性:complete in and of itself;that is,it should be able to serve as a stand-alone description which provides a complete picture of the resource at the selected level of specificity;可读通俗:comprehensive in its representation of the key concepts or significant content that are present in the resource;精炼准确:concise,precise,and accurate in its use of terminology;清晰紧凑客观:written in a clear,terse,non-critical style;and 结构逻辑性:logically structured in its presentation of the selected data and information.,Unit 3 A:Intelligent Robots,If ambient lighting serves as illumination source,the imaging process is passive.This type of imaging is common in military applications since the position of the viewer is beyond the control of the viewer.But in industrial application,controlled illumination or active imaging can be used as freely as possible.如果周围的光作为照明源,则成像过程为被动的。这种成像通常用于军事,因为观察者很难控制自己的位置。但是在工业应用中,受控的照明或称主动成像可以尽可能自由地使用。,UNIT 4 A:Computer Structure and Function,New Words,architecture n.体系结构 interpret v.解释、翻译(口译)address n.地址addressing a.&v.寻址 location n.单元 word length 字长enable v.使能 alter v.改变、改动 field n.段、域、字段opcode n.操作码,operand n.操作数 bit n.位 byte n.字节single-precision n.单精度 floating-point 浮点的erasable a.可擦除的participation n.参与、分区 flag register 标志寄存器,UNIT 5,A:Fundamentals of Single-Chip Microcomputers,New Words:,culmination n.结果、结局、顶点、极点arguably adv.可论证的volatile a.易挥发的volume n.体积、容量emulation n.模拟、模仿 stack n.堆栈,solid state relay 固体继电器fluorescent a.荧光的protocol n.协议 frame n.帧 parity n.奇偶校验,Clearly,this implies a rigorous approach to ROM code development since changes cannot be made after manufacture.显然,这就意味着ROM代码的开发必须十分精确,因为一旦生产出来就无法更改。This type of device can behave functionally as the single-chip microcomputer from which it is derived albeit with restricted I/O and modified external circuit.这种设备从单片机上派生出来,尽管带有受限制的I/O和更改过的外部电路,在功能上表现为一个单片机。,The use of these ROMless devices is common even in production circuits where the volume doe