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    wordCollege English Creative Reading 3跨文化交际英语·阅读教程 3Unit 3Seven Questions about SleepNote on the TopicLearning Objectives1. Gain a full prehension of the importance of sleep and its benefits in the form of an online question-and-answer session in the text; 2. Think about how to get better sleep to improve your lives;3. Develop your creative skills through discussing and inventing proverbs about sleep.Before You Read 1.Watch the following video and discuss the following questions with a partner. 2.Discuss the following questions with a partner.2.1 How many questions about sleep are discussed in the video?Five.2.2According to the video, how much sleep should we get on average per night?Sleep experts remend that we get up to nine hours of sleep per night.2.3 What are the tips suggested in the video to get better sleep?Keep the room as dark as possible; go to bed earlier.2.4 How much sleep do you usually get on average per night? Why?Answers will vary to this question. A sample answer could be:I get four to five hours of sleep per night because its enough for me to refresh myself and I believe there are many things more important than sleep. 2.5Among the questions asked in the video, which one do you think is the most helpful to you? Give your reasons.Answers will vary to this question. A sample answer could be:I think the fourth question is most helpful because I havent slept well for a long time and it provides me with some possible solutions. Reading ATracy99 | posted 1 week agoI know we all sleep but why? It seems like a waste of time to spend so long in bed when we could be studying or earning money. Cant we just take a catnap whenever we feel tired?DrSue > Tracy99 | 2 days agoHi there!Lets get one thing clear: you cant simply exchange hours of sleep forhours of study or work because you need to sleep at the right time, and the right time for sleep is roughly 10.00 pm to 6.00 am. Why is this? Well, of course its dark then and darkness helps you to sleep, but more importantly the body is programmed to clean itself during this period. Research shows that the organs of the body are cleaned in a particular order, starting with the liver, then going on to the lungs, and finally the intestines. The brain also needsdown timeto allow chemicals to clean theplaquethat builds up in the gaps between nerve cells (neurons). This kind ofhousekeepingallows the brain to fix memories and consolidate learning.Background Information: The Text: The Study of SleepThe scientific study of sleep and dreams is still in its early stages and there is much that we do not know about sleep, so the information presented in the text is still being discussed and researched. There are many centres around the world devoted to studying the science of sleep. It is understood that sleep is vital to our well-being, and is closely linked with serious health and mood problems such as high blood pressure, obesity, and depression.REM sleep has been most studied. It is now known that we dream not only during REM sleep but during other sleep too. However, REM sleep is believed to serve the purpose of consolidating recent memories and reinforcing old memories. The dreaming that occurs in REM sleep is a by-product of this process.Monitoring sleep is no longer only the field of scientists. There are a variety of apps on the market that promise to monitor your sleep cycle and sleep patterns with a view to helping you sleep better and wake up more easily. In addition many of the fitness tracker bracelets that are available also claim to track your sleep. Many sleep scientists, however, are sceptical about the accuracy of these sleep trackers.Key Words:down time:Time when you can relax and not workplaque:A substance that forms in parts of your body and in which bacteria can growhousekeeping:The activity of keeping things organized so that you can work more effectively参考译文:与医生网的在线交流Tracy99 发布于一周前我知道我们都要睡觉,可这是为什么呢?在床上呆这么久看起来像是把本可以用来学习或赚钱的时间都浪费掉了。就不能在觉得累的时候随时小睡一会儿吗?DrSue 回答于两天前你好!让我们先来把一件事给弄明白:你不能简单地把几小时的睡眠时间用来学习或工作,因为你需要在适宜的时间睡觉,所谓适合睡觉的时间指的是晚上10点到次日凌晨6点。为什么呢?嗯,当然是因为这段时间天是黑的而黑暗能帮助你入睡,但更重要的一点是因为身体计划好了要在这段时间把自己给清理一下。研究明确身体器官的清理是有特定顺序的,先从肝开始,然后是肺,最后才轮到肠。大脑也需要利用停工期来让化学物质把堆积在神经细胞(神经元)空隙中的斑清理掉。这种内务管理能让大脑修复记忆,巩固新知。Reading BMaxc | posted 4 days agoWhat happens if we sleep poorly or have only a little sleep?DrHayton > Maxc | 2 days agoGood question. Thanks for asking it. Poor quality sleep or lack ofsufficient sleep can be dangerous, especially if the problem persists for a long time. All kinds of problems can occur, such as thecognitiveones of poor concentration, short attention span, memory and language loss, and problems that threaten us physically such as increased risk ofobesity and diabetesIf you have survived on only a little sleep over a long period of time, you will have built up a “sleep deficit or “sleep debt. You need to settlethat debt by catching up on the sleep you have lost. It is theoretically possible for a person to still be “making payments on sleep that was lost many years ago. The concept of sleep debt is the subject of debate, however, and some medical experts refuse to recognize its existence because it is not verifiable through observation or experimentation.Key Words:cognitive:connected with recognizing and understanding thingsobesity:a condition in which someone is too fat in a way that is dangerous for their healthdiabetes:a serious medical condition in which your body does not produce enough insulin to reduce the amount of sugar in the bloodsettle:to pay back参考译文:Maxc 发布于四天前如果睡得不好或只睡了一小会儿会怎样?DrHayton 回答于两天前问得好。谢谢你问这个问题。睡眠质量差或睡眠不足是危险的,如果这一问题长期存在的话就更是如此。各种问题都有可能出现,比如说认知方面的精神不集中、注意力集中时间短、失忆和失语,有些问题还会威胁到身体健康,比如增加我们患肥胖症和糖尿病的风险。要是你很长一段时间以来都仅靠短时间的睡眠而活了下来,你就已经有了“睡眠赤字或“睡眠负债。你得补足缺失的睡眠来偿还这负债。“支付很多年前欠的睡眠账单理论上来说是可行的。不过睡眠负债这个概念具有争议性,一些医学专家拒绝承认它,因为观察和实验都无法证明其存在。Reading CEllaB33 | posted 2 days agoWhat actually happens when we sleep? Ive heard that sleep is a time for having dreams that can help us make sense of the past and even plan for the future.DrSmith > EllaB33 | 1 day agoIts unlikely that sleep has much to tell us about our past or future life. Sleep is concerned with the present the here and now needs of maintaining the brain and the body. As for dreams, they may simply be the result of the processes of fixing memories and consolidating learning we discussed in answer to the first question. We dream during REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, when our eyes move rapidly in various directions under our eyelids. The first REM episode normally happens about eighty minutes after falling asleep, and most people have three to five REM episodes per night. REM sleep is interesting to researchers but for most people its probably easier to think in terms of three stages of sleep: drowsiness (feeling tired with your eyes beginning to close), light sleep (your eyes are closed but you can be easily woken up) and deep sleep. Deep sleep is the most refreshing mentally and is the kind of sleep that allows the body to clean and repair itself most effectively. REM sleep takes place in the deep sleep stage.参考译文:EllaB33 发布于两天前我们睡着的时候到底发生了什么?我曾听人说睡着时做的梦能帮助我们回忆过去,规划未来。DrSmith 回答于一天前睡眠不太可能会告诉我们太多关于我们过去和未来生活的事。睡眠与现在也就是此时此地保养大脑和身体的需求相关。至于梦,它们可能仅仅是我们在第一个答案中所讨论到的大脑修复记忆、巩固新知这一过程的产物。我们会在 REM(快速眼动)睡眠期做梦,这时候你的眼球会在眼皮底下朝各个方向快速转动。第一个 REM 阶段通常出现在你入睡后的80分钟左右,大多数人每晚会有35个 REM期。研究人员会觉得 REM 睡眠期很有意思,可对大多数人来说还是记这三个睡眠阶段比拟容易:睡眼惺忪(你觉得累而且眼睛开始闭起来)、浅睡眠(你的眼睛已经闭上了,不过你很容易就能被叫醒)和沉睡。沉睡最让人神清气爽,也是身体自我清理和自我修复的最有效的阶段。REM 睡眠期就出现在沉睡阶段。Reading DFab54u | posted 2 days agoMost doctors remend sleeping for eight hours a night. Does everyone need eight hours?DrHayton > Fab54u | 1 day agoThats a great question, and the answer is that we all need different amounts of sleep. Most people get between five and eleven hours a night. However, the young need a great deal of sleep to help them grow, but the old need considerably less because they are not growing and theirmetabolismis much slower than that of young people. It is certainly unhealthy for a mature person to get too little or too much sleep but as individuals we all have different needs. So the best thing to do is listen to our minds and bodies to discover theoptimalamount of sleep for us. Think of it this way: the right amount of sleep for you is the amount you need not to be sleepy in the daytime!Key Words:metabolism:the chemical processes by which cells produce the energy and substances necessary for lifeoptimal:best or most suitable参考译文:Fab54u 发布于两天前大多数医生都建议人们每晚睡足8小时。但每个人都需要睡足8小时吗?DrHayton 回答于一天前这个问题问得非常好,答案就是我们每个人所需要的睡眠时间都是不同的。大多数人每晚睡511个小时。不过,年轻人需要大量睡眠来帮助成长,老年人所需的睡眠可就少得多了,因为他们已经不再成长了,而且他们的新陈代谢也比年轻人的要慢得多。一个成熟的人睡得太多或太少当然都是不健康的,但作为个人,我们每个人的需求也都各不一样。因此我们最好要听从身心的需求,找到最适合自己的睡眠时间。你可以这样想:睡足之后不至于让你在白天打瞌睡的就是最适合你的睡眠时间。Reading ESunnyF | posted 2 days agoIve got some friends who tell me they suffer from insomnia. What is insomnia exactly?DrSmith > SunnyF | 1 day agoPeople who suffer from insomnia have serious problems in getting to sleep and staying asleep. Most people who claim to suffer from insomnia are just experiencing temporary problems they might be going through a stressful period in life, for example, or may have sufferedtrauma at some stage in life. The real insomnia sufferer is unable to sleep for long periods of time. The results of this can becatastrophicfamily tensions, job failure, illness and even death. Sleep medication can help some but not all insomniacs. Some respond better to a routine that involves taking plenty of physical exercise in the evening. Another cause of poor quality sleep is sleep apnoea, which refers to pauses in breathing and shallow breathing during sleep. Each pause in breathing, called an apnoea, can last from at least ten seconds to several minutes, and may occur five to thirty times or more an hour. A symptom of sleep apnoea is snoring, which can bee so violent and loud that it wakes the snorer up! Devices that fit in the nose are now available to prevent violent snoring and also prevent the bad marital relations that can develop as the result of one partner being an uncontrollable snorer!Key Words:trauma:a bad experience or serious injurycatastrophic:causing a lot of damage参考译文:SunnyF 发布于两天前有些朋友告诉我说他们正遭受失眠之苦。失眠具体指什么?DrSmith 回答于一天前饱受失眠之苦的人在入睡或保持睡眠状态方面有严重问题。大多数声称被失眠折磨的人的问题只不过是暂时性的比方说,他们可能正处在生活中压力比拟大的一段时期,或是在生命的某个阶段受过创伤。真正饱受失眠之苦的人是很长一段时间都无法入眠的。这可能导致灾难性的后果:家庭关系紧X、工作失误、生病甚至死亡。安眠药对一些人有效,但并不能帮助所有的失眠症患者。有些患者对一套规律作息的生活秩序反响比拟好,这其中包括了在傍晚进展足量的体育锻炼。另外一个导致睡眠质量差的原因就是睡眠呼吸暂停,睡眠呼吸暂停指的是睡眠时呼吸暂停或进展浅呼吸。每一次的呼吸中断就叫做“呼吸暂停,持续时间可达10秒至几分钟不等,每小时可能出现5次到30次以上。睡眠呼吸暂停的其中一个症状就是打鼾,可能打得很厉害而且很响亮,甚至把打鼾的人自己给吵醒!现在市面上有一种可以插进鼻孔的设备,不仅可以预防严重的打鼾,还可以防止婚姻关系因为伴侣中的其中一位控制不住地打鼾而变差。Reading FMargaretw | posted 2 days agoIve heard doctors on TV talking about “sleep hygiene, but I dont know what it means. Can you explain, please?DrSue > Margaretw | 1 day ago“Sleep hygiene means doing the right things to get the best sleep: getting into the habit of going to bed at the right time for you, not eating dinner too late, not drinking alcohol or caffeine drinks before sleep, and getting into a stress-free frame of mind. This last point is important and one way to relax before sleep is to read (but nothing too interesting!). Another way is to listen to music (but nothing toostimulating). My preferred way is to write down a list of things that are bothering me. In this way, Iexternalizemy problems. If you internalize problems and do nothing about them, this is very likely to disturb your sleep. My advice is this: if you cant quickly solve a problem, then to remove the problem from your mind, put it down on paper. Getting problems out of your mind really helps.Key Words:stimulating:making you feel interestedexternalize:to express thoughts and feelings参考译文:Margaretw 发布于两天前我曾在电视上听医生谈什么“睡眠卫生习惯,但我不懂那是什么意思。能请您解释一下吗?DrSue 回答于一天前“睡眠卫生习惯的意思就是做正确的事来得到最优睡眠质量:养成在最适合你的时间上床睡觉的习惯,晚饭别吃得太晚,睡前不喝酒或含咖啡因的饮料,并调整到没有压力的心态。最后一点很重要,睡前放松的方法之一就是阅读(但别读太有趣的!)。另一个方法就是听音乐(但别听太刺激的)。我比拟喜欢的方法是把困扰自己的事情列出来。这样我就把我的问题外化了。如果你把这些问题藏在心底什么都不做,这就很可能会扰乱你的睡眠。我的建议是:如果你没法快速解决一个问题,那就把这个问题从脑海中擦除,把它写到纸上。把问题从脑海中转移出来真的很有用。Reading GL.Miller | posted 2 days agoIve heard that some high achievers like to catnap. Does this really work?DrSmith > L.Miller | 1 day agoSome successful businesspeople claim that taking a nap in the daytime, normally after lunch, helps to refresh the mind and body. Certainly a lot of people in China like to nap and the Spanish afternoon sleep, the siesta, is known the world over. Evidence suggests that a nap helps to refresh us by allowing the body to concentrate on breaking down and releasing energy from lunch; what I mean is that catnappingfacilitatesdigestion by ensuring thatampleblood is available in the stomach and intestines rather than being used for work or exercise. However, a nap should be taken for no more than twenty minutes and only if the person really is sleepy; otherwise theres no point. In any case, few of us are now free to sleep at lunch time. Were too busy!Key Words:facilitate:to make it possible or easier for something to happenample:enough and often more than you need参考译文:L.Miller 发布于两天前我听说有些事业高度成功的人喜欢小睡。这真的有用吗?DrSmith 回答于一天前有些胸怀大志的人声称白天(通常是吃过午饭以后)小睡一下有助于消除身心疲劳。当然很多中国人都喜欢小睡,西班牙人也喜欢在午后小睡,即siesta,这一点也是举世闻名的。证据明确,小睡可以让我们的身体把精力集中到消化午餐、释放午餐的能量上来,好让我们重新打起精神;我的意思是,小睡能保证充足的血液流动到胃肠中去,而不是用在工作或锻炼中,以此来帮助消化。不过,小睡不应超过20分钟,而且只能在非常困的时候才睡,否如此就没有意义了。无论如何,现在我们几乎没有人在午餐时间有空休息了。我们太忙了。Reading-Understanding the TextPart A: prehending the TextBelow are six definitions of terms found in the text. Read relevant parts of the text again in order to tick () the definitions as true, false or NIA (no information available).DefinitionsTrueFalseNIAin Answer B, a “sleep debt is the total amount of sleep lost by the average person over a number of yearsin Answer F, “caffeine drinks refers to drinks that may prevent you from falling asleepin Answer E, “real insomnia involves the sufferer being put under the supervision of a doctorin Answer E, “sleep apnoea means disturbing other people by snoringin Answer E, “an apnoea is a gap in breathing while asleepin Question 6, “sleep hygiene means having a shower before going to sleepPart B: Identifying Main PointsEach of the ten statements below contains information given in one of the sections in the text. Each section is marked with a letter. Identify the section from which the information is derived. More than one statement may refer to the same section.1.There are a number of clearly distinguishable phases in a typical nights sleep.2. The benefits of daytime sleeping are promoted by successful people.3. Being unable to get to sleep or stay asleep can cause


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