Unit 1 Nursing and Nurses,Chapter 1 General Description of Nursing,Chapter 2 Factors Influencing Nursing Practice,Chapter 3 Development History of Nursing,Chief Contents,The word nurse,originated from the Latin word nutrix,means“to nourish.”,What is nursing?,One definition:Virginia Henderson(维吉尼亚韩德森)wrote and the International Council of Nurses(ICN)adopted:,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,The unique function of the nurse is to assist the individual,sick or well,in the performance of those activities contributing to health or its recovery(or to peaceful death)that he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength,will,or knowledge,and to do this in such a way as to help him gain independence as rapidly as possible。(护士独特的功能是协助个体,实施有利于健康或恢复健康或平静死亡等活动。这些活动,在个体拥有体力、意愿、知识时,是可以独立完成的。护理活动就是尽快的让病人恢复独立。,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,In 1965,the American Nurses Association(ANA)Committee defined nursing as an independent profession.,Nursing is a helping profession(助人的职业)and provides services which contribute to the health and well-being of people.护理是助人的职业和提供有利于人们健康的服务.,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,The essential components of professional nursing are care,cure,and coordination.The care aspect is more than”to take care of”;it is“caring for”and“caring about”as well.(护理的核心内容包括照顾、治疗和帮助。“care”不仅仅是照顾,也包含关怀和关心。),Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,The promotion of health and healing is the cure aspect of professional nursing.It is assisting clients to understand their health problems and helping them to cope.(健康促进和治愈是护理的治疗方面。护理是帮助服务对象了解自己的健康问题并帮助他们应对。),Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Professional Nursing Practice is sharing responsibility for the health and welfare of all those in the community,and participating in programs designed to prevent illness and maintain health.(护理人员对社区所有的人的健康和福利负有责任,并且要参与预防疾病和保持健康的活动项目。),The ANA congress(美国护士代表大会)for Nursing Practice(1973)defined:,Nursing practice is“the diagnosis and treatment of human responses to actual or potential health problems.”,护理是个体对现存的或潜在的健康问题反应的诊断和治疗。,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,In all of the definitions,the central focus is the person receiving care,which includes the physical,emotional,social,and spiritual dimensions of that person.Nursing is no longer considered to be primarily concerned with illness;the concepts and definitions have expanded to include the prevention of illness and the maintenance of health for individuals,families,and communities.(所有护理定义的中心焦点是接受护理的具有生理、情感、社会、精神等层面的人。护理的重点不再是关心疾病,而是已经扩展到预防疾病和保持个体、家庭和社区的健康。),Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Aims of Nursing,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,促进健康 预防疾病 恢复健康 协助应对,Promoting wellness,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,What is the objectives of wellness?The American Hospital Association(1980)further described wellness as follows:The objective of wellness is not merely to avoid illness or to prolong life,rather its objective is to enhance the quality of a persons life through,activities that are designed to continually improve the state of his physical,mental,emotional and spiritual well being.Wellness is as achievable by the aged,the chronically ill,or the handicapped as by anyone else.(健康的目标不仅仅是避免疾病或延长生命,而是要通过不断的改善生理、心理、情感和精神等方面健康的活动来提高个体的生活质量。),Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Increases self-awareness(增强自我意识)by facilitating decisions about life-style that enhance the quality of life and by encouraging acceptance of responsibility for ones own health.(通过协助服务对象做出有利于提高生活质量的生活方式的决定以及让服务对象对自己的健康负责来增强自我意识。),Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Increases health awareness(增强健康意识)by assisting in the understanding that health is more than just not being ill and by teaching that certain behaviors and factors can contribute to or diminish wellness.(通过帮助服务对象了解健康不仅仅是没有疾病,而且要让服务对象知道某种行为和某些因素可以增进健康或损害健康来增强健康意识。),Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Teaches wellness skills(教会健康技能)by promoting decision making so that self-care activities maximize the achievement of goals that are realistic and attainable.(通过提高服务对象的决策水平以至于他们的自理活动能够达到可以实现的、可以获得的最高目标来教会服务对象的健康技能。),Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Encourages the use of wellness resources(鼓励使用健康资源)by providing information about resources that can be used to bring about desired change.(通过提供可以用来发生理想改变的有关资源的信息来鼓励服务对象使用健康资源。),Preventing illness,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,The objectives of illness-prevention activities are to reduce the risk of illness,to promote good health habits,and to maintain the individuals optimal functioning.Nurses primarily promote health by teaching and by personal examples.(预防疾病活动的目标是减少疾病的危险,养成良好的健康习惯,保持个体的最大功能。护士主要通过健康教育和个人样板作用来促进个体的健康状况。),Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Hospital education programs such as prenatal(产前)care for pregnant women,smoking-cessation programs,and stress-reduction seminars(如妊妇的产前照顾、戒烟等健康教育项目以及减轻压力的论坛。),illness-prevention activities include the following:,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护的定义,Community programs and resources that encourage health life-styles including aerobic exercise classes(有氧运动项目)and physical fitness programs.(有利于健康生活方式的社区项目和资源包括有氧运动和身体锻炼。判断有氧运动的指标是:年龄运动后的心率170。),第一节 护理的定义,Literature and television information on diet,exercise and the importance of good health habits.(有关饮食、锻炼和良好健康习惯重要性的文章和电视信息。)Health assessments in institutions,clinics,and community settings.(在机构、临床和社区中进行健康评估。),Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Providing direct care of the ill such as physical care,administration of medications,carrying out procedures and treatments.(为病人提供直接护理,如身体护理、给药和治疗。),Restoring health,Description,Factors,Development,Performing diagnostic measurements and examinations to detect an illness.(e.g.,taking blood pressure,measuring blood sugars)(执行诊断性的措施和检测疾病的检查,如测血压、测血糖等。),第一节 护理的定义,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Referring questions and abnormal findings to other health care providers.(将存在的问题和异常结果告诉其他护理人员。),Planning,teaching,and carrying out rehabilitation(做好计划、健康教育和实施康复活动).,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Working in mental health(心理健康)programs.,Facilitating coping,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Although the major focus of health care is promoting,maintaining,or restoring health,these goals cannot always be met.(尽管护理的重点是促进健康、保持健康或恢复健康,然而这些目标不可能总是达到。),Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Nurses also facilitate clients and their families coping with altered function,life crisis,and death.Altered function results in a decrease in an individuals ability to carry out activities of daily living and expected roles.(护士还要帮助服务对象和其家庭应对功能改变或功能障碍、生活危机和死亡。功能障碍导致日常生活活动和期望角色降低。),Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Nurses can facilitate(帮助)an optimal level of function(最大的功能)through understanding and acceptance(接纳)of the individual and the family,the maximizing of strengths and potentials,teaching,and knowledge and referral to(转给)community support systems.(护士可以通过了解和接纳个体与家庭,帮助其达到最大的功能,使个体体力、潜能、知识得到最大程度的发挥,而且可以协助其转诊到社区支持系统。,Roles and Functions of Nurses,Description,Factors,Development,Emerging roles,Expanded career roles,第一节 护理的定义,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Caregiver(照顾者)The provision of care to clients that combines both the art and the science of nursing in meeting physical,emotional,intellectual,sociocultural,and spiritual needs.The role of caregiver is the primary role of the nurse.(对服务对象的护理是将护理的科学与艺术结合起来满足服务对象的生理、情感、智力、社会文化和精神的需要。照顾者角色是护士的主要角色。),Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Communicator(交流者或联络者)The use of effective interpersonal and therapeutic communication skills to establish and maintain helping relationships with clients of all ages in a wide variety of health care settings.(有效应用人际关系和治疗性的沟通技巧,与各种卫生场所的各年龄阶段的人群建立和维持帮助性的关系。),Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Teacher(教师)The use of communication skills to assess,implement,and evaluate individualized teaching plans to meet learning needs of clients and their families.(应用沟通交流技巧来评估、实施和评价满足服务对象和其家庭学习需要的个体化的教学计划。),Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Counselor(顾问)The use of therapeutic interpersonal communication skills to provide information,make appropriate referrals(转诊),and facilitate the clients problem-solving and decision-making skills.(应用治疗性的人际沟通技巧来提供信息,做适当的转诊,协助病人解决问题和做决策。),Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Researcher(研究者)The participation in or conduct of research to increase knowledge in nursing and improve client care.(为了增加护理知识和改善病人护理,护士要参与或进行护理研究。),Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Advocate(倡导者)The protection of human or legal rights and the securing of care for all clients based on the belief that clients have the right to make informed decisions about their own health and lives.(保护所有服务对象的合法权利,保证为所有服务对象提供安全的护理。这些护理应基于这种信仰所有的服务对象都有权对自己的健康和日常事务做出明智的决策。,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,第一节 护理的定义,Clinical nurse specialist(临床护理专家)A nurse with an advanced degree,education,or experience who is considered to be an expert in a specialized area of nursing.(临床护理专家是一个受过高等教育的具有高学历的护士或者被认为是某一个护理领域的专家。),Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Nurse practitioner(开业者)A nurse with an advanced degree,certified for a special area or age of client care;works in a variety of health care settings or in independent practice to make health assessments and deliver primary care.(具有高学历和持有某一特定领域或特定年龄阶段证书的护士在各种卫生场所工作或独立进行健康评估,并提供初级卫生保健。),Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Nurse anesthetist A nurse who completes a course of study in an anesthesia school;carries out preoperative visits and assessments,administers and monitors anesthesia during surgery,and evaluates postoperative status of clients.(在学校完成了麻醉课程学习的护士在术前进行访视和评估,在手术中进行麻醉管理和监测,并对病人术后的健康状况进行评价。),Pre 在之前,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Nurse midwife(助产士)A nurse who completes a program in midwifery;provides prenatal(产前)and postnatal(产后)care and delivers babies to women with uncomplicated(并发症)pregnancies.(natal分娩的)(完成助产士课程学习的护士,提供和照顾,并为没有并发症的妊妇接生。),Post在之后,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Nurse educator(护理教师)A nurse,usually with an advanced degree,who teaches in educational or clinical settings;teaches theoretical knowledge and clinical skills;conducts research.(一般具有高学历,在教育机构或临床进行理论或临床技能教学,并进行护理研究的护士。),Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Nurse administrator A nurse who functions at various levels(各级)of management in health care settings;responsible for the management and administration of resources and personnel involved in giving client care.(在各级医疗管理机构工作,负责资源和护理人员管理的护士。),Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Nurse researcher(护理研究者)A nurse with an advanced degree who conducts research relevant to the definition and improvement of nursing practice and education.(具有高学历,进行护理定义、改进护理实践和教育有关的研究的护士。),Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Nurse entrepreneur(护理企业家)A nurse,usually with an advanced degree,who may manage a clinic or health-related business,conduct research,provide education,or serve as an adviser or consultant to institutions,political agencies,or businesses.(一般具有高学历,在诊所或与卫生有关的企业从事管理、研究、教育等工作,或者是作为一个院校、政治机构或企业的顾问。),Description,Factors,Development,Historic Development,Current Influences,From the beginning,the nurse has been regarded as a caregiver.,第一节 护理的定义,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Chapter 2 Factors Influencing Nursing Practice,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,From the beginning of time,the nurse in foreign countries has been regarded as a caregiver.(盘古开天地,国外就认为护士是照顾者。),In early civilizations,humans believed that illness had supernatural causes.The theory of animism(万物有灵论)was developed in an attempt to understand the cause of the mysterious changes in bodily functions.(文明早期,人类就相信生病是超自然的原因。因此,发展的万物有灵论就是企图理解人体功能神秘变化的原因。),Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,The physician was the medicine man who treated disease by chanting(唱赞美诗),inspiring fear(驱散恐惧),or opening the skull to release evil spirits.The nurse usually was the mother who cared for her family during sickness by providing physical care and herbal remedies(草药治疗).This nurturing and caring role of the nurse has continued to the present.,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,As tribes became civilizations,temples became the centers of medical care because of the belief the illness was caused by sin(罪恶)and the gods displeasure.Priests were highly regarded as physicians,but neither human life nor women were valued(珍惜)by society;the nurse was viewed as a slave,carrying out menial(仆人)tasks based on the orders of the priest-physician.,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,With the beginning of Christianity,nursing began to have a formal and more clearly defined role.Hospitals were built to care for the enormous number of pilgrims(朝圣者)needing health care and nursing became a respected vocation.(基督教开始,护理便成为一门受人尊敬的职业。),Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,The early Middle Ages ended in chaos,but nursing had developed purpose,direction,and leadership.,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,At the beginning of the 16th century,society changed from one with a religious orientation to one that emphasized warfare,exploration,and,expansion of knowledge.women who had committed crimes were recruited into(招募)nursing in lieu of serving jail sentences(服刑期间).,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,nurses were disreputable and that respectable women did not work outside the home.Along with a poor reputation,nurses received low pay and worked long hours in poor conditions.,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,From the middle of the 18th century to the 19th century,social reforms changed the roles of nurses and of women in general.Because Nightingale was able to overcome enormous difficulties successfully,she challenged prejudices against women and elevated the status of all nurses.,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,World War had an enormous effect on nursing.For the first time,large numbers of women worked outside the home.In the process,they also became more independent and assertive(有进取心).,Description,Factors,Development,第一节 护理的定义,Current Influences,Consumer demands Consumers of nursing services have become an increasingly effective force in changing nursing practice.On the whole,people have become better educated and have more knowledge about health and illnes