1、摘 要本设计根据年产为180万吨煤矿的电力负荷的资料,做出了该矿的60kv总降压变电所的整体设计,包括负荷计算及无功补偿,系统主接线方案的选择,高压电气设备的选择,短路电流的计算对所选的高压电气设备的校验,继电保护的设计,防雷及接地的设计等,本设计以实际负荷为依据,以变电所最佳运行方式为基础,按照有关规定和规范,做出了满足该矿生产需求的设计。设计中先对负荷进行了统计和计算,选出了所需主变压器的型号,然后根据负荷性质及对供电可靠性要求拟定主接线设计,考虑到短路电流对系统的严重影响,设计中进行了短路电流计算。设计中还对主要的高压设备做出了选择和计算,如断路器,隔离开关,电压互感器,电流互感器等。此
2、外还进行了继电保护以及防雷保护的设计与计算,提高了整个变电所的安全性。关键词:60kv 变电所 负荷计算 主接线设计 短路电流计算 高压电气设备选择 继电保护ABSTRACTThis design according to the mine power load material make the attained general voltage 60kv substation design specification of the overall design including load calculation and reactive compcnsation,system of mai
3、n wiring schemse choose ,high voltage electrical equipment choice.the calculation of short-circuit current and of selected high votage electrical equipment calibration relay protection design lightning protection and grounding design .etc.This design to the actula load as the basis the best operatio
4、n way in substation based in accordance with the relevant regulations and atandard make a meet, the design of mine produetion requiremants.Design the firt to load to seleat the statistical and computational got the main transforner models,and then based on the load properties and worked on the power
5、 supply reliability require ments considering the Lord wiring design the serious influence of system short cicuit design the short circuit calculation .Design of high pressure of the main eletrical eqquipment selection and caculation such as breaker isolating suitch .voltage transformer current tran
6、sformer ,etc.In addition also carried out the relay protetion and lightion protection design and calcutation improve the security of the whole substation .Keywords: 60kv substation ;Lord calculation;Lord wiring design ;short-cicuit current calculation;Electrical equipment selection ;Relay protection
7、目 录摘 要IABSTRACTII第1章 绪 论11.1选题的意义11.2国内外发展情况11.3原始资料分析31.3.1 设计题目及原始资料31.3.2 本设计的指导思想41.3.3 设计内容4第2章 负荷统计主变压器的选择72.1 负荷来源72.2负荷统计与负荷计算72.3主变压器选择122.3.1无功功率补偿122.3.2主变的选择152.3.3变压器的经济运行问题16第3章 地面供电系统的设计183.1变电所位置的选择183.1.1变电所位置选择的条件183.2 变电所电源结线的确定183.2.1一次结线二次母线及配出线的结线18第4章 短路电流的计算204.1 计算短路电流的目的和任务
8、204.2 短路点的选择204.3 短路电流的计算224.4 短路计算结果27第5章 变电所高压电气设备选择285.1 概 述285.2 60千伏设备的选择295.2.1 60kv隔离开关的选择295.2.2 60KV油断路器的选型305.2.3 互感器及其选择315.2.4 变电所母线装置的选择325.3 6KV电气设备的选择345.3.1 6kv进线柜的选择345.3.2 6KV联络柜的选择375.3.3 6KV电压互感器柜选择385.3.4 6KV配出柜的选择385.3.5 补偿电容器控制柜的选型395.3.6 变电所用电柜的选择395.3.7 6KV母线的选择395.3.8 6KV配出
9、线的选择405.3.9 高压穿墙管的选择415.4母线支柱绝缘子的选择425.4.1 护外支柱绝缘子的选择425.4.2 户内支柱绝缘子的选择。425.5 60kV及6kV输电线路的选择与敷设425.5.1 导线材料的选择425.5.2 绝缘子的选择425.5.3 金具的选择435.5.4电杆的选择435.5.5 架空线路的敷设43第6章 继电保护的规划设计446.1继电保护的概述446.2主变保护和整定446.2.1 本变电所对主变压器采用如下保护:446.2.2 主变压器保护的接线方式446.2.3 保护装置的选择446.2.4 主变保护装置的整定计算456.3 60KV线路保护计算486
10、.3.1 60kV线路保护486.3.2 6kV配出线路保护计算496.4 6kV系统漏电保护516.4.1 漏电保护装置516.5 6kV电力电容器的保护526.6 6kV母线联络柜保护原理及整定546.6.1 保护装置的装设原则546.6.2 保护装置的接线方式546.6.3 保护装置的整定计算54第7章 防雷保护与安全接地规划设计567.1过电压的原因及危害567.2 防直击雷的保护567.2.1 防直击雷的措施567.2.2 避雷针的高度及位置的确定577.2.3 作避雷针保护范围平面图587.2.4 内过电压的抑制587.2.5 对60kV进线段的保护587.3 对雷电入侵波的防护5
11、87.4 接地措施597.4.1保护接地597.4.2 接地装置的敷设607.4.3 接地电阻的计算607.5避雷针的设计61第8章 变电所室内外配电装置的设计628.1室内外概况628.2室内布置63结 论64致 谢65参考文献66 DirectoryAbstract(chinese)AbstractChapter 1 Intertuction11.1 The significance of topic selection 11.2 Development situation at home and abroad21.3 Analysis the original data31.3.1 De
12、sign subject and raw materials31.3.2 The design guiding ideology41.3.3 Design content4Chapter 2 The selection of main transformer load statistics72.1 Source load72.2 The load statistics and load calculation72.2.1 Demand factor method to calculate the load72.2.2 Safety load and statistics of producti
13、on load82.2.3 The ground substation capacity calculation82.3 The choice of the main transformer122.3.1 Reactive power compensation122.3.2 The choice of the main transformer152.3.3 Transformer economic operation problem16Chapter 3 Ground power supply system design183.1 Substation location choice183.1
14、.1 Substation location choice conditions183.2 Determination of substation power supply connection183.2.1 Substation main connection and with wire connection18Chapter 4 The calculation of short-circuit current204.1 The purpose of calculation of short circuit current and tasks204.2 Short circuit point
15、 selection204.3 The calculation of short-circuit current224.4 Short circuit calculation results27Chapter 5 substation high voltage electrical equipment selection285.1 Above285.2 60 kV equipment selection295.2.1 60 kV disconnecting switch selection295.2.2 60 kV oil circuit breaker selection305.2.3 Re
16、quires transformer and selection315.2.4 Substation busbar installation options325.3 6 kV electrical equipment choice345.3.1 6 kV line into the cabinet345.3.2 6 kV contact tank375.3.3 6 kV voltage transformer cabinet choices385.3.4 6 kV distribution out of choice395.3.5 Compensation capacitor in the
17、selection of control cabinet395.3.6 Substation electricity cabinet choices395.3.7 6 kVbusbar selection405.3.8 6 kV distribution line choice415.3.9 High-voltage through walls425.4 Busbar selection of post insulator425.4.1 Pillar insulator option 425.4.2 Indoor post insulator choice425.5 60 kv and 6 k
18、v transmission line selection and installation435.5.1 Conductor material choice435.5.2 Insulator choice435.5.3 The choice of hardware435.5.4 The choice of the pole 435.5.5 Overhead line laying43Chapter 6 The relay protection planning and design446.1 Overview of relay protection446.2 Main transformer
19、 protection and setting446.2.1 The substation protection for main transformer used as follows446.2.2 The connection mode of the main transformer protection446.2.3 Protection device of choice446.2.4 Main transformer protection setting calculation456.3 60 kV line protection is calculated486.3.1 60 kV
20、line protection486.3.2 6 kV distribution line protection calculation496.4 6 kV system leakage protection516.4.1 Leakage protection device516.5 Protection of 6 kV power capacitor526.6 6 kv busbar contact tank protection principle and setting546.6.1 Installed principles of protective device546.6.2 The
21、 connection mode of protection device546.6.3 Protective device setting calculation54Chapter 7 Grounding lightning protection and security planning and design567.1 Reason and harm of the overvoltage567.2 Prevent direct lightning protection567.2.1 Lightning prevention measures577.2.2 The height of the
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