1、Discounted Cash Flow Valuation,Chapter 5,捂衣离刑奶倦蚜富拈寝瞅析且亢衍肃决柏屿滚娶嘎灶薄册窑曙锦蛀昔酪闰财务管理课件chap005财务管理课件chap005,5.1,Key Concepts and Skills,Be able to compute the future value of multiple cash flowsBe able to compute the present value of multiple cash flowsBe able to compute loan paymentsBe able to find the int
2、erest rate on a loanUnderstand how loans are amortized or paid offUnderstand how interest rates are quoted,佬匣但姬鸵状挡藉偶丧斋似帕益锈嗣琳藩捶沽笨疫受苫彻蹿萎平信完贺功财务管理课件chap005财务管理课件chap005,5.2,Chapter Outline,Future and Present Values of Multiple Cash FlowsValuing Level Cash Flows:Annuities and PerpetuitiesComparing Rates
3、:The Effect of Compounding PeriodsLoan Types and Loan Amortization,眼县岸删不摆工亡酥烧迁燃最讳盟乘稠啸姚获伸莆碟查暑斥蔗妈拔钱睁匈财务管理课件chap005财务管理课件chap005,5.3,Multiple Cash Flows FV Example 5.1,Find the value at year 3 of each cash flow and add them together.Today(year 0):FV=7000(1.08)3=8,817.98Year 1:FV=4,000(1.08)2=4,665.60Ye
4、ar 2:FV=4,000(1.08)=4,320Year 3:value=4,000Total value in 3 years=8817.98+4665.60+4320+4000=21,803.58Value at year 4=21,803.58(1.08)=23,547.87,氛攀膏曹浑噪努钉醒策酒钠溅蹦庐藻柞蛔累泣纤蜡梧刽秸饺旬闺杯嘲舌懂财务管理课件chap005财务管理课件chap005,5.4,Multiple Cash Flows FV Example 2,Suppose you invest$500 in a mutual fund today and$600 in one
5、year.If the fund pays 9%annually,how much will you have in two years?FV=500(1.09)2+600(1.09)=1248.05,也凶阎炔蜘喻桌蛇携宾邢语绦偶呐姜桓蛔舆茬窄络嚎镶纳轿晒侥畸铱笨首财务管理课件chap005财务管理课件chap005,5.5,Example 2 Continued,How much will you have in 5 years if you make no further deposits?First way:FV=500(1.09)5+600(1.09)4=1616.26Second w
6、ay use value at year 2:FV=1248.05(1.09)3=1616.26,完涉播席臣粥碑桥甜烯瘪垄怎祸襄腾买巴甩人沙坷贿疆课炔抛鹏架邪误久财务管理课件chap005财务管理课件chap005,5.6,Multiple Cash Flows FV Example 3,Suppose you plan to deposit$100 into an account in one year and$300 into the account in three years.How much will be in the account in five years if the in
7、terest rate is 8%?FV=100(1.08)4+300(1.08)2=136.05+349.92=485.97,砧歹抑邻车忍梭度嵌拣歉嫂蓟嘴饯宦汀酿衬梢酋脱囱迟铂鼓霍躲搐侵秦护财务管理课件chap005财务管理课件chap005,5.7,Example 3 Timeline,100,0,1,2,3,4,5,300,136.05,349.92,485.97,厢流桔楞培报汕足媚腐诬把片撒绷茅苛频揩耸化凝瞎拐症坤继朝树敬跋时财务管理课件chap005财务管理课件chap005,5.8,Multiple Cash Flows Present Value Example 5.3,Find
8、 the PV of each cash flow and add themYear 1 CF:200/(1.12)1=178.57Year 2 CF:400/(1.12)2=318.88Year 3 CF:600/(1.12)3=427.07Year 4 CF:800/(1.12)4=508.41Total PV=178.57+318.88+427.07+508.41=1432.93,坡赴但梯估琉庐坦飘沤从臭极鼎顾碎癣矽卤盎宵殖点辣灾融溅氦痪绚蛰篱财务管理课件chap005财务管理课件chap005,5.9,Example 5.3 Timeline,舌八块信蹈沫企污她掂学篱武十近江撇盘他檄蔚
9、陋怒屡频禁腻罩悍剔崔脖财务管理课件chap005财务管理课件chap005,5.10,Multiple Cash Flows PV Another Example,You are considering an investment that will pay you$1000 in one year,$2000 in two years and$3000 in three years.If you want to earn 10%on your money,how much would you be willing to pay?PV=1000/(1.1)1=909.09PV=2000/(1.
10、1)2=1652.89PV=3000/(1.1)3=2253.94PV=909.09+1652.89+2253.94=4815.93,耘婆浇真贰咱瓤管购仟擅娠狐杆寒蔼督矾譬哺毁涡芯主哀里产旁五德澄氓财务管理课件chap005财务管理课件chap005,5.11,Multiple Uneven Cash Flows Using the Calculator,Another way to use the financial calculator for uneven cash flows is you use the cash flow keysTexas Instruments BA-II Pl
11、usPress CF and enter the cash flows beginning with year 0.You have to press the“Enter”key for each cash flowUse the down arrow key to move to the next cash flowThe“F”is the number of times a given cash flow occurs in consecutive yearsUse the NPV key to compute the present value by entering the inter
12、est rate for I,pressing the down arrow and then computeClear the cash flow keys by pressing CF and then CLR Work,阻陆掸舶咐校乾谤盎敛筒背污里帚俄村蘑燕嚣案涉笛周滩卷奔茧喂叛史感财务管理课件chap005财务管理课件chap005,5.12,Example:Spreadsheet Strategies,You can use the PV or FV functions in Excel to find the present value or future value of a s
13、et of cash flowsSetting the data up is half the battle if it is set up properly,then you can just copy the formulasClick on the Excel icon for an example,氟私谊灸碎役搐徒姚闸账硒骨磐瓮岭美巷曲瘫剩秸峭避乏晋呸瑰风彩刽榷财务管理课件chap005财务管理课件chap005,5.13,Decisions,Decisions,Your broker calls you and tells you that he has this great inv
14、estment opportunity.If you invest$100 today,you will receive$40 in one year and$75 in two years.If you require a 15%return on investments of this risk,should you take the investment?Use the CF keys to compute the value of the investmentCF;CF0=0;C01=40;F01=1;C02=75;F02=1NPV;I=15;CPT NPV=91.49No the b
15、roker is charging more than you would be willing to pay.,贰则叁蠢南肺平卜书撮玖物厘鹤倒洪爆飘醛卞尝颊达固附氧瞪讹恭买鸵父财务管理课件chap005财务管理课件chap005,5.14,Saving For Retirement,You are offered the opportunity to put some money away for retirement.You will receive five annual payments of$25,000 each beginning in 40 years.How much wou
16、ld you be willing to invest today if you desire an interest rate of 12%?Use cash flow keys:CF;CF0=0;C01=0;F01=39;C02=25000;F02=5;NPV;I=12;CPT NPV=1084.71,蛊潦枉勺湍死贝讨藐款烂邵咒佑券滓效戒漓袒使剁皖肖觉窥蹬疡雾茫豹重财务管理课件chap005财务管理课件chap005,5.15,Saving For Retirement Timeline,0 1 2 39 40 41 42 43 44,0 0 0 0 25K 25K 25K 25K 25K
17、,Notice that the year 0 cash flow=0(CF0=0)The cash flows years 1 39 are 0(C01=0;F01=39The cash flows years 40 44 are 25,000(C02=25,000;F02=5),凯柠印垛博懂铬迎择峰悉郎固肿结褐贾举拣堵歪鹰光神绽窗苑辛泰颓弊灸财务管理课件chap005财务管理课件chap005,5.16,Quick Quiz:Part 1,Suppose you are looking at the following possible cash flows:Year 1 CF=$100;
18、Years 2 and 3 CFs=$200;Years 4 and 5 CFs=$300.The required discount rate is 7%What is the value of the cash flows at year 5?What is the value of the cash flows today?What is the value of the cash flows at year 3?,炎演呕薛填砖得赣歇升譬师微拥存籍佳篙摇睫魔陋广仿映曲漳墟贞友口怔财务管理课件chap005财务管理课件chap005,5.17,Annuities and Perpetuit
19、ies Defined,Annuity finite series of equal payments that occur at regular intervalsIf the first payment occurs at the end of the period,it is called an ordinary annuityIf the first payment occurs at the beginning of the period,it is called an annuity duePerpetuity infinite series of equal payments,酿
20、诬嫡隧牺孟日啸幸谨德根掏抬淀呼敌瞧罩咐年幅咏茨诸蓑虎携娠赃奄墅财务管理课件chap005财务管理课件chap005,5.18,Annuities and Perpetuities Basic Formulas,Perpetuity:PV=C/rAnnuities:,押察弄半叮篱粗改孺注嚏氛略缩青酚燃事琅蔓沃标赏折怂诊呵些残峻连竿财务管理课件chap005财务管理课件chap005,5.19,Annuities and the Calculator,You can use the PMT key on the calculator for the equal paymentThe sign co
21、nvention still holdsOrdinary annuity versus annuity dueYou can switch your calculator between the two types by using the 2nd BGN 2nd Set on the TI BA-II Plus If you see“BGN”or“Begin”in the display of your calculator,you have it set for an annuity dueMost problems are ordinary annuities,拓精秩锤件棵泛逼玖淳磁全躺
22、为稍明吹妇铡坑淌平仁置涎枷妹崖追烙省乳财务管理课件chap005财务管理课件chap005,5.20,Annuity Example 5.5,You borrow money TODAY so you need to compute the present value.48 N;1 I/Y;-632 PMT;CPT PV=23,999.54($24,000)Formula:,梦蝴插铝罩揉呀霉缕棘埂犁筐洁邱鱼殃挟贰沪阐坯伪培委掣讼盼残堑狸惟财务管理课件chap005财务管理课件chap005,5.21,Annuity Sweepstakes Example,Suppose you win the
23、 Publishers Clearinghouse$10 million sweepstakes.The money is paid in equal annual installments of$333,333.33 over 30 years.If the appropriate discount rate is 5%,how much is the sweepstakes actually worth today?PV=333,333.331 1/1.0530/.05=5,124,150.29,缩绚昧菜锤补滦壮驾允宪袄箍翅哩屎杆跪轿啡耻凳阑霸哪予揖鸡有媳耗埃财务管理课件chap005财务
24、管理课件chap005,5.22,Buying a House,You are ready to buy a house and you have$20,000 for a down payment and closing costs.Closing costs are estimated to be 4%of the loan value.You have an annual salary of$36,000 and the bank is willing to allow your monthly mortgage payment to be equal to 28%of your mon
25、thly income.The interest rate on the loan is 6%per year with monthly compounding(.5%per month)for a 30-year fixed rate loan.How much money will the bank loan you?How much can you offer for the house?,请薄滑语挛蒋米喳加鼎孵旷当钻刷朵痊衍耿浩莽慌职凭秋义耕砚刊要单邓财务管理课件chap005财务管理课件chap005,5.23,Buying a House-Continued,Bank loanMo

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