1、Chapter 13,Pooling Cross Sections across Time:Simple Panel Data Methods,Wooldridge:Introductory Econometrics:A Modern Approach,5e,需磁长挖号梗军紫硝脖初莽裁茧锣铂坝掖抄燎相社驮钮抚方免坯亥戒旺地计量经济学导论chapter 13计量经济学导论chapter 13,Policy analysis with pooled cross sectionsTwo or more independently sampled cross sections can be used
2、to evaluate the impact of a certain event or policy changeExample:Effect of new garbage incinerator on housing pricesExamine the effect of the location of a house on its price before and after the garbage incinerator was built:,After incinerator was built,Before incinerator was built,Pooled Cross Se
3、ctions and Simple Panel Data Methods,姜绊撮吝逻咳虹窖懈瞧描染柞栅绣署扭累佩杖梢扬辑恃隧游炬粗免邪亚益计量经济学导论chapter 13计量经济学导论chapter 13,Example:Garbage incinerator and housing prices(cont.)It would be wrong to conclude from the regression after the incinerator is there that being near the incinerator depresses prices so stronglyOn
4、e has to compare with the situation before the incinerator was built:In the given case,this is equivalent toThis is the so called difference-in-differences estimator(DiD),Incinerator depresses prices but location was one with lower prices anyway,Pooled Cross Sections and Simple Panel Data Methods,籽佣
5、戒砖及嘻躁膀皇浸巡渺震殿躁堑湿验荷伏鸯恫织殊塌遗瞅屿波嘉前酚计量经济学导论chapter 13计量经济学导论chapter 13,Difference-in-differences in a regression frameworkIn this way standard errors for the DiD-effect can be obtainedIf houses sold before and after the incinerator was built were sys-tematically different,further explanatory variables sho
6、uld be includedThis will also reduce the error variance and thus standard errorsBefore/After comparisons in natural experiments“DiD can be used to evaluate policy changes or other exogenous events,Differential effect of being in the location and after the incinerator was built,Pooled Cross Sections
7、and Simple Panel Data Methods,圃豁辗锐郝钉敖验匪蝶源惦弗瘫碘肋溶惹茵嗡健典舔乡挂滑钡擅佬若攀驼计量经济学导论chapter 13计量经济学导论chapter 13,Policy evaluation using difference-in-differences,Compare the difference in outcomes of the units that are affected by the policy change(=treatment group)and those who are not affected(=control group)bef
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