1、第二讲 应用文的写作方法,应用文是指人们在工作、学习、生活中传递信息,以达到交际目的的一种文体。这种文章需做到言简意赅、条理清楚,一般不需要过多修饰。应用文命题在历年考试中出现过次,占本书所考察四级真题总数的29.2%,主要分为书信和口头两类。,书信类:In Honor of Teachers on the Occasion of Teachers Day(2005年6月)A Letter in Reply to a Friend(2003年12月)A Letter to the University President About the Canteen Service on Campus(
2、2002年1月)A Letter to a Schoolmate(2001年6月)口头类:An Announcement for a Voluntary Program(2006年6月17日)A Campaign Speech(2005年1月)A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction(2004年6月),仔细研读以上真题,我们不难发现,四级作文越来越突出“实用”两个字。像书信、演讲稿等实际生活中运用得到的文体,在1996-2006年的四级考试中共出现了七次,而且集中出现在近几年。文章所涉及的内容也多种多样,大部分都与日常生活比较贴近。书信的种类可能
3、千变万化,如建议信、抱怨信、申请信(包括求职信)、邀请信、感谢信、道歉信、海报等,再加上口头应用文,如演讲稿、通知等,使得考生在备考时常理不清头绪。然而万变不离其宗,只要掌握了英文书信的基本格式,再参照写作模板,就能写出一篇合格的应用文。,一、书信的格式 二、书信的语言 三、模板与解说 四、常用句式,一、书信的格式 应用文的一个最大特点是具有固定的格式和惯用的语句,考生必须遵循一定的书写格式和行文方法。下面首先针对书信的格式进行讲解。,一、书信的格式信头(Heading)信头包括发信人的单位名称、地址和发信日期等。发信人的信息应写在信纸的右上方,遵循“由小到大”的原则,如第一行写门牌号码、街道
4、名,第二行写区名、城市名、省(州)名,若是寄往国外,还要在下一行写国名。著名城市可不必写省名。日期的写法英美两国的习惯不尽相同,以下列举的几种在写作中都可以采用:美式:Jan.30,2002,Jan.30th,2002,Jan.30 2002,Jan.30th 2002;英式:30 Jan,2002,30th Jan.,2002,30 Jan.2002,30th Jan.2002。此外,信头一般采用并列式,即各行开头一律左对齐。,信头(Heading)信头部分有两点要特别注意:第一,在标注写信日期时,最好避免如2/12/2006 这样的写法,以免引起歧义。因为这在美国人看来是2月12日,而在英
5、国人看来则是12月2日。第二,在四、六级考试中,无论要求中有无写明,日期是一定要给出的。因为缺少日期,是书信格式不合格的一种表现,会被扣除一定的分数。,称呼(Salutation)称呼应比信内地址低两行,靠左边顶格自成一行。称呼后面美国人习惯加冒号,英国人习惯加逗号,两种写法皆可。如:Dear Proferssor,(英式)Dear President:(美式)最常用的称呼是:Dear+(头衔)+姓或名,如:Dear Prof.Geller,Dear Mr.Alan:Dear Isabel,Dear Pres.(President):(总经理、校长、会长、总统等),称呼(Salutation)
6、有时也在收信人姓名之前冠以尊称,如:Mr.(Mister)Geller,Mrs.(Mistress)Kidman:Miss Foster,Ms.Aniston:(女士通称,不分年龄)如果是一般朋友则可称呼为:My dear XXX,若给某个机构或不认识的人写信,可用如下称呼:Dear Sir/Sirs,Gentlemen:Ladies,Dear Sir or Madam:(用于不知道对方的性别时)To Whom It May Concern,(用于出具证明或类似的书信时),正文(Body)正文有两种排版方式,即缩进式和齐头式。缩进式是指每个段落的开头空两格,段落之间没有空行;齐头式是指每个段落
7、顶格写,段落之间空一行。通常商务信件采用齐头式,因为这样整个信件显得比较工整,层次一目了然。,结束语(Complimentary Close)结束语应写在与正文最后一行相隔一、二行的右下方位置,第一个字母大写,末尾要加逗号。常用结束语有:Yours truly,Yours sincerely,Sincerely yours,Cordially yours,Sincerely等。除此之外,在私人书信中还可以依照自己与收件人的关系和亲疏程度,选用以下结束语:Affectionately,Fondly,Yours with love,With best wishes,Love,Yours 等。,签名
9、表达不清楚,收信人会看不明白,甚至引发误会。因此,写信时应仔细构思,力求表达清晰,阐述清楚。礼貌当对方地位较高时,或者互相不熟悉时,应用较为尊敬的称呼,信的结尾处还要写上感谢一类的话。得体书信要写得得体,就必须考虑写信人和收信人的关系。若是公函,用词应当正式,经得起推敲给长辈写信,要用尊敬的语气,措辞不能过于随意;给同辈写信,用语也要讲礼貌。,三、信封的写法 英文信封的写法和中文完全不同。发信人的姓名和地址写在信封的左上角,收信人的姓名和地址写在信封的中央或稍靠右位置。这两处都是第一行写姓名,第二行起写地址,地址的写法是与信内地址一样,遵循“由小到大”的原则。,三、信封的写法,Zhang Pi
10、ng English Department Beijing City University(发信人)269 Mid Road of North Loop-4 Beijing,100083 P.R.China Prof.George Jackson Warner Books 444 Madison Avenue(收信人)New York,NY 10022 U.S.A.,四、模板与解说 不管应用文的命题如何变化,写作时都能遵循一定的套路。简单说来,可以按照以下框架展开:第一段:告知对方你的身份(假如对方不认识你),简要叙述写信的原因;第二段:详细解释写信的意图(建议、批评、投诉、申请、邀请、感谢、
11、道歉等);第三段:发出请求,提供帮助,表示感谢,或期盼回信等。,例:Letter in Reply to a Friend(年月)Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter in reply to a friends inquiry about applyding for admission to your college or university.You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in
12、 Chinese:)建议报考的专业及理由;)报考该专业的基本条件;)应当如何备考。,模板一 December 27 th,2003Dear X,第一段:I am very happy to learn that_.(对来信表示高兴)You are welcome to_.(对报考表示欢迎)When it comes to_,I suggest that_.(提出建议报考的专业)To begin with,.(理由一)Whats more,.(理由二),第二段:In order to,you have to.(指出报考该专业的基本条件)First of all,.(条件一)In addition
13、,.(条件二)第三段:As far as is concerned,you should on the one hand.(有关如何备考,首先)On the other hand,youd better.(其次)Only by can you.(总结)Best wishes!Yours truly,Li Ming,范文点评一A Letter in Reply to a FriendDear x,I am very happy to learn that you want to apply to our university.You are welcome to be one of us.Whe
14、n it comes to which major you should choose,I suggest that you apply for Computer Science.To begin with,this is one of the best specialized programs in our university.Whats more,Computer Science majors are more likely to find well-paid jobs.In order to study at the Departmrnt of Computer Science,You
15、 have to meet the following,requirements.First of all,you have to reach the minimum score set for admission to key universities in the National College Entrance Examination.In addition,you have to be good at mathematics.As far as the preparation is concerned,you should on the one hand review all the
16、 required lessons.On the other hand,youd better spend some time on English.Only by careful preparations can you hope to enroll in our university.Best wishes!Yours truly,Li Ming(172 words),框架点评第一段:首先对来信表示高兴,欢迎对方申请本校。然后切入主题,建议报考计算机专业,并用两个词组To begin with和Whats more引出两点理由:一是因为该专业实力较强,二是毕业后容易就业。第二段:首句是主题
17、句,以In order toyou have to meet the following requirements引出两个条件;用First of all,In addition引导两个扩展句来阐述这两个条件。由于篇幅所限,且题目要求涉及的内容较多,故中间段的总结句省去。第三段:以As far as引出对备考的建议,用On the one hand和On the other hand连接。最后以Only through来结尾,即只有做好这些准备,才有希望录取。,范文点评二A Letter in Reply to a Friend December 27 th,2003Dear X,I am v
18、ery happy to learn that everything goes well with you and you are interested in our university.Whelcome to this beautiful city.When it comes to which major you should choose for graduate study,I suggest that you apply for French.To begin with,French is one of the most beautiful languagues in the wor
19、ld.Whats more,it goes without saying that French majors are more competitive in the tight job market.There are several requirements for candidates for Department of Foreign Languages.In the first place,they should pass CET-6,and the Department will be,particularly interested in those who excel in Fr
20、ench listening and speaking skills.In the second place,they need an intense interest in French since interest is the best teacher.Last but not the least,they should also sit in for the National Entrance Exams for Masters Programs.Scores no less than 65 both in Political Theory and English are requir
21、ed.As far as the preparation is concerned,you should first of all,practice your basic skills of listening,speaking,reading and writing in French.In addition,it would be rewarding if you try to get in touch with your prospective supervisor.I sincerely hope that you will succeed in this attempt.Best w
22、ishes!Yours truly,Li Ming(227 words),例:A Letter to the University President About the Canteen Service on Campus(2002年1月)Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled A Letter to the University President About the Canteen Service on Campus.You should write at lea
23、ts 100 words and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:假设你是李明,请你就本校食堂的状况给校长写一封信,内容应涉及食堂的饭菜质量、价格、环境、服务等,可以是表扬,可以是批评建议,也可以兼而有之。,模板二 January 12 th,2002Dear Mr.President,第一段:My name is _,from_.(自我介绍)I venture to write you a letter about_.(投诉食堂服务,如服务质量、价格、环境等)第二段:To start with,_.(第一
24、个方面)More and more students are complaining about_.(稍加阐述)Whats more,_.(第二个方面),Finally,_.(第三个方面)I suggest that_.(我的建议)Honestly speaking,_.(从另一个方面说)But there is still much romm for improvement.(投诉信的万能句)第三段:These suggestions are not just of my own,but also of many other_.(点明意见来源)We do hope_.(提出希望)Thank
25、you for your time and consideration.(结尾套语)Yours respectfully Li Ming,范文点评一A Letter to the University President About the Canteen Service on Campus January 12 th,2002Dear Mr.President,My name is Li Ming,from the Deparment of Foreign Languages.I venture to write you a letter about the poor canteen ser
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