1、Men are haunted by the vastnessof eternity.And so we ask ourselves.will our actions echoacross the centuries?Will strangers hear our nameslong after were gone.and wonder who we were.how bravely we fought.how fiercely we loved?Good day for the crows.Remove your army from my land.I like your land.I th
2、ink well stay. I like your soldiers too.They wont fight for you.Thats what the Messenians said.And the Arcadians and the Epeians.Now they all fight for me.You cant have the whole world,Agamemnon.Its too big, even for you.I dont want to watch another massacre.Lets settle this war in the old manner.Yo
3、ur best fighter against my best.And if my man wins?Well leave Thessaly for good.Boagrius!Achilles!Boagrius has this effect on many heroes.Careful who you insult, old king.My king, Achilles is not with the army.- Where is he?- I sent a boy to look for him.I was having a good dream.Very good dream.Kin
4、g Agamemnon sent me. He needs to.Ill speak to your king in the morning.But my lord, it is morning.Theyre waiting for you.Are the stories about you true?They say your mother isan immortal goddess.They say you cant be killed.I wouldnt be botheringwith the shield then, would I?The Thessalonian youre fi
5、ghting.hes the biggest man Ive ever seen.I wouldnt want to fight him.Thats why no one will rememberyour name.Perhaps we should have our war tomorrow,when youre better rested.I should have you whippedfor your impudence!Perhaps you should fight him.Achilles.Achilles.Look at the mens faces.You can save
6、 hundreds of them.You can end this warwith a swing of your sword.Let them go home to their wives.Imagine a king who fights his own battles.Wouldnt that be a sight.Of all the warlords loved by the gods,I hate him the most.Is there no one else?Is there no one else?Who are you, soldier?Achilles. Son of
7、 Peleus.Achilles?Ill remember the name.The ruler of Thessaly carries this scepter.Give it to your king.Hes not my king.Brothers in arms!- Friendship!- Friendship!Princes of Troy,on our last night together.Queen Helen and I salute you.Weve had our conflicts before, its true.We fought many battles, Sp
8、arta and Troy.And fought well!But I have always respected your father.Priam is a good king, a good man.I respected him as an adversary.I respect him now as my ally.Hector, Paris, young princes, e. Stand.Drink with me.Let us drink to peace.To peace between Troy and Sparta.May the gods keep the wolves
9、 in the hillsand the women in our beds.- For the gods.- For the gods.You shouldnt be here.Thats what you said last night.Last night was a mistake.And the night before?Ive made many mistakes this week.Do you want me to go?Pearls from the Sea of Propontis.Theyre beautiful.But I cant wear them.Menelaus
10、 would kill us both.Dont be afraid of him.Im not afraid of dying.Im afraid of tomorrow.Im afraid of watching you sail awayand knowing youll never e back.Before you came to Sparta, I was a ghost.I walked, and I ate,and I swam in the sea.but I was just a ghost.You dont have to fear tomorrow.e with me.
11、Dont play with me. Dont play.If you e, well never be safe.Men will hunt us, the gods will curse us.But Ill love you.Till the day they burn my body.I will love you.A beautiful morning.Poseidon has blessed our voyage.Sometimes the gods bless you in themorning and curse you in the afternoon.Drop sail!D
12、o you love me, brother?Would you protect meagainst any enemy?The last time you spoke to me like this.you were 10 years old,and youd just stolen Fathers horse.What have you done now?I must show you something.Where is she?I swear by the father of the gods,I will gut you here if you dont tell me!My kin
13、g!She left.With the Trojans.The fisherman here saw herboard their ship.The Trojans?With the young prince, Paris. She.Get my ship ready.Turn us round. Back to Sparta.High on the sail!- Wait, wait.- You fool!- Listen to me.- Do you know what youve done?Do you know how many years our fatherworked for p
14、eace?I love her.Its all a game to you, isnt it?You roam from town to town, beddingmerchants wives and temple mates.You think you knowsomething about love.What about your fathers love? You spat onhim when you brought her on this ship!What about the love for your country?Youd let Troy burn for this wo
15、man?I wont let you start a war for her.May I speak?What youre saying is true. Ive wrongedyou. Ive wronged our father.If you want to take Helenback to Sparta, so be it.But I go with her.To Sparta? Theyll kill you.Then Ill die fighting.Oh, and that sounds heroic to you,doesnt it? To die fighting.- Lit
16、tle brother, have you ever killed a man?- No.- Ever seen a man die in bat?- No.Ive killed men, and Ive heard them dying.And Ive watched them dying.And theres nothing glorious about it.Nothing poetic.You say you want to die for love.You know nothing about dying.And you know nothing about love!All the
17、 same, I go with her.I wont ask you to fight my war.You already have.To Troy!About ship! Set sail!- I want her back.- Well, of course you do.Shes a beautiful woman.I want her back so I can kill herwith my own two hands.I wont rest till Ive burned Troyto the ground.I thought you wanted peace with Tro
18、y.I should have listened to you.Peace is for the women.and the weak.Empires are forged by war.All my life, Ive stood by your side,fought your enemies.Youre the elder, you reap the glory.This is the way of the world.But have I ever plained?Have I ever asked you for anything?1Never. Youre a man of hon
19、or.Will you go to war with me, brother?I always thought my brothers wifewas a foolish woman.but shes proved to be very useful.The Trojans have never been conquered.Some say they cant be conquered.Old King Priam thinks hes untouchablebehind his high walls.He thinks the sun god will protect him.But th
20、e gods protect only.the strong!If Troy falls.I control the Aegean.Hector mands the finest armyin the east.Ill attack them with the greatest forcethe world has ever seen.I want all the kings of Greeceand their armies.Send emissaries in the morning.One last thing.We need Achilles and his Myrmidons.Ach
21、illes.He cant be controlled.Hes as likely to fight us as the Trojans.We dont need to control him,we need to unleash him.That man was born to end lives.Yes, hes a gifted killer.But he threatens everything Ive built.Before me, Greece was nothing. I broughtall the Greek kingdoms together.I created a na
22、tion of the fire worshipersand snake eaters!I build the future, Nestor. Me!Achilles is the past.A man who fights for no flag.A man loyal to no country.How many battles have we wonoff the edge of his sword?This will be the greatest warthe world has ever seen.We need the greatest warrior.Theres only o
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