1、教学设计及其案例解析,面试程序 第一步:抽题。在工作人员引导下,考生登录面试测评软件系统,计算机从题库中抽取一组试题,考生任选其中一道试题,通过计算机打印试题清单。第二步:备课。考生持试题清单、备课纸,进入备课室,撰写教案。准备时间20分钟。第三步:试讲。考生按照准备的教案进行试讲。10分钟。第四步:回答规定问题。考生由工作人员引导进入指定考场。考官从试题库中随机抽取2道规定问题,要求考生回答。时间5分钟左右。第五步:答辩。考官围绕考生试讲内容进行提问,考生答辩。时间5分钟左右。第六步:评分,一、教学设计 教师作为教的主体,在教学过程中起着举足轻重的主导作用。要使这一主导作用发挥出最好的效果,
3、意识等素养整合的发展为基础,培养学生英语综合语言运用能力。,如何,传统意义上的备课 备教材 备学生 备教法新课程的备课 备课标 备育人 备资源 备教材 备学生 备教法,(二)理解教学内容及要求,1.词汇教学2.语法教学3.阅读理解4.情境对话、口语教学5.写作教学,具体要求(例):朗读所给段落;配合教学内容适当板书;针对该段落的内容,设计阅读理解教学活动;试讲时间约为10分钟,采用英语授课。,教材处理,LARA Leave something out Amend something Replace something Add something,教材处理-Amend something,(Co
4、mplete the following sentences with the given words and expressions.)5.Dr Yuan has a dream that one day his rice will grow in every corner of the world so that no one will suffer from(hunger).I have a dream that all weapons will disappear so that all the people in the world may(lead)a peaceful life.
5、What is your dream?,课标理念,课程目标:综合语言运用能力-语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略、文化意识等素养 学习方式:积极尝试、自我探究、自我发现、主动实践以及与他人合作,教材处理-Add something,Unit 4,Module 4 Reading-Showing our feelings Para 3-A smile is the universal facial expression,smile,Smile can open doors and tear down walls.,get throughdifficult situations,find fr
6、iends,apologize,greet someone,ask for help,start a conversation,feel happier and stronger,Smile,U4,M4,(三)确定教学目标,1.确定三维教学目标2.正确表述和书写教学目标,教学目标表述中应包括以下五个要素:,教学目标的表述,(1)行为主体应是学生,而不是教师(2)行为动词尽可能是可测量、可评价、可理解的,一般用于“感受、体会、体验、欣赏、领悟”等行为动词。旨在说明情感性目标,含义明确,含义含糊,用以描述通过教学形成可观察、可操作、可测量的具体行为。皆在说明“做什么”。,(3)行为目标陈述分为两类
7、基本方式 程序性目标 情感性目标(4)必要时,附上产生目标指向结果行为的条件 即影响学生产生学习结果的特定的限制或范围等,皆在说明学生在什么情境和条件下完成学习活动(5)要有具体的表现程度 用完成行为的时间来衡量行为的质量,例如“三分钟内完成”。用完成行为的准确率来衡量行为的质量,例如“完全无误”。用完成行为的成功特征来衡量行为的质量,例如“80的学生”。,(四)组织教学活动(策略),1.根据内容选择教学活动方式2.教学活动的任务明确以及可能的结果呈现3.主要步骤展示,活动案例1 明星入课堂,在教学初中一年级上册(外研版)的用法那节课时,在设计活动内容时,用了刘翔、姚明、菲尔普斯、郭晶晶等十几
8、位体育明星的图片作为引导,让学生讨论:What can he/she do?学生对体育明星十分熟悉,而且还有自己崇拜的偶像。以此来设计活动内容,立刻就会引起学生浓厚的兴趣。为后面的训练做了良好的开头。,活动案例2,在教学 can 的用法时,我用到以下方式进行活动:1.看图猜动词或动词词组,然后抢答。2.口头造句:I can。用上刚才所猜出的动词。3.做游戏,让一组同学排队做动作,其他同学说出:He/She can。4.小组活动,对明星或你周围的同学能做的事情进行问答 Can he/she/you?并由一名同学作总结性报告。这样几轮活动后,同学们不仅能说 I can还能自然而然的转到He/She
9、 can 和Can he/she/you?等句式。起到了事半功倍的效果。,案例1.词汇教学,you are a new graduate,congratulations!Everything youve worked for during your college career has come to fruition.If you thought college was fun,this next chapter has the potential to be way more fun.You can stop doing homework,at least for a little whi
10、le,and actually relax at night and on weekends(and be able to pay for it!).I graduated college several years ago and,in looking back,wished I knew then what I know now about personal finances and money.Ive distilled these ideas into the seven tips you see below.None of them are difficult to do,theyr
11、e just difficult to remember.If you can do all of these tips youll be ahead of the curve.要求(1)朗诵所给段落;(2)配合教学内容适当板书(3)解释本段落中黑体的词汇,并设计相应的词汇教学活动(4)用英文试讲,词汇教学案例,Step 1 Lead-inShow some photos of a girl and tell the students she is a new student,and she is aslo a new neighbor of mine Let the students des
12、cribe her.Step 2 PresentionLook at the pictures and guess what happened to the girls in the picture.Then read the article aloud and find out the difficult words,pay more attention to the words in black lonely folded basket fill attachedAsk students to read the difficult words and guess the meaning o
13、f them.Step 3 PracticeAsk students to make sentences by using the words that given.Then ask them to tell a story by using the words in their groups.Then share your ideas with the whole class.Step 4 Test Fill in the blanks1,She doesnt have any friends,so she is l_.2,Tom helped his mother f_ the cloth
14、es in the bedroom.3,There is a b_ of apples under the apple tree.4,Please f_the bottle with the water.5,The girl a _ a card on the door and left.Step 5 Summary,案例2 阅读教学,An old man died and left his son a lot of money.But the son was a foolish young man,and he quickly spent all the money,so that soon
15、 he had nothing left.Of course,when that happened,all his friends left him.When he was quite poor and alone,he went to see Nasreddin,who was a kind,clever old man and often helped people when they had troubles.My money has finished and my friends have gone,said the young man.What will happen to me n
16、ow?Dont worry,young man,answered Nasreddin.Everything will soon be all right again.Wait,and you will soon feel much happier.The young man was very glad.Am I going to get rich again then?He asked Nasreddin.No,I didnt mean that,said the old man.I meant that you would soon get used to being poor and to
17、 having no friends.1朗读全文2.配合教学内容适当板书3.针对该段设计阅读理解教学活动4.用英文试讲10分钟。,案例3.语法教学,One person runs behind the sled,shouting to the dogs to encourage them.The sound of the dogs barking,the calls of the drivers and the shouts of the crowd make an exciting northern experience.The dogs are beautiful strong anima
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