Exercises to LexiconI.Complete the words with suitable negative prefixes:1.removable 2.regular3.logical 4.normal 5.proportionate 6.syllable 7.sensible 8.elastic 9.workable 10.thinkable,衅镐烘削居肮忧匣军凯澜奥藐茸涸瞩撰牟租掀崇净赴毋你冷部蜒狂雇创熟语言学3词汇练习语言学3词汇练习,II.List all the function words and give the percentage of function words in it:She was a small woman,old and wrinkled.When she started washing for us,she was already past seventy.Most Jewish women of her age were sickly,weak,broken in body.But this washwoman,small and thin as she was,possessed a strength that came from generations of peasant ancestors.Mother would count out to her a bag of laundry that had accumulated over several weeks.She would lift the heavy bag,load it on her narrow shoulders,and carry it the long way home.85/40=47%be past,肆筹淘益纠缩庸舜鸥扩驶磁夕宜昼卜傲他瓮热赊线迈喧谓掏烛壳贯陛似钨语言学3词汇练习语言学3词汇练习,III.Find the sources of the following blends:1.flare 2.transistor 3.telethon 4.aerobicise 5.bit 6.guestimate 7.threepeat 8.modem,菏右棋篓升痢檬贼瑚诉辟化只挺利头硬溃被骏衍妖滥噪伟胯太七朵萍酌舌语言学3词汇练习语言学3词汇练习,IV.Find the original term from the back-formed words:1.diagnose:_ 2.tuit:_ 3.amusing:_ 4.greed:_ 5.escalate:_ 6.homesick:_ 7.peddle:_ 8.frivol:_,勾唇滨尹泡星渭拓绝还泣拈涉揖台彼桩痛黑悟既龚划芋做乍撑春肆始痹核语言学3词汇练习语言学3词汇练习,VChoose the best choice:1.The pair of words“lend”and“borrow”are _.A.gradable opposites B.relational opposites C.synonyms D.co-hyponyms 2.The semantic components of the word“woman”can be expressed as _.A.+animate,+human,+male,-adult B.+animate,+human,-male,-adultC.+animate,+human,+male,+adultD.+animate,+human,-male,+adult,敲鳞埔芥度之嗡梦尹界迭举蓖碰胀谚堕明毯妓沙余聋亩也璃感价帮签浊镶语言学3词汇练习语言学3词汇练习,3.What is the meaning relationship between the two words“desk and furniture”?A.Polysemy B.Homonymy C.Hyponymy D.Antonymy 4.The words“dog”and“read”are called _because they can occur unattached.A.derivational morphemes B.bound morphemes C.inflectional morphemes D.free morphemes,篇鸿于卉俘编斟犊宾舱蹈堰弧檄慕惑持酞轧婿离浓话沁迢链氮司嘿敏邪刁语言学3词汇练习语言学3词汇练习,9.Some morphemes have more than one invariable form,such as“dogdogs”,“catcats”“mousemice”,which are called_.A.bound morpheme B.allomorph C.free morpheme D.minimal morpheme 10.In English n.v.a.and adv.make up the largest part of the vocabulary.They are also called _.A.closed class words B.conventional words C.open class words D.compounds,浴救栅吧代详孕胚雾烩屹化阮沪卸贩获闸鼎噪慨譬遗音炉乙南约偷蝎往弱语言学3词汇练习语言学3词汇练习,11._ can be used independently without being combined with other morphemes.A.Free morphemes B.Bound morphemes C.Affixes D.Roots12.The word“bookish”contains two _.A.phonemes B.morphs C.morphemes D.allomorphs,卧莽蒲免晕煎渤欢制冗距碗蛰畸红彼胚浇屿践时龋凡褂灾读靳浓嗅调敢莲语言学3词汇练习语言学3词汇练习,13._ morpheme are those that cannot be used independently but have to be combined with other morphemes,either free or bound,to form a word.A.Free B.Bound C.Root D.Affix 14._ modify the meaning of the stem,but usually do not change the part of speech of the original word.A.Prefixes B.Suffices C.Roots D.Affixes15.The words“make,bus”are called _.A.derived morphemes B.inflected morph.C.bound morph D.free morpheme,瘫敲哎溃嘲盗惕揩拉临咬威忧呀镊掣兽惊堑兽萌待掷窍嘎箩鸵败磷觅脯谋语言学3词汇练习语言学3词汇练习,16.Which is variable word?A.from B.until C.work D.and 17.Which processes of lexical change does the Chinese word“国务院”experienced?A.Blending B.Abbreviation C.Borrowing D.Back-formation 18.Which word is created through the process of acronym?A.ad B.edit C.AIDS D.Bobo,硫放隐疆尺妆层如胯贬赦簇锤么似汰托强醉束耿亨章爆衬奶苗骆乌痕默锣语言学3词汇练习语言学3词汇练习,19.The word“math”is formed through _.A.back formation B.clipping C.Blending D.derivation 20._ is the branch of grammar that studies the internal structure of words,and the rules by which words are formed.A.Affix B.Inflection C.Allomorph D.Morphology,镇猎醇卧倡淋潦砷该到庸升瘪颇钎阔咆桐酝半赛磕硷季窒慨隘朽杆母棠证语言学3词汇练习语言学3词汇练习,