1、承 诺 书我承诺所呈交的毕业论文(设计)是本人在指导教师指导下进行研究工作所取得的研究成果。据我查证,除了文中特别加以标注的地方外,论文中不包含他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。若本论文(设计)及资料与以上承诺内容不符,本人愿意承担一切责任。 毕业论文(设计)作者签名: 日期:20 年 月 日Table of ContentsAbstractI摘要IIPreface11. The Origin and Characteristics of English Abbreviation21.1 The Origin of the English Abbreviations21.1.1 The Obje
2、ctive World Factors21.1.2 The Subjective World Factors31.1.3 Language World Factors31.2 The Main Causes of English Characteristics41.2.1 Simplicity41.2.2 Fuzziness41.2.3 Lability41.3 Summary52. The Generation Characteristics of English Abbreviation62.1 Clipping62.1.1 Cutting the Final Part.62.1.2 Cu
3、tting the Initial Part.62.1.3 Cutting the Initial Part and the Final Part.62.1.4 Cutting either the Initial Part or the Final Part.62.2 Blending72.3 Acronym72.4 Digital Abbreviation82.5 Borrowing Law82.6 Variant Law82.7 Summary83. The Pronunciation Rules and Writing Rules of Abbreviation in English
4、Language93.1 Pronunciation Rules of English Language93.2 Writing Rules of English Language93.3 Summary104. The Chinese Translation of English Abbreviation114.1 Transliteration114.2 Free Translation124.3 Zero-Translation Method124.4 Mixed-Translation Method144.5 Summary145. Pragmatic Function of Engl
5、ish Abbreviation155.1 Simpleness, Speediness155.2 Eye-catching, Catchy Hooks155.3 Strong Description155.4 Rhetoric Function155.5 Summary16Conclusion17Citation18Reference19Acknowledgements20毕业论文(设计)AbstractA lot of English abbreviation production and use reflect a sharp change of modern society, the
6、science and technology progress and cultural education leap and the rapid development of business, etc. The seemingly simple abbreviations in composition structure, pronunciation, and writing have many rules, and it is the unique function to use a language. The study of these rules can reduce and av
7、oid chaos or mistakes when we use them.Keywords: English abbreviation rule pragmatic function translation 摘要英语缩略词的大量产生和使用折射出现代社会的急剧变化,科学技术的飞跃进步和文化教育事业等的迅猛发展。看似简单的缩略语在组成结构、读音、书写等方面均有很多很多变化规则,而且具有独特的语言使用功能。研究其规律可以减少和避免使用时出现混乱或错误。关键词:英语缩略词 规则 语用功能 翻译20- -毕业论文(设计)PrefaceLately 20 years, it appears a lar
8、ge number of abbreviations in the English vocabulary. Its appearance on one hand is due to the trend of the development of English itself; on the other hand, it is due to fast development of social needs. English abbreviations are used in all aspects of the social life from the modern science and te
9、chnology fields to the medical, foreign trade, education, economic and political. It likes a mirror which reflects social development in all aspects. In the modern era, people who use language communication need economic and efficient way to exchange information. Abbreviation use less symbols, infor
10、mation, just to meet the modern demand. The abbreviation reflects the modern production of large numbers of the rapid social change. This paper analyzes the origin of the English abbreviations, constitution, writing rules and pragmatic functions. Therefore, we can use English abbreviations more reas
11、onably.1. The Origin and Characteristics of English Abbreviation1.1 The Origin of the English AbbreviationsBefore the 1940s, the number of English abbreviation only a little, but with the birth of the first all-electronic digital computer created by 1946 J.P.ECKERT and J.W.MANCHLY at the University
12、of Pennsylvania in the United States, English abbreviation increases. Abbreviation is a common linguistic phenomenon in the world today. But the abbreviation of English is in a marginal position in foreign country for a long time, which is not commensurate with the rapid development of the abbreviat
13、ions. In the late twentieth century, western scholars began to use cognitive linguistics, computer linguistics and psychological linguistics on the English abbreviations in-depth study, and prove the abbreviation to the value of linguistics research. Today, he has become a millions of army. Especial
14、ly in recent 20 years is the fastest 20 years of English abbreviation growing. The main causes of English contractions are the following:1.1.1 The Objective World FactorsWith the fast development of national economies, the rapid progress of science and technology, and the rapid changes in the social
15、 life, all require fast, simple language to reflect the complexity of new things and social phenomena. Abbreviation appears more and more in all areas of human life, because abbreviations can be used less information and space to express the original meaning of the words. Social development, especia
16、lly the rapid development of science and technology on the widespread application of abbreviations has been the extremely vital role.1.1.2 The Subjective World FactorsWith psychology of people who ask briefness, Anderson, Cognitive psychologist, thinks information processing ability of people is lim
17、ited. In order to effectively deal with complex communication, people need to have some abilities to show the subject initiative, such as, summary and simplification of the information, organization of the strategy. The communication of modern social information are more and more frequent, so that t
18、his requires more and more economic information carrier which can use the most succinct information symbol transfer as much information as possible. The rich meaning of letters abbreviation just meet the peoples need for briefness psychology.With peoples new psychological and the arrival of the econ
19、omic society, in order to adapt yourself to the competitive society, people began to consciously care what happened around the world and to absorb new information initiatively. English abbreviations represent new things, new honored, new information of letters abbreviations, such as PK (play kill, a
20、gainst / challenge), ATM (automatic teller machine, automatic teller machines), etc. It is easy to be accepted and used by people. 1.1.3 Language World FactorsVarious elements in the language, vocabulary is the most volatile factor in the language, which is liquid rather than solid. The development
21、of modern English vocabulary, on the one hand, is a big increase in the number of new words, on the other hand is increasingly cohesive simplified. The French linguists A.MARTINET had also proposed language economic principle. He points out that the communication and expressions are always in the dy
22、namic changing, and more, newer, more characteristics of the language units will emerge. But as the people whose performances show inertia in all aspects of daily life, it requires us to minimize consumption in speech, and use the abbreviation with the habits we familiar and a small amount of langua
23、ge unit.1.2 The Main Causes of English Characteristics 1.2.1 SimplicityWith the accelerated pace of modern life, as people use language in oral or written communication, the words are becoming more and more simplified. On the one hand, the abbreviation of syllables or letters in word or phrase const
24、itute significantly reduced, the exchange is more convenient. On the other hand, the written form is simple, easy to remember. If the phrase “light wave application by stimulated emission of radiation” is abbreviated as the “laser”, the words from the previous 19 to 2. We can see that abbreviations
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- 英语 语言学 本科毕业 论文
