1、-puterOrganization andArchitecture COURSEDESIGNA Parallel Output Controller- (POC)Southeast universitySchool of Information Science and Engineering1. Designpurposea. Thepurpose of thisproject isto design and simulate aparallel output controller(POC)which acts an interface between systembus and print
2、er. The ISE 14.7EDAtool isremended and provided for simulation.b. Learnaboutthe using of Bi-directionalData Bus (BDB), anduse a parallel Bi-directional Data Bus to finishthe data transmission betweenCPU and POC.2. IntroductionandTasksPOC is one ofthe most monI/Omodules,namely the paralleloutputcontr
3、oller.It plays the roleof an interface between the puter systembus and the peripheralFigure1.SystemstructurediagramAs Fig.1 shows theinnerconnecting of aprinter to the systembus through thePOC. The- munication between POC and the printer iscontrolledby a handshakeprotocolgiven in Fig.2.Figure2. Theh
4、andshake-timing diagrambetween POCand theprinterThehandshakingprocessisdescribedasfollows:Whentheprinterisreadytoreceiveachar- acter,itholdsRDY=1.ThePOCmustthenholdacharacteratPD(paralleldata)portandproduce apulseattheterminalTR(transferrequest).TheprinterwillchangeRDYto0,takethecharacter. z.-atPDan
5、dholdRDYat0untilthecharacterhasbeenprinted(e.g.delay5or10ms),thensetRDY to 1 again when it isready to receive the ne*t character.The buffer register BR is used to temporarily hold a character sent fromthe processor, which char- acter willbe transferred to the printerlater.The status register SRis us
6、ed for twocontrol functions:SR7servesasareadyflagtoindicatePOCisreadyornottoreceiveanewcharacterfromthe processor.SR0 is used to enable the interruptrequests sent by POC.Ininterruptmode,If SR0=1,thenPOCwillsendaninterruptrequestsignaltoprocessorwhenitis ready to receive a character(i.e., when SR7=1)
7、.IfSR0=0, then POC willnot interrupt.The transferofa character to POC via the systembus proceeds asfollows:In interrupt mode, SR0 isalways 1.After sending character to printer, POC sets the SR7 to 1, since SR0=1, the interrupt request signal (IRQ) is set to 0, which indicate an effective interrupt s
8、ignal to the processor.1、processorsetsthevalueofSR7&setsthe valueofBRWhentheprocessordetectstheeffectiveIRQsignal,theprocessordirectlyselectsBRandwrites acharacterintoBR,(processorwillneverreadthestateofSR7, whichisdifferentwithpollingmode.)ThentheprocessorsetstheSR7to0,whichindicatesthatthenewchara
9、cterhasbeenwrittenintoBR andnot printed yet.2、POCreadsandsetsthevalueofSR7&handshakesoperations withthe printerWhenPOCdetectsthatSR7issetto0,POCthenproceedstostartthehandshakingoperations with theprinter. z.-Aftersendingcharactertoprinter,POCsetstheSR7to1,whichindicatesPOCisreadytoreceive anothercha
10、racterfromtheprocessor.Thetransfercyclecannowrepeat.and aresamewith the polling statePS:DuringthehandshakingoperationsbetweenPOCandprinter,theprocessordoesnottryto access POC until it receivesthe interrupt request signal3. TheoverallconnectionofthesimulatedprinterandPOCe*pressedinthetopmoduleformFig
11、ure3.Thetop module formof the project4. DesigndescriptionofthesimulationinputwaveformsThe inputand outputof CPU,POC and printer are shown below:ProcessorjPinsDescriptionInputclkInput the clock for the CPUrunning.modeChoosethemodefor printing.Whenmode=1,select a interrupt mode.IRQReceive the interrup
12、t signal IRQ.When IRQ=1, new datacan be sent.DIN7.0Read data from poc.DOUT7.0Write data into poc.OutputrwShow thedirection of the DOUT7.0 and DIN7.0 When rw=0,read data fromPOC.When rw=1,write datato POC.A0Controlthe address read and write on POC. z.-When A0=0, chooseSR.When A0=1, choose BR.CSCS=1,
13、poc work.data7.0The data send to POC to beprintedPOCPinsDescriptionInputclkInput the clock for the POC running.RWShow thedirection of the DOUT7.0 and DIN7.0 When rw=0,send datato CPU.Whenrw=1,read data fromCPU.A0Input address,When A0=0, chooseBR. When A0=1, choose SR.RDYInput the readysignal frompri
14、nter. When RDY=1, the printer is idle.When RDY=0, the printer is busy.CSInput the mode of the POC.When CS=0,select apolling mode. When CS=1,select a interruptmode.data7.0The data receive fromCPUto be printed.OutputPD7.0Output thedata to printer.IRQOutput theinterrupt signalIRQ to CPU,showingthePOC a
15、nd printer is ready.TRThe response to printRDY signal,aone-cycle pulse atthe portTR(transfer request) showsthat newdata is sent toprinter.DOUT7.0CS=0POCsend the stateof SR to CPU;CS=1CPU readthe datawrite in BRSignalSR7.0The register contains the flags for the POC. When SR(7)=1, its idle.When SR(7)=
16、0, its busy.BR7.0The register holdsthevalue of datato print.printerPinsDescriptionInputclkInput the clock for the printer running.TRInput the pulse signal fromPOC, to shownewdatais ing.PD7.0Input the data fromPOC.OutputRDYOutput RDY signal,when RDY=1, it shows printer is waiting for newdata. z.-5. S
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