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剑15写作test1.小作文(精选简洁版)剑15写作test1.小作文第3篇剑15写作test1.小作文第5篇Step 1:开头段在这一段中,我们可以按照常规的写作方法改写原题。Step 2:主体段在主体段中,我们需要合理地分为2-3个自然段,分段方式有很多,我们可 以选择最合适的方式。这道题的分段方式上我们有两个选择:1 .按照三种人群进行分段,也就是数据的分类;2 .按照组别之间的相似度进行分段,也就是城市的情况。Step 3:结尾段结尾段不可以再出现细节,需要宏观的概括,比如这道题中,最主要的几个 信息有:这五个城市的情况总体来说比较相似的,人们都倾向于去咖啡厅,其 次是买速溶,而买现煮咖啡的人普遍占比较小。考官给出了 6分的,大家可以自行阅读。这里达人老师给出一篇质量更高的,供大家参考学习。参考The bar chart gives facts about the consumer spending habits of drinking coffee and tea in five 1.arge Austra1.ian cities.It is immediate1.y apparent that the majority of residents preferred dropping by a cafe in a1.1. five cities except Ade1.aide. Me1.bourne recorded the highest percentage of peop1.e who visited a cafe for coffee or tea in the 1.ast four weeks at near1.y 65%, fo1.1.owed by Hobart and Sydney.In contrast, no more than ha1.f of the residents went to a cafe in Ade1.aide, the on1.y city where buying instant coffee was actua1.1.y s1.ight1.y more common in the past month. Neverthe1.ess, the proportion of peop1.e who reported having bought instant coffee did not exceed 55% in each city, the figure for Sydney standing at the benchmark of 45%.Compared with the aforementioned two practices, consuming fresh coffee was far 1.ess popu1.ar in a1.1. five cities. The data in this category ranged from the 34% in Brisbane and Ade1.aide at the joint bottom to 43% in Sydney.Overa1.1., it can be c1.ear1.y observed from the chart that the five Austra1.ian cities shared a simi1.ar pattern regarding the coffee drinking habits in the 1.ast month, with cafe-visiting and instant coffee favored over fresh coffee by the vast majority of the residents.