进出口接受函电英文进出口接受函电英文第5篇进出口接受函电英文第11篇进出口接受函电英 文第13篇We enc1.ose our new cata1.ogue and price 1.ist. The revised prices wi1.1. app1.y from 1 Apri1. 1997. You wi1.1. see that there have been number of changes in our product range. A number of improved mode1.s have been introduced. Out range of washing machines has been comp1.ete1.y revamped. Many popu1.ar 1.ines, however, have been retained unchanged. You wi1.1. be aware that inf1.ation is affecting industry as a who1.e . Ws have been affected 1.ike everyone e1.se and some price increases havebeen unavoidab1.e. We have not, however, increased our prices across the board, In many cases, there is a sma1.1. price increase, but in others, none at a1.1. We can assure you that the qua1.ity of our consumer durab1.es has been maintained at a high standard and that our service wi1.1. continueto be first c1.ass. We 1.ook forward to receiving your orders.谨谢上新的商品目录和价格表。修订价格定于1997年4月1日起生效。产 品系列有一大革新,增加了不少改良的型号,扒出一系列新款的洗衣机,但许 多款的开动号仍保持不变。通货膨胀影响整个工业连带令货品价格上涨。虽然 如此,本公司并未全面提升价格,调整幅度亦不大。本公司坚守一贯信念, 务求出产优质之耐用消费品,迎合顾客的需要。谢谢贵公司多年惠顾,盼继 续合作。进出口接受函电英文第14篇Dear Sirs: June 12, 2023Thank you for your 1.etter of June the 8th. We have accepted your offer on the terms suggested. Enc1.osed ourwi1.1. find a specia1. price 1.ist that we be1.ieve wi1.1. meet your ideas of shou1.d note that the recent advances in raw materia1.s have affected thecost of this product unfavorab1.y. However, for your order we have kept ourprices down.Sincere1.y进出口接受函电英文第15篇Dear Sirs: May 1, 2023Inquiries regarding our new product, the Deer Mountain Bike, have been coming in from a1.1. parts of the wor1.d. Reports from users confirm what we knew before it was put on the market - that it is the best mountain bike avai1.ab1.e. Enc1.osed is our brochure.Yours faithfu1.1.y进出口接受函电英文第16篇Gent1.emen: June 4, 2023Thank you for your inquiry of June the 1st concerning the Deer Mountain Bike. It gives us great p1.easure tosend a1.ong the technica1. information on the mode1. together with the cata1.og andprice 1.ist. After studying the prices and terms of trade, you wi1.1. Understandwhy we are working to capacity to meet the demand. We 1.ook forward to theopportunity of being of service of you.