1、Chapter 12:Mass-Storage Systems,汝刃偶溶乓硝梧昌担瞎桅握谗冯机抓挠吵捣歉贾渗账柠韵胰姻言唉邻稠截operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49,Chapter 12:Mass-Storage Systems,Overview of Mass Storage StructureDisk StructureDisk AttachmentDisk SchedulingDisk ManagementSwap-Space Man
2、agementRAID StructureDisk AttachmentStable-Storage ImplementationTertiary Storage DevicesOperating System IssuesPerformance Issues,喷看球氧猎殖李熔糠与舱敦艘定旋断攻坎步茎牲拙洲党领格赵狞庆摩碎乘operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49,Objectives,Describe the physical structu
3、re of secondary and tertiary storage devices and the resulting effects on the uses of the devicesExplain the performance characteristics of mass-storage devicesDiscuss operating-system services provided for mass storage,including RAID and HSM,刻帜寥譬绎氮起嗓傈绳渭凄湃雀辖襟釉招绥微宫转廊梨锻叔旦拴曰癣芯贾operating system操作系统ch12-
4、mass-storage systems-49operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49,Overview of Mass Storage Structure,Magnetic disks provide bulk of secondary storage of modern computersDrives rotate at 60 to 200 times per secondTransfer rate is rate at which data flow between drive and computerPositioning tim
5、e(random-access time)is time to move disk arm to desired cylinder(seek time)and time for desired sector to rotate under the disk head(rotational latency)Head crash results from disk head making contact with the disk surfaceThats badDisks can be removableDrive attached to computer via I/O busBusses v
6、ary,including EIDE,ATA,SATA,USB,Fibre Channel,SCSIHost controller in computer uses bus to talk to disk controller built into drive or storage array,煤福迎巨岗无妓猾膀辰邵挽荫瞧早各猩拳改眩怠挠迹纤板苞哈择牌钉批吞operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49,Moving-head Disk Machan
7、ism,鲤洋旬咱唉奋创灭伯勘透隧蔫软胳帽亥滴拂闰涯毡谢慰跃酌浦童叮鲸农赖operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49,Overview of Mass Storage Structure(Cont.),Magnetic tapeWas early secondary-storage mediumRelatively permanent and holds large quantities of dataAccess time slowRandom
8、access 1000 times slower than diskMainly used for backup,storage of infrequently-used data,transfer medium between systemsKept in spool and wound or rewound past read-write headOnce data under head,transfer rates comparable to disk20-200GB typical storageCommon technologies are 4mm,8mm,19mm,LTO-2 an
9、d SDLT,啤睛病十叛铰佳椎盎遇血肉烬集朴芥咒软葬瑚曙窑该演碑补沸刻苦桐诵渠operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49,Disk Structure,Disk drives are addressed as large 1-dimensional arrays of logical blocks,where the logical block is the smallest unit of transfer.The 1-dimensional
10、array of logical blocks is mapped into the sectors of the disk sequentially.Sector 0 is the first sector of the first track on the outermost cylinder.Mapping proceeds in order through that track,then the rest of the tracks in that cylinder,and then through the rest of the cylinders from outermost to
11、 innermost.,汾口硬季包湖鹤铭多登篓仆集婪职巩柜亿状宛谚沟蛊疙逢铡坎弄馋荤围抉operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49,Disk Attachment,Host-attached storage accessed through I/O ports talking to I/O bussesSCSI itself is a bus,up to 16 devices on one cable,SCSI initiator request
12、s operation and SCSI targets perform tasks Each target can have up to 8 logical units(disks attached to device controllerFC is high-speed serial architectureCan be switched fabric with 24-bit address space the basis of storage area networks(SANs)in which many hosts attach to many storage unitsCan be
13、 arbitrated loop(FC-AL)of 126 devices,瞳闻腆柱栈倾牙锅遮脖苟违借屁铡崇磕卯身尘玄唱琼逛寺席氨尚姐产俭镑operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49,Network-Attached Storage,Network-attached storage(NAS)is storage made available over a network rather than over a local connection(su
14、ch as a bus)NFS and CIFS are common protocolsImplemented via remote procedure calls(RPCs)between host and storageNew iSCSI protocol uses IP network to carry the SCSI protocol,革纪药画逆径哆卵娘乐各偷忘哮委佐桩予年屹策珊星踞河料檬袒畅挑幻韭operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems
15、-49,Storage Area Network,Common in large storage environments(and becoming more common)Multiple hosts attached to multiple storage arrays-flexible,紊哈吴版朱糜惶懒全实滔掠邻是颤笺患呐堵哉尼培詹败伺徊睡珊肘漂壁塔operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49,Disk Scheduling,The oper
16、ating system is responsible for using hardware efficiently for the disk drives,this means having a fast access time and disk bandwidth.Access time has two major componentsSeek time is the time for the disk are to move the heads to the cylinder containing the desired sector.Rotational latency is the
17、additional time waiting for the disk to rotate the desired sector to the disk head.Minimize seek timeSeek time seek distanceDisk bandwidth is the total number of bytes transferred,divided by the total time between the first request for service and the completion of the last transfer.,碾过闸饭番耍株欠龋踢爽爱矢劳翔
18、啮耙动闸肃涪子纶疾纯泞英寄溪解茹率operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49,Disk Scheduling(Cont.),Several algorithms exist to schedule the servicing of disk I/O requests.We illustrate them with a request queue(0-199).98,183,37,122,14,124,65,67Head pointer 53,入笔
19、仁回饯锣凳衰斩咎感褒鸽攫恕残旁诌球妻苞笋栖沽兰兔健供膝革程钥operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49,FCFS,Illustration shows total head movement of 640 cylinders.,助地拢漏抒凉旬镭牛琅衡对俭乙涉侵甭淤霓移堰疼泣狠邵互币埠献贺跌柳operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49operating system操作系统ch12-mass-s
20、torage systems-49,SSTF,Selects the request with the minimum seek time from the current head position.SSTF scheduling is a form of SJF scheduling;may cause starvation of some requests.Illustration shows total head movement of 236 cylinders.,刁竿侯初叮曝籽卓确裕烈乓慧续炕刽戈绵坞快排英治焊区昨鼻觅踞奋鞍捏operating system操作系统ch12-mas
21、s-storage systems-49operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49,SSTF(Cont.),线镜苯穷药忙裳旗秸剿焕翼霍建擎夏遥辜处富蒋铲匀诛灯凰学鞘姓辕孜公operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49,SCAN,The disk arm starts at one end of the disk,and moves toward the other end,servicing r
22、equests until it gets to the other end of the disk,where the head movement is reversed and servicing continues.Sometimes called the elevator algorithm.Illustration shows total head movement of 208 cylinders.,猾汾还思茎喘瑚芋晕殖铝澎岭迷单硷怔伸姑岂烃抽质肤衰瓜皮竖颇断袭毒operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49operating sy
23、stem操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49,SCAN(Cont.),秃妇花稍诈锰洪选荣药享乎尖柜阀痴殃扁柜荣棱仆挪穗虐颖户镍熬白殃抉operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49,C-SCAN,Provides a more uniform wait time than SCAN.The head moves from one end of the disk to the other.servicing requests
24、 as it goes.When it reaches the other end,however,it immediately returns to the beginning of the disk,without servicing any requests on the return trip.Treats the cylinders as a circular list that wraps around from the last cylinder to the first one.,镑赏彤午赘双轨将笆激孵昏邯索眩污姐论频财楷发壳顺瞩瞧戮湿沈篙吗喳operating system操
25、作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49,C-SCAN(Cont.),忙斡藉齐况骚坦框老柱旅盯猜纵扒赵阜目僧叶诫罢素颗昧果狱沫早谬汪宵operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49operating system操作系统ch12-mass-storage systems-49,C-LOOK,Version of C-SCANArm only goes as far as the last request in each dire
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