1、2023/4/7,信用证案例分析,信用证案例分析,信用证案例分析,KEY ISSUE ONE,LC FRAUD(信用证欺诈问题),信用证案例分析,LC FRAUD,1、UCP中没有信用证欺诈的规定。2、UCP中也没有规定信用证欺诈的救济。3、寻求司法救济信用证欺诈例外原则。1)什么是信用证欺诈信用证欺诈的认定标准问题。2)信用证欺诈例外的例外问题。,信用证案例分析,LC FRAUD,信用证欺诈例外原则是指在肯定信用证独立性原则的前提下,允许银行在存在信用证欺诈的情况下,不予兑付,法院亦可以颁发止付令对银行的兑付行为予以禁止。三个理论基础欺诈使一切变得无效(fraus omnia corrump
2、it)诚实信用原则 公共秩序保留原则,信用证案例分析,LC FRAUD,信用证欺诈认定的标准1、美国的标准A)Pre-UCC PositionB)Prior UCC Article 5 PositionC)Revised UCC Article 5 Position,信用证案例分析,LC FRAUD,A)Pre-UCC PositionThe Sztejn Case(1941年里程碑式的判例:Sztejn v.J.Henry Schroder Banking Corp(31 N.Y.S.2d 631)Intentional fraud/egregious fraud/a more flexib
3、le equitable standard of fraud,信用证案例分析,LC FRAUD,B)Prior UCC Article 5 Position4-114(2)条:“除非另有协议,当各项单据表面符合信用证条款,但其中某项必要单据事实上不符合所有权凭证之流通或转让中的担保(warranty made on negotiation or transfer of a document of title)(第7-507条)或保付证券之流通或转让中的担保(第8-306条)时,或某项必要单据属于伪造、带有欺诈或在交易中存在欺诈时,a.开证人必须兑付汇票或支付命令,如果提出兑付要求的是议付银行;
4、或是取得信用证项下之汇票或支付命令的其他执票人,只要该执票人取得汇票或支付命令的方式使其可以成为正当执票人(第3-302条),或在适当情况下,使其可以成为所有权凭证正常流通后的受让人(第7-502条)或保付证券的善意购买人(第8-302条);以及 b.在所有其他情况下,相对于客户来说,开证人只要善意作为,就可以兑付汇票或支付命令,即使客户已经发出通知,说明单据上存在欺诈、伪造或其他表面上不能显见的缺陷;但具有适当管辖权的法院可以禁止此种兑付。”),信用证案例分析,LC FRAUD,判例中出现了大量不同的认定信用证欺诈的标准 1)Intentional Fraud NMC Enterprises
5、 Inc v.Columbia Broadcasting System Inc.(1974)14 UCC Rep Serv 1427)2)Letter of credit fraud Emery-Waterhouse Co v.Rhode Island Hospital Trust National Bank(1985)757 F 2d 399)3)Flexible Standard United Bank Ltd v.Cambridge Sporting Goods Corp(1976)392 NYS 2d 265),信用证案例分析,LC FRAUD,4)Constructive fraud
6、Dynamics Corp of America v.Citizens&Southern National Bank(1973)356 F Supp 991)5)Egregious Fraud:Gross fraudIntraworld Industries Inc v.Girard Trust Bank(1975)336 A 2d 316)The court judged:“the circumstances which will justify an injunction against honor must be narrowly limited to situations of fra
7、ud which the wrongdoing of the beneficiary has so vitiated the entire transaction that the legitimated purposes of the independence of the issuers obligation would no longer be served”,信用证案例分析,LC FRAUD,C)Revised UCC Art 5 Position Material fraud(5-109:a)如果一次交单在其表面上严格和信用证的条件和条款相符,但是其中所要求的一个单据是伪造的或实质上
8、是欺诈的(forged or materially fraudulent),或者兑付该交付的单据将促成受益人对开证行和开证申请人的实质上的欺诈(facilitate a material fraud)一个凭善意行事的开证人,可以兑付也可不兑付交单b)如果一个开证申请人提出,该信用证所要求交单的单据是伪造的或实质上欺诈性的或兑付该单据将会实质上促成受益人对开证人和开证申请人的欺诈,那么一个法律上有合格管辖权的法院(competent court)可以临时或永久性地禁止开证人兑付某一提示,或者针对受益人或其他人采取其他相类似的补救方法。),信用证案例分析,LC FRAUD,OFFICAL COMM
9、ENTS:“The use of the word requires that the fraudulent aspect of a document be material to a purchaser of that document or that the fraudulent act be material to the participants in the underlying transaction.”一个通俗易懂的例子。,信用证案例分析,LC FRAUD,对“material fraud”的把握:对于单据中的欺诈而言,“实质性欺诈”达到令单据无效的严重程度,破坏了其作为信用证交
10、易所特定要求的本质;对于基础交易中的欺诈而言,受益人非根本性的违约一般不能被认为构成欺诈,只有受益人的行为严重违背包括基础合同在内的整个交易安排,导致对方的根本合同目的或主要目的已经落空时,才构成“实质性欺诈”。5-109及正式评论都没有明确规定要举证受益人的欺诈意图。,信用证案例分析,LC FRAUD,CASE STUDIES:Hyosung America,Inc.v.Sumagh Textile Co.信用证及基础合同中要求受益人出运“fabric with a 65%rayon/35%wool content”。受益人实际出运“fabric with a 70%rayon/30%woo
11、l content”,但提交的单据中却虚假地显示与信用证相同的货物且单据相符。Q:Applicant是否可以欺诈为由向法院申请支付该笔信用证下的付款?,信用证案例分析,LC FRAUD,Under New York law,the essential elements of a common law fraud claim include:A material,false representation;Intent to defraud;Reasonable reliance on the representation;Causing damages to the plaintiff.,信用证
12、案例分析,LC FRAUD,The beneficiary admitted that it had known that the fibre content of the goods shipped did not match the description of the goods stated in the presented documents.The beneficiary also knew that the issuing bank would be liable to pay under the L/C if documents that appear on their fac
13、e to comply with L/C terms were presented.,信用证案例分析,LC FRAUD,The court therefore concluded that the beneficiary had intended to defraud the issuer and that a 5%discrepancy in fabric content was material to the underlying sales transaction.“misrepresentation was material because the issuer would not h
14、ave honored the credit had the misrepresentation not been made.“,信用证案例分析,LC FRAUD,Western Surety Co.v.Bank of Southern Oregon Bank of Southern Oregon 开立了两份以Western Surety Co.为受益人的备用信用证,用来反担保Western Surety Co.开出的两份履约保函,该保函一份对应于Washington的工程,一份对应于Oregon的工程。但备用证中并未明确是对应于具体的工程。受益人在对应于Washington的工程的保函项下遭
15、到索赔,却分别在两份备用证下提交汇票索款,开证人对对应于Oregon工程的备用证以受益人的实质性欺诈为由拒绝付款。Q:开证人的以实质性欺诈为由的抗辩能成立吗?,信用证案例分析,LC FRAUD,COURT:“First,there is no evidence of a representation by the beneficiary.Indeed,the only evidence of record is that the beneficiary merely presented the Bank with the drafts required by the letters.Furth
16、er,assuming that Westerns drafts acted as some sort of representation,there is no evidence that it was false.The letters of credit are identical on their face,except for the number,date,expiration date and aggregate amount,and there is no indication anywhere on them that they were for specific const
17、ruction projects.,信用证案例分析,LC FRAUD,COURT:“to establish a claim for fraud,the Bank had to show that there was a genuine issue of material fact as to the following elements:(1)a representation;(2)its falsity;(3)its materiality;(4)the speakers knowledge of its falsity or ignorance of its truth;(5)his i
18、ntent that it should be acted on by the person and in the manner reasonably contemplated;(6)the hearers ignorance of its falsity;(7)his reliance on its truth;(8)his right to rely thereon;and(9)his consequent and proximate injury.,信用证案例分析,LC FRAUD,结论虽然UCC5(1995)确立了“material fraud”的认定标准,但如何在具体案件中去把握则是
19、取决于法官的自由裁量权。对什么是“实质性欺诈”的判决仍有不同的判例产生。(Mid-America Tire,Inc.v.PTZ Trading Ltd.Import and Export Agents),信用证案例分析,LC FRAUD,2、英国的标准英国因信用证欺诈而给予禁令救济的第一宗判例出现在1977年(Edward Owen v.Barclays Bank)。英国一直对欺诈例外原则的适用有相当严格的限制。“Material misrepresentation”,信用证案例分析,LC FRAUD,CASE STUDYUNITED CITY MERCHANTS(INVESTMENTS)LT
20、D.v.ROYAL BANK OF CANADA 涉及倒签提单。货物实际于1976年12月16日装船,但提单显示的装运日期为12月15日(L/C要求的最迟装船日)。而该倒签行为是航运代理人瞒着受益人作出的,受益人并不知晓。Q:是否可以以欺诈为由拒绝付款?,信用证案例分析,LC FRAUD,一审法院:如果是卖方个人的欺诈行为或不道德行为去提交这样的倒签单据,银行应当根据“违反道德之对价不生诉权”的原则有权拒绝付款,但该案中的欺诈行为不在卖方,其在提交单据时也不知悉,因而卖方有权得到信用证下的偿付。,信用证案例分析,LC FRAUD,上诉法院推翻了一审判决:申请人给予银行的是对真实单据付款的授权,
21、因而银行对伪造单据拒绝付款是再正当不过的了,第三方欺诈并不能成为受益人对欺诈例外原则适用的抗辩。风险分摊的角度 银行担保权益角度,信用证案例分析,LC FRAUD,贵族院又推翻了上诉法院的判决,维持一审法院的判决:仍然强调由于是第三方欺诈,受益人并未参与,也不知悉该欺诈,不应对受益人适用欺诈例外原则。另外还认为,该带有虚假装船日期的提单并未完全失去法律效力,毕竟货物已经装运,提单持有人仍可以用以提货。,信用证案例分析,LC FRAUD,学术界对该案的评论更多的是批评:Export Tradeby C.M.Schmitthoff:“The decision of the Court of App
22、eal represented sound commercial sense.”Benjamins Sale of Goods:“It is disturbing that whilst a document stating the true loading date could have been rejected by the bank in the light of the doctrine of strict compliance,a document in which the loading date was fraudulently misrepresented by its ma
23、ker constituted a valid tender in the beneficiarys hands.”Bank Credits And Acceptancesby H.Harfield:Although it is not explicitly stated in every letter of credit that the documents should be genuine,it is logically and generally recognized that there is an implied warranty by the beneficiary that d
24、ocuments tendered are genuine.,信用证案例分析,LC FRAUD,Montrod Ltd.V.Grundkotter Fleischvertrieds-Gmbh(2001)该案中卖方为信用证的受益人,而买方委托另一家公司作为申请人开立了信用证。为了能将信用证下的付款权控制在自己手中,以便在收到买方的货款后再在信用证下付款,开证申请人在信用证中要求受益人提交由其出具并签署的检验证。买方让卖方信以为真地认为买方完全能够代表信用证申请人,包括申请人的签字,并特此给卖方寄去了申请人的公司章以示证明,并授权卖方的一名员工为申请人的有权签字人。于是受益人就让该员工签发检验证,
25、并妥当地提交了与信用证表面相符的单据。当申请人发现检验证不是其出具并签署时,马上要求开证行拒绝付款。而此时买方已提了货,逃之夭夭。Q:开证行是否应该在知悉该检验证无效时而拒绝付 款?,信用证案例分析,LC FRAUD,Trial Court:it was satisfied that the beneficiary did not know that the buyer had no authority from the applicant to authorize the signature of the inspection certificates on the applicants b
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