1、呼吸衰竭Respiratory Failure,Symbols,呼吸衰竭(Respiratory Failure),呼吸功能不全(Respiratory Insufficiency),呼衰的类型Classification of Respiratory failure,1.按PaCO2 是否升高:低氧血症型(I型)低氧血症伴高碳酸血症(II型)2.按主要发病机制:通气障碍型 换气障碍型3.按病变部位:中枢性和外周性,一、呼衰的原因和发病机制 Respiratory Failure:The Causes and the Mechanisms,.肺通气功能障碍 Disorders in Pulmo
2、nary Ventilation.肺换气功能障碍 Disorders in Gas Exchange of the Lungs,(一)肺通气功能障碍:Disorders in Pulmonary Ventilation,气道阻力(正常人平静呼吸):80%:直径 2mm 气管 20%:直径 2mm 气管病因:气管痉挛 肿胀 纤维化 渗出物 异物 肿瘤 气道内外压力改变,2.阻塞性通气不足(Obstructive Hypoventilation):呼吸道阻塞或狭窄 气道阻力增加。,阻塞位于胸外,表现为吸气性呼吸困难(Inspiratory Dyspnea),阻塞位于胸内,表现为呼气性呼吸困难(Ex
3、spiratory Dyspnea),用力呼气时等压点(isobaric point)移向小气道,问题:呼吸衰竭?限制性通气不足的定义及其发生原因?胸内、胸外气道阻塞在呼吸中的差异?,(二)弥散障碍 Diffusion Impairment,弥散面积减少2.弥散膜厚度增加3.弥散时间缩短,肺泡-毛细血管膜Alveolar-Capillary Membrane(弥散膜,diffusion membrane),1.弥散面积减少(Decrease in the Surface Area of the Membrane),正常成人肺泡面积:70 m2静息时换气面积:40 m2弥散面积减少:肺不张,肺实
4、变,肺叶切除等。,2.弥散膜厚度增加(Increase in the Thickness of the Membrane),肺泡膜厚度:1 mM弥散距离:5 mM弥散膜厚度增加:肺水肿,肺泡透明膜形成,肺纤维化,肺泡毛细血管扩张等。,3.弥散时间缩短(Shortening in the Diffusion Time),正常静息状态:血流通过毛细血管时间:0.75 s 弥散时间:0.25 s弥散时间缩短:心输出量增加,肺血流加快,VA/Q 0.8=0.8 0.8 0.8,1.部分肺泡通气不足(Alveolar Ventilation Insufficiency)功能性分流(functional
5、shunt)静脉血掺杂(venous admixture),血液氧和二氧化碳解离曲线Oxygen and Carbon DioxideDissociation Curves,氧和二氧化碳血液中的运输Transport of O2 and CO2 in the Blood,2.解剖分流增加(Increase in Anatomic Shunt),3.部分肺泡血流不足(Alveolar Perfusion Insufficiency)死腔样通气(dead space like ventilation),血液氧和二氧化碳解离曲线Oxygen and Carbon DioxideDissociatio
6、n Curves,问题:弥散障碍的发生机制?功能性分流,静脉血掺杂?解剖分流,真性分流?死腔样通气?,肺泡-毛细血管膜(alveolar capillary membrane)损伤引起的急性呼吸衰竭。病因:感染(肺炎,败血症等),休克,严重创伤,吸入毒物或胃酸等。,(四)急性呼吸窘迫综合征Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome(ARDS),Severe acute respiratory syndrome(SARS)is a good example of a probable infectious pneumonia that pathologically a
7、nd clinically is ARDS.Experts have speculated that the cause is from a corona virus that may be transmitted via respiratory secretions and develops after 2-11 days of a febrile illness.,A previously healthy 23-year-old male sustained numerous traumatic crush,burn,and smoke inhalation injuries during
8、 a landing accident in an airplane.His initial B.P.was 80/50 mmHg,and he was immediately infused with saline at the maximal rate.In the ER he was intubated and had no signs of pneumothorax.His orthopedic injuries and burns were treated.The ventilator was placed on the assist-control mode with the in
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- 关 键 词:
- 病理 生理学 呼吸系统
