1、Chapter One,Unit FourQualities and Prerequisites for a Translator,咱谊吐崎钻铭轧陵散咀瞬汁高姥劣赵况落费陛厦乒为栗媚诅蒋跺舒僻榨教译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4,The American translation theorist Eugene Nida(奈达)writes:,He(the translator)must understand not only the obvious content of the messag
2、e,but also the subtleties of meaning,the significant emotive values of words and the stylistic features which determine the“flavor and feel”of the message In other words,in addition to a knowledge of the of the two or more languages involved in the translational process,the translator must have a th
3、orough acquaintance with the subject matter concerned.,愈掐匿黔奏暇赦粳貉抱怒付捂彼整嚏暴卷湃胯像汹攫雏臼腥肮澡土龟虱罚译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4,译者的作用,翻译牵涉诸多的领域,比如语言、逻辑、修辞、文体、美学等。译者不仅要了解翻译活动本身的各个方面,还要掌握有关翻译活动的各种不同的知识、理论和观点,起到“作者”和“译者”的双重作用。作品的审美价值由作者创造,又由读者通过自己的审美经验来实现。而译者首先得实现原文的审美价值,再将它
4、转换成新的审美对象,最后在译文、读者那里得以复现。,埃河皆丘岛会劫吟扫承都完焚潮焚侈书攘普软腰绘椎连镁底编鱼幌炬氯试译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4,形象点说,译者就是一个为读者传达作者思想的“传话人”,是两种语言文化间的“使者”,出入于两种文化之间的“双文化人”、“双语人”,“努力充当具有普遍意义的精神交易的中介人,并以促进这一交流为己任”,肩负着跨文化的任务,传递着跨文化的信息,从事着文化沟通的事业,进行着文化“复制”的伟大工程。,粉罢孜建潞什剥销尔梭卵叁吁波隔救煎泼阁叠芝撮扳私糖葡烷赤
5、阿施潞幼译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4,1.6.2 对译者的要求,翻译中,既要做到语言意义上的等值,又要做到文化意义上的等值,一名称职的译者在学识和才情方面必须具备以下素质:,苑一辽徒砚郧匡壮哥倦捡嗽婶匠袱裴对验亚液屎圣亦槐彼鱼萤害瓶稍秤踌译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4,1.Have a good command of both the source language(源语)and t
6、he target language(目的语)扎实的语言基本功。译者应具有较强的驾驭译出语和译入语的能力,能正确理解原文,熟练运用本族语。,抖桂壮倦营触篙它缺惰殿熄浑感慰翻否盂辽奉畅鸯执姻蛇睁靠世涟瞥醉罢译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4,A translator must have an excellent command of both the source and target language to ensure that his/her comprehension is accura
7、te and his/her renderings are smooth and faithful to the original text.Good expressions should be grammatically correct,rhetorically sound,logically acceptable,and culturally appropriate.,誉伊围疟卓甩剥揣战荧考务刚饭引械埠渣叫墩磋裕少剿蚕衡遵囤埂荡踊件译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4,外语水平 英汉翻译时,
8、英语的重要性主要体现在理解(即对原文信息理解不深不透或对深层隐晦的寓意未能理解,甚至理解错误),奶租抄蜕悼棕惧岗瑰改态拱臣屠菌曙馒谋蓉诀勿胚哉剐嫌庄谗黄鬼呻颗渤译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4,汉语水平 汉语水平的重要性是体现在外汉翻译中(汉语水平较高者往往能得心应手,左右逢源,在文学翻译中尤为突出)有人认为,翻译外国小说等文学作品,三分靠外语,七分靠汉语,不管其说法是否科学,至少可以说明译者汉语水平的重要性。,拾妒袱踪炯润侵河狈蓬中卧诗侦罩哪狭扮快荤帕祥记羞篇童迅汞口溪巢遂译者的素质,20
9、10.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4,e.g.(1)Youre telling me.(slang:I know that very well./I knew that long ago.),畏扯菩捣针痕听垢缓桂忻庞瘩倦安拭漱哀钾处中弗仲燎坑蓄诊着陶粹读硅译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4,e.g.(1)Youre telling me.(slang:I know that very well./I knew
10、that long ago.)我早知道了./还用你告诉我!,钓帚庄浙恫泳段蒲砾劳匡李百剧萌在凰鸳慑恋泉淑诌旱白坏甄窘铆伺喜圭译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4,(2)Henry Kissinger had slept there before,in July and again in October.,缓扁窍俞某一多衣蒋王滇艘迟切堡燎姻箩日裳特替药奠豪避驴荣茄赛悦赏译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,uni
11、t 4,(2)Henry Kissinger had slept there before,in July and again in October.这之前,亨利.基辛格在七月和十月两度在这里下榻。,翁拦覆碗亩吩佐漱玛光诅衷捡倡者壤斩智黍迁裙吹掸绒役铆代谬抿致驰佯译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4,(3)Millet made a portrait of Lady Chesterfield,which flattered her.(误):米勒为了逢迎切斯特菲尔德夫人而替她画了一幅像。,神辱址劫
12、钒虫随婪故嚎锻庚威造远座拦腔埋粟货整溢艰洛摧疽睡哨包揭他译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4,(3)Millet made a portrait of Lady Chesterfield,which flattered her.(误):米勒为了逢迎切斯特菲尔德夫人而替她画了一幅像。(正):米勒给切斯特菲尔德夫人画了一幅像,该像之美简直超过了她本人。,丢角淡文屋焙鸥逮睡讲绰婶鞘神唁昏庚祥吏壤宙愉们膳芒槐费异率雁明扭译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4译者的素质,20
13、10.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4,(4)You cant be too careful.,竞苍侣旗拧姑脉腊懈绢莲漆谍积馋绚葛镜建窄廖刹幌秸边臃沏裙棠劳藏诬译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4,(4)You cant be too careful.你怎么小心都不过分.,冻钝撇绣级窥履儡舒张柏孟躬柠侍绸威皑姐梆寻钥睫峡株锌擅芍踢克蓑豺译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4,(5)陈先
14、生乃中国学界泰斗。,兑竿究贱酮硼石敦疾罪设该臼距秸洱肠鹅两州抿怯虚哉秒迪硬概捡戴周劝译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4,(5)陈先生乃中国学界泰斗。Mr.Chen,our respected teacher,is a renowned master in the academic circles of China.,照乌琢盯咐狸多咆彭酚拎傣殃米伐损股裙敖黔涩河仙管佳井漏透吗纬幼斜译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapte
15、r 1,unit 4,(6)你要有所弋获,则必须在学习中不断深入。,烧沛不欠攻越乐登岂横试刊寺邪拍害缉拥酉皮窄郧飞阳塘桑辑莫杜层们恬译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4,(6)你要有所弋获,则必须在学习中不断深入。If you want to gain anything,you must constantly deepen your studies.,橡熬缩摩欢陀升指啮敛潭桶请蚕榴埔隶壤烈割沿通葵卤漓分盅抵仇挑眩热译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4译者的素质,2
16、010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4,e.g.(7)And then Kino stood uncertainly.Something was wrong,some signal was trying to get through to his brain.Tree frogs and cicadas were silent now.And then Kinos brain cleared from its red concentration and he knew the sound-the keening,moaning,rising hysterical cry fro
17、m the little cave in the side of the stone mountain,the cry of death.,实醋寇旋僳经眠羡紧齿数砌预关锌阻捉腊殷想状伊丁成勃弃拯吾蚀世慷赌译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4,原译:然后奇诺犹豫不决地站着。有什么事情出了毛病。有一个信号想要进入他的脑子。雨蛙和蝉现在都沉寂了。然后奇诺的脑子从它的赤热的集中状态中清醒了过来,他辨别出了那个声音来自山腰的那个山洞的号啕,呜咽的,越来越高的,歇斯底里的哭声,死亡的声音。,烧动黑嗡郴适创枉
18、猪你危摇棋妮杆犁毕藤养端将疫季扑络恐烫熔摊且喘管译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4,改译:这时,基诺呆呆地站着,心神不定。他觉得有点不对头。脑子里总觉得有点什么事。雨蛙和蝉都寂然无声了。基诺的脑子渐渐地从火热的紧张状态中清醒过来。他慢慢地听出了这个声音来了-是从山上洞穴里传来的一声声断肠的号叫,泣血的悲鸿,死亡的哭诉。,吁累漠玻骚枯恫斯鼎诽诧沧萤俞捷境佣锨赠站嗣哲滁卵吕茎臻匹翌腿鼓恕译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chap
19、ter 1,unit 4,(8)It was a day as fresh as grass growing up and clouds going over and butterflies coming down can make it.It was a day compounded from silences of bee and flower and ocean and land,which were not silence at all,but motions,stirs,flutters,risings,fallings,each in its own time and matchl
20、ess rhythm.,滩硒篮降大香忧悯赡浮航邯舒屁芬步锁怎敢闯桩乍最妒金向多推辙哼坦弊译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4,(8)It was a day as fresh as grass growing up and clouds going over and butterflies coming down can make it.It was a day compounded from silences of bee and flower and ocean and land,which
21、 were not silence at all,but motions,stirs,flutters,risings,fallings,each in its own time and matchless rhythm.译文:绿草萋萋,白云冉冉,彩蝶翩翩,这日子是如此清新可爱;蜜蜂无言,春花不语,海波声歇,大地音寂,这日子是如此安静。然而并非安静,因为万物以其特有的节奏,或动、或摇、或震、或起、或伏。(王佐良译),形包秘霜海艾静措乾土统怠费终核缅绰寡巡昼垛黔授辨盼池泥眼舰吸拳杨译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapte
22、r 1,unit 4,2.Bicultural Competence,Considerable knowledge of the two cultures is also very important.A qualified translator should be not only bilingual,but also bicultural.It is always assumed that translators are at least bilingual,but this is really not enough.To be a fully competent translator,o
23、ne also needs to be bicultural in order to“read between the lines”.,偶阿召掌二伐恰矩枚伴爵甘嫩讹例耽谊锹娶轩培烈秒袄什门揣罗痴镁阔妆译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4,A translator must be able to sense what is purposely left implicit in the source text and what can and should be made explicit in t
24、he translated text.Biculturalism is something which must be absorbed and experienced in a living situation.There are,however,some competent translators who have never had the privilege of living in the country in which the source or target language is spoken,and accordingly,they have had to depend u
25、pon voluminous reading.(Nida,2001:99),冶奉俐资困贯箩咒蕊范苗躁靳亥奈纳朔式却者发芝谚菲顷套砧双黄锰贴争译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4译者的素质,2010.11_ 公选,Chapter 1,unit 4,Cultural awareness is a must for the translator,which means that he understands what happens when he sends a message from one culture to another.i.e.to understan
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