1、一、 选题的背景与意义:毕业设计是一个总结性的教学环节,是学生全面系统地融汇所学理论知识和专业技能并运用于解决实际问题的过程。通过本教学环节,要加深学生对所学基本理论知识的理解,培养学生综合分析和处理问题的能力以及设计创新精神,使学生得到有关单位工程建设从方案制定到施工组织的全过程系统性的训练。土木工程是建造各类工程设施的科学技术的统称。它既指工程建设的对象,即建造在地上、地下、水中的各种工程设施,也指所应用的材料、设备和所进行的勘测、设计、施工、保养、维修等专业技术。随着时代的发展与科技的进步,人们的生活水品也在不断的提高。而建筑是社会和科技发展所需的衣、食、住、行之首。它在任何一个国家的国
3、即将跨出校门走上社会打好基础。二、 研究的基本容与拟解决的主要问题: 1.研究容结构设计部分方案合理,计算准确无误,计算书写工整,图面布局匀称,表达准确清楚,图面清洁。1. 根据建筑设计和结承重及抗震方面的要求、场地地质条件、材料供应及施工技术条件等,合理进行结构及其构件的选型和结构布置,应尽可能使计算简便,统一构件的编号,确定构件的定位尺寸,正确标注构件的结构标高。2.计算时,应有正确的计算简图,。选择合理的构件尺寸,清理荷载时一定要细心。不能多算也不能少算。力计算步骤要完整。力计算可手算也可用计算机计算。手算时可根据具体情况采用不同得计算方法。进行力组合,确定截面的配筋。并且满足构造要求。
4、施工图中,结构及构件尺寸的标注要齐全,受力钢筋、箍筋及构造钢筋的编号要清楚、正确。 受力钢筋的锚固、连接及截断位置要清楚正确。 箍筋加密区及非加密区的围要详细准确。配置的数量要正确。横断面的选取位置及数量要合理3. 现浇楼梯的设计时,梁式或板式楼梯自选,要有正确的计算简图,构件的截面尺寸要合理。力计算及配筋要正确。施工图中,各构件的代号、尺寸的标注要齐全,配筋图要正确,结构标高要标注在相应位置。、4. 现浇板的设计计算应根据具体情况考虑采用弹性理论或塑性理论。分清楚什么是单向板什么是双向板。板的厚度要合理,受力筋及非受力筋的配置和标注要正确,并标注板的底部及顶部的结构标高。定位轴线、构件尺寸的
5、标注要齐全。、5.连梁的设计计算可考虑采用塑性理论。2.拟解决的问题1. 建筑结构布置,在满足建筑功能、工艺和生产使用要求的同时,力求平面和竖向形状简单、整洁,柱网对称、刚度适当、荷载分布均匀,结构传力简捷,构件受力明确。2. 搜集必须资料、图纸和现场情况.如工程的场地情况,现场的地下水位和土壤类别,的主要建材和人工、机械租赁价格信息以及市常用招标法规和文件。三、 研究的方法与技术路线:对于选定的课题,我们对他所以的容进行全面的了解。了解这个课题在国外的研究情况,包括研究以取得的成果及存在的问题,了解这一课题所属的理论体系等等。对课题的全面了解,可以让我们研究过程中少走很多弯路。确立研究的主攻
8、结分析,它通常是课堂真实的故事,教学实践中遇到的困惑的真实记录。对这些真实记录进行分析研究,寻找规律或产生问题的根源,进而寻求解决问题或改进工作的方法,或形成新的研究课题。在案例法的研究中,研究者自身的洞察力是关键。观察研究法:从对事物发展变化过程的观察中获取所需信息,将其归纳整理并进行分析研究,形成新的观念和认识,这就是观察研究法四、 研究的总体安排与进度:第一周:方案设计,建筑外形。第二周:修改方案,绘制建筑图。第三周:完成建筑图正式图纸。第四、五周:标准层结构平面图框架梁,连梁布置,现浇板的的荷载整理,力及配筋计算。第六、七周:连梁的荷载整理,力及配筋计算。第八、九周:12榀框架的荷载整
9、理,力及配筋计算。第十周:绘制框架配筋图、连梁的配筋图。第十一、十二周:桩承载力计算,基础平面图布置、承台配筋计算及绘制。第十三、十四周:绘制标准层结构平面图,现浇楼梯的结构计算及配筋图绘制,雨篷的结构计算及配筋图绘制。第十五周:整理图纸,设计总说明及计算书。五、 主要参考文献:1混凝土结构设计规 GB500102002建筑结构荷载规 GB500092006建筑地基基础设计规 GB500072002建筑工程抗震设防分类标准 GB50223-2008建筑结构可靠度设计统一标准 GB50068-2001混凝土结构设计原理、混凝土结构设计多层与高层建筑结构设计简明建筑结构静力设计手册 省结构标准图集
10、及国家其余相关现行规2 混凝土结构设计规 GB500102002建筑结构荷载规 GB50009200120XX版建筑地基基础设计规 GB500072002砌体结构设计规 GB500032001混凝土结构设计原理、混凝土结构设计混凝土结构计算手册3多层与高层建筑结构设计房屋建筑学教材建筑设计资料集1、2、3册省建筑标准图集建筑制图标准其他有关设计规简明建筑结构静力设计手册 省结构标准图集及国家其余相关现行规现用建筑施工教材建筑施工手册上、中册,12 Mita A and Yokoi I.Fiber Bragg Grating Accelerometer for Building and Civi
11、l InfrastructureC.Procof the SPIE Vo1 4330Sma rt Systems for Bridges,Structures,and Highways,PP479-48613 R H Wood,Plastic and elastic design of slabs and plateM.London:Thames and Hudson,1961Assessment of European seismic design proceduresfor steel framed structuresA.Y. Elghazouli1 Introduction Altho
12、ugh seismic design has beneted from substantial developments in recent years, the need to offer practical and relatively unsophisticated design procedures inevitably results in various simplications and idealisations. These assumptions can, in some cases, have advert implications on the expected sei
13、smic performance and hence on the rationale and reliabil- ity of the design approaches. It is therefore imperative that design concepts and application rules are constantly appraised and revised in light of recent research ndings and improvedunderstanding of seismic behaviour. To this end, this pape
14、r focuses on assessing the under- lying approaches and main procedures adopted in the seismic design of steel frames, with emphasis on European design provisions. In accordance with current seismic design practice, which in Europe is represented by Eurocode 8 , structures may be designed according t
15、o either non-dissipative or dissipative behaviour. The former, through which the structure is dimensioned to respond largely in the elastic range, is normally limited to areas of low seismicity or to structures of special use and importance. Otherwise, codes aim to achieve economical design by emplo
16、y- ing dissipative behaviour in which considerable inelastic deformations can be accommodated under significant seismic events. In the case of irregular or complex structures, detailed non- linear dynamic analysis may be necessary. However, dissipative design of regular structures is usually perform
17、ed by assigning a structural behaviour factor which is used to reduce the code-specied forces resulting from idealised elastic response spectra. This is carried out in conjunction with the capacity design concept which requires an appropriate determination of the capacity of the structure based on a
18、 pre-dened plastic mechanism , coupled with the provision of sufcient ductility in plastic zones and adequate over-strength factors for other regions. Although the fundamental design principles of capacity design may not be purposely dissimilar in various codes, the actual procedures can often vary
19、due to differences in behavioural assumptions and design idealisations. This paper examines the main design approaches and behavioural aspects of typical cong- urations of moment-resisting and concentrically-braced frames. Although this study focuses mainly on European guidance, the discussions also
20、 refer to US provisions for comparison purposes. Where appropriate, simple analytical treatments are presented in order to illustrate salient behavioural aspects and trends, and reference is also made to recent experimental observations and ndings. Amongst the various aspects examined in this paper,
21、 particular emphasis is given to capacity design verications as well as the implications of drift-related requirements in moment frames, and to the post-buck- ling behaviour and ductility demand in braced frames, as these represent issues that warrant cautious interpretation and consideration in the
22、 design process. Accordingly, a number of necessary clarications and possible modications to code procedures are put forward. 2 General considerations 2.1 Limit states and loading criteria The European seismic code, EC8 has evolved over a number of years changing status recently from a pre-standard
23、to a full European standard. The code explicitly adopts capacity design approaches, with its associated procedures in terms of failure mode control, force reduction and ductility requirements. One of the main merits of the code is that, in comparison with other seismic provisions, it succeeds to a l
24、arge extent in maintaining a direct and unambiguous relationship between the specic design procedures and the overall capacity design concept. There are two fundamental design levels considered in EC8, namely no-collapse and damage-limitation, which essentially refer to ultimate and serviceability l
25、imit states, respec- tively, under seismic loading. The no-collapse requirement corresponds to seismic action based on a recommended probability of exceedance of 10% in 50 years, or a return period of 475 years, whilst the values associated with the damage-limitation level relate to arecommended pro
26、bability of 10% in 10 years, or return period of 95 years. As expected, capacity design procedures are more directly associated with the ultimate limit state, but a number of checks are included to ensure compliance with serviceability conditions. The code denes reference elastic response spectra fo
27、r acceleration as a function of the period of vibration and the design ground acceleration on rm ground. The elastic spectrum depends on the soil factor , the damping correction factor and pre-dened spectral periods which in turn depend on the soil type and seismic source characteristics. For ultima
28、te limit state design, inelastic ductile performance is incorporated through the use of the behaviour factor which in the last version of EC8 is assumed to capture also the effect of viscous damping. Essentially, to avoid performing inelastic analysis in design, the elastic spectral accelerations ar
29、e divided by q excepting some modications for T , to reduce the design forces in accordance with the structural conguration and expected ductility. For regular structures , a simplied equivalent static approach can be adopted, based largely on the fundamental mode of vibration. 2.2 Behaviour factors
30、 This type of frame has special features that are not dealt with in this study, although some comments relevant to its behaviour are made within the discussions. Also, K-braced frames are not considered herein as they are not recommended fordissipative design. On the other hand, eccentrically-braced
31、 frames which can combine the advantages of moment-resisting and concentrically-braced frames in terms of high ductility and stiffness, are beyond the scope of this study. The reference behaviour factor should be considered as an upper bound even if non-linear dynamic analysis suggests higher values
32、. For regular structures in areas of low seismicity, a q of 1.52.0 may be adopted without applying dissipative design procedures, recognizing the presence of a minimal level of inherent over-strength and ductility. In this case, the struc- ture would be classied as a low ductility class for which gl
33、obal elastic analysis can be utilized, and the resistance of members and connections may be evaluated according to EC3 without any additional requirements. 中文翻译:欧洲对钢框架结构抗震设计的评估1介绍虽然抗震设计实质性进展受益匪浅,近年来,需要提供实用和相对简单的设计方法,不可避免地导致各种各样的简化和理想化。这些假设,某些情况下,有广告影响预期的抗震性能,因此在合理性和可靠性设计的方法下。有必要的设计概念和应用不断评估和修改规则是根据最
34、近的研究和对地震的行为改进的理解。为此,本文在评估潜在的方法和主要流程采用钢结构工程的抗震设计中,用强调欧洲设计规定,制定本规定。按照现行的抗震设计实践,这在欧洲被表示Eurocode 8,结构也可以设计出系统根据或耗散行为。这位前,藉此结构尺寸进行回应主要集中在弹性围,通常是有限的地区地震活动或结构的低特殊用途与重要性。否则,编码的目的是要实现节约型设计被耗散行为在相当大的弹性变形能得到满足在重大的地震事件。在案件的不规则或复杂的结构,详细的非-线性动态的分析可能是必要的。然而,常规结构设计的系统具有耗散通过指定一个经常表演结构行为因素,用它来减少所造成的指定代码,正如有弹性响应谱。这是进行
36、,一定数量的必要的澄清和可能的修改代码程序提出了2种通常的考虑。2.1极限状态和加载的标准欧洲的抗震规,EC8已经进化数年,最近从一个准标准地位改变了欧洲标准。代码明确采用能力设计方法,及相应程序方面的失效方式控制力的减少和延性需求。其中最主要的优点是相比于其它地震规定,它的成功在很大程度上在维持直接和明确的关系设计的具体程序和整体能力设计的概念。有两个基本的设计水平,即考虑无倒塌和損害降低,实质上是指最终和极限状态,分别,地震作用下。无倒塌技术对应的地震作用的要求推荐的概率的基础上对10%在未来的50年里, 或重现期公元前475年的价值观,而与之关联的損害降低水平相关的概率是赞扬10%在10
37、年,或重现期95年了。正如人们所预料的那样,能力设计的程序都被更直接地联系在一起的极限状态,但都包含了大量的检查,以确保符合适用性条件。这个时期的振动和设计地面加速度在坚固的地面上。弹性频谱取决于土壤因子,阻尼校正因子和预案光谱周期依次取决于土壤类型和地震的来源特征。最终的极限状态设计,为球墨铸铁性能无弹性拌匀通过使用此行为因子,在过去的版本的EC8是假定捕获作用阻尼。从本质上说,为了避免表演无弹性分析在设计、弹性谱加速度被问除某些修改为T 、降低设计力量依照结构配置和预期的延性。常规结构,一个简化的等效静态方法可采用主要基于的基本模式振动。2.2行为因素在这项研究中,虽然有些评论有关它的行为是在讨论。同时,k形帧的,没有考虑到在,因为它们是不推荐使用对耗散的设计。另一方面,特别支撑帧,抗力矩可以结合的优点和同心支撑帧在条款高延性和刚度的都超出了本研究的围。参考行为因素应该被视为一个上界即使非线性的动态分析提出更高的价值。常规结构领域的,低地震活动性的方式,也可采用无申请1.5 - 2.0设计程序,认识到耗散一个最低水平的存在固有的超负荷和延性。在这种情况下,构成的-真正的会被视作是延展性差,在全球弹性分析即可被利用,和电阻的成员和连接端口可以评价根据20XXEurocode EC3,没有任何附加要求。