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    货币银行英文复习资料Chapter Seven.ppt

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    货币银行英文复习资料Chapter Seven.ppt

    Chapter Seven The Central Bank,The Sketch of Chapter Seven,Overview of Central banks,Emergence&development of central banks,Types of central banks,Structure&position of central banks,Single central bank system,Compound central bank system,Multinational central bank system,Quasi-central bank system,Structure of central banks,Position of central banks,Central banks Function&Businesses,Central banks position,The issuing bank,The bankers bank,The governments banks,Central banks businesses,Assets,Liabilities,Intermediate businesses,Loans and discounts,Government borrowing&treasury securities,Foreign exchange&gold reserve,Funds in float,Note issuance,Required and excess reserves,Deposits of govern.&institutions,Deferred payment,Financial SupervisionBy Central Banks,Objectives&principals,Techniques and contents,Of financial supervision,Of financial supervision,Techniques,Contents,On-site examination,Off-site surveillance,Entry of financial institutions,Operation of financial institutions,Exit of financial isntitutions,S.1.Overview of Central Banks 1.1.Emergence&development of central banks,1.2.The types of central banks 1,The single central bank system,Centralized one,Multiple one,2,Compound central bank system3,Multinational central bank system4,Quasi-central bank system,S.1.Overview of Central Banks 1.3.The structure and position of central banks,1,The structure of central banks of policy-making 1)The structure of power of enforcement supervision 2)The internal structure of central banks 3)The branch structure of central banks 2,The position of central banks,S.2.The Central Banks Functions and Businesses 2.1.The essence of central banks,1.A central bank is the financial institution that regulate financial sector.It can gain profit in its operation and businesses,but it is not a profit-seeker.2.A central bank has the nature of government administrative organs.It represents the national government in formulating and carrying out a unified monetary policy,regulating and supervising financial activities of the whole nation.,S.2.The Central Banks Functions and Businesses 2.2.The central banks functions,1,Issuing bank 2,Bankers bank 1)To amass reserves through reserve requirement.2)To be the lender of last resort 3)To organize national check clearance and collection.3,Governments bank 1)To be the fiscal agent.2)To provide national governments with credit support.3)To safekeep and manage national foreign exchange and gold reserve.4)To formulate financial regulations and supervise their implementation.5)To represent national government in international financial activities.,S.2.The Central Banks Functions and Businesses 2.3.The central banks businesses,S.2.The Central Banks Functions and Businesses 2.3.The central banks businesses,1,Assets 1)Loans and discounts.The item shows a central banks lending to commercial banks and other financial institutions.2)Government borrowing and treasury securities.The item shows a central banks lending to its national government.3)Foreign exchange and gold reserve.Through the business a national government regulates bank credit,money supply,interest rates,exchange rates and other financial variables.4)Otlher assets,S.2.The Central Banks Functions and Businesses 2.3.The central banks businesses,2,Liabilities 1)Currency issuing Its a central banks most important source of fund and provides the basis for its economic regulation.2)Deposits from commercial banks and other financial institutions.A central bank amasses reserves which is the largest amount of a central banks deposits and provides the basis for a central bank to serves as the lender of last resort and implement monetary policy.3)Deposits from government and public organizations This item shows a central banks function as the fiscal agent.4)Other liabilities and capital.It includes the deposits from foreign central banks and other financial institutions.As for the capital there are mainly two models:one is owned totally by a national government and the other type is that a central bank is a share-holding one.,S.2.The Central Banks Functions and Businesses 2.3.The central banks businesses,3,Intermediary business Clearing is the major intermediary business for a central bank.1)Note exchange.2)Funds transferring,S.3.Financial Supervision by the Central Bank 3.1.The objectives and principles of financial system,1,The objectives of financial supervision 1)To maintain stability and safety of financial system 2)To protect depositors interest and minimize the losses 3)To create an impartial and efficient environment of financial competition.4)To ensure a smooth implementation of monetary policy,S.3.Financial Supervision by the Central Bank 2,The principles of financial supervision,1)Impartial treatment 2)Classification is to divide all financial institutions into groups in order to supervise them according to their different features and position in the national economy.3)Openness refers to transparency of financial supervision.,S.3.Financial Supervision by the Central Bank 3.2.The techniques and contents of financial supervision,1,The techniques of financial supervision 1)On-site examination 2)Off-site surveillance,S.3.Financial Supervision by the Central Bank 3.2.The technique and contents of financial supervision,2,The contents of financial supervision The contents of financial supervision are shown on three stages:1)Supervision of entry of financial institutions 2)Supervision of operation of financial institutions CAMEL system C:Capital adequacy A:Asset quality Pass,special mention,substandard,doubtful and loss.Adequacy of provision:25%for substandard,50%for doubtful and 100%for bad loans.M:Management including internal control E:Earnings L:Liquidity 3)Supervision of exit of financial institutions mainly involves the crisis management concerning deposit insurance.,S.3.Financial Supervision by the Central Bank 3.3.The trend of financial supervision,1,To relax financial supervision and encourage appropriate competition.Such financial deregulation include:lifting limitation on interest rates,loosening direct credit control,etc.2,To pay much more attention to the supervision on direct financing activities and financial derivatives 3,Supervision on financial institutions is more meticulous and comprehensive as a result of advancement and innovation in financial markets.,Summary,1,Types of central banks fall into four categories:single,compound,multinational and quasi-central banks.2,The position of the central bank on the matter of the division of power of policy-making,the examination and approval of budgetary expenditure and so on is a question of independence.3,The general functions of the central bank are:the issuing bank,the bankers bank and the governments bank.4,Central banks supervise financial activities and system through on-site and off-site examination.5,During examinations five aspects of financial institutions are examined,I.e.,capital adequacy,asset quality,management,earnings and liquidity.6,The contents of financial supervision by central banks include entry,operation and exit of financial institutions.,Review questions,Key terms multinational central bank issuing bank bankers bank governments bank lender of last resort CAMEL,


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