1、绪论,1.专业英语Special EnglishProfessional English2.基础英语Elementary English3.教学要求主要培养学生专业文献的阅读和翻译水平,掌握一定的专业词汇和专业术语,拓宽专业知识面,了解机械专业前沿的相关内容。,教学内容,1.教材机械工程专业英语中国电力出版社出版2.教学章节PART Mechanical Materials and Heat Treatment 1.Ferrous Metals and Their Use2.Nonferrous Metals4.Castings5.Forging7.Heat Treatment8.Engine
2、ering Material,(续前页)教学章节,PART II Mechanical Elements and Mechanisms1.Transmission2.Gear3.Belt Drive4.Coupling5.Bearing9.Properties of Hydraulic Fluids PART Mechanical Design 1.Mechanical Design,学习本课程注意事项,1.尊重原文专业文献较为严谨,因此翻译过程中不需要加入过多的修饰词语,不要主观随意添加2.注意语言习惯科技或专业英语常用被动语态,汉文多数情况下使用主动语态.翻译英文长句时要学会将从句分拆,必
3、要时运用转译技巧,Lesson 1 Ferrous metals and Their Use,Words and Expressions,Paragraph Analysis,Paragraph 1It is known that ferrous metals are very important in the world,and have the greatest importance for industry.众所周知黑色金属是非常重要的,对工业来说最为重要。More than 90%by weight of the metallic materials used by human bei
4、ngs are ferrous alloys.人类使用的90%以上的金属材料为黑色金属合金,Metals consisting of iron combined with some other elements are known as ferrous metals;all the other metals are called nonferrous metals.由铁和一些其他元素构成的金属被称为黑色金属;所有其他的金属被称为有色金属。Ferrous metals include plain-carbon steels,alloy and tool steels,stainless stee
5、ls,and cast irons.黑色金属包括普通碳钢、合金钢、工具钢、不锈钢和铸铁。,These groups of ferrous alloys have a wide variety of characteristics and applications.这些黑色金属合金具有各种特性且应用广泛,Paragraph 2,Carbon steels are the most common steels used in industry.碳钢是工业中最常使用的一种钢材。These eminently practical materials find applications from bal
6、l bearings to metal sheet formed into automobile bodies.这些实用材料被应用于从滚珠轴承到汽车车身的金属板。The properties of these steels depend only on the percentage of carbon they contain.这些钢的性质仅仅依赖于碳的含量。,Low carbon steel containing from 0.02 to 0.25 percent carbon,and they are very soft and can be used for bolts and for
7、machine parts that do not need strength.低碳钢含碳量0.02-0.25%,它们很软,能够用于螺栓和不需要强度的机械零件。Medium carbon steel containing from 0.25 to 0.6 percent carbon which is a better grade and stronger than low carbon steel.中碳钢含碳量0.25-0.6%,相比低碳钢其等级和强度更高。,High carbon steel containing from 0.6 to 2.11 percent carbon,these
8、steel is sometimes called“tool steel”.高碳钢含碳量0.6-2.11%,这些钢有时被称为工具钢。They obtain high hardness by a quench and temper heat treatment.它们通过淬火和回火热处理获得高硬度。Their applications include cutting tools in machining operations,dies for die casting,forming dies,and other in which a combination of high strength,har
9、dness,toughness,or temperature resistance is needed.它们的应用包括机加工中的切削刀具、压铸(法)中的模具、成型法模具(成型模)以及其他,在高碳钢中,必须结合高强度、硬度、刚性或耐热性。,Paragraph 3,Stainless steel require alloy additions to prevent damage from a corrosive atmosphere.不锈钢需要添加合金防止腐蚀环境的破坏。Stainless steels are more resistant to rusting and staining than
10、 carbon and low alloy steels,due primarily to the presence of chromium addition.不锈钢由于加入了铬元素,其抗锈蚀和污斑能力高于碳钢和低合金钢。The amount of chromium is at least 12.7 percent and usually as high as 30 percent,which permits a thin protective surface layer of chromium oxide to form when steel is exposed oxygen.铬的含量至少
11、12.7%,通常达到30%,当钢暴露于氧气环境中时,它允许形成一层薄的铬氧化保护层。,There are four categories of stainless based on crystal structure and strengthing mechanism.They are the ferritic stainless steel,martensitic stainless steel,austenitic stainless steels and precipitation hardening stainless steels.根据不锈钢的组织和强化机理来分,不锈钢可以分为四种:
12、铁素体不锈钢,奥氏体不锈钢,马氏体不锈钢和沉淀硬化不锈钢。,Paragraph 4,The austenitic stainless steels have the austenite structure retained at room temperature.奥氏体不锈钢在室温保留奥氏体结构。The austenite has the fcc structure and is stable above 910.奥氏体有面心立方结构,910以上处于稳定状态。This structure can occur at room temperature when it is stabilized b
13、y an appropriate alloy addition such as nickel.通过添加诸如镍等恰当的合金,这一结构能够在室温下形成。,Without the high nickel content,the bcc structure is stable,as seen in the ferritic stainless steels.如果没有高的镍含量,体心立方结构是稳定的,如铁素体不锈钢。For many applications not requiring the high corrosion resistance of austenitic stainless steel
14、s,these lower alloy(and less expensive)ferritic stainless steels are quite serviceable.对于许多不需要高腐蚀抵抗能力的奥氏体不锈钢应用来说,这些低合金铁素体不锈钢可用。,A rapid quench heat treatment discussed later allows the formation of a more complex body centered tetragonal crystal called martensite.后面讨论的快速淬火热处理允许以四方晶体为中心的更复杂基体的形成,称为马氏
15、体。tetragonal:四角形的This crystal structure yields high strength and low ductility.这种晶格结构产生高强度、低韧性。,As a result,these martensitic stainless steels are excellent for applications such as cutlery and springs.结果,这些马氏体不锈钢对于诸如刀具和弹簧等应用来说是非常优秀的。Precipitation hardening is another heat treatment.Essentially,it i
16、nvolves producing a multiphase microstructure from a single phase one.沉淀硬化是另外一种热处理。本质上说,它涉及到从一个单一相产生多相微结构。,The result is increased resistance to dislocation motion and,thereby,greater strength or hardness.结果是位错运动阻力增加,因此强度和硬度变得更高。Precipitation hardening stainless steels can be found in applications s
17、uch as corrosion resistant structural members.沉淀硬化不锈钢能够在诸如抗腐蚀结构件应用中发现。,Paragraph 5,Cast iron are iron-carbon alloys that pass through the eutectic reaction during solidification and greater than 2.11 percent carbon.铸铁是铁和碳的合金,碳含量大于2.11%,通过在凝固过程中的共晶反应得到。There are five important types of cast irons.有五种
18、重要类型的铸铁。White cast iron contains massive amounts of cementite and is a hard,brittle,unmachinable alloy.白铸铁包含大量的渗碳体,是硬、脆和不能加工的合金。,Gray cast iron contains small,interconnected graphite flakes that cause low strength and ductility.灰铸铁含有小的、互相连接的片状石墨,造成低强度和低塑性。A significant silicon content(2 to 3 percent
19、)promotes graphite precipitation rather than cementite.有效的硅成分促进石墨沉淀而不是渗碳体。The sharp,pointed graphite flakes contribute to characteristic brittleness in gray iron.锋利的点状的石墨片使灰铸铁很脆。,Malleable cast iron is produced by the heat treatment of white iron,causing cementites decomposed to irregular but rounde
20、d clumps of graphite.可锻铸铁通过白铸铁热处理产生,导致渗碳体分解为不规则的、但为圆形的石墨块。This graphite form permits good strength,ductility and toughness in the iron.这种石墨形式允许良好的强度、塑性和刚度。Ductile or nodular cast iron contains spheroidal graphite particles.易延展的或球墨铸铁包含球状的石墨颗粒。,These spheroidal graphite are obtained during solidificat
21、ion by the addition of small amounts of magnesium to the molten iron.球墨铸铁指通过在结晶过程中添加一些镁元素作为球化剂而得到的。This resulting ductile iron derives its name from the improved mechanical properties compacted graphite cast iron contains vermicular graphites.这种球墨铸铁因为提高力学性能而获得他的名字,密实的石墨铸铁含有蠕虫状石墨,They are also obtain
22、ed during solidification by the addition of magnesium or rare earth elements.它们也通过加入镁或稀土元素凝固而获得。The structure and properties of compacted cast iron are intermediate between gray and ductile irons.蠕墨铸铁的性质和结构介于灰铸铁和球墨铸铁之间。,Lesson 2 Nonferrous metals,Words and Expressions,Paragraph 1,Although ferrous al
23、loys are used in the majority of metallic applications in current engineering designs,but nonferrous alloys play a large and indispensable role in our technology.尽管黑色金属合金用于目前大多数工程设计的金属材料应用,但是有色合金在我们的科技中也起到了非常巨大和必需的角色。The most important nonferrous metals are copper,aluminum,lead,zinc,tin,but all thes
24、e metals are used much less than ferrous metals,because the ferrous metals are much cheaper.最重要的有色金属是铜、铝、铅、锌、锡,但是这些金属的应用远低于黑色金属,因为黑色金属更便宜。,Paragraph 2,Aluminum are best known for low density and corrosion resistance.铝众所周知密度低,耐腐蚀能力强。It has a density of 2.70g/cm3 or one third the density of steel.密度为2
25、.70g/cm3,钢密度的1/3。Although aluminum alloys have relatively low tensile properties compared to steel,their strength-to-weight ratio is excellent.尽管铝合金相对钢来说具有更低的拉伸性质,但是它们具有优良的强度重量比。,Aluminum is often used when weight is an important factor,as in aircraft and automotive applications.当重量是一个重要因素的时候,铝经常被使用
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