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    Chapter 1,Globalization,蔚吊跋穴撕豹锄战铲替沁膛谋忱擞段荚铝蓝盆丽艾鞠栈椿仍释墨溺筐老慨世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,1-2,What Is Globalization?,The world is moving away from self-contained national economies toward an interdependent,integrated global economic systemGlobalization refers to the shift toward a more integrated and interdependent world economy,从显觅羽窥洁韶阿闺钙遮叙甭堰砚谨捏邦唐幸胯典碉脉搪熔箕赶跳墨味走世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,1-3,What Is The Globalization of Markets?,Historically distinct and separate national markets are merging It no longer makes sense to talk about the“German market”or the“American market”Instead,there is the“global market”falling trade barriers make it easier to sell globallyconsumers tastes and preferences are converging on some global normfirms promote the trend by offering the same basic products worldwide,热堕浅碱邹氨芦坛御瘴充裳恃措俞伟问翠算揭搽勺驻壁附鬼谎若宪处逞战世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,1-4,What Is The Globalization of Production?,Firms source goods and services from locations around the globe to capitalize on national differences in the cost and quality of factors of production like land,labor,and capitalCompanies can lower their overall cost structure improve the quality or functionality of their product offering,责溃剥牟热良肠袍孟谱蔓腋械栅呛猎依虱伞榷悉蛤晨袖次瀑樟邀织冯蔽抢世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,1-5,Why Do We Need Global Institutions?,Institutionshelp manage,regulate,and police the global marketplacepromote the establishment of multinational treaties to govern the global business systemExamples includethe General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(GATT)the World Trade Organization(WTO)the International Monetary Fund(IMF)the World Bankthe United Nations(UN),罪羚榔滋永仙巍断赖斋填切拟锻蓄方硫哟鹰尖猫腾魄耕走款磐杀基恒寡甩世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,1-6,What Do Global Institutions Do?,The World Trade Organization(like its predecessor GATT)polices the world trading systemmakes sure that nation-states adhere to the rules laid down in trade treaties promotes lower barriers to trade and investmentThe International Monetary Fund(1944)maintains order in the international monetary systemThe World Bank(1944)promotes economic developmentThe United Nations(1945)maintains international peace and securitydevelops friendly relations among nationscooperates in solving international problems and in promoting respect for human rightsis a center for harmonizing the actions of nations,断尊蝶让苑溶楚蜘贸锚谅吸广扎腺慢窟娄辆绚尝越隐布桩袱弊褥汀噬鞭凭世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,1-7,What Is Driving Globalization?,The decline in barriers to the free flow of goods,services,and capital that has occurred since the end of World War IIsince 1950,average tariffs have fallen significantly and are now at 4 percentcountries have opened their markets to FDITechnological change microprocessors and telecommunicationsthe Internet and World Wide Webtransportation technology,屋股捧时舅吧了蹈邵州咳枕陛既是兹纶糯洼惟氓俗遣净忧锨索樟松旷欠批世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,1-8,Declining Trade And Investment Barriers,Average Tariff Rates on Manufactured Products as Percent of Value,抡钻征宁殷独兔柜氦鸥茸我瞬木厚母腻耽冈钧造澎钨瓤敢仍嘶襟兴电啦廷世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,1-9,What Does Globalization Mean For Firms?,Lower barriers to trade and investment mean firms canview the world,rather than a single country,as their marketbase production in the optimal location for that activityTechnological change meanslower transportation costs-firms can disperse production to economical,geographically separate locationslower information processing and communication costs-firms can create and manage globally dispersed production systemslow cost global communications networks-help create an electronic global marketplacelow-cost transportation-help create global marketsglobal communication networks and global media-create a worldwide culture,and a global market for consumer products,决校沟慑素届柄唯遣翠果品扛歌口其惨榴献除郁要沼疡帅抖尝吻咀升绑涧世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,1-10,The Changing Demographics Of The Global Economy,There has been a drastic change in the demographics of the world economy in the last 30 yearsFour trends are important:the Changing World Output and World Trade Picturethe Changing Foreign Direct Investment Picturethe Changing Nature of the Multinational Enterprisethe Changing World Order,臂脱孽箕超蚜乘伙缆忱量搔微某摘住齐簿芯疥伟蝶啡减混戚小射总蜗开猖世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,1-11,How Has World Output And World Trade Changed?,In 1960,the United States accounted for over 40%of world economic activityBy 2008,the United States accounted for just over 20%of world economic activityA similar trend occurred in other developed countriesThe share of world output accounted for by developing nations is rising and is expected to account for more than 60%of world economic activity by 2020,殿辖奎鲍奔苹粪永藤原爬刚读籍骑苦串辛伞木翁刃亮趴仙想辐蚂榷丹属瞥世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,1-12,How Has World Output And World Trade Changed?,The Changing Demographics of World GDP and Trade,贼顶乙蒜迟晶外错玄浆辟帽刷颓椅属匀日肺潞桐素婆厨纯高派督傀攫匣汹世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,1-13,How Has Foreign Direct Investment Changed Over Time?,In the 1960s,U.S.firms accounted for about two-thirds of worldwide FDI flowsToday,the United States accounts for less than one-fifth of worldwide FDI flowsOther developed countries have followed a similar patternIn contrast,the share of FDI accounted for by developing countries has risen Developing countries,especially China,have also become popular destinations for FDI,胀督持衫浓岿怎燃侦颊糊轿航恫篡滤憨嫂搁延梭低贝肯咖轧趾禁滇标浪各世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,1-14,How Has Foreign Direct Investment Changed Over Time?,Percentage Share of Total FDI Stock 1980-2007,腮薯阂舶珠优因娄赞啸掏谩袜沼胎档实药抛桂足背葵春哈溢拾腑逻藏怯瘤世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,1-15,How Has Foreign Direct Investment Changed Over Time?,FDI Inflows 1988-2008,赊洼奥睦龙阐粱汝凄兼纺莆板沈妮禾极沛固后乱尖锤吮布蚌广秃撤珊娃殃世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,1-16,What Is A Multinational Enterprise?,A multinational enterprise(MNE)is any business that has productive activities in two or more countriesSince the 1960s,there has been a rise in non-U.S.multinationals,and a growth of mini-multinationals,速士腕奴郎恨搀捐碧写擅关炕漱选淀嗽把锹帘析秒哩复殷腹眼悼晶账冈磺世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,1-17,The Changing World Order,Many former Communist nations in Europe and Asia are now committed to democratic politics and free market economiesso,there are new opportunities for international businessesbut,there are signs of growing unrest and totalitarian tendencies in some countries like Russia China and Latin America are also moving toward greater free market reformsbetween 1983 and 2008,FDI in China increased from less than$2 billion to$90 billion annuallybut,China also has many new strong companies that could threaten Western firms,凰中因夺陛落沂稻菜碟象拽酷笛例执嫂宁淬健逃钩渡瞒攒胯揽汕麦幢剔亥世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,1-18,How Will The Global Economy Of The 21st Century Look?,The world is moving toward a more global economic systemBut globalization is not inevitablethere are signs of a retreat from liberal economic ideology in RussiaGlobalization brings risks the financial crisis that swept through South East Asia in the late 1990sthe recent financial crisis that started in the U.S.in 2008,and moved around the world,朔抽寨仿船狗申渣苟顷浅辖陋欧劝沪撼镍结族沥式撑吾赚障参挛玛拣生矽世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,1-19,Is An Interdependent Global Economy A Good Thing?,Supporters believe that increased trade and cross-border investment mean lower prices for goods and servicesgreater economic growthhigher consumer income,and more jobsCritics worry that globalization will causejob lossesenvironmental degradationthe cultural imperialism of global media and MNEsAnti-globalization protesters now regularly show up at most major meetings of global institutions,殉质狐稍癸秸盼抚金和胳祖亭迷井迪汇卖揽馈闷苟吊整品年嘶停烦痰茅藩世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,1-20,How Does Globalization Affect Jobs And Income?,Critics argue that falling barriers to trade are destroying manufacturing jobs in advanced countriesSupporters contend that the benefits of this trend outweigh the costscountries will specialize in what they do most efficiently and trade for other goodsand all countries will benefit,损伙袄省栏猪崎绅葱赚陕玄兹硕却那府沤泉侄切臼槛萌岂待肠驴被抑缮康世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,1-21,How Does Globalization Affect Labor Policies And The Environment?,Critics argue that firms avoid costly efforts to adhere to labor and environmental regulations by moving production to countries where such regulations do not exist,or are not enforcedSupporters claim that tougher environmental and labor standards are associated with economic progressas countries get richer from free trade,they implement tougher environmental and labor regulations,驼乔估埂畦努琢甩只疏骋及蚀豪古前串嚏姬范色晾牧结入嚷屋荡荷停蝉伟世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,1-22,How Does Globalization Affect National Sovereignty?,Is todays interdependent global economy shifting economic power away from national governments toward supranational organizations like the WTO,the EU,and the UN?Critics argue that unelected bureaucrats have the power to impose policies on the democratically elected governments of nation-states Supporters claim that the power of these organizations is limited to what nation-states agree to grantthe power of the organizations lies in their ability to get countries to agree to follow certain actions,纺榜束王瓷迭除煽幼褪隙刻跋敏疆跺焦懂酵班层嚎寞春锨迪毒岿滓寻榴弃世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,1-23,How Is Globalization Affecting The Worlds Poor?,Is the gap between rich nations and poor nations is getting wider?Critics believe that if globalization was beneficial there should not be a divergence between rich and poor nationsSupporters claim that the best way for the poor nations to improve their situation is toreduce barriers to trade and investmentimplement economic policies based on free market economiesreceive debt forgiveness for debts incurred under totalitarian regimes,慌娠邢啄痞卡爪烛慷厨综疲哟蛾绅钩导铂暮两犁宅越嘱屈洗污众奄众即毋世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,1-24,How Does The Global Marketplace Affect Managers?,Managing an international business differs from managing a domestic business because countries are differentthe range of problems confronted in an international business is wider and the problems more complex than those in a domestic businessfirms have to find ways to work within the limits imposed by government intervention in the international trade and investment systeminternational transactions involve converting money into different currencies,谐蔗帮将想母淌粗构愤菠烈绞祸硷执椎煎炕予舌聋淬悠呐晶豹申吻阶派嚣世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,1-25,Review Question,The shift toward a more integrated andinterdependent world economy is referred toasa)economic integrationb)economic interdependencyc)globalizationd)internationalization,薪合的符救迸韧儡鹏厉脉肤且贮湛赋椅奠疗含非腾哺痘走鞭绑脉的于蓝挨世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,1-26,Review Question,The merging of historically distinct andseparate national markets into one hugeglobal marketplace is known asa)global market facilitationb)cross-border tradec)supranational market integrationd)the globalization of markets,凤默节府杉艇钢蚜踞址恢服岸甩霓厅窟赖庭张聂板镀陶圃恒归蛙恃椽债升世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,1-27,Review Question,Firms that are involved in internationalbusiness tend to bea)largeb)smallc)medium-sizedd)large,small,and medium-sized,歧视顿冉拓颓盘掩默您竣疼贞拼震侣工镀捅岿怔诌崩吵氏庆舍窃饱饶鼻觉世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,1-28,Review Question,Which is not a factor of production?a)tradeb)landc)capitald)energy,的堆凰永陶笆宝秦棠攀恨驮邻距疲砸千呸吨拥雀厂水狞垄兽银赏售册吵吴世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,1-29,Review Question,The sourcing of good and services fromaround the world to take advantage of nationaldifferences in the cost and quality of factors ofproduction is calleda)economies of scaleb)the globalization of productionc)global integrationd)global sourcing,饰尹涅廉镁玄寝医磁刚竟兽困籽么等媚啦灰裂且墩摧誉丸氢壮脚汛盘挣珊世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,1-30,Review Question,Which organization is responsible for policingthe world trading system?a)the International Monetary Fundb)the United Nationsc)the World Trade Organizationd)the World Bank,菲某贯弊浙钻畅砰二湘墒粱保晶座漆郁裤碘围威魏寡兼书机初涉侄洞见曲世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,1-31,Review Question,What is the single most important innovationto the globalization of markets andproduction?a)advances in transportation technologyb)the development of the microprocessorc)advances in communicationd)the Internet,导粘田赏瑰拜税币疼来疼驱狠亡旁烷快跌篇帮淀堂誉彪份免婆寡帖乍冲蔗世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,1-32,Review Question,Which of the following trends is true?a)the United States is accounting for a greater percentage of world trade than ever beforeb)the United States is accounting for a greater percentage of foreign direct investment than ever beforec)the share of world trade accounted for by developing countries is risingd)the share of foreign direct investment by developing countries is declining,锥刽鲍舟戎掺缘掣曲王菠浮袍岗耳颓遥哭委围蓑待悸认意颅哎鳃狈角永罗世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,1-33,Review Question,Which of these is not a concern of anti-globalizationprotesters?a)globalization raises consumer incomeb)globalization contributes to environmental degradationc)globalization is causing a loss of manufacturing jobs in developing countriesd)globalization implies a loss of national sovereignty,堰绑焉檬愤赋斩顺板吞纶李郎裳新仿浪哆芥噬罚绽讶办漂腊恰返捍缕旋娠世界经济 ch1 globalization世界经济 ch1 globalization,


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