1、These slides are designed to accompany Software Engineering:A Practitioners Approach,7/e(McGraw-Hill,2009).Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressman.,1,第九章,构件级设计,Slide Set to accompanySoftware Engineering:A Practitioners Approach,7/e by Roger S.PressmanSlides copyright 1996,2001,2005,2009 by Roger S.P
2、ressmanFor non-profit educational use onlyMay be reproduced ONLY for student use at the university level when used in conjunction with Software Engineering:A Practitioners Approach,7/e.Any other reproduction or use is prohibited without the express written permission of the author.All copyright info
3、rmation MUST appear if these slides are posted on a website for student use.,靶赵酒怒巫批堂懦裕盎俩清挟杠裹甥联肮详婴幅拜题跨违勺触树猿投饿娱软件工程-实践者的研究方法chapter_09_cn_构件设计软件工程-实践者的研究方法chapter_09_cn_构件设计,什么是构件?,OMG Unified Modeling Language Specification OMG01 defines a component as“a modular,deployable,and replaceable part of a s
4、ystem that encapsulates implementation and exposes a set of interfaces.”OO view:a component contains a set of collaborating classesConventional view:logic,the internal data structures that are required to implement the processing logic,and an interface that enables the component to be invoked and da
5、ta to be passed to it.,These courseware materials are to be used in conjunction with Software Engineering:A Practitioners Approach,6/e and are provided with permission by R.S.Pressman&Associates,Inc.,copyright 1996,2001,2005,2,罩内竞喇谍诚锄矮瓮也溅哑俩劫边液狈水烽啃上庐职邀粉骡层馏太饭侦程软件工程-实践者的研究方法chapter_09_cn_构件设计软件工程-实践者的研
6、究方法chapter_09_cn_构件设计,什么是构件?,构件是计算机软件中的一个模块化的构造块。OMG UML规范对构件的定义:系统中模块化的、可配置的和可替换的部件,该部件封装了实现并暴露了一组接口。OMG Unified Modeling Language Specification OMG01 defines a component as“a modular,deployable,and replaceable part of a system that encapsulates implementation and exposes a set of interfaces.”,Thes
7、e courseware materials are to be used in conjunction with Software Engineering:A Practitioners Approach,6/e and are provided with permission by R.S.Pressman&Associates,Inc.,copyright 1996,2001,2005,3,搭嘛跪轧猜硼肉凉鼓廊赴噶蓄扩黔骑例艾挞探烫赦敦海树霸苦蝴全比溜砾软件工程-实践者的研究方法chapter_09_cn_构件设计软件工程-实践者的研究方法chapter_09_cn_构件设计,什么是构件
8、?,在面向对象软件工程环境中,构件包括一组协作的类(有时,一个构件只包含一个单独的类)。OO view:a component contains a set of collaborating classes。,These courseware materials are to be used in conjunction with Software Engineering:A Practitioners Approach,6/e and are provided with permission by R.S.Pressman&Associates,Inc.,copyright 1996,200
9、1,2005,4,香鳞丝哦诗替乓返破拎矗铃苔内缀因册运遁搅娟踊找括皂谣梨需恒咱嚣鼓软件工程-实践者的研究方法chapter_09_cn_构件设计软件工程-实践者的研究方法chapter_09_cn_构件设计,什么是构件?,与面向对象的构件相似,传统的软件构件也来自分析模型。不同的是,传统的软件构件是以分析模型中的数据流要素作为导出构件的基础。,These courseware materials are to be used in conjunction with Software Engineering:A Practitioners Approach,6/e and are provide
10、d with permission by R.S.Pressman&Associates,Inc.,copyright 1996,2001,2005,5,桂损孺谗博伎蛋铣墒吮理戮耶肥弯派叛豹炎虏矽捉料嫂浙桌酣丈磕姿袍妨软件工程-实践者的研究方法chapter_09_cn_构件设计软件工程-实践者的研究方法chapter_09_cn_构件设计,面向对象构件,These courseware materials are to be used in conjunction with Software Engineering:A Practitioners Approach,6/e and are p
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- 软件工程 实践 研究 方法 chapter09cn 构件 设计
